Thursday, November 29, 2012

December Competition!!

I know, you know, we all know that if someone is thinking about losing weight right now, they are going to make in through December and start January 1.
I am a big believer in New Years resolutions- (In fact I wrote this last year addressing my annoyance towards people bad mouthing resolutioners--but read that if you are interested because that is not what this post is about) whether you make your resolution on a Wednesday in February, or like me- on your birthday, or January 1. I am a believer that ANYONE can change whenever they make the CHOICE to change.
I have done several weight loss competitions in the past and I have had several people have really good luck with them, including myself clear back in 2010. But for this month, the month of sugar cookies, Holiday parties with wine or other adult beverages, and chocolate galore-- I had an idea that I thought people might be interested in-- a weight maintenance competition.
It would work like this, you will pay me $30, email or text me your weight Saturday December 1, and then again every Saturday morning of December and finally on December 31st. If you MAINTAIN your weight you get $20 back (I am paying myself 10$ here to help yall and myself out! I will give exercise tips, nutrition tips and any other advice I might be able to help with), if you gain weight I put your money in an envelope that says GAINER, if you LOSE weight-- I will divy up that GAINER envelope and split between the WEIGHT LOSERS.
So basically, if you weigh the same exact weight, you get almost all your money back. If you lose weight, you have potential to earn some extra spending money (for a pedicure or smaller workout pants, or a personal training session with me!) and if you gain weight, well you will have to work harder in January than you would otherwise.
I think this will be fun! I am in and I am even gonna put money into the pot. I bet I can get my hubby too and maybe some guys from his work and the gym. Soooo!!! The more the merrier! Share this post with absolutely anyone and let's get some money in that envelope!!
Questions--let me know quick, text or call me or email me at

Gym Jam Date

A girlfriend and I met up this morning for a butt and leg workout and I have to say-- we pretty much killed it in an hour. I read yesterday from Pauline Nordin--founder of fighter diet, that if you can workout longer than an hour, you aren't going hard enough.
Well we got our money worth out of that hour.
We started with abs for warm up
4x15 single leg deadlift (40#)
4x8 hamstring curls (90#)
4x15 lying down leg press (35#)
5x6-8 stiff legged deadlift (95# three sets, 115 two sets)
3x12 donkey kicks
3x15 leg extension (70#)
3x30 donkey calf machine (40#)
3x1 minute wall sit

Then we called it a day. I had to laugh and maybe even lift a little harder because an older lady looked at me and said "what are you a professional, or do you just love it-- are you really going to lift that."
Really sweet of her, I told her I was training for life!! She made my day and made me thankful for people who are willing to build others up--that's exactly what she did for me today. Made me feel like a million bucks.
What's your favorite body part to train?
How often do you workout?
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

i look different

Happy week after Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you had a great holiday! I did! It was one of my favorites in a long time. I was on vacation for 5 days and came back only 3 lbs heavier! Woohoo!! I am getting better and better at this healthy lifestyle thing friends.
So my mother in law and I shopped a bit of black Friday and I had killer luck!! It always seems that if I have money to spend on myself I can find NOTHING, and if I have no money to spend on myself I find EVERYTHING! Well this Black Friday was different. You need to know this about me though first--
1. I have one pair of skinny jeans (until this week) and I have probably only worn them 6 times total. I am very nervous in them and feel like I don't look right in them.
2. I usually am always in gym clothes
3. I do not have a lot of style
On our shopping adventure I found this little outfit that the sales lady sorta helped me put together. This shirt is my favorite color and I love Silver brand jeans and these are a pair of their skinnys. So I tried them on and guess what?! I felt cute in this outfit. I was so excited and I had gift certificates to spend from my birthday so I bought it. The next day I came out of my room there and my mother in law was like "you look so cute!" I was checking myself in the mirror and getting sweaty and anxious, I wasn't too sure if I felt confident in these tight jeans and top. (Head talk: I might look fat, maybe this shirt makes me look bigger, I am not even stylish I can't pull this off.) I told her I was going to take it off and think about it for a while because I wasn't sure if I felt confident in it yet. She said something that really clicked and must've been exactly what I needed to hear because ever since, I swear, I have lost 10 lbs whenever I look in the mirror. My skin is clearer, I stand taller and I FEEL different.
"In ten years you are going to look back and say, I wish I had worn this or that, I looked so good. I wish I looked like that now"
You know what? She was right. I have talked about this with other ladies and Jon even said to me while I was training for the show and doubting myself every step of the way-- "enjoy your body now for what it is and how good it looks." I look back at the pictures before I ever started training for the figure shows and I wish I looked like THAT again.
Crazy human nature and crazy body image issues. Please raise your hand if you relate.
Sometimes you read something, or someone says just the perfect thing for you and things click together and it feels SO>DANG>GOOD!
This is what my mother in law did for me. I feel awesome.
I had a hardcore leg workout last night and a hard core back training session today and I felt so strong, so in shape, so capable and I felt like I looked good. That thought is usually pretty far from my mind because I am always concentrating on the areas I want to improve rather than the parts I love.
I got a glimpse of my back and I felt proud-- so I snapped a photo, even though people were in the locker room and prolly thought I was crazy. I worked hard. I lifted heavy, I killed my abs too. I did something to better my body and my mind and for once in a long time coming-- I feel content with where I am and excited for the journey ahead.

Don't be so hard on yourself friends. I know you are, because I am-- and I know I am not the exception to the rule. Talk to yourself the way you would to me, or your best friend. Your body can hear you.

How was your thanksgiving? 

Do you wear skinny jeans or regular jeans-- where do you buy your favorite ones?
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Monday, November 19, 2012

Funny Fit Moments

I think everyone has funny moments in their daily lives and lately I have had several I want to remember and I wonder if other people relate to.
I came speeding down the road home on Saturday morning to bust my booty in order to be ready for family pictures in 1 hr and 15 minutes. (Had to get my back and biceps and some HIIT done first, of course.) I yelled up the stairs at my hubby who was working out on his total gym to please come get ready cuz Ill need help with the kids. My 5 year old yells down the stairs--
"Justaminute mom. I gotta finish a little more of my workout ok?!"

This morning Bubba didn't want to wear his new cowboy boots, he wanted to wear his "gym shoes like mommy duz he wuns weally fast in dese ones mom!"

At Walmart I almost had a coronary attack when a mom behind me in line was feeding her baby, who could not have been more than 6 months Bug Juice. Do you know what Bug Juice is? Sugar water. Yes, I have boughten them for my kids on lots of different occasions, but they are 3 and 5. This baby was 6 months!!! Are you kidding me? I wanted to scream at her.

This morning I did reps of 100 on my shoulders and my chest. My first exercise was clean and press with only a 40# barbell, because I had so many to do. Thank gosh it was a light bar because on about rep 85, I smacked the bottom side of my nose on the way up to my press. Nice. I totally had a red nose like rudolph for my whole workout.

This happened a while ago but I was doing hip thrusts. No biggie I do em all the time to get a good burn on my glutes. So I had maybe like 85 lbs on my lap. When I got through with my reps, I realized-- oh my heck I can't get this bar off my legs. I had to take my ipod off and ask one of the guys to come get the bar from me. Now, that was awesome. Asking for help in a situation like that is waaaay cooler when you ask BEFORE you get stuck with weight on your lap.

What are yours? Anything funny or cute happen at your house this week?
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

best kept secret

I seriously wish I was exaggerating when I said these are the best freaking pancake you will ever have in your life. My cousin had been telling me about them for like a year, but I never actually tried them until a month ago.
These are not my kids favorite, but I have skipped lunches out, (remember my inner fat girl... I DO love to eat out!!) I have waited an extra hour to eat my lunch, I have had no problem turning down ANYTHING else, but these. These are my new lunch carb. I get 3 because there are a little less than 60 calories and 10 carbs per pancake. Protein is not an issue because I eat chicken or eggs or turkey burger for lunch so these are ONLY my carb source, and my healthy fat source because I put a bit of peanut butter on each and layer them. HOLY CRAP they are so good.
Seriously, make these. When I make them I get 14 or 15 pancakes instead of the 12 it says I should, so I figure mine have a little less than the macros that are listed.
Click on the link below, ENJOY and thank me later!
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Friday, November 16, 2012

sweet 27

My birthday was today! It started off great with my family making me a delicious and totally NOT nutritious breakfast of crepes, a cinnamon roll and sausage. It was delicious and just the thing to have me at the gym an hour later workin it. Jon wrote me a birthday workout and he delivered a good sweat session as always. I did 4 x 50 back squats- 4x50 weighted walking lunges 4x50 leg press 4x50 back squat 4x50 leg extension 4 x50 hamstring curls 100 squat jumps and 50 kick backs on each leg. It took me 2 hrs and 15 minutes, I was even late to pick up my kids from daycare not realizing it. It was a great workout and one of my favorite body parts to work so I enjoyed it. I will probably be ridiculously sore tomorrow.
I came home and refueled with my favorite post workout shake. 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop whey, 1 tbsp pb2, 1 banana, a few ice cubes and 2 handfulls of spinach and then topped with birthday sprinkles today-- ya know, cuz it's my birthday!
The kids and I came home and finished transforming our bonus room into their new toy room. It was a long project that we started last weekend and worked a bit on each day-- today we busted it out and finished in like 3 hours. It was a workout in its self but I love organization and things to look pretty and neat so this was a fun way for me to spend my day. I had a little chicken and spaggetti squash so I would be all healthy before my birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
My dad and step mom took us to Texas Roadhouse (my choice) because I really wanted to try one of those loaded sweet potatoes I had heard everyone talk about. I had steak, shrimp a salad and that. It was so good. I could only eat like 1/3 of it because it was so sweet but I really liked it. I love shrimp and my steak was ok.
We did a little shopping afterwards to do some returns I needed to get done and then headed home where I finished the night shellacing my nails so they will look pretty for our family pictures tomorrow.
I had a great day, and just yesterday was feeling a little sad about getting older. But today, I had a kick booty workout and spent time with the people I love. I realize how lucky I am to be in such great shape at 27 years old and that I am capable of lifting such heavy crap off the ground. I love it and I am thankful that I have found this passion. My family loves me and we are healthy-- what more could a 27 year old want in life?

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Monday, November 12, 2012

down 25 lbs baby!!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

baby got back

When life is hard or sad or stressful... 
Hit da gym baaaaby!!!

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Friday, November 2, 2012

rant rant rant

You were forewarned with the title and my snipit on facebook so if you don't want to hear me up on my soap box, you might want to discontinue reading like... now!

Meet munchkin two (left, we call him Bubba) and munchkin one (right, we call her Bug)! Aren't my kids adorable? They look like their dad-- especially the little monkey boy. A spitting image. Anyway-- this post is in reference to an absolutly crazy day the monkeys and I had one day last week (Actually, Nov 1 to be exact) So bare with me-- I'll get there.

November 1 Bug's teacher called me as I was leaving the gym and said she had red spots, I needed to come get her. (You know you are a fitness freak when you say a prayer of thanks the red spots didn't come til AFTER your gym jam session) As I picked her up I thought it looked like it could be what I heard ring worm looked like, so we stopped by the nurse. She thought ring worm. So in a rush I call the dr that is 25 minutes from our house and am so so grateful to get her an apt in 30 minutes. Seriously, like I thanked the Lord right then and there they got us in right away. The thought of  ring worm is ew gross, I know. I kept thinking that people were going to think I don't clean my house or my dog is dirty nasty or whatever (fyi.. I am sorta a germ phob and as soon as someone said ring worm I started itching uncontrollably!) We wait at the office for 40 minutes (read:this is nap time, no one has eaten lunch...I am getting slightly annoyed after 20 minutes. I ask the office lady if we got skipped? She won the customer service award for the day and got us right back after I politely checked in again... NOT! She was a biotch but whatever people got stuff goin on in their lives right?
After 90 minutes (this is like 3:00 at this point) a different dr came in because our poor dr had apparently gotten stuck in a room with a patient that ENTIRE time! Dr is in our room for 3 minutes, ring worm for sure... oh wait she has it all over her arms? Legs? belly?

So we get the hell out of therein the car and start driving through school and road construction traffic to stop at a Fast Eddy's (my most favoritest gas station ever!) to get me a diet dr pepper (oh yah, I didn't stay off it forever!) and the kids a snack. What, oh what can I find that is semi healthy to eat at a gas station? Nuts, banana, or crap.
They don't want banana or nuts, obviously. It's friggin 300 they're tired and hungry and they want candy dangit. AH HA! Fast Eddy's is the bomb! They have mickey mouse luncheable type things with apples, grapes and cheese in them for 3.00. Of course they have some sort of stuff sprayed on the food to keep it fresh looking, longer but this is about as good as it gets out and about. I think this is a genius idea! So were all set, I got my nuts (I didn't have any food with me and I wasns't about to eat a meal of crap processed food I didn't even want because I was starving..yay me!) and my diet dr pepper (boo I know it isn't healthy! Do as I say not as I do right?! Kinda)
Then we hit Walgreens after getting turned around in traffic and all we really want is to be home with a red box and some zyrtec. Every where I look there are candy isle after candy isles and display after display of....

Christmas CandY!!!
Are you kidding me? Halloween was literally yesterday! I only let my kids go around the block and we literally have probably 2 lbs of candy. I mean it is a huge bowl. But that isn't enough is it America!?
No wonder we are obese.
So some people from facebook were a bit annoyed by my maybe shall we call it "judgemental" attitude towards the candy.
It isn't THIS candy. It isn't THIS store. It isn't the fact that the cashier asked me for a donation for diabetes prevention two feet past this display (OK OK MAYBE THAT WAS WHAT GOT ME!)
Holidays are good and fun and a reason to celebrate and reflect on our blessings in life. But they have also become an excuse to BUY CRAP WE DON'T NEED, EAT CRAP WE SHOULD'NT EAT, and SPEND MONEY WE DON'T HAVE.
Diabetes prevention? Seriously? Ill give you prevention... give us two weeks between halloween candy and Christmas candy!
What people don't understand is this is literally killing people! Food is as much of an addiction if not MORE so than (yep I went there) alcohol and drugs. It is widely accepted that if you are having a bad day-- chocolate will fix it. Have a good day, food should celebrate it.
   Life is about the moments we have, with the people we love. Holidays should be spent surrounded by love and laughter and I believe some food and treats should and can be apart of those celebrations in a healthy and moderate way.  I don't think they need to be the dang CENTER of them.

What do you think? How do you celebrate? Does candy isle after candy isle annoy you too?

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