Friday, August 31, 2012

proud fit mom moment

On the way home from the gym jam my bug tells me she's gonna teach me to exercise when we get home.
She had me do pushups,  squats, jumps, and high knees with a little stretching.
love that girl and i just know shes going to be strong and fit as i continue to set the best example i can for her!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Motivation Block

Every time I am at the gym or training clients it seems like this burst of creative motivation comes to me and I want to blog about it, so I can share my inspirations with you and maybe help you through your journey. It seems like this creative help used to come much easier to me and I rarely would have a time that I couldn't "not" think of something to share.

That was before meal plans and training schedules for my clients I guess. It takes me a while to get everyone's schedules and food all articulated out and by time I am done-- one of the kids is up from nap time, hungry, needs to go to the bathroom, or wants to "hod me." Balance has never been my strongest suit but I am trying my damdest to get this all figured out-- being most efficient with my clients and keeping my family as my number one priority. These babies of mine will only be 4 and 2 for a few more months.

Which leads to my lack of creativity by time I get on the computer at 10 pm. (Bed time is 10 pm for me so it's like "nothing is coming" at that point in the day.

On my week long vacation last week I enjoyed more food than I have in a year! I had a few fried things and a dessert almost every day. I was just sure the scale would go crazy, but I didn't want to worry about it so I really tried hard not to think about it. We exercised every day but one, but just did it for fun. I ran stairs, jogged, jumped, hiked and I enjoyed it so much. I had a built in workout partner because my aunt who is 50 almost--totally keeps up with me and even beats me sometimes was there.

Can you believe the scale went down 3 lbs? It's just pure craziness. I think some of the issue with weight gain and loss is just the stress that we put on ourselves over it-- and it causes our bodies to hold on to extra lbs. I felt really good about this because my relationship with food is improving daily and I am realizing that it is absolutly ridiculous to associate fear, guilt, and and anxiety over it-- especially when there are "real" things that deserve my time and attention (kids, husband, government, charity, church etc). That doesn't mean I think you or I should just eat to eat, or eat crap. It means that I think you and I should eat whole, nutritious, clean foods that will fuel or bodies and keep us full-- so we can focus on the really important things in life, and maximize our capabilities to perform whatever it is you like (pull ups, stair climbing, hiking, lifting heavy a$$ shiz for me!)

I got some new kicks in Atlanta, new Saucony's something or other. I don't know what they are called and I'd love to post a nice pic for you to see-- but I wasted about 15 minutes trying to figure it out with no luck. Phone to computer issues. I also got a cute new PINK Army tank top and it is so funny how it made me want to get in the gym and work harder.

Feel bored of the gym?!

Get some new get up and it might just make you more excited to go... (or does that only happen to me?!)

I also set a new PR today!!! GET THIS!!!-- I have been TERRRRRIFIED of this thing called UNDER DOGS. You know what I am talking about? The things where you push your kid so high you have to go under their butt then feet and out the other side of the swing. Well, everyone and their DOG has been doing this with my kids but I have been too scared to get kicked or hit or whatever. NOT TODAY FRIENDS!! I put on my big girl panties and I just felt the surge of ambition and I tried it-- and I ROCKED that underdog like nobody's business. My 4 year old yelled across the park (I was pushing her brother) "MOM!!! YOU DID IT!!!" I was totally like-- "I KNOW!! I WAS SO BRAVE HUH BUG?!?!"

Add about 10 a those to my shoulder workout today and I think I might be a bit sore tomorow. Functional training folks, I lift heavy-- I run fast-- so I can be the best mom I can be. And I can do underdogs, so I get to be their hero for another day.

Point to take home-- train hard, eat clean and focus on the things in life that truly matter! Exercise and good nutrition keep you healthy, happy and increase your chances of being around a little longer to see the things that are most important to YOU-- like your family. Take care of you, cuz no one else is going to!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm Here

I know you have all been very worried about my lack of posting, haven't you?!

I am still here, do not fear my fitness friends!

I am still crying a river over the acne volcano's, but it is getting better 7 weeks into the medicine. I am hopeful this is going to help heal my face and then I can go about my business with freaking out over how to cover the red spots from the scaring.

Seriously?! Sometimes, I just wonder why can't I get a friggin break. I have to work my booty off (literally) and be suuuper diligent with food to maintain where I am (140 lbs of love baby!), I have to color my hair because at 26 I already have grays poking through, I have saggy skin on my stomach, and I have to get my face waxed. ( There's more to complain about, haha, but I don't want to draw your attention to ALL my flaws-- ya know?!)

I mean, c'mon!!!!!!!
 It aint easy bein beautiful though is it ladies?! (haha)

Have you been wondering what I am up to? Well, I'll tell ya! I respected dr's orders for 4 weeks and took off from the iron at the gym... while it of course was calling me and calling me and asking me to come back! I could barely stand it I missed it so much! Which was good, because about the end of Mayish I was getting a little sick the hell of it and was ready for a break, hoping I would want to return at some point-- but wasn't really all that sure.

And back in my groove I am! I am loving my heavy lifting sessions and am getting stronger and stronger. I pr'd last week on deadlifts for 95 pounds ( I am new to deadlifting) and I pr'd today on lat pull downs at 100 lbs for 6 reps, as well as single arm rows at 40# for 4 sets of 8. I am feeling strong and powerful again, just like the old days. It feels good. It also feels good to be focusing on goals (trying to get those pull ups down!!!  2 today best I have done since I weighed 15 pounds less getting ready for the show! Beating my plank time-- longest hold 100 seconds so far, and beating my circuit leg day time each week!) rather than focusing on the number on the scale or the reflection in that DIRTY DIRTY mirror!

Oh ya! I didn't tell you, I took the ENTIRE month of July off from weighing myself. Can you believe THAT my friends? Wow, I couldn't either.I have been a scale junky since I started my weight loss journey in January 2010-- sometimes weighing 2 or 3 times a day! It was so FREEING, and LIBERATING and I am officially hooked on NOT weighing myself. That stupid number fluctuates so much and it was seriously messing with my psyche-- so I followed the get in shape girls' lead and ditched the scale for all 30 days (or was it 31?) and have since weighed twice, and gonna reweigh right before vacation and right when I come home in hopes of maintaining my weight within 3 lbs upon returning.

Last month in the gym was minimal cardio (10 minutes 3 days a week and 20 minutes 2 days a week) and lifting heavy as I could for 4 sets of 12-15 reps. THIS MONTH is so much more fun!!! Heavy as I can for 6-8 reps (I feel like such a beast!) and 20 minutes of cardio 5 times a week. I am intervaling the hell out of that cardio too and it feels so.friggin.good. to get those endorphin's rollin again! I am rotating sprinting one day, walking next, stair running and then walking again through out the week. I haven't been allowed to run sprints in about a year, so I am getting my time back up there. My old PR time was 10.5 for 1 minute sprint and right now I am at 10.0 for 45 seconds. (1% incline only folks!)

I am getting my groove back, it's all fun and enjoyment again. Not about a number on a scale or a reflection in my distorted mirror. Just about lifting heavy, moving quick and getting rid of some energy!

Hope you are all doing well.. go ahead and drop me a line if you wanna update me on where ya been, and how you're doing with your fitness journey! I miss you! And I wanna know what's up in your world's.