Saturday, March 31, 2012


You are my March weight loss contest winner, losing 12 pounds and 7.4% of your body weight~  way to freaking go!!!

Think about it, you are all LOSERS and proud of that right?! You all made healthier choices, you all did something new, something different and you all saw progress somewhere in your healthy lifestyle journey! I am proud of you, and thankful you trust me to help you find joy in your journey. 

It's a great day to be a "coach" I feel proud and so happy for you all, let's keep on keepin on and see what kind of damage we can do in April baby!!!

Laura 163, 160, 155, 154, 154, 151 (-12, 7.4%)
Rose 202.8, 200, 198.4, 196.4, 196, 195 (-7.4, 3.6%)
Sunny 139.6, 140, 136.2, 136.5, MS, 135.3 (-4.3, 3.0%)
Steve 227.6, 227.6, 226, 228.5, 224.6, 222.2 (-5.4, 2.4%)
Eranda 151.8, 151.6, 150, 149.2, 148.9,MIS (-2.9, 1.9%)
SB 183.2, 183, 180.1, M, 183, 183 (-.2, .01%)
Rhonda 127.4, 126.6, 127.4, 127.8 , 130, 129(+1.6)
Teri 131.7, 131.8, 128.9, 128.6, 128.6, 128.7 (-3.0)

Friday, March 30, 2012


I have been touched to the core this week. I have received so many texts, phone calls, facebook messages, kind words in person, and comments on my previous blog posts that I wanted to be sure and give ya'll a shout out. I have been reminded how many good, kind, loyal people are out and about-- and on my side in life-- and I am forever grateful for you. Like one reader said, for every one rude comment there are many other positive ones-- what a great way to see that situation. Thank you readers and friends, you have made my week sunny and bright and I am revamped! Thank you thank you!

Last week on a group I am involved with on facebook I posted about how motivating the get in shape girl was to me, a regular ol healthy person, last time she competed. I took her last month of competition and buckled down on my nutrition and exercise-- even giving up soda and all sugar-- in honor of her. I knew how hard she had been working for 3 months, not cheating or going astray from her strict plan-- and I figured I could finish the race up with her. Well, that was the time that I got into the best shape ever, on my own-- and then went out and found Big Jon Fitness and decided I'd start working towards my own show. But never mind all that....

I posted to my friends in that group, and I wanted to open it up to all of you too--
I am 28 days from my show and I am yes, on the home stretch-- but it is still hard every single day. And knowing that other people are setting goals of adding something super healthy to their routines every day, or omitting something not super healthy every day-- in "honor" of me, to help me finish strong really PUSHES me a little harder. It makes me feel supported and it makes each sacrifice I make, a little less hard-- knowing others are doing it with me.

So I am challenging you, reader. For the next 28 days, what can you give up? Can you get rid of diet dr pepper like I am? Can you get rid of your after dinner chocolate? Can you add in 5 extra glasses of water a day? Can you commit to 20 minutes of exercise, every single day for 28 days?

21 days is said to be the amount of time it takes to create a habit. So why not you? Why not today? Why not feed off one another's momentum and kick some major A$$ the next 28 days? Imagine how much closer you can get to your goals if you just freaking decide to do it, TODAY. Not tomorrow, not MONDAY, not SOMEDAY... but today!!

Comment here, or find me on facebook. Let's finish the next 4 weeks out TOGETHER and stronger than we ever could on our own. Let's OWN APRIL, and make it our B!*^%$.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't be the Fool

What's up everybody?!

You know, April is in like... 3 days... which means APRIL FOOLS CHALLENGE is coming your way--

Entry fee, 25 dollars. 10 of which goes into a pot to be won by the person losing the highest percentage of weight for the month.

I have 4 people comited to losing in April. What's holding you back? We all have excuses (please don't say you are waiting for kids to get out of school, it is going to be WAY harder when they are home all day long!!!)

Tell your friends, the more people we got in on this shiz the more money in your pocket at the end of the month... to buy hmmm... maybe a new swimsuit???? MAY IS SWIM SUIT MONTH!!

AND don't forget I am reserving two nights a week for personal training sessions one on one with yours truly in Nampa at Big Jon Fitness. I WANT to help you get ready for summer, stop waiting-- let's just do this thing!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Things that make me go Hmmm....

Today on the stair climber doing intervals of 1 minute level 1, 1 minute level 20..... (uh, yah level 20 about gets my heart out of my big ol chest)
and a guy hops on the eliptical next to me, looks at me and takes his earphones off....
"You tired on that thing?"

Really, I am on level 20... "yah, I am kinda tired"

"I do that first or else I think Ill fall off, I don't think you should do it when you are tired."

I can assure you friend, this aint my first rodeo... and this chick is not going to fall off the stair climber.......

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bare the Burdens

It's Sunday. Spiritual, Sunny, SUNDAY! I for once was early to church with my kids and enjoyed all three hours very much. I had time to ponder and reflect on some situations and some thoughts that I have had this week that I think we can all relate to.

When I was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I took upon myself some covenants and the few that have stuck out to me and I have remembered frequently over the last almost 7 years are these:

And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are adesirous to come into the bfold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;
 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life— (Mosiah 18:8)

What sticks out to me is this-- "To be called his people and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light... willing to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things...."

To me, that means that when the people around me are having a hard time, I should do what I can do help them. When people around me are doing well, are having success in their life-- I should cheer them on and genuinely be happy for them.

As I have had it brought to my attention more than once this week that people are speaking negatively about my endeavor as a figure competitor behind my back-- I wont lie, my feelings have been hurt. I have felt anger and resentment and I have wanted to even be confrontational towards these people. As sure as I have felt those things, I have also felt the peace and the comfort from the Lord that He is mindful of me, and the story has come to my mind of turning the other cheek if someone slaps one side. The story of giving them my shirt if they take my coat has come to mind.

Those thoughts are not mine. I am much too "human" for those. Those thoughts are from the Lord and through Him, I am able to love and forgive the people who have hurt me, even though maybe they are or are not sorry. I want to be a Christ like person and I want to do what the Lord wants me to do.

I am saddened by the negativity in the world. Just last night on a facebook group of clean eating and fitness enthusiasts I am a part of, a member posted about how her family had been at her house the night before and had basically torn her, her progress, and her goals to shreds. They even went as far as to tell her the "abs" she thought were there, were not.

I cried a little bit when I read that. What kind of people are out there that are so willing and so eager to tear us down? Why? Why do those of us who try hard to do good, to help others, and to better ourselves-- why are we intertwined with these people who are trying to be mean, hurtful and unsupportive?

I wish I had the answer.

I don't. It hurts my heart for me, and for you-- reader. There are going to be people in your life who really don't have your best interest at heart, who really are trying to cut you down and hurt you. My advice to you is to really look at your life and the people who play an active role in it.
Do they treat you right?
Do they help you with out always expecting something in return?
Are they there for you when times are good and when times are bad?
Do they build you up, or do you feel like you have been hit by a freight train when you are done with them?

If any of the answers aren't positive, I would ask you to re-evaluate those who get the precious gift of your time. It is a hard world out there, filled with things that aren't always good-- Stop allowing negativity to ruin your "area of life" you deserve better-- and the people who love and support you-- deserve better.

This quote came to mind...
love the people who treat you right, forget about the
ones who don't. and believe that everything happens
for a reason. if you get a chance, take it. if it
changes your life-let it. nobody said that life would
be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
-harvey mackay

Our journeys to losing 5 lbs or 100 lbs, to building muscle, to running a half marathon, to entering a triathalon, to competing on a figure stage... they aren't going to always be easy, but they WILL be worth it. Don't let anybody stand in your way of becoming the BEST YOU, YOU can be. There are enough people who will say you can't... stand up and with every fiber of your being.. be the ONE who believes in YOU! The journey starts with a single step-- and you my reader, can do ANYTHING you set your mind to.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You know you are competing when...

My dad called this morning and told me my post sounded depressing. I just wanted to clarify... I was just fat and tired from the end of the day but I assure you that right now more than anything else--

I am pumped the heck up!!

I honestly can not believe the show is in 5 weeks from TOMOROW!! So unreal, the time has gone by so fast and the next month is super busy and is going to fly by. I can not waite to put on my tan, my glitter, my sparkles, my 5 inch heels (that I rock at walking in now by the way!!), and my big ol smile! I am so excited for April 27th!

I find it funny, because I have been thinking of all these funny things that people don't know or might not want to know about contest prep. But me, being me, feels like I should share these funny/interesting tid bits with you because my filter is not that sharp.

First of all. I am so tired. I definitely am getting enough sleep but my body is just so tired from 3 hours of training and such a strict diet that I sometimes take a nap during the day and by time I end up in bed at night all I want to do is sleep.
And all my husband wants to do is "it" because of course my body is rockin right now and he thinks it's hot... but I am just too tired to feel sexy.
#2 You would think I would feel super sexy, but the reality is I train all the time and I HATE taking 3 showers a day so sometimes, actually, more often than not I only shower once a day. Sick, I know. But I don't shower until after my afternoon workout and sometimes I am too busy by that point and I don't even shower til right before bed. Yep, I sit in my sweat all day-- which doesn't smell that good usually. And I only wear makeup like, twice a week. Sunday for church and MAYBE one other day. My man forgot what I looked like with make up on until yesterday I think. Oh, and if my make up gets done-- my hair definitly doesn't because I am too tired to shower, do hair and make up. It's like Pick one-- maybe pick two-- but all three just aint gonna work these days.
#3 I fart. Like, all the time. I eat a high protein diet, and I can't help it. My husband thinks it's disgusting (but he likes my hot bod, this is what it takes to have this body I say!!!) Can't have your cake protein bar and eat it too I tell him. So, I fart a lot and yesterday I did in the car on the way to the gym... at the exact same time my two year old in the back seat and my husband say "it stinks" bubba covers his nose in the back. And I LAUGH my butt off because what else am I gonna do? It's funny. And I get super excited when I have a bowel movement (TMI here I told you!!) because I just don't poo that often anymore.
#4 I want to eat everything and anything all the time, but when I get a cheat meal-- it is the hardest dang decision deciding what actually sounds good enough to use my cheat meal on.
#5 It is freaking cold out. Ok, I get it is 60 degrees right now, but I have lost 5% of body fat in 2 months and I am so dang cold all the time I feel like gaining 20 lbs just to heat up. Like right now I am sitting in pants and a sweat shirt and I just want to pile 5 blankets on top of me because I am so freaking cold. I went to my moms yesterday and I couldn't get past my pissedoffedness for 10 minutes in front of the fire because her house was set at 62 freaking degrees and to me that feels like 40 degrees right now. I always thought skinny girls were dumb saying how cold they were all the time. Well, I sorta "get it" now. My poor kids always have bright pink cheeks in the back seat because the heater is always cranked up. I will even roll their windows down and keep the heat blasting on me.
#6 I do 1 hr and 20 minutes of cardio everyday, and my poor dog really should get a walk in everyday. But my cardio has to be done on hills or on stairs, so a liesurly stroll with the dog doesn't count-- it's extra and I REALLY don't want any extra freaking exercise right now in my life. So, she doesn't get walked. I try to teach her fetch but after I had to fetch her freaking ball 4 times in a row yesterday in the back yard I said screw it and she will have to wait to learn from someone else cuz I aint walking my butt across the back yard one more time to teach her to bring a ball back to me. SHE'S the DOG!!
#7 I forget everything. Like, my boss paid me 40 bucks cash the other day and I took it and turned around and left it on the weight bench, that was even on a carb day so I couldn't use no carbs as an excuse. Or, one day I wore normal clothes to the gym coming from a meeting, and I had brought two right shoes. I had to workout in socks. Classy, I know. I went tanning before my training earlier this week, and wore boots because it was snowing... got in the tanning bed for 10 minutes but had to get out so I could make it home to pick up my tennis shoes before my apt so I wouldn't have to workout bare foot AGAIN!
#8 there is more, but I can't think... because I forget everything
In the mean time. Know that I am doing good! That I am excited about my journey and that I am enjoying working with new clients, and faciliating these weight loss competitions! It is nice to help others and worry about them, letting myself be a little lost in the back ground. It keeps my mind busy and the time flying by! So, if you need help, if you want to go through a free workout with me, or if you are ready to start April's weight loss competition.... HOLLA AT YO' GIRL!!!
I can't wait to hear from you!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Prep- A-ration

So here I sit, fat and full after a cheat meal at 38 days from show time. I was certain I didn't have any more cheats coming my way so the fact that Jon saw me today and told me to eat tonight, confirms how I was feeling... like crap.
Basically, at this point I am supposed to feel like crap, and look shredded, but still I look a little crappy. I am exhausted. I am over trained, under slept, and over stretched. However, I still only get cheat meals when I  look like crap because I still have gains and progress to make, ya know?
I measured in today. 128.6 lbs, still after like two weeks of remaining pretty close to that-- but at 12.5% body fat. Jon hesitates to check body fat because he doesn't exactly "care" what my percentage is... he goes off of how I actually look. But to me, the one who sees myself everyday, it is harder to "see" what he sees and the numbers changing keep me revved up. So, the scale not moving has been a bit of a damper on my parade, but the body fat down to 12.5% is an ego boost. I am not going to lie. It feels good to know that this diet I do day in and day out whether I want to or not, and the hour and 15 minutes of cardio I do every day whether I want to or not, and the weight lifting I do day in and day out whether I want to or not-- are actually adding up to making me stage ready.
Stage ready? Who knows if I will really ever feel stage ready. I wont lie, I will probably still be picking myself apart 5 minutes before I step up on that big stage in that small suit and high heels-- but, I will also be extremely proud of the package I am bringing to the stage.
I can honestly say this go around has been like a different person inside my body mentally.
I am so much more capable-- and stable for that matter.
This is the first week, where I have started getting agitated over simple things, and the first week where I have contemplated honestly cheating on my meal plan when I wasn't supposed to. I am proud of that, because last time... I was beating to a whole nother tune.
Anway, I had a cheat meal... a home made sandwich with avocado, tomato, turkey, cheese, ham, and ciabbatta bread. It was so good, salad on the side. Doesn't sound all that crazy but I assure you I feel a little drunk on carbs right now because my body just isn't used to them. I also had some nuts, a few bites of a banana and graham cracker (those were not authorized, I may be in trouble for them too) I can honestly say I feel so much better on fewer carbs. After a cheat meal gone bad early in prep at Olive Garden, we have come to understand that my body doesn't react well with the insulin... or something like that and I gain a butt load of weight when I eat the carbs. I don't have the time to manipulate this scenario now, but after prep I intend on toying with this a bit. I feel like it will be a good time to play with the paleo lifestyle or primal. I am not sure which, I don't intend to give up oatmeal, ever. So whichever category I fit in from that stand point is the one I am referring to. Anyway, so after Olive Garden one night.. I gained 6 lbs! Can you believe that? Of course I didn't keep 6 lbs on because I went right back to a strict diet, but basically a normal person who processes carbs right and is on an insanely strict diet can eat all night long and only gain 3 or 4 lbs. I had one meal and gained 6. This has given me little freedom when I do get a cheat meal, actually it has given me like, no freedom. Jon approves or assigns them since like 1 month ago. BOO.
So I have been carb cycling. This is not nearly as bad as I was expecting, it did take me 3 days to figure out how to successfully swallow a tbsp of coconut oil at two separate meals a day. I threw up in my mouth the first three days of that. It was amazeballs fun. I go two days with protein only and coconut oil to make up for no carbs (Except I still get veggie carbs at two meals) and then one day with a carb at my first 3 meals of the day.
I am all settled into my food routine now, I imagine in a week or so I will get reacquainted with my frenemy--tilapia. AHH, I FREAKING HATE TILAPIA. Not looking forward to that, but I can do anything for a few weeks I assure you. I ALMOST can't think of ANYTHING in this ENTIRE world, that would keep me from prepping for the rest of the next 5 weeks. LIKE, honestly-- please don't test me universe, but at this point, I can't think of a single thing. IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG UP IN HERE FRIENDS. My cardio got increased to 55 minutes fasted in the morning, and 25 minutes still after weight training in the after noon. Totally doable for 38 more days.
My tan is scheduled, my nails, toes, and hair to have dyed and cut, I passed my polygraph, my NGA card is in the mail and my registration for the show is completed. Shawna is going to take me to my tanning and babysit me/get me ready for the stage on Friday the 27th and I am pretty much fired up and ready.
I have been training basically since January 1, but officially since January 14th. That is, 10 weeks this Saturday and I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT. It has gone so smoothly, and I am so so grateful to Big Jon and Shawna because they have been amazing-- I could/would not be here if it weren't for them believing in me and knowing I could accomplish such a lofty goal.
My whole "job transition" two weeks ago could have been a big wrench in my plans, but I have officially made as much money working for Jon and my own clients in two weeks, as I did in a whole month of my last job-- so I think it is pretty safe to say, that the Lord always has a plan for me and that at the end of the day, it's all going to work out for the good.
Last random things, my husband was off today and took care of the kids for the entire day! Oh my gosh, I am seriously so grateful... he is prolly gonna get some extra lovin tonight just cuz of it. They have each been sick on and off since mid February, my 4 year old has turned into a diva sassy pants and my two year old is trying to talk but it mostly comes out in this whiney sing songy whine that has been so close to throwing me over a cliff it isn't even a bit funny. I was about ready to sell them at the freaking corner store. I needed to be saved from myself and them like two weeks ago, but we made it to today, and I have a feeling we can make it another few weeks before anyone needs to intervene. :o)
Love my family, love my friends, grateful for loving loyal people in my life-- but sometimes I just need a bit of quiet time to hear myself think.
So here I am-- drunk on carbs and ready to hit the hay.
That is my update-- 38 days out and ready to freaking rock the stage ghetto mama fabulous.

Friday, March 16, 2012

ABC's of Life

Today I read an article in my churchs magazine, The Ensign, from President Monson about the ABC's of living an abundant life. I thought the article was very thought provoking in many aspects of life, but for the purpose of this post-- I will liken it unto our fitness and weight loss goals.

He says the A stands for ATTITUDE. He quoted William James
"the greatest revolution of our gernations is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outter aspects of their lives." I couldn't agree with this more-- every situation we are faced with can be a growing, learning experience when veiwed with postitivity-- or it can be the "end" and ruin an entire day, or an entire week when we view with pessimism. We are the only ones who can choose the way we are going to look at the world and our own circumstances. No one can make us do or feel anything, we have a choice every time.

So, your kids are sick-- you get pink eye-- you get in a fight with someone-- you break your leg-- someone dies-- you lose your job. All of these things are quite possible circumstances, will you allow them to derail your progress? Will you allow them to keep you from eating clean and healthy? Will you allow them to ruin what you have worked hard to accomplish?

I will not. I will face them with grace and I will make things happen regardless of the circumstances around me.

Charles Swindoll said it best, "Attitude, to me is more imporatnt than.... the past... than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church , a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day."

So what is your choice? How is your attitude going to drive you to accomplish your goals today?

He said B is for BELIEVING in yourself, in those around you and in eternal principles. For this post I would focus on believing in yourself and the people you sorround yourself with.
Do you think you can lose weight? Do you think you can accomplish a half marathon? If you think you can, I assure you-- you can. The mind is the strongest muscle in your body-- and when you put it to work, with the intention of accomplishing whatever it is you set out for-- I promise, you can do anything. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise and live your life so you can reach and conquer goals. What about the people you call friends? Do you believe in them? Do you think they can be successful, and most importantly are you sincerely happy when they are sucessful?

I think the best part about my job as a trainer and coach is the fact that I get to share in the excitement of a job well done-- of 10 lbs lost, of a healthy meal chosen oppose to pizza, of 5 pull ups accomplished. I get to feel that passion unfold as you become the healthiest person you can become. I get goose bumps from it.

I urge you to take a look at those around you, are you good for eachother? Are you building eachother up, and bearing eachother's burdens? If you aren't, I say look for some new friends. Do not compete with eachother, there is enough negativity and darkness in the world, do not allow it in your relationships.

C is for facing challenges with COURAGE-- President Monson said "Courage becomes a worthwhile and meaningful virtue when it is regarded not so much as a willingness to die manfully but as a determination to live decently."

There are going to be times when you are trying to master a gym routine, when you are striving to eat clean, abstain from alcohol, or whatever it is that it is just going to seem-- too hard. There will be road blocks, there will be circumstances you can't forsee, and there will be times when you feel like you are a mouse in a ball turning round and round and not getting anywhere. BUT if you stick with it, if you keep going one foot in front of the other and face those challenges with courage-- you will become your own master. Be determined. Be strong.

Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorow," President Monson.

So I urge you to remember the ABC's and they can apply them to your entire life. Choose your attitude, believe in nothing less than the best and the success that you truly deserve, and have courage to face it all with a determined, hard working demeanor that will make you the absolute best, you can be. Don't settle for less, ever-- and remember to keep trying.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Real Progress Pictures

Ah it was so nice to get in the gym today and put my posing suit on for the first time. I still need to bling it up and put all the sparkley's on it, but this gives us the idea of what I will look like-- minus by tan job, big hair and loads of make up.
 My posing still has a lot of work to get done in order to have it look better but it is definitly coming along.

This is my pictures from middle of Janary to today. It is really great to see and realize the progress that every day gets monotonous eating the same thing meal after meal. But that IS what it takes to get that progress that quickly.

When you are just freaking tired of wanting to look better-- and you are ready to say to yourself that nothing in the entire world tastes as good as being fit, healthy, and in shape feels-- you will be ready to move mountains and ready to make the progress you have only seen others make.

My tag line is this-- and it is the TRUTH-- IF I CAN DO THIS, ANYONE CAN DO THIS! You just need the tools and the people to help point you in the right direction. Let me guide you!


Hi friends,
I am in the process of getting a website up and running (please read: I have a website name and I have no clue what to do next)
The website is called
Super cute right?! I hope so, I thought it was catchy and captured my sass!
Sooo... who knows website stuff? I need someone reasonable and knowledgeable to set up the basic site for me and point me in the right direction. Help?! Anyone, anyone?! Let me know!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mr. Popular

Yesterday as I was cruising around my blog trying to figure out ways to improve it I was looking through the views per post page.... and I was impressed to see that most all of my posts are having around 50 views. I like that, it makes me feel like people are "Getting" what I have to say-- and my hope is that maybe I am helping a few of those 50 people.

I laughed out loud when I saw that the ONE post that has double any of my views, is the about my man, instead of me. I can share the spotlight though, and he really really does deserve some of it. He is pretty dang hot and he has worked really hard for a long time to look the way he looks.

Anyway, thought you might want to see MY progress pics (c'mon, it's my blog you guys!!!) so here is from this weekend, exactly 7 weeks out from my SHOW TIME BABY




  So, I really am going to have to figure out computer stuff soon because you can barely even see these freaking pictures. So frustrating. I am hoping you can click on them in the blog post and enlarge them, other wise... I guess they are just gonna be small.

This is about the same time, last prep and I think from behind today is much better, but from the front I am still undecided. My insecurity definitely lies mostly in my stomach area. It is so stretched out from pregnancy and the birth of the two babies I call mine. Jon keeps reassuring me that for the show it will be "fine" (which in Jon language means really really good haha) He is a man of few words but I have mentioned that before haven't I?!

My cardio is still at 45 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes in the afternoon after I lift 6 days a week. My diet hasn't changed in 2.5 weeks, I am carb cycling and at first it was holy crap so hard!! But after about a week I settled into the routine and I find that it isn't so bad. I can do anything for 6 more weeks. As soon as I switched from Walmart Crap salmon to Costco yummy salmon, my life improved dramatically. The coconut oil ( plain, 1 tbsp at a time) twice a day has gotten easier and I don't throw up in my mouth anymore when I take it before lunch and dinner. This prep has gone s0-much-easier!! Hands down. I read a blog Jon wrote a few weeks back and it really put things in perspective for me.

The disappointment of not fulfilling this goal in October last year was so great. It was hard honestly, everyday until I made the decision to train and compete again in January. So this time, I really feel the privilege and the joy of the journey. It isn't easy, please do not misunderstand. It is just that, this time, I want  it so much more-- I want it so much I can taste it. I want it so bad that I can taste it. I will be nervous as heck, but I also will be ecstatic to stand on that stage after feeling the disappointment of not getting to last time.

Food is just food and I honestly haven't been "tempted" to cheat when it isn't authorized. I went in to training with a thing of celery in the fridge and have kept one stocked every week. The thought of being hungry crosses my mind and if a stalk of celery doesn't "do the trick" I am not really hungry and am just trying to fill another void.

So for you, maybe you should try it. If you are starving, eat a piece of celery or an apple. IF you don't want celery or an apple-- same for you, you aren't really hungry.

SO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK?! How is the progress looking? You think Ill be ready in 6.5 weeks?

Monday, March 12, 2012


I was a bit hesitant to post this blog, because I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression of my marriage.

To start off, I am going to tell you that my husband and I have been married almost 7 years... and together almost 10. So, we have sorta "grown up" together if you will (I am only 26 and he is 30). We have been madly in love since we first started dating, I knew the very first time I saw him that he would eventually be my husband... and on a scale of 1-10 I think he is a smokin hot 11. He tells me over and over that he thinks I am beautiful, sexy, and he is in love with my muscle tone. So, please keep that in mind as I give you our breakfast discussion from this morning.

him-- "Babe, you look so good, I can't believe how you have transformed your body in only two months. I hope you can stay like this forever. You are so hot."

me-- appreciating his attention and that he notices that I have worked my butt of over the last two months "thanks, I love how I look too. It will be hard to maintain this though, I have to eat so strict-- sometimes I just want a darn cookie."

him-- "yah, but I know you can do it."

So, it could be that-- that struck my nerve because over the course of time he has at times, made me feel like I needed to lose weight. Has he ever said that? No. Have I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and so therefore "heard" him say I needed to lose weight? Yes. It also could be because I am hungry for something besides protein as well. lol  Now, if you read two posts down you can see my husbands pics from 6 months ago. I mean honestly, he has always been in really great muscular condition. He can do pull ups like a bad mother trucker, (and I happen to think that is HOOOTTT!) and my favorite part of his whole body is his massive chest. That being said-- he is 6'5 inches tall and he could put 20 lbs of muscle on and be a huge mother trucker and still I'd think he was HOTTTT, but no one would ever use the words "skinny" to describe him again.

So back to the nerve he struck. Because he eats whatever he wants, but is extremely cautious about food because he himself has a fear of getting fat-- I needed to buy groceries today. I am asking what he wants, he wants me to surprise him (I'm happy to do that, but of course he is going to say... "honey, there's nothing to eat" if I don't get exactly what he wants).

So I say "Remember that mass gaining meal plan Jon wrote for you?"

him-- "yes, I am up to 5 eggs for breakfast Teri."

me "Really, well the plan says 12 eggs for breakfast baby."

him-- "I can't eat that much."

me-- "Yes you can, just do it, trust the process. Follow that meal plan and then I don't have to worry about what snacks or dinners to make you because it is on the meal plan."

We bantered back and forth for a bit and I said it. First time ever. I actually voiced an opinion on his body (Stupid of me? Probably. He is more sensitive than a girl when it comes to his figure).

"You like me at 130 lbs and 13% body fat, I think I'd like you with another 10 lbs of muscle on."

him-- "You think I'm skinny don't you!?"

me-- "No, I just think a little more muscle or fat for that matter would look good on you."

Long story short, we made a plan. He is going to put on 10 lbs-- I think that will put him around 240 lbs, and I am going to maintain 130. Which means more work for me prepping all his food for the week, but I think it will be worth it for both of us. I don't have to play guessing games feeding him, because it is all ready in the "plan" and he will look really really HOOOTTT with another 10 lbs on him.

Tell me, how does it work in your relationship? Is one of you super fit, and the other not so much? Did you convert your partner to the healthy lifestyle? My man totally converted me, I am not gonna lie. Oh, and Ill keep you posted on whether or not I regret that morning banter in the weeks to come. haha

Friday, March 9, 2012

New Adventures of the Fit Chick Mom

Dear Friends and Family!
I am writing today with great excitement as a new adventure has come my way. I am no longer instructing boot camp classes, instead I have decided to continue with my blog weight loss challenges and writing, personal training clients out of a gym in Nampa-- Big Jon Fitness, and online training. 

This has been such an answer to many prayers as I have decided to take this route. For one I have blogged numerous times about Big Jon Fitness in Nampa and the success I personally have had fitness and health wise since meeting up and personally training with them. This gym is small and it is a family atmosphere. The owners work there every day and they know each individual client that walks through their door. They are friendly and are a support system to every single person there. That is what I am about-- about people working hard, surrounded by others who build them up and celebrating their success with them. 

I cried last week as I was working for my dad at the local D & B Supply store, when a customer told me she has lost 150 lbs. And today when a client told me they hit the 13 pound loss mark, tears welled in my eyes again. I know how hard it is to lose weight. I know what an uphill battle it can sometimes feel like. You know why? 

Because I did it myself.

 After I started training with Big Jon in August of last year, I realized something really quickly-- there was a BIG difference between how he and his wife trained clients versus trainers I have seen at other big fitness clubs. Have you ever seen a trainer that is just in the best shape ever? You may see one or two out of all the trainers at the big clubs who look like they are practicing what they are preaching.This is a HUGE deal to me, I say-- "I don't care what your degree says or what certification you have-- you better be living the life you are making your money on." This is exactly what Big Jon and Shawna stand for and why I was so excited they offered me a position to train clients in their gym. Big Jon has a Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology and a background in Nutrition as well as his wife, Shawna who has a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science. Not only are both of them educated, they live the healthy fit lifestyle, and actually both compete in figure and body building competitions across the country. They are full time, live the lifestyle 24/7 people who have guided their clients to do the same and I thank heavens that I found them almost a year ago and have been able to find my niche in the health and fitness industry through their guidance.

They have asked me to come on board their team to help people live the fit lifestyle and I couldn't be more anxious to start helping people individually reach their health and fitness goals. Big Jon believes that I have everything it takes to become the best personal trainer out there-- everything in this business comes back to living the lifestyle, practicing what I preach-- and I believe in that and work hard everyday to fill that role.

I want to invite you to a free session with me so you can decide for yourself what you think. I am now offering free one on one training sessions for you to come give  and see what you think. They don't require a gym membership for you to train with me and there are no stupid long term contracts-- just month to month training programs. Their theory is: If you are getting results and like what you are doing you will come back. When is the last time Idaho Athletic talked to you about a program that didn't involve a contract? 

I will be offering the training program and Big Jon will be helping with my clients nutrition and meal plans for whatever your goal is. This is a team effort they want everyone who steps foot through Big Jon Fitness to know each of us as trainers and be comfortable there, knowing that we are all on the same team. No competitive egos going around. Just people who are like minded, trying to work their butts off to be the best they can be. I have been around long enough to know that when you come train with me, you are going to like what you see and the transformations that have taken place in their gym. I am stoked to be on their team and look forward to helping people get real results, feel that connection to the gym, and getting you to the best, healthiest person you can be!

Give me a call or email me to set up a time for you to come and go through a free workout. Because my number one priority is still my husband and kids-- I am limiting my gym time to 8 or so hours per week. Hurry and reserve your spot today! 

Teri Hoeksema

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cheat/ Treat Meals

Mama has some good news for my weight loss challengers....

I love and believe in the powers of cheat meals!!

YAY! You are so happy to hear that huh? But you are a bit suspicious too, aren't you?

I didn't want to write this post yet, because I wanted you all to get a good week and half of good, nutritious, clean eating under your belt before I told you a little sumthin sumthin so special as this...

My opinion of a cheat, actually lets call it "treat" meal is this. If you have been following a restricted meal plan through the week-- where you have cut calories, you have eaten whole nutritious foods, and you have NOT eaten the cookie, cake, pizza or hamburgers that have surely been offered to you-- I tell you I think you should take a cheat meal on SATURDAY NIGHT.


Why you wonder? Why the capitalization and yelling from Trainer Teri? Well, here are my reasons...
1.You have restricted yourself all week long, and there was more than once you felt like throwing in the towel and saying "forget it, back to my unhealthy ways I go." But you didn't, and because you resisted temptations in the moment, you have something to look forward to at the end of the week that can get you through another dinner of protein and vegetables.
2. It jump starts your metabolism. Your body has been restricted all week (not too restricted, but still you aren't feeding it everything and anything like you did in your old life... rIgHt?!) So on Saturday night you give it a surplus of calories and you body is guessing?! What are they doing, I am getting extra food, YAY they aren't starving me... yay I can keep on working for them because they are taking care of me. (That was your body talk).
3. You weigh in Saturday morning, so you have restricted yourself for 10 days as of this Saturday, and now Saturday night you can without a doubt indulge in a treat to keep your revved up and pushing through on your weight loss plan. If you do this Saturday for lunch, it will be hard to stop cheating and you will likely gain 5 to 10 pounds and you will freak out the next day and it will be no good.
4. One meal, I am authorizing one meal and a small treat, but I actually believe personally refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the devil (and I say that from a recovering food adicts perspective, so don't think I don't miss chocolate chip cookies and cake like anyone else)... so if you feel strong and can avoid it this week, maybe indulging in a sugary treat every two weeks that would be my council on the matter.

Do I think you should go to Golden Corral and eat 10 plates of food? Nope, I don't authorize binge eating. I think you are an adult and can make your own decisions about what food you LOVE and MISS and then ENJOY it with out guilt.

One of my favorite meals is Cafe Ole in Boise, blue corn tacos rice and beans and chips and salsa. It isn't the healthiest thing out there, but it is really satisfying to me and I look forward to eating it.

So tell me, what will your treat be? Are you anxious? Or do you care about treat meals?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Runner Girl

Today was a proud moment for momma bear.

I wrote a post a while back about how my kids want chicken nuggets everyday a while back. Well, as I posted on facebook today I am happily to return and report that they are doing much better in the healthy eating category. A perfect example today was this morning I asked what they wanted for breakfast, "Eggs, cereal, or yogurt." They both wanted plain greek yogurt (the only kind I buy), sweetened with a bit of Stevia,  two fresh strawberry's cut up and a dash of red sprinkles for garnish. They love that, it is so easy to make and I know they are getting a protein and a carbohydrate starting their day off on the best food possible. (Oh, don't forget the small cup of milk with it).

We as a family have always been focused on exercise since daddy has always been buff. And, I decided two years ago to get healthy. At first I was focused on becoming skinny and eventually (thankfully!_ I realized that skinny is crap and strong is officially the new sexy

Anyway, long story short... our house is sorta "That" house these days. We talk fitness, we eat healthy, we run, we lift weights, we say no to a lot of activities that don't align with our principles as a healthy fit home.

Lately I have been so saddened to see the amount of overweight children floating around. Or rather shuffling around as I saw a little Hispanic girl getting out of her moms Tahoe to go into school last week. I was angry as well. I have asked the question more than once what are people doing to keep their children from falling prey to the obesity epidemic that is rampant in America.

Stop blaming the school and their crappy hot lunch program. Do I think it's crappy? Yes, I also think is smells pretty good everyday when I walk out of my 4 year old's school fyi.

That being said, you as the parent have the option of sending a nutritious sack lunch from home. You as the parent have the option of batch cooking food and avoiding McDonald's drive through. Do my kids eat McDonald's? Yes they do, but I can honestly say it is a monthly or bi monthly treat. Or a grandparent treat. Not one from me or my husband on a routine basis.

I teach my daughter (I emphasize her more here because she is 4, baby is only 2) that it is healthy to eat bell peppers, bananas with peanut butter, celery sticks, lean meats and whole grains. I tell her they make her insides healthy and strong and they make her hair and nails grow longer faster like Rapunzel. These are true statements.

They see what I eat, and they see that I do indulge in treats... but I also ask myself and them out loud if that is the "best" choice. Does that nourish your body, does it give you big muscles, will that make your hair healthy and strong? I do ask those things and I think they are productive, proactive things to ask.


We are the parents, we need to take action and accountability.

Today as we got out of the car to drop my princess off at preschool three little boys from her class were teasing her being silly. I said "go ahead race them, mommy knows you will beat them."

And you know what?

She totally kicked their butts. And I said "YAHHHH girl!! (just like I would to my clients) You are a fast runner!"

She had the biggest grin and I was so happy because you know what?

She is a fast runner, and that girl and me are gonna be running 5k's together in no time. I couldn't be more excited for a running partner.

Monday, March 5, 2012

11 weeks Progress

I started in January by entering the 100,000 dollar challenge to get back into shape and on the right track. I was still feeling pretty let down from dropping out of my contest back in October, and in fact looking back in retrospect, I realize now I was suffering from some extent of depression. I felt so let down, so frustrated with myself for not accomplishing a goal that had been so important to me. When I quit training, I knew it was the right decision for that point in my life, I know that I listened to promptings that were given to me-- and now looking back, I am thankful for the experience and thankful that I was strong enough to listen to what my heart was telling me.

About two weeks into my transformation challenge my brother in law had left back for the army, and our lives were settling down. I mentioned to my husband I couldn't stop thinking about competing on the stage.

And he told me, that night to do it. To commit "and he better not hear a word about quitting this time."

Permission was granted and I felt at peace with it. I prayed to my father in heaven and asked permission you could say. I knew I needed his strength to get through this process because I would be lying like a bad bad woman if I told you it were anything but hard core and hard.

So guess what? I started training again, but I didn't tell a single soul. Ok, only one.

And that my friends has gotten my to today, 7 weeks into training for a figure competition, and 7.5 weeks away from stepping on stage in that said show.

This go around my life is so much easier. Partly because I knew what to expect maybe, partly because my husband is settled into his new (amazingly awesome) career, and mostly because I know the Lord is helping me make my dream a reality.

During the time of quitting I turned back to food for comfort in a big way, I was only at 17% body fat when I went back to see my trainer, but I was 142 lbs and it wasn't all muscle... it was about 7 lbs of water weight from all the sugar and sodium I had been eating.

It is a reminder to me that I am still a food addict to some degree, and that I will struggle for the rest of my life overcoming the addiction of food in my life.

I don't care how much you weigh or what your poison, we all face addictions of different kinds. And they are all serious issues.

For today, I am inspired, I am working hard and I am so motivated. The drive and determination I have during this prep is carazy in comparison with last time.

Failure is not an option, quitting is not an option. I realized I needed to share with you, so you know what is going on in my life. You who have watched me go from a unhealthy unhappy mom... to this-- someone who sets goals and makes them happen. Someone who doesn't sit on the sidelines wishing I could do "that" some day.

I will end with a quote from bikini or bust that gave me goosebumps today...

"Work like the world is watching, so that when the world does watch the work will be done."

Best Pancakes EBER

That is quoted from my four year old, who happens to love hopping up on the counter to help make these along with her two year old brother.

It was national pancake day last week and I didn't want to make "those" pancakes. Ya know, those ones that are all white flour and sugar and crappy for your body anyway or any day. So I saw someone posted a link on facebook to these bad boys and thought I would give them a try, telling the kids they could add some red sprinkles (Which make everything BETTER!)

They go like this
4 egg whites
1/3 c cottage cheese
1/2 c old fashioned oatmeal
little cinnamon
little vanillla
and some red or green sprinkles.

Blend em up and throw them on the skillet. Cook til done.

They are a bit more crepe consistency than pancake consistency but I added a little butter and a bit of syrup and the kids LOVED them.

The ultimate test was yesterday with the hubby and he loved them too, even asked for them again this morning so I think they must be delicious!

Tell me what you think, and give credit to the www not me, cuz I didn't invent this but I don't remember where it came from.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I was at the gym today, finally feeling better after my antibiotics kicked in. Two weeks of feeling like crap but still hitting the gym for cardio and weights 6 days a week. I didn't realize how crappy I was feeling until today, when I felt so much better. I was hitting some serious weight with ease. For being where I am in my training progress hitting higher weights isn't really typical. My body had some serious recovery to be doing in the past two weeks I think and it was working over time just to get what I had to get done, done.

As I went over and knocked out 3 sets of 20 push ups on my toes (first time, ever since November 2011) I was feeling strong and in charge of my training. I had all ready killed my shoulders--chest and triceps were coming next. I looked over and saw a dad of maybe 60 and a middle aged daughter with a walking stick, as she must have been blind. He was assisting her on the pull up machine, on inner thigh machine, on the eliptical and crunches.

I was humbled. I was inspired.

I thought about walking over to them and congratulating them and thanking them for being at the gym, and then thought about how weird they would probably think I was that I even saw them. And then I thought better, I have been counciled not to ignore the promptings to do good that come my way. So I walked myself over to them and I told them exactly what I said above, that it was a privilege to be working out in the same gym as them, I thought they were tough as hell, and they inspired me.

Not even 5 minutes later I walked over to the older lady that I see at least 3 times a week when I am lifting. She lunges with 15 pound dumb bells in her hands, which is not my heaviest... but it is definitely hard work. I stopped her and I asked her how old she was.


That woman is 69 and she is working out harder in the gym than most 20 year olds. She is there consistently every week. She freaking puts the weight down... she even gets on the stair climber. I could not be more impressed.

I finished up my workout harder than ever before, feeling grateful to the Lord for my able body. I feel furious  with people who are making excuses to not exercise-- to not eat healthy-- this is the only body you are going to get. Why aren't you taking care of it? Why aren't you doing anything and everything in your power to make the most of the body you have been entrusted with?

Everyone has excuses, some are just a little bigger than others. Ya know, like being blind-- or like being 69 years old. They aren't using that card, so tell me... today, what's your excuse for not living your life to the fullest, in making your health a priority? Please, PLEASE comment below and tell me what it is.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Madness Baby

Oh ya,
this trainer girl is fired up and ready to watch some people bust their butts and make some amazing progress in the month of March.
MARCH!! You are working on yourself in MARCH!! That is TWO months from swim suit season, and TWO months from when you set your resolution to finally get in the best shape of your life. Give yourself a big freaking high ass five because most people have quit their resolution, and wont think about it again until JUNE JULY AND AUGUST and then not again until JANUARY 1.
DEFY those odds. Today is the day to walk towards the person you want to become, and the person you want to look like.

Baby steps. Today is the day. Don't wait, don't look in the mirror sad or depressed because BABY WE ARE MAKING CHANGES! As a wise friend says, "you can't be sad when you are fixing it."
You are worth it.

Repeat it here,

You are worth it.

My tid bit of knowledge for you today is make sure you are eating the right amount of calories! I am giving each of you individualized meal suggestions, but you need to be sure you are at the right amount of calories. A good rule of thumb is taking your goal weight multiply by 10, and if you are lifting heavy heavy weights, add 400 ish calories, if you are doing no exercise.. .stick to the original number, moderate exercise add 200 ish.

I am not a calorie nazi and I myself HATE counting calories, so I don't. But I have in the past, and I am now at the point where I have taught my body what my caloric goal should be and I know about what to eat and when to hit my range. If you have never counted calories, I highly recommend signing up on or It is free, it will take you through a series of questions and it will give you a target calorie rate you can adjust (see how their goal range looks against what I recommended) and count your calories for a few days to get the hang of what, and how much you are eating.

Next tid bit. Drink water, then drink more of it. I am suggesting you all atleast drink 12 regular size glasses a day. No less than 100 ounces is ok with me, ever.

Please refer to this post for some meal suggestions I have for you
and this one for an amazeballs lunch idea