Sunday, July 31, 2011

Before (July 2010) N After (July 2011)

So, I just can't believe I am sitting here typing this. I closed this site down for the last several months because I wasn't feeling it anymore. And then I met The Get In Shape Girl and she turned me on to something new and different in the way of training in March of 2011.These are my before now pictures. July of 2010, after dieting and exercising for 7 months on my own.

I found Take Shape for Life at this point and became a health coach, dropping almost 15 lbs and feeling better than ever.

My stomach shrunk a little, my weight reached an all time lowest ever at 127.1 and I was on top of the world.

I met up with Kyra, The Get in Shape girl and learned all about clean eating and lifting heavy weights to gain muscle. Long story short. I owe her a lot! I had lots of good information, and lots of good pieces to my puzzle.. but they weren't all fitting together properly until I was guided a little by her. She trained me with some nutrition guidelines and some exercise routines and guided me to here.......

138lbs at 16% body fat.

If I didn't know that was me. I wouldn't believe it. If 3 different people hadn't taken the pictures, I would have thought something was wrong with the camera.

It is true. It is me.

Through networking with some great people I have put on a new hat this weekend. A figure competitor in training hat.

I have commited to Big Jon Fitness in Nampa to compete in a natural figure competition November 5th 2011 in Olympia, Washington.

You have no idea what it feels like to hear and see that I am at 16% body fat. The girl with the pretty face and the spare tire around her stomach. Always, the girl who felt fat. Always, the girl who wanted to throw up seeing her stomach. Always, the girl who would cry to her mom from the time she was in the 4th grade because she was fat.

It is my duty to document this every single step of the way. Because I don't ever want to forget this magical experience, were I have pushed myself to do something so far outside my comfort level, so far above and beyond anything I ever imagined possible.

It's a new day. And I am a new me. I have new goals, and I am ready to push my body and my mental toughness to its limit. I hope you will enjoy my ride.

Thursday, June 09, 2011
So I have been researching like a crazy lady and am really puting in some serious thought into competing in the next 6 months. I am at 20% body fat and I want to push to that next level, I want to test my mental, physical, and emotional strength and I want to do something only a few can say they have done. I have met so many neat and inspiring women and I want to set a goal to do this in the next 6 months. So, here we go. Goal # 1. Bust my butt through June, vaccation and all and hit 19% body fat by July 1.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
I suprised my husband with a little get away this weekend. I had such a great workout/food week last week that I figured I could handle a few splurges and be ok. Boy was I wrong. I am like a crack addict in a whore house. I get around the bad stuff and I am ONE BAD GIRL GONE WILD. I shall not list the crap fuel I fed my body because honestly, I don't want to think about it anymore. It is done and over with. I am on track with my food and workouts again. But I don't want to forget how yucky I have felt. It is refreshing that it isn't the guilt eating at my gut from "Cheating." It is just the fact that I felt lethargic, nauseated, tired and bleh. I think I have arrived at the point where if I don't feed my body the clean fuel, it revolts and sends multiple "what the heck are you doing" messages to my surface and reminds me that, that just isn't me anymore. And like an old man trying to keep up with the brewskis the college kids take in, my body just can't handle it anymore. And that feels great! My hubby and I stopped by the mall on the way home and I wanted to try on some shorts. It is funny how mental all this body image/food/weight is. I know my body didn't actually CHANGE in the 1.5 days off of my healthy lifestyle, but it was weird how fluffy and unattractive I felt. I mean I was feelin like a lean mean hottie machine all last week, and then take a little bit off and feed your body crap and I really felt and looked like crap too. No more crap because I want to look AND feel good, not just feel good in that moment of the food tasting. The ol saying you are what you eat rings true to me. I ate crap, I looked like crap. Crap Crap crap. As I was at the store yesterday stocking up on clean, healthy, fuel for my body I was a bit annoyed, or erked by the fact that I was getting only the best fuel for my husband and myself, but had a hard time picking up things for my 3 and 1 year old that were as healthy. My kids are great, and will eat veggies and fruit anytime. but what about kid snacks? I give them regular ol fruit snacks, grahm crackers, gold fish? Can you say highly processed highly enriched? This is not good. I traded in the usual granola bars for healthy, cleaner options like Kashi. But what about a cookie or a penut butter cracker? It is hard to find quick convenient little treats for them. I don't want to spend a lot of money, if they aren't going to eat it all, or maybe not even like what I buy. Is that reason to spend less and give them chemicals? It really isn't ok. I have to continue teaching them about healthy lifestlyes and about fueling their bodies. So, my new goal is to find healthy, clean options for them. Besides the usual fruit and veggies. ANy suggestions for getting rid of those dang chicken nuggets they want every flippin day? Suggestions and help wanted!! Thanks!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Rolled out of bed today to meet my maker. Hehe just kidding. Rolled out of bed and threw on my two piece swim suit before my husband had to leave for work so I could check out my latest month progress. It is a good day to be Teri. I am on top of the moon. After all this time, 17 months to be exact of trying this, trying that and doing SO MUCH CARDIO. I think I have finally found the balance that works for my body. I have hooked up with some amazing women (thegetinshapegirl) and Rachel Mac and under their nutrition and fitness guidance I really feel like a million bucks today. I feel like all the tools in my tool belt finally fit and the work is building a beautiful home, for my body. My stomach is flat people!!! It still looks round in the mirror, but the pictures do not lie. It is flat. The topic of why my reflection in the mirror looks the same is for a therapist I guess.. but my pictures. I am proud. I am strong. I have never in my entire 25 years of life had a flat stomach. Like really. I have always had a BIG stomach. See original picture if you do not believe me. I got a comment in my email that was from IUSECRAYONS. I can't find it on here, anywhere. But because I opened my email I saw that she wrote "Strong is the new sexy!" Which is an even better version of the motto on my inspiration board (hehe that was my mirror, but turned to a piece of cardboard yesterday in fact) that says "Strong is the new skinny" and to be honest... I like the IUSECRAYONS (thank you Miss Motivator of the day, I heart you!!) better. Because who freaking cares about being skinny? I still weigh 135, in fact that is up 8 lbs from when I was my thinnest November 2010 of 127. But I look like a new girl from then. And I feel like a new girl from then. I feel tone, lean, and happy. For the first time in my life I am actually thankful for the way I look. Not because it is easy, because it is not. I spend realistically 8 hours in the gym each week and I eat 90% of the time clean. I eat sometimes things that don't even taste that good, sometimes... it does taste really good- but not always. I have finally come to this place in my life where I am balanced. Close to balanced. I can indulge a little but then buckle back down. I am thankful for my body and the road it has taken to get me here, and for the road ahead where we will only get better and stronger together. Progress pictures are an amazing tool. If you are not using them, I encourage you to. Because the scale does not reflect the most significant changes all the time. I forgot to take my measurements, I haven't since April 1 so I am anxious to do that and check my body fat tomorow first thing in the morning. I am living breathing proof that we are in control of our own destiny. We can sculpt our bodies into anything we want them to be. I am excited! What a happy day
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I caved. I bought my beloved sonic Diet Dr Pepper today after a heavy struggle with the demon and angel that permanently live on my shoulders. It wasn't that I had a head ache. It wasn't that I was grumpy. It wasn't that I needed it. I just wanted it. And it makes me happy. Soda, I know to some people it just sounds ridiculous. I know I am capable of not drinking it. I stopped for almost a year breast feeding my son. It irritated his stomach and I cold turkey quit. But I missed it all the time and I wanted it. And I have decided to stop announcing and even stop thinking about quitting drinking it. I like it. It makes me happy. And I am healthy in so many other ways. I am not going to pressure myself to let go of it. I am going to hold strong to my eating healthy and clean, and if I am perfect for the day allowing a Skinny Cow or other 100 calorie or so treat. Soda and me are friends. I just need to stop fighting it. I burned 800 cals tonight between my shoulder workout and bootcamp. It.Was.Bumpin. I had to take a recovery for a few minutes it was so hardcore. Second time ever that has happened. It was cRaAzY!! But a fun class with some new people and a lot of my oldies too. I love my bootcampers!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Mondays every week are a little blah for me. Why? Why are they? I don't know. I am a stay at home mom. Most of my days look fairly similar to the others. But Mondays, I have to face the damage of the weekend on the scale. Not good today. Not good at all. Gain of 5 lbs. I know it isn't really 5 lbs. Because tomorow it will be 3 lbs and Wed 1 lb and by Friday I will be back to right about 134. I never ever understand why the weekends derail me so easily. I have such strong will power all the live long week through and then something about the name of the night "Friday" and the day "Saturday" and then the day "Sunday" makes my brain think that is break time. And I should wreck havoc on my weekly progress by eating like the old Teri. Each weekend I tell myself. "Ok, Teri. Pick one day. Pick one meal a day. Pick!! Pick!! But more often than not, I end up splurging all weekend through and then the dreaded scale says 139 and not 134. I hate it. I hate it every weekend. But I continue to do it. So. I drank one can of diet dr pepper yesterday. It didn't even taste good to be honest. It was my last can at home and I don't shop on Sundays. So I had a boring ol can of soda. And with it tasting all yucky, I was thinking about my friend who just stopped cold turkey because if she did she got to buy some new sunglasses. I thought to myself that if I stop until my vacation in June, I can get a pedicure before I go. I don't need the soda. I know it is like poison to my body, but until now I haven't been ready to give it up. I think I am ready now. I feel like today, looking good, and having a strong lean body is more important than any drink or any food. I have set a goal for the next 24 days to not eat candy/cake/processed treats and no soda, but if I eat perfectly planned I can have a 100 calorie skinny cow treat at night. I am already a clean eater exclusively, well except when I go crazy on the weekend and see chocolate covered blueberries. (Yes they were the down fall this weekend) I think this is very doable and I think I will be happy with the results physically and emotionally that will come from sticking to my plan. My workouts are going better than ever. I am getting stronger and am anxious to take my next month pictures on June 1st. I am ready to stop feeling the ugly guilt cycle and start being more proud of how far I have come in my journey.
Monday, May 09, 2011
I just heart this jazz. Everytime I think I am over counting the calories and worrying about it. I get on here and someone has left me a nice comment, or someone has written a blog post for me... that somehow fits exactly what I need. Crazy! I just finished reading like 5 blogs that made me want to do better, be more kind, eat more healthy, and exercise more. I heart sparkpeople and all the motivation it gives me. I had a BBBBAAAAD weekend with food, after my race Saturday. I was a bit out of control. And my stomach hurt so bad. Like bad bad bad. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I do that to myself? Well I just don't know why I do it to myself, but I do it. Today is a new day and my eating has been 100% clean, I have been guzzling water and as soon as my husband gets home I am off to the gym for a back/bicep workout followed by some HIIT running on the ol treddymill. I am yearning for the sweat session like a dog yearns for bacon strips. I can't waite to get to the gym and feel my heart race, see my muscles flex and lift and feel my body push to my limits on some HIIT. It aint easy to be fit and healthy all the time. But I sure like the way my body and stomach especially feels when I choose to make better choices. I am a work in progress today and everyday. And today is a great day to be healthy.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Hells to the YA!!!! I finished that race in 23 minutes and 50 seconds,,, and I ran so hard I might have even thrown up a little. This was BBBBIIIIggg for me. Like seriously the fastest I have ever run in my entire life. And for a cause, that brings tears to my eyes. I have a blog post coming. Right now, I am just having fun running up and telling random strangers my race time. Set a goal. If I can do this... I promise you one thing, ANYONE can do this
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
"Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
I keep seeing on other peoples blogs how they are trying to avoid the scale. The scale doesn't matter. I have been an avid scale watcher for 18 months now. Weighing 1 time a day- or sometimes even 3 times a day. It is insane. Before I met up with thegetinshapegirl and started learning about building muscle, all I cared about was what the scale said. If the scale said 130, I was skinny working towards 125. If the scale said 134 I had eaten poorly and I wanted to cry. Well since April 1 I have stayed the exact same weight 133.4. Each day it might go up a little or down a little, but on the actual 1 month date I was the same. And any time in my new healthy life before that would have felt like a wasted month. But when I look at my pictures... especially my back pictures (I am in love with muscley backs on girls) I can see so much change. And when I see pictures of other girls at 135 before lifting weights compared to 140 lifting I always love the higher weight with the muscle tone. SO there you have it. This girl, who has always been a scale Nazi is now a clean eating/workout machine. I do not care if the scale goes up a little (if I am eating properly and fueling my body correctly.) I only care that my body is changing and toning up. I did the getinshapegirls workouts for April, seeing good progress combining that with some of her nutrition guidelines, and now I found a new workout plan for the month of May, still using thegetingshape's girls nutrition guidelines. I am anxious to see where May takes me. I think it is going to be a great month. And I am going to weigh myself once a week. Oh ya, and in case you were wondering... day 2 of no indulgences has gone productively well. yay! I can do anything for seven days!


took my after picture on Saturday morning from finishing the April Challenge put on with I didn't really get a chance to look at the photos because I was off to work, and then Sunday came and my little girl was sick. We spent the day together vegging out. When I say vegging out that of course, includes, eating like a fat person at a buffet. I really went crazy. The pictures were done, the challenge was over, and I let loose. Why? I do not know. I felt like crap the entire weekend of it. My stomach was bloaded and hurting, but that didn't stop me from eating one more cookie, every time I walked past the freaking jar. I went to bed last night, resloved to start a fresh day this morning when I woke up. Well, obviously that wasn't possible becaues my husband forgot to take the remaining cookies to work. So I absolutly had to eat another three of them, before I gained control and stopped. I had a half serving of my healthy old fashioned oats and decided to come check the net out to try and find some motivation to STOP THE MADNESS of eating like a crazy girl. Who eats cookies for breakfast? Fat people who can't stop-- eat cookies for breakfast. I worked so hard this month and honestly I am really happy with my pictures. Why then would I stuff my face full of crap and make myself literally sick? Because I have low self control. Because I get tired of worrying about it. I don't know what the answer is for me. I am constantly trying to find the balance in my life between being a mom, wife, and health nut. I want to be the best at all those things. When I search the internet I find all sorts of inspiration, and a lot of that inspiration comes from fitness models, who are getting paid to look fantastic, and who eat clean all day every day except and I quote "on their birthday or the major holidays." Then I start to obsess internally if I could be that person who does that. 100% all the time except on these big occasions. I could do it. I could do it. I could. Couldn't I? But why? My stomach will still be lined with stretch marks, a reminder of the two beautiful children I carried. I will still be running around doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms and building my family up. Is it necessary to be a perfect eater in order to do the things I really, truly think are important in my life? No. It isn't. Can I be happy with where I am today fitness and nutrition wise? No, I can't not. Where is the freaking balance? Today my goal is this. Eat clean and healthy the rest of the day. Get to the gym tonight when my hubby gets home and do a back/bicep/ 3o minutes of HIIT running. The rest of the week my goal is to eat clean, continue my workouts and realize that everyday is not a reason to indulge in unhealthy food that makes me feel sick. Right now I keep burping the acidic after math of my diet dr pepper, that I chose to drink because my pictures looked better, and they looked better drinking 1 or 2 sodas every day through the month.. so why would I give it up? I like it. I do not like burping acid in my mouth, is it worth it to drink it? What the hell, I just do not know. My other goal? I want to steer clear of these indulgences for a week. A whole week. I do not want to indulge in yucky, high fat, high sugar crap for one whole week. I had enough chocolate chip cookies to last a lifetime this weekend. And I am done now. I will make it through the week, through my Race for the Cure (woop woop!), a birthday party for my little girls friend, a graduation party, and mothers day with out an indulgence. It is only food. And I can do it. And I can do it without feeling deprived because as I am learning... there is always another day for indulgence, and I can look foward to another day-- after this week.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I hit the gym this afternoon for weight lifting circuit workout and it was good! I had legs today and I always enjoy working my legs. It was so gorgeous outside I saved my cardio for home when I could run outside. I dropped my 3 year old off at ballet and met a friend for a walk/run outside and it was so beautiful out and so much fun. We had about 3 miles total of running and I don't know maybe a mile walk. I burnd 800 calories between both workouts so I am feelin large and in charge!! I can't believe how fun it was to run with a partner. I have never done that, since I have been in good enough shape to run. I did a few times with my BFF but that was before I could actually really run... so I don't count it as much. The miles today went by easy and fast. I loved the company and the fresh air. A couple friends of mine are planning to run a half marathon together. I thought they were kinda crazy. I just want to beat my first time so bad I guess that is all I have on my brain, what if I held them up? What if they held me up? But just to do it, to do it. I think it's a great idea and I am super excited for them. I think everyone should run atleast one half marathon. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of amazing accomplishment I had when I finished mine last July. So if you are reading this, and you haven't done a half... DO IT!!! You can! Just start training slowly and you will rock it! I love running now and I used to HAAAATE it with a passion, like really as a kid I was the fat girl who cried because we had to participate in an annual track day. NOT ANYMORE!! Stupid mean kids who called me fat!! And thank you mother nature for beautiful weather today... it was just what the dr ordered for this girl!!
For real. Like a real pain in the neck. Over the past month or so I have noticed my neck bugging me a little bit from time to time. Well today was good. I went to the gym and was ready to follow The get in shape girls circuit training workout along with HIIT training, 15 minutes before weights, and 15 minutes after weights. (just to switch my routine up and keep my ol body guessin!) Well I finished HIIT and went to my circuit. My music was bumpin, the sweat was pouring and I was feeling like a million bucks. I felt strong, skinny, and in charge! I was diggin it. Then I finished my last set of inchworm pushups and holy crap my neck! My neck, oh my neck! It hurt so bad. I tried to stretch it out. Fix it. It didn't work. I seriously tried to do my last set of burpees, couldn't. Tried to do chest press, could do that but then I could barely get rid of the 30 lb bar so I had to quit. I tried to do a set of bicep curls. Yep, that hurt like a motha trucka too. What the crap?! I am totally freaking out at that point and still am a little now. I did hop on the treaddy, too scared to run so I walked my HIIT varying from 2% incline to 10% incline. 3.8 or 4.0 mph. It was still a good workout and I burned 200 calories just on that walking... 650 calories total. Now thats a hard core workout to burn 650 cals, when I didn't even finish 2 of the circuit. Holla Kyra aka!! :o) So I have now stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Heated and iced. It's a little better. I can turn with out horrible sharp pains, but it is still tender and hurting. I am so thoroghly annoyed. It just panicks me. If I can't workout I get so nervous that I will gain weight, get out of the routine and go back to the old me. I don't want to do that. I want to be thin fit strong Teri for the rest of my life. I know the new me wont let a pain in the neck get in my way of accomplishing my goals, but the road block causes some anxiety. I don't want to undue my progress of healthy eating or muscle building. I am reminded how greatful we should all be for a working body. For a body that is capable of running when we ask it to, and lifting when we demand it. Not everyone is so lucky and sometimes I feel like those who are capable but don't utilize their ability are being wasteful. I feel like that about myself as well. So, ibuprofin, ice, heat, stretch is my middle name for the next couple of days and a whole lotta praying that this pain in the neck will go AwAy!
Happy Easter! I celebrated the day by spending time with my beautiful family. I chose to give myself today as a free day. To enjoy indulging with my kids in their Easter loot and exercise if it was easy, and to not exercise if it wasn't. Indulged I did. I had chocolate, and I love chocolate. I ate cheesy potatoes!! They were so good. I haven't had those in aaaages. I did it guilt free, I am pretty sure for the first time in my life. I feel good about it. I chose to take a day completely off with out undue concern, because tomorow is another day and I will hop right back on track and I will get to the gym and I will progress. My life isn't a diet. My weight isn't a diet. It is real life. And some days aren't going to go perfectly, and some days are. Today was a perfect day, celebrating Christ's atoning sacrifice for me, spending time with my little family, and enjoying the outdoors playing with my kids. It wasn't a perfect eating day, and that's ok with me today. I can't waite to hop back on tomorow. I love the progress my body is making towards gaining lean muscle. I just saw a post on facebook that Kyra is going to do another round of a challenge for us in May! And I am anxious and hopeful that my body will continue to progress and get leaner. I can't waite for Friday to take a picture of my progress so far... and I can't waite to work, work, work it out this week at the gym!!! Holla! and Happy Easter!
So I put it out there to the www on my blog a month or so ago that I was running in the Race for the Cure in May. I really believe in the cause, to support breast cancer awareness and research. I read a shirt one time, "big or small save 'em all" ... and I loved it. I have felt strongly about this cause. I only hope it is because I have loved people who have battled, and not some sorta universal warning or something. I don't know what it is. But my heart is tender tender tender to breast cancer for some reason. I have wanted to run this race for years, like probably 10 I have thought about it. But this is only the second year I have actually been in good enough shape to attempt it. Well I put it out there people. I want to book it across that Pink finish line and I want to book it in under 25 minutes. Holy crap, I said it again. That's my goal. I have been sick for a week, and in the weeks previous I have been focusing on strength training, not running. So, I have 2 weeks left and I have barely even thought about improving my typical 10 minute ish miles. I have only ran one race in my life, a half marathon in 2:09 last July. But I am stronger than ever before, and my heart and my soul are there. I want to hurt a little at the end of this race. And I want to hurt in order to honor those that have gone before, the grammas, the moms, sisters, aunts, daughters, the friends. I want to hurt a little bit to honor the hurt they have been through, and the hurt their families have been through. I will run that race in less than 25 minutes. I don't care how bad it hurts. I went for a run on one of the first nice days outside, just on the track. But I attempted to keep a steady pace and I finished in 26 minutes and 15 seconds, three miles total. I anticipate with the adrenaline and the energy I will be feeling come race time I will be able to meet my goal. And if I do not, I will be sad. But I will still be working and honoring the "pink ladies" of the world either way. So I say, in the words of a famous bumper sticker... "save the tata's"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
So I am totally technology inept I swear! It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to get back to this blog post thing!! I need to bite the bullet and click on how to use this page, but I keep thinking I'll figure it out on my own. Slowly. :o) I was so nervous to teach tonight! I felt like a newby at the gym again. I have had a whole week off (except for a light walk yesterday) from exercise with my flu/gallbladder sitch. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with my class, worried I would not be able to be motivating to my peeps... worry worry worry. It's my middle name!! Anyway, class went well, I had three new people that I haven't seen before and 9 oldies. I love my bootcampers! They really make it worth the time and energy I put into planning when I see them there, sweating with me. Plus, tonight if they hadn't been there I totally would have bagged my workout. I could have been lazy and used being sick as an excuse again today, but thankfully I have people to show up for. And I love them!!! I feel the constant struggle with my inner self to eat clean and get more fit. I feel like as the instructor I need to be the most motivating person in my room. I want for people to be able to look at me and say "I want to come to her class, because I want to look like her." I have some work to do still, especially and mostly on my midsection... but the best thing I can always remind myself and everyone else is that health and fitness goals are a journey, they are constantly evolving and we are constantly improving as long as we keep on MOVIN!!! It was a good workout. I feel stronger and healthier already and I know as I stick to my clean eating and muscle building workouts my layer of fat will shrink and my muscle will be able to SHINe on through!!! It's a great day to be healthy. Oh, and thank you SPARKPEOPLE!! I went and did my easter basket shopping tonight (After gym, before I had time to eat dinner) and as I was trying to talk myself into eating just one reeses egg, I remembered I didn't have the calories to spare today... so guess what?! I didn't eat it. Wow, kinda crazy for me!! Plus I really need to get back on my protein/veggie/ low carb plan with the April Challenge too, now that I don't want to throw up or have horrid stomach pains. Anyway, thank you calorie counter!!!! Love me some sparkpeople
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
So I have been doing so freaking good for the past three weeks on my new building muscle plan. I thought things were coming along so nicely and then I woke up Friday and have been having these crazy flu like symptoms and gall bladder symptoms. My stomach is so bloated. It has been crazy pain. I have gas like disgusting crazy!!! I can't stand this. I haven't worked out since Thursday last week. This is the longest workout hiatus I have had since my surgery in November, and before that since 2009. This is crazy horrible. I even had to cancel my boot camp class last night. I am going nuts in my own skin. I just want to feel normal again and eat my normal routine food, but they say high protein and eggs aggravate the gallbladder. Everyone is telling me to eat a bland diet. I do not have health insurance for 3o days so I just need to make it through the next month. I am so worried my before and after pics from the April Fools Challenge are going to show no progress or worse... the bloating which looks worse!! I am bummed. In other news, I decided to quit posting on my blog. I have had it for 16 months and a big part of me feels sad. I just decided to quit. It seems like people were reading, but never commenting. I just weirdly felt like no one was relating to me. I don't think they were judging me. But they weren't giving me feedback. Which wasn't encouraging. I thought my readers would develop a loyalty to me. They didn't. I wonder if they were embarrassed they were reading. I wonder if they thought I was insane? I think this is a better avenue for me for now. People can comment, I can see other peoples stuff and gain motivation from them. I am ready to feel strong and healthy again!! Please health come my way!!