Saturday, February 27, 2010

Girl Gone Wild

I bet some of you are wondering what I have been up to since I found out I won our little competition yesterday.

Well, I have been doing a little of this, little of that, and a WHOLE FREEKING LOT OF EATIN!

I have been a little out of control. I did go to spinning class early this morning for an hour sweat session. That treated me good. I know I am being crazy eating everything in sight, and plan on stopping soon... very soon. Just haven't set an exact date to when exactly that soon is. Maybe tomorow, maybe Monday I will eat like a proper pound pincher again.

I have also been wrestling with the good angel and bad angel on my shoulder over more weight loss, not more weight loss. Do the blog, don't do the blog (I am doing round 2 either way, just haven't decided for sure if I am participating again) because of breast feeding. I am having an inner conversation with the angels over continuing breast milk for baby, or discontinuing. That's another story though, and I am still talking it over with my shoulder friends... so more to come maybe later on that.

I am off to New Moon at the dollar theater with friend. I will hope to keep my eating in check, but it is hard to gauge how realistic that is, being off pound pinching for the weekend, and being at the movie theater.

Well, hope everyone is having a fantabulos weekend! Thanks for reading my blog.

Hey, YOU!! are you contemplating doing the next round of Pound Pinching with us??!?!?!?!! Well, I say DO IT!!!! Commit to it, for nine weeks and see where the road takes you. You might win some money, you might just learn to love exercise, you might lose some weight, you may fall in love with being healthy. The opportunities are endless and we would love to have you join us.
Talk to me people, I know you are reading.... leave me a commment... what are you thinking?!?!

Friday, February 26, 2010

And the Winner is...

Me! So I am excited but that would have been a bit more exciting to type someone else's name! Next time! Everyone did sooo well. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to lose weight and maintain your losses each week! I really am so proud of everyone and thankful that you all took this weight loss journey with me. This never would have been as produtive for myself if I didn't have all of you rooting for me.
I took a picture of myself on the scale this morning so you would know that I did not cheat and this is for definite sure my weight. Sorry you have to see my ugly feet. I have been holding out on painting my toes in case I won... and now that I have... a pedicure is on my TO DO list!
Here are our final numbers!
Teri 157.4, 145.3 (-12.1lbs) -7.7%
S 248, 230 (-18) -7.3%
Rachel 202, 188 (-14) -6.9%
B 208.6, 196 (-12.6) -6%
Teresa 175, 166 (-9) -5.1%
Kendra 189, 180 (-9) -4.8%
Bryce 244, 233 (-11) -4.5%
Christine 163.8, 157.2 (-6.6) -4%
Amy 223, 216 (-7) -3.1%
Kara 196.8, 192.4 (-4.4) -2.2%
Melissa 181, 179 (-2) -1.1%
Steve 228, 228 (0)

Kendra's stats

Kendra sent in her stats to me today and I was too excited not to share! She did soooo great over this 8 week competition. She had a total weight loss of 9 pounds and her stats look just as great!

arm 13.5, 13
waist 41, 40
hips 42.75, 42
thigh 24.5, 23.25

That is some serious inch losage! Kendra I hope you are happy with your progress because we all know it AINT easy to lose inches or weight. It is hard work and you rocked it girl!

If anyone is interested they can send me their new weights and their new measurements for our next round and we will keep track. *Friday March5th new round starts* Like I said before, when the weight is not falling off like you want it to, most likely the inches are. Also I highly recommend before and after pics, even if you don't send them to me to post, keep them for yourself. It is enouraging when you can see something changing when you are working so hard!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Final Measurements

I took my measurements tonight since the husband was home to make sure I was accuratly taking them.

I am pretty happy. Hubby seems to think if I can keep it up I can get really small. That's a compliment from him for the record. Thanks honey!!! I hope he is right.

Old Measurements(1/1/10) New Measurements (2/25/10)
r upper arm 12.5, 12
waist 37, 34
hips 42, 39.5
right thigh 25, 23.5

That stupid arm will not GO DOWN!! I hate how my arms look in pictures, so hopefully those arms are going to start shrinking!!

I am pleased with my loss of inches. I am so glad I took them because when the weight wasn't coming off as quickly as I wanted, I was able to look at the measurements and still see progress.

I will take my after photos tomorow night or Saturday morning. Can't waite to check those babies out!!

Email me your measurements if you took them before and you want me to include them. I can't waite to see how many inches you have all lost!!

Talk to you in the morning!! Can't waite! Make sure you email/text/call in your weight ASAP tomorow morning Friday February 26th! No weights will be accepted after 11:59 pm tomorow!

The Fat Lady Has Sung

I can't believe we are done! We have less than 24 hours until we step on that scale and admit how much weight we have, or haven't lost over the past 8 weeks. This has seriously been the quickest, most successful weight loss program I have ever done. Pretty sure it's because I had to lay it all out there and tell everyone my weight each week. I would have died of embarrassment if I didn't lose atleast SOME weight!
My son is 4 months 2 weeks old and I weigh around 146 pounds. Two years ago, when my daughter was 4 months 2 weeks old I weighed 153 pounds.
I freeking rocked my weight loss after baby #2! I am seriously so proud of myself. Everyone always says your body never goes back after babies, and while those stretch marks gracing my torso are there for good, or atleast until we strike it rich and have laser surgery... my stomach is close, very close to the old days. My legs and arms, close. And I am ok with close! Where there are marks, or a little extra padding... I am forced to remember one of the greatest miracles I will ever experience- pregnancy, nurturing two beautiful babies in my womb.
I am pretty confident when I say I am in the best shape of my life. I have never ever before been able to jump on a treadmill and push my body to run 4 miles, and never before able to do that two days in a row! I feel so incredibly good about my workouts. I ran two miles last night before I went into the magic room with mirrors everywhere for kickboxing. I was soaked. Drenched with sweat and I was rocking those punches and kicks and I felt SOOO strong. Like I could have busted up anyone tryin to mess with me!! It is so empowering to be 24 years old, married, have two kids and be able to look at myself and say I am strong. I can workout with the best of them, and I can probably kick half the people at the gym's trash. And that is in between tending to my family, dinner, dishes, laundry, reading books, playing blocks, and breast feeding my baby boy.
I would be totally ludicrious if I didn't recognize the hand of the Lord in my healthy ways. I pray each night He will help me to become more healthy, and strong so that I will be able to run and play with my babies. I really have always wanted to be that mom, when my kids are in high school that can come to a practice, or take them out to the track and kick their butts on a run. I want to be THAT example for them.
Being healthy is not a diet. Being healthy and fit is a way of life. And for me, it is the best way of life!
I still have work to do. I am not done. I want to lose another 10 pounds. That would be the lowest weight I have ever weighed in my entire life 135. I would feel so great at 135. I don't want to be 135 and skinny... I want to be 135 and tone. I want people to know I spend a little of my time in the gym, working on myself.
I have a new goal.
It is to run a half marathon. 13 miles. I want to do it, and I want to feel the adreneline and the excitement of a race. I want to feel the sweat drip and the endorphins go nuts in my head. I want to be strong and confident and I want to complete a half marathon race.
When, I keep asking myself. When will I be ready? My goal, today, is to run a half marathon before October 16th, 2010 when my baby boy will turn one year old. I want my almost 3 year old, my one year old, and my husband to be there at the finish line to see that mommy just busted a move and ran for 13 miles straight.
I can't waite. I can feel it now, it is going to be a great day!
Now, to find a marathon, start training and be ready. Operation Half Marathon starts today. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Double Lame

I warned my hubby, my 2 year old, and my four month old. I warned them several times!!

I said "I do not have time to be sick!! I am trying to win this weight loss competition. Do NOT under any circumstances, share your yucky colds with me!"

Ya, so apparently they decided to share despite my warnings of spanking and whippings.

I barely slept last night. Ear pressure, check. Sore throat, check. Sinus pressure, check.


Well, that's ok body. You decided to get sick, I am ok with that. Hope you are ok with working out anyway, because that's exactly what you are going to do. The same things I had planned for you before you stupid immune sysytem decided to take a dive. Running, yep. Kickboxing, yep. Cycling class, yep. Strength class, yep.

Too bad for you, shoulda thought of that before you whimped out on me!!

Hope the rest of you are skipping these pain in the butt colds that are circling the universe!!

Two more days til we face the music and end our 8 week competition! Good Luck!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ta Da... it's Monday!!

Hello fellow Pound Pinchers!!

How's it going? Are you motivated to finish out our last week strong??

What are you commiting to this week? I am busting my booty at the gym, limiting sugar/carbs. I will pray hard that the week is good. I am still hoping my running 8 miles last week might catch up and throw the scale into a downward spiral.

I think I am in second place right now, but there are a couple sneaky sneaky pound pinchers close behind me. It is still anyone's game. I am not going to lie, at first I started this knowing I wouldn't win but just did it for the motivation of being accountable to my readers. Well, my confession is this my friends. No offense!!! BUT I REALLY REALLY WANT TO KICK YOUR BUTTS!!! haha, just kidding... well I am kinda kidding, but I do want to win. I can feel the pedicure person rubbing my feet now.... ohh... ahhh..!!

Yep, that's right. I am praying every single night that I can lose 2 pounds this week. And that I can WIN the pot!!

So for you, I hope you do well too. I hope you maintain your loss and continue to lose!!

See my side bar for our new rules of our new competition. STARTING MARCH 5, 2010~~

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Want a Flat Belly?

Who doesn't?

A flat belly has been something I have yearned for, like, ever since I started looking in the mirror. I have worked out, I have ran, I have done abs here and there, (I hate ab workouts!!!) and I have dieted. Never had a flat stomach.


I was reading in a Parenting magazine tonight about stomach issues in women. It said that women naturally have a rougher time with flat stomachs due to the hormonal changes from pregnancy, and loss of elasticity in the abdomen, along with sleep deprivation.

They listed several "flat belly foods" to eat that will help your middle section. They also said that these 4 things cause inflation in the waist!

"Stress. Cortisol increases blood sugar, which incresase insulin which increases the deposit of belly fat

Sleep Deprivation. Being overly tired leads to higher cortisol levels and throws your appetite-regulating hormones out of whack. And that- you know what's coming next- can result in binge eating.

Low vitamin D. A vitamin D deficienct can contribute to blood-sugar-regulation problems, insulin resistance, and, yep, tummy rolls.

Constipation. If you don't keep things moving, you know where it will all sit. Get regular with high-fiber foods (broccoli, peas, pears, ground flaxseeds) and LOTS of water. P probiotic supplement- which has good bacteria to aid in digestive healthy- will help too.

WATER is such a big key too. I have read in several places that our weights can vary by 3-5 lbs of pure water weight all the time. Foods high in salt make this worse. Lots of water flushes that out of your system and foods high in potassium help as well.

Not a big fan of belly button rings, but this pic was fast and easy to upload so I ran with it. ;o)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I posted

So I posted all the new weights for the week. A couple people didn't weigh in, so we will see next week how everyone as a group looks. This is going to be a critical week, there are a few of us who are close, and it is still anyone's pound pinching pot.

In other news, I found a really good way to at home pamper your feet if they are like mine, tired and sore from all the working out. I got a pair of these shea butter socks for Christmas from Bath and Body Works. (Thank you Amy!!) They are lovely all by themselves and I wear them every night! I don't wash them very often because I don't want the smooth stuff inside to get washed out. Anways, my toes are starting to blister up from all the running, so I lathered some shea butter lotion on, put on my socks, and the next morning... my feet looked good as new. The blisters were noticeable after I worked out again, but they definitly feel A LOT better since I started this new regimen.
If you don't have those socks, regular socks might work, probably not quite as good, but I bet it would still help a little.

And... just wanted to tell you all that I am proud of you! I hope you are proud of yourselves. Everyone has lost weight, everyone has maintained a good loss, and everyone is still trying (except one of you... cough cough... DAD!!!!) Don't tell him I said that, he probably doesn't read it anyway. ;o)
Losing weight aint for sissy's... and none of you are sissy's! You are doing great and I am so glad that you are still making the choice everyday to be healthy, strong, and the best you that you can be!!

Good Luck this week! Only 5 days until our competition closes. Remember to email/text/call me your results FRIDAY FEB. 26th by 11:59. The winner will be declared no later than 11:59 pm on Friday!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Just so you all know I am still waiting for four people's weights.

I am not posting this week until I have everyone's results!!

So if I haven't heard from you, please shoot me an email so I can get everyone's weights and percentages up!

Next week, I will not accept ANY weights after 11:59 pm on Friday the 26th. The winner will be declared at that time!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


OK everyone! I am working on this blog every day almost, and every day I get excited to see how many people have stopped to check this little pound pinching page out. The numbers are increasing, in fact 26 new people, who have never seen this blog have looked at it this week.

That makes me feel good. Like maybe this blog is helping more than just myself out. And let's be honest, nothing feels better than knowing you are helping others.

SOOOO with that said, I am curious. Who are you? Where are you from? I totally blog stalk people all over the country, so trust me, if I don't know you, I don't care you are looking at this weight loss blog. In fact, it makes me happy you are looking at it. And I would be so much happier if I knew some of you.

DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to leave me a comment and let me know if you're liking what you see, if you have a story, or if you want to know something.

DO IT! You know you want to.

Ps. Who wants to do another round of pound pinching? I am toying with the idea, with some adjustments to the rules, let me hear you if you want another contest!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A few good quotes

I was on my eliptical machine today, rotating between watching the movie Hitch (good movie, by the way) and reading a Fitness magazine. I read an article on Kristin Armstrong, Boise native and olympic gold medalist in road cycling. She had some interesting and inspiring things to say so I thought I would share them. She said she is very goal oriented and sets daily, weekly, and monthly goals to make whatever she is trying to achieve easier by breaking it down.

"The minute you start worrying about the woman running faster on the treadmill next to you, or the person speeding past you in a race, you stop focusing on your own goals. You can't control other people..."
I am competitive to an extent, but mostly against myself. I have done statiums or run with other people, specifically cousins who are very competitive (;o) no names lol) and they would kill themselves before they let me or someone else finish before them. I on the other hand, will gladly let you pass me just so I don't have to stress or worry about you, whether you are waiting up for me, or whether I am going too fast for you. I do best when I can focus on myself and my own goals.

The Cold Hard Truth
"On frosty mornings, I lie in bed and wonder, If I don't get up to ride today, who would know? The answer: I would. Remembering that I have made a commitment to myself and my goals is usually enough to get me going."
We have all made commitments to ourselves on this blog. Nobody is there to check to see if we ate the right thing, or if we worked out long enough or hard enough. But, we know. We are all responsible for ourselves, and for becoming the best self we can be. That encourages me. I am responsible for becoming my best self in all aspects of my life. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It is smart to sorround myself with like minded people to help me better myself. I am so thankful for everyone who helps inspire me to be my best!

Monday, February 15, 2010

So Annoying!

I am super annoyed today. All I want to do is eat. Specifically I want to eat, bad food-- cupcakes, choclate, candy, and french fries.

No, I don't want to choose one of those things. I want all of them.

I was doing so well monitoring my food intake. I was balancing my bad choices with more good choices. I had two great loss weeks in a row. I was headed towards another good loss, I think, because I was doing so well.

Then Valentine's hit me. I did so well up until Saturday night, and then Sunday was a repeat offense. Today, I have done ok... I mean nothing to brag about, but ok. But all I can think about is bad food and how good it tastes and how much I really really want to eat it.

I hate how it is so much work to be good, I finally get myseld on track where the choices are getting easier, and then one little stupid weekend of mistakes in the healthy choices department can just wreck my whole friggin attitude about my weight loss.

I think I will go scrub the kitchen floor. I better keep busy or I know I might just eat everything I can get my grubby hands on.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ah Jeez!

So, I was a bad leader this weekend. Not a good example.

I ate too much! I ate a lot of really good stuff. No need to go into detail, I don't want anyone who is craving some bad food to be tempted by my lack of control.

I enjoyed it though, I worked out every day this week, and I am not going to take a rest until next Sunday. Hopefully I will be able to maintain my loss, and be back on track by Friday.

It dawned on me today, when I was thinking about my post that I was going to share some strategies for my last two weeks. Then I realized I am tied for second place to win this competition, and sorry... but I am keeping my big guns hidden!

I have big plans for the ( I think it's 60 bucks) money if I win. Pedicure for one thing. My feet need some TLC from all this workin out. And maybe, a new work out outfit to I can keep in shape in style!

What are you going to use your money for if you win!?

Remember our final weigh in will be FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26th! I will declare the winner that day! SO REMEMBER TO SEND ME YOUR WEIGHTS ASAP THAT DAY! I will not take weigh ins after Friday at 11:59 pm.!! Whoever has lost the highest percentage of weight on Friday at 11:59 pm will be the overall winner and will receive the POUND PINCHING POT!!
*Please be honest, please dont do any crazy starvation/cleanse/ anything else that isn't in line with the healthy habits I have talked about on this blog!

Good Luck this week! There are several of us who are close in weight loss percentages, it is still anyone's pot!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Parties...

Happy Valentine's Weekend!!

Isn't this holiday weekend great? It is sooo great to celebrate the love we have for one another, however, this is a tough weekend on the dieters schedule, especially for us pound pinchers. We only have two weigh in's left until the winner is declared by the highest percentage of weight loss.

I was getting kind of nervous about this weekend, I think starting on Wednesday, when I received some to-die-for choclate truffle candies in the mail. Can you say yumm??

I succeeded in only having 3 of those little truffle balls. Guess how many grams of fat are in 3?

17!, that is so ridiculous.

I hid them in the pantry from myself, then the next day had to send them to work with the hubbers. I knew I couldn't be trusted all day, alone with the truffle balls.

I bought an angel food cake mix at the store, and some strawberries. My valentine's treats are going to consist of the cake, with berries and chocolate covered strawberries. Delicious indulgences, I wont feel like I got "jipped" on the love day, and I wont gain back all my weight.

Good Luck this weekend Pound Pinchers. Remember how good it feels to see the scale go down, and how crappy it is when it goes up. If you go to a party, fill up on the veggie tray and avoid the fried/breaded/dip isle!!!

May the Force be with You!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kickin Ace and Taking Names

Can I just say how ridiculously excited I am???!!!

My last chance workout tonight was supposed to consists of 3 miles of running, and pliometrics. I try and put in all I have on Thursday's before my weigh in.

Instead I ran 3.5 miles and did pliometrics.

I am so freekin stoked! I have never ran further than three miles, atleast since I had my first baby, anyway.

It's a proud day for Teri.

A Love Letter...:o)

This is an email from one of our fellow penny pinchers. It made my heart smile a little brighter to hear such good, motivating, happy thoughts from Amy.

I just had to say I love exercising!! I feel so good when I'm done. I can't even be sad that I'm fat anymore because I'm doing something about it. I think its magic, when you're trying to fix it, you’re not sad about it anymore. (by the way, she isn't fat for the record,) I've been trying to say everyday “I love exercising!!” Over and over again and it really works! I do love it now, for the first time ever. It's like my body is saying thank you, this feels good. OK I'm done now, that is my testimonial of the day. Thanks for all your help. It's much easier with someone. :)
Oh and I was pretty mad! At minute 18 my ipod ran out of batteries!!!!! Rude!!!! I tell you, it was hard to stay on but I did! Yeah! At least I got to listen to apple bottom jeans! I tell you it was in my head all weekend, yes even in church.

I am so glad to see and hear that people's total perspectives are changing. Exercise doesn't have to feel like punishment. It can be the best part of your day, and I am so glad that Amy, and hopefully you too, are learning to LOVE to exercise!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How many times?

I have a confession to make.

I only record my weight each week after I weigh in on Friday morning on my Christmas Weight Watchers scale. I weigh in first thing in the morning after I feed the baby, pump the rest of my milk, go to the bathroom, and I DO NOT eat or drink a thing after I go to bed on Thursday night. That is my bare minimum wieght and the only day that I follow that whole ritual is Friday morning.

However, I typically weigh my self atleast three times everyday. Once in the morning, and always at night but the times in between there vary. I like to do it after a work out, before I want to eat something bad that I know I shouldn't, and sometimes just to see what the heck that little scale will say.

Some people might say that's obsessive. Maybe it is. It isn't like my weight loss is excessive, so I think for now weighing myself many times a day works for me.

It keeps me in check too, I know if my number has gone up too much during the afternoon, I need to be more careful that evening. If my number stays fairly consistant, I know I have a little wiggle room with what I eat.

I know people who are daily, weekly, and others who never step on the scale, but manage their weight by the way their clothes fit.

How many times do you weigh in?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I remember my first night back at the gym after I had my first baby like it was yesterday. I went with a cousin who was in shape. I was 20 pounds over weight had acne all over my face and was still wearing maternity clothes every day.

I was so embarrased. I was so self concious. I had never been one of the big people in the gym. I was that day, I was bigger than the big people. We did the eliptical for probably 30 minutes, I remember I wanted to die. I was breathing like a freight train, we did some abs, I couldn't even pull myself up for half of a sit up. I was scared to death I would see someone who might recongize me, (hard to do when you don't even recognize yourself).

I was in a hard spot on life. I was soooo depressed about the way I looked. I had a beautiful baby at home, and I wanted to feel like a beautiful mom. It wasn't working. My face hurt so bad from the acne that came on when I got pregnant with her. My body was so swollen and heavy with the extra weight. I hadn't worked out for 10 minutes in a year.

That was the day I learned to feel compassion for heavier people. I realized why people say they hate gyms.

I made myself keep going. I started the group classes, the kick boxing, strength training, and eventually I started to do the step aerobics. None of these classes were easy. I was so self conscious of how I looked, if I was doing a move, or a step wrong. I was sure everyone was talking about me and how fat I was, and wondering why I didn't fix my face.

I was in a bad place.

But I kept going, I made room in our budget to go and buy some workout capris that fit. I still have them... they signify something to me. They fit now, but they wont for much longer. I remember how excited I was when I had to pack those two pairs of black pants up because they were too big. Each week the workout's got a little easier, I was getting a little stronger and I was gaining a lot of confidence back.

I realized, everyone starts somewhere. Not one person in the gym went in tip top shape, or stick skinny. They started somewhere. Just like I did. And I realized that nobody even notices when you mess up a move, or don't lift just perfectly, or if you run a little funny. What they do notice, is that you are there. That you are working hard, that you are trying to improve yourself in whatever way... and that my friends is worthy of all the respect in the world.

So if you are scared to try something new, or to take your first trip to the world of gyms, remember that everyone has to start sometime, and it always gets easier. Get your butt there, work out, keep going. It always gets easier.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just so ya know

We have lost two more participants from our challenge.
Kinda sad, but they are on to bigger, better, and faster things.
We have lost three people to the famous HCG diet.
Just wanted you to know, even though my dad really thinks I am kicking people off if I think they are going to beat me, I'm not... they are just exploring other weight loss avenues!
So, with that said-- We are playing for 55 bucks now! Just to keep you informed!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strength Train Part 2

So I have found it most beneficial to my health and strength to attend a weight lifting class at the Idaho Athletic Club. It is 45 minutes three times a week. In a perfect world, I would make it to all three classes, but more realistically I only get there once or twice. When I had my first baby, this is the class I blindly went into one Saturday morning and said to one of the pretty fit girls in the class, "Do you think I can handle this, I haven't worked out in a while?" She didn't think I could, but luckily someone else piped in and told me to stay, and do what I could. I think I did half of what everyone else did, but I kept going back and the results were so good. Weight started really coming off and I was getting really strong, fairly quick.
The nice thing about these classes are they are high repitition, and low weights. Which means you don't bulk up from doing them, but you get more cut and defined looking. I think we end up doing like 50 squats, and lunges some nights. And equal amounts of bicep curls, shoulder work, and abs. This class is so great because I don't have to remember 5 million different routines, or how to properly do everything because the instructor is right in front of me doing it. She mixes things up and gives a variety of different moves. It is hard, it burns, but it feels really good knowing I just worked my whole body in an hour. I always do atleast 30 minutes of cardio before or after and this my friends, is a great work out for me.
It may be intimidating at first... it was for me, but know that every single person there was there for the first time at some point. No one does everything perfectly and just like in life, we all have to learn at some time. If you ever want to hit a strenth training class with me, I'd love a partner. In fact, a friend of mine, Lindsey went to kick boxing with me this week and it was SO FUN to have a partner there, someone I knew was counting on me to be there so I wouldn't flake out and cancel.
Even if you don't go to the IAC, I highly recomend checking this class, or another one like it out!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bye, Bye, Bye (you know the N'Sync song!)

All I can think of is that song!!! BYE BYE BYE 150's!!!! HELLLO.... New York and the 140's! I have missed you 140's, so so so so much!!!!
I can not tell you the excitement that came over me this morning when I dropped my drawers to find the scale reading 149.4! I wanted to see 140 something for a long time and I am so thankful all those workouts finally caught up and the scale went down!!!! Thank you Scale Gods! I prayed and Prayed to you, thank you for listening.
Several people had a really great week! I know what an accomplishment this is. I hope you are rewarding yourself and being proud of all the hard work you are putting in! Weight loss aint for sissy's if you know what I mean.
I sometimes think to myself after I see a good loss that I should reward myself with something yummy... like ice cream, or a cookie, or a doughnut. BUT!! That is a bad idea. If you are thinking it, you probably would be best to go eat an apple. You DO need to reward yourself, but with something other than a food that is going to jeapordize the amazing progress you have made... that is the bad angel on your shoulder telling you to eat to reward yourself!! haha, but really it is!
Keep it up! Keep working out, keep eating the "better" food, and keep smiling! We are all doing soooooooo great.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stregth Training Part 1

I got the idea from a reader to do some information on strength training. I know most of us doing our challenge are beginner exercisers, so probably you might not feel very confident in lifting weights. Here is some information on strength training I got from the internet.

Question :
Why should I strength train?

Answer :
Proper strength training can help us to look better, feel better and function better. Here are 10 reasons why you should pick up your weights today and get started:

1. Strength training prevents muscle loss. Adults who do not strength train lose between five to seven pounds of muscle every decade. While cardio exercise improves our cardiovascular fitness, it does not prevent the loss of muscle tissue.

2. Strength training will increase your metabolism. Research shows that adding three pounds of muscle increases our resting metabolic rate by seven percent, and ups our daily calorie requirements by 15 percent. The average adult experiences a two to five percent reduction in metabolic rate every decade of their life, so strength training can help make up for that loss.

3. Strength training will increase your muscle mass. Research shows that doing 25 minutes of strength exercise, three days a week can increase muscle mass by about three pounds over an eight-week training period. After that, muscle mass will continue to increase, but gains will differ from person to person depending on how much muscle has been lost through the years.

4. Strength training will reduce your body fat. Increasing your muscle mass will increase your calorie burn, thereby reducing the likelihood of fat accumulation. Researchers found that strength exercise produced four pounds of fat loss after three months of training, even though the subjects were eating 15 percent more calories per day.

5. Strength training will increase your bone mineral density. Studies show that four months of strength training can result in significant increases in bone mineral density, which is important because we naturally lose bone density as we age. In this way, strength training helps protect against fractures, "shrinking" and osteoporosis.

6. Strength training will improve your glucose metabolism. Poor glucose metabolism is associated with adult onset diabetes. Researchers have reported a 23 percent increase in glucose uptake after four month of strength training. This improvement is one of the many ways a healthy exercise routine can fight diabetes.

7. Strength training will speed up your digestion. A recent study showed a 56 percent increase in gastrointestinal transit time after three months of strength training. This is significant because delayed digestion puts you at a higher risk for colon cancer.

8. Strength training reduces your resting blood pressure. Strength training alone has been shown to reduce resting blood pressure significantly. Combining strength and aerobic exercise is an even more effective means of improving blood pressure readings. A recent study showed that after just two months of a moderate strength and cardio program, participants dropped their systolic blood pressure (the number on top which measures the pressure used when the heart beats) by 5 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure (the number on the bottom which measures the pressure that exists in the arteries between heartbeats) by 3 mm Hg.

9. Strength training will relieve lower back pain. Years of research on strength training and back pain show that strong back muscles are less likely to be injured than weaker back muscles. In a recent study, lower back pain sufferers had significantly less discomfort after 10 weeks of strength exercise for the lumbar spine muscles. Because over 80 percent of Americans experience back problems, it is advisable for all adults to strengthen these muscles properly.

10. Strength training will reduce arthritis pain. Studies show that sensible strength training eases the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is good news, because most men and women who suffer from arthritis pain need strength exercise to develop stronger muscles, bones, and connective tissue.

I want to thank Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., for compiling this information. Wayne is the research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, and author of the college textbook Strength Fitness.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Did you get your exercise in?

I think that it is so, so, so important to get some sort of exercise in 6 days a week. When I turned 21, I decided that I would start a "new years resolution", that I would exercise everyday for 21 days. I have read that once you do something 21 times it is no longer something you are just doing, but a habbit, a new part of your life. I lost ten pounds during that time, I stuck with my exercise and I got healthy. I have only ventured from this resolution a few different times in my three years since I made that goal. Those times included when I was pregnant, or just had a baby.
I have been back on the band wagon of daily exericse since the end of December and I have to say I feel stronger, healthier physically and mentally, and more fit. I haven't lost a ton of weight as you can see, but my body has changed. Clothes are getting loser, I am not as out of breath when I come up the stairs to blog, and my brain feels so much clearer. Out of the seven days of the week I spend a great majority of my waking time tending to children, my husband, household duties, and working on relationships. During all 168 weekly hours, I have dedicated a small amount of time to MYSELF. And that is when I work out. Some days, it is in between breast feeding, lunch for Grace, other times it is when the hubs gets home and I get to escape to the gym. Anyway I look at it, my brain, my emotional healthy is SO SO SO much bettter when I take that time to take care of myself. If mama aint happy, nobody's happy... and if mama can't take care of herself, she can't take care of anyone else.
I know this is true, and so I highly reccommend that anyone out there who is reading this, takes atleast 30 minutes a day to exercise, to clear your mind, and strengthen your body.
There are times when I just can't squueze in the "me" time, and when those times happen I try and exercise with my kids. Here are some ideas that I am not meaning to be anyones MAIN source of exercise, but as a supplemental form.
walk with the kids, let them run and chase them
lay on the floor and play airplane with them working your abs
bear crawl, army crawl across the floor
lift your baby up and down in front of you
jump up and down with the kids, teach them to jump

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Get Your Groove On

Pound Pincher Amy wrote in that we should share some workout playlists with one another. She likes the 80's get up... Eye of the Tiger, and Flashdance kinda stuff!!
I have everything on my ipod from country, rap to some crazy hard metal stuff the hubs works out to. If I am lifting weights, or taking it easy on a cardio machine I normally just shuffle the songs and listen that way. BUT, I have a secret weapon playlists for when I run, or if I am pushing myslelf to the max. I find myself at the pushing point, when the endorphins start blasting in my head, and my body starts feelin that cold sweat come, I then have to control myself from busting out the words to "Get low, low, low in those apple bottome jeans..." Ya, you know the song by Flo Rida. I picture myself up in a club bustin some crazy dance moves and I seem to be able to run a little farther and a little faster.
Anyway, I want some new ideas for songs, and so do the other pound pinchers... so come on and Show me what you shake it to when you're busting your ace in a workout!
My TERI playlist:
Paparrazzi- Lady Gaga
Low- Flo Rida
POker Face- Lady Gaga
Loosen up my buttons
Just Dance- Lady Gaga
Swing- Savage
Fergalicious- Fergie
Stronger- Power Music Workout
Save A Horse Ride a Cowboy- Big and Rich
Piece of Me- Britney Spears
Iwont back down- TomPetty
Distrubia- Rihanna
*For the record, I never download explicit music because the F bomb in my ear isn't what I call cool, ever, even during a workout.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Double Standard

Why is baby cellulite so scrumptious and mine is so yucky?!?!

So I tossed and turned all day and all night yesterday as to whether or not I should partake of the aforementioned diet dr. pepper.
I was hungry mid morning today for a snack and I thought I should test my theory of drinking the soda so I wouldn't eat the 100 calorie pack.
I have always heard that soda gives you cellulite though, and I've noticed lately that my legs really don't have much cellulite on them. I used to have kind of a lot though, so I'm wondering if the rumor is true and the carbonation in soda does cause it. Anyway, so I pulled my pj pants off turned around and checked my butt and legs out in the mirror. I saw a little of those stupid indentions on my lower cheeks and upper legs, more when I flexed, but not too much.
So I contemplated a little more the 100 calorie pack or soda and decided I'd just run to Sonic and get one, and see how it went.
I drank it. It really didn't taste good. And it cost me almost 2 dollars! Gosh that is so expensive, I can't believe I used to buy one almost every day. What a rip off!
I kind of correlated the soda to beer. Nobody takes a drink of a beer and loves the taste. They have to drink several and then the taste is acquired (my blog, my theory!;o) So, I know if I drank 3 or 4 more sodas it would taste blissfully sweet and delicious again, but I think if I need to acquire the taste for it again I might as well close the soda chapter of my life... and pray my theory is right, that my cellulite will slowly dissapear as I continue to exercise.
Roaring Springs is a few months away, and I definitly wont be a skinny brunette in a tiny bikini... but I will be the brunette with the two cute kiddos, with (hopefully)a dimple free booty and legs.