Friday, January 28, 2011


Feelin good.

Early workout today thanks to my 3 year old being up at the crack of dawn. 430 am to be exact. I couldn't go back to sleep so thought I might as well hit the gym.

I busted a friggin move people!!! I walked on an incline for 20 minutes, the time flew by as I was reading up on a little Red Book action. Then I did a circuit of back lifts, ran a mile ffffaaaast, a circuit of shoulders, ran a mile ffffaaaast, then a circuit of biceps, legs and abs. I was feeling like I should be brave like Amy Jo and had brought my swim suit so I headed into the pool and tried to swim. Well I wasn't that successful because my upper body just isn't quite ready. So I did some jogging, walking, side stepping, and butt kickers in the water. I finished with a little hot tub and sauna session and felt really good about the work that I had put in on my final workout for the week. Saturday I will be working all day, and Sunday is always my rest day with the exception of maybe a light walk.

My goal for tomorow? Make it through the freakin day without buying a dang candy or eating another treat that will wreck my progress. I already have it planned that I will be having to-die-for carrot cake Sunday for my madres birthday. So, if I am diligent I can make it to Sunday eating well, and not ruin my hard work from the week with the cake.

That's a goal. And for the record, I have done well on my previous goals. I have drank more water, I have weighed everyday, and I have drank less soda. Not quite as little as I planned but it is progress and I will take it.

Happy Weekend. Work it people! Oh ya, I felt a little famous this morning. Two different people came up to me and asked me to teach a boot camp class in the morning. They have taken my cycle classes and apparently liked me, so they were hoping I would sign on for a Mon, Wed, and Friday class. Well, life is up in the air right now so I can't, (not that the Athletic Club asked me to, but the people did so it made my heart happy) but I felt honored and appreciated that they asked. I passed on the word to the big boss cordinator at the gym though.

Work it!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I had the longest best post ever on success typed and when I hit publish... the stupid blogger said an error occured. Do you think it saved my long winded post?

No it did not.

I can't remember what all I wrote but it felt really important so I guess I will try to recapture all that perfectness I had summed up into one post again.

Stupid blogger.

So where did I begin? Oh yes. I wrote a blurb or a paper when I was a junior in high school with my definition of success as the topic. I felt really philisophical and wise when I wrote it. Pretty sure I got an amazing grade on it, because I usually did and that was a good piece of writing. I want to look for it and print it here and on my family blog. I was in so much of a different place almost 10 years ago that I wonder how much my definition has changed.

Anywho I felt successful today. My kids were driving me loco. I decided to take them outside in the cold for a walk. A little cold can't hurt them, I bundled up good and we headed out. Bubba my 15 month TOTAL BOY was toddling around zigzagging the sidewalks as my 3 year old princess and I waited every few steps for him. He did good for almost half the walk when he decided he needed a break and sat in the stroller. My 3 year old took this as the green light to let her talents shine through she took of running. From about 7 paces ahead of me she looked back a few times and said these things:
"Mom, see I run fast like you!"
"I am running a race mom!"
"I am so tired mom, I am sweatin a lot!"

I sighed a heavy sigh in my own new body. I took great pride in the fact that she knows I run, that she thinks I am cool that I run, and that she in fact has good running form and probably will be a way better runner than I will ever be. That same girl will eat lettuce and celery now, something a year ago she thought was a foreign object that belonged on the floor not her plate... and she would remind me each and everytime by chucking it to the side of the table on to my cleanly swepped floor.

I also giggle at the idea that she thinks I am fast. A turtle would probably beat me in a distance race, but my heart feels happy I have that girl tricked into thinking I am fast. I do say that a lot now that I think about it.
"Look, mommy runs fast. Look at my muscles--I think they are bigger than daddy's now." She always laughs at that one and says "nooooooooooo."

Another prideful moment came this week when my little friend Halle JoJo, I call her, asked her mom if she "worked out like Teri?" or if she was wearing "running shoes like Teri" (I haven't decided if she actually knows I run a lot, or if she just knows I wear sweats and tennis shoes a lot... could go either way) The best part, the pitter to my patter today came when little Miss JoJo yelled up the stairs to her mom to get off the computer so they could go to the gym. That's right she is a trainer at heart. I love that our kids keep us honest and that without even knowing it, they push us to be the best we can be. I love that girl.

I think a big part of my picture of success today looks pretty much like this. My three year old eating healthy, running a race, and thinking her mom is the fastest, biggest muscle chick ever.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So I haven't posted in a while... obviously. I kinda think there are only two of you who ever look at this blog and I was sorta getting sick of posting. Then I realized I was noticing a pattern. Lack of blog posts, lack of motivation, lack of staying on track, lack of happy Teri, lack lack lack.

I have made a few decisions, a few things I am willing to change about my health over the next few weeks.
I will post my weight again every Friday, rain or shine
I will limit my soda intake to 1 a day if I drink out at a restaurant or Sonic, or 2 cans a day at home.
I will drink more water
I will weigh myself every day

As most of you know I am no longer on the Take Shape for Life diet. I have been off since the 31st of October. When I went off I weighed 130 lbs, during my break from the gym I somehow managed to get to 126.5. Since returning back to the gym I have maintained 130lbs. I kinda like 126.5 a little better. :o) But I think that the reason for the fluctuation is the muscle tone that is coming in deeper and stronger. I have biceps people! My legs are defined like I have never seen them. My stomach is still an issue, but I can feel the firmness coming... I still have that horrible 1 to 2 inches of fat/streched out skin over the top.

The 1 to 2 inches might be from the fact that each day last week I would say, "today I am going to do it right, make good food choices, and be healthy and strong" and then I would find myself on a 3rd cookie, or in cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, or in a whole basket of chips at the Mexican restaurant. That isn't me. Who was that girl? What the heck was wrong with me? That isn't who I have worked so hard to become.

I am one month in to teaching boot camp at IAC, am feeling more and more confident with each class I teach. I am enjoying my healthy life. I have felt a little down lately though with the scale sticking to 130 when I feel like I am so knowledgeable about what I should and shouldn't be doing. Although when I am honest with myself I haven't been making the best of food choices most of the time. Anyway, I am still so happy with the progress I have made, and I owe a lot to Take Shape for Life for teaching me how and what to eat to fuel my body.

When I remind myself often to eat to live, not live to eat. My pants feel looser, my walk is a little lighter, and my run is a lot faster.

I am that healthy girl. I am that healthy mom. I am that healthy wife. All because I want to be. I get to choose to be healthy and exercise and eat right because it is what a healthy girl would do, not because I want to weigh a certain amount. I just do it because I should, and because I feel a whole heck of a lot better about myself inside and out... when I do.

Go me! Here is to a great, healthy, strong week. And stay tuned for Friday, let's see what that devil of a scale brings me!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 A dayS!

Remeber back in high school at the beginning of your sports season when the DREADED 2 a days started? The practice early in the morning, then the practice late in the afternoon? And we thought we were going to die!!!

They made us run. They made us jump. They made us run again.

They watched us do it, unless they were that one coach you will always love and respect.. then they did it with us.

I had a two a day today. Taught cycling class at 530 am, teaching boot camp tonight. I love it. I am back on my A game. I got a little pep talk yesterday from Amy. She said nock it off Hoeksema, get back on yo' game. Carrie left me a little motherly message and here I am. Back in Business yo!!!

I am workin it. Can't waite to see some more muscle definition come through. Can't waite to push my body to a new limit. Can't freekin waite!!

What a lucky girl I am. I am blessed with a body that moves when I tell it to. I am rockin. You are rockin! We are rockin.

Big things for us in 2011. Big goals, big losses, big triumphs. Be big people!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

sub conscious

I had an epiphany this week as I was teaching boot camp. I looked in the mirror and saw a layer of fat over my abs, and a layer of fat over my leg muscles, and a layer of fat over my shoulder blades. I say a layer because it is no longer a large layer, it is now after all this work a rather small layer. I said to myself, that I have the power to choose who I am going to be as a coach and a instuctor. I am at that pivitol point in my health where I can push just a bit further and have those really really defined muscles that people notice, or I can sit where I am and maintain the muscle, and always look at the layer of fat that hides my sculpted muscle.

I decided I wanted to push. I mentally said, "I am going to push through and eliminate this layer of fat." Not by eating less, or by working out out more. But by eating food that fuels my body better, and by targeting these zones while I am at the gym. I am going to get rid of this fat. The fat that taunts the reflection I see in the mirror.

Then I don't know what the crap happened. I feel like I got engulfed in a bit of drama that I did not ask for, I had to work all day, my kids were noisey, I chose to stress over whether or not I get to keep teaching boot camp. And then, I found myself filling my stinkin mouth full of exactly what I had just told myself I wasn't going to eat. And even when I was obnoxiuosly full I decided to eat a little more.

I told Jared last night it was as if my subconscious was laughing in my face. I said I will do A, then instead B happened. I don't even know when or why or how it happened. But here I am today, getting ready to take family pictures feeling fat because the scale said 130 today instead of the 127 I like to see.

When the scale says 130, I think, "well I can't wear those new jeans anymore, they probably don't even fit." or "I can drink another diet soda, there is no calories in it." or "How do I have so little control that I can go from feeling clean and healthy inside because I have worked out, eaten a healthy day's worth of nourishing foods, to eating crap, crap, crap and then a little more crap?"

I beat myself up. I am my own worst critic. So are you. I know that. How do I change it? I know the power of positive thinking really works. I know that when I talk nice to myself I feel better and I exercise more self control, not to the point where I feel deprived, just to the point of feeling confident and in control. I know. I know. I know. But yet here I am on Sunday... feeling like I have to start all over on Monday.

This is one of those posts I wish I had the wisdom at the end to wrap it in a pretty package and present the answer to my readers. But I do not. I don't know how to fix it. I know people think I am insane to cry one bit of a tear over 130 lbs. I need the advice this time. I don't know how to fix it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear Pizza Place


Your yummy oooey goodness yesterday was not what I needed. You were good during the lunch hour... but you kept haunting me for the rest of the day. I am sorry but our love affair must end here. I can not allow myself to step foot back in that yummy, nice people who work there, delightful pizza parlor close to my friend Amy's new house. I have x-nayed you from my radar. I can not be trusted in your presence.

Good bye pizza, Ill see you when I am a little stronger, maybe.
stupid stupid stupid pizza place!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

true love

It had to have been on my list of top 20 things I have done.

Bootcamp was rockin tonight. I was sorrounded by my sexy hot husband, my very own mommy, good friends, and new friends. I loved every second of that hour long workout and I can't waite to keep bringin' to IAC on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

I had a girl stop in, she said she was sad she couldn't stay for my class and she left her number for me so I could text her when I am teaching cycling next. Booyah. That was a total confidence booster right when I needed it, and 5:57 right before class started.

We worked it. I was suuuhweaty!!! And havin a blast. Everyone who came did so good. I thought I would have a lot of people that weren't in that good of shape there. I was wrong. Most of them prolly coulda kicked my butt, if I would have let them of course.. but that wasn't happenin on my watch!!!!!

Anywho. Make a goal people!! Go to a new class, give a brand new instructor a chance to rock your world. Go buy a new shirt, something to make you feel cool and confident. And, last but not least. If you are nervous, feel like you don't belong, or are scared. FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT. I always tell myself if I act like I know what I am doin wearing those skinny jeans... people will think I do know what I am doing. When I was overweight and scared to go into that strength training class 3 years ago, I was so glad one person told me... "you can totally do it." Because I could. I sucked at first, I only did half of everything she told us to do. But before I kenew it, I had pretended long enough and you know what... I did belong.

Bring it resolutioners. Show yourself what you got, what you are made of. You are worth it~!

Monday, January 3, 2011


to the gym new resolutioners!!! Wow it was so fun to see so many new faces at Idaho Athletic Club today!! I hope everyone will stay around for a while. It takes 21 days to make a habit so keep on a comin and before you know it... IAC will be your second home too. And you will be stronger, healthier, happier, and feel better about the way you look too.

Come to boot camp tomorow night at 6. I am nervous, but I know you will help me get through it. We can do it. We can be anything we want to be, and we are worthy of the time it takes to improve ourselves to be our best.

Welcome 2011!!!