Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How Does Training Work with the Fit Chick Mom?!

I've had a lot of people recently asking about training with me and so I wanted to take the time to explain exactly what that entails.

First of all, I have two different options to choose from. For you in the valley, I train clients out of Big Jon Fitness in Nampa. I have been personal training there coming up on two years now! I can train one on one, or I also have several spouses that come together.  If you are interested in training with me at Big Jon's, email me today or schedule a consult with Big Jon at www.bigjonb.com, and let him know you want to train with Teri!
The typical client comes in one or two times a week. We have an hour long session each time they come to see me. With their training, which is only paid month to month--we do not have long term contracts or anything--they get a workout plan assigned and customized for them, to do on their own time. They also receive a customized meal plan and the adjustments that come with that as your body changes. Typically my clients' meal plans change every 2-3 weeks. My clients weigh in at home, and send me a text every Friday--between that and their pictures and measurements that are taken monthly, that is how I determine how their meal plan needs adjusted. I text with most of my clients several times a week. The one thing you will lean, quickly, with working with me--is that I am just as invested in YOU reaching your goals, as you are. I love being a part of the transformation journey.

The second option, for those of you across the country is my online training. I run everything the exact same as I do in the gym training, unfortunately--I just don't get to meet with you. I email and text back and forth with clients throughout the week, they check in with me with their weight, measurements, pictures etc. It is a pleasure to be trusted from across the country, when personal training is a well stocked industry. There are trainers every where and it means the world to me that people put their trust in me to help guide them through their journey. I charge 150$ for 2 months of training. After the initial 2 months, clients are then able to commit monthly for $75 but I make people commit to the initial 2 months so they give us both enough time to really get addicted to watching their body change, their health improve, and their confidence soar.

The biggest thing I can recommend to you when looking for a trainer is to look for someone who has been there, done that. For someone who CARES whether you succeed or not, and who is willing to design a program for you. Cookie cutter plans can and do work--but if said plan, doesn't work for YOU-- it isn't the right plan...and you will only find success on it for so long. If you can't keep it up, is it really the right program for you? Find someone who is as dedicated to your goals, as you are going to be. That's a perfect match. If I can help you, or someone you know--email me today, or sign up for a free consultation at Big Jon Fitness and let Jon know you are ready to get in the best shape of your life! Can't wait to work with you.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Cheer--How the Fit Chick Mom does Holidays NOW!

Hey friends,
I have been the worst blogger and honestly, its because there isn't a lot new to say that I haven't covered in the past four years on this blog. But it dawned on me--that it doesn't really matter. I can't remember all my old posts and neither can you! Plus, a lot of new people come my way and as an advocate for health, fitness, and happiness I should be doing better by bringing you more blog posts. I miss posting too so I am going to do my best to hop back on my wagon. Plus, I have a book forming in my mind. It's been there for a year or so now but I am really seeing the possibilities more brightly--and as a great friend once told me, if you are going to write--you have to start writing. So operation write that book is starting, like, next week.

So there's that tid bit.

I am recovering very well from surgery. Extremely pleased with my results, and feel so blessed to be young enough to really enjoy the results for a long time. I have a post, a deep, insightful post that goes into the why I did this--and goes into what  I recommend for others to do, my answer may surprise you to be honest. I look forward to sharing this very personal, very important( to me) journey with you and what I have discovered in the 2.5 weeks since surgery.

It is the holiday season! I love October, November and December! Love Love Love them. I love fall and the changing colors, the weather cooling off, wearing sweat shirts and peeling them off half way through the day. I love the first snow fall, the beauty and serenity of it. I love the magic of Christmas. I love to remember our Savior and the sacrifice that he made for each and everyone of us. I love a nativity scene. I love sweet Christmas music. I love celebrating with my kiddos and with our loved ones. Buying presents, receiving presents, Christmas cards, and Christmas wishes. It all makes my heart very happy.

It isn't a secret that there was a time in my life I DREADED these months for other reasons though--the FOOD reasons. I used to let it stress the crap out of me, if I am being honest. I would constantly think about how I could "make it through" without gaining weight. What I needed to do extra in the gym to balance things out. I always always always would feel fat no matter what I ate. I can't remember those young years with my kids so clearly, if I am being honest. It breaks my heart I was so wrapped up in body image issues and food issues that I couldn't even relax enough to be in the moment with my family.

Do you realize how ridiculous this is? How ridiculous it is that I couldn't even enjoy a treat my sweet friend brought me, because it might make me fat. Couldn't enjoy making treats with my babies (cuz they were then), because I couldn't control myself without eating so much I was sick? Well, if you don't realize how ridiculous and sad--very sad--it is, stick with me friends. I can show you another way.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and sometimes, for me the enjoyments come and are more rich with a treat. I want to let you in on a little secret--you CAN eat just one. And just one, or two will not make you gain weight. Ok?! Breathe. I promise I am not lying.

I am in a fit, healthy body and mind over the past year and I can tell you what works.
It's so fun. I can eat a cookie if I want it. I can have a piece of what the neighbor brings and tell them I love it, for real--because I know I love it. I can say it without lying (I can't tell you the number of things I have thrown away and not eaten. ridiculous--that being said, I don't eat things I don't love. Pumpkin pie--no thank you. Chocolate chip cookie, YEA BOY! I'll have two.

Here is what I do that works!
I eat a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and eggs every day. Everyday. I add blueberries and nuts a lot of times--but if and when I know I have something special planned for the day, I just eat the plain stuff. I save my exciting extras for later when I know I will want that roll, or that cookie, or whatever it is.

I eat every 3 hoursish. On days where I know I will be splurging I try to cut out a carb from a meal (Example:I have a salad instead of chicken and a yam for lunch).

I eat only what I like. But I try a lot of things, without guilt. I rarely overeat anymore in the past year to be honest. I typically eat so clean and healthy that things that aren't--don't appeal to me as much. I promise they grow on you. Your taste buds change and you start to notice just how differently (badly) you feel on junky food--and how good and energized you feel on healthy food.

I don't freak out about anything, food related. Omgosh if I read one more post of someone and their guilt over cookie dough, candy, or anything else I might just whig out. Seriously!! There are real problems in the world!! Real things going on and freaking out over eating too many reeses pieces really tells a lot about you. It says you have some issues you need to work through (I am not judging, I HAVE BEEN THERE. And I am proof you can come through on the other side and be happy in your own skin. That you can eat 2 reeces without having to eat 50 because you wont plan to eat them again for a long time.)

I do try and time most of my carb intake around my workouts (can't wait to get back to the gym...booyah!!!) I find that my body is a little bit carbohydrate stubborn (Which is ok as long as you learn how to work with it!) so as I time them around my training I see good gains in the gym and I feel like they do my body good. I have been known to eat a piece of cake that is leftover from the night before because I don't like to have carbs at night...(well, I don't like to have anything other than complex carbs at night) right after a workout and LOVE on that cake like you wouldn't believe. Followed my a fast absorbing protein shake and then on with my day. Those simple carbs help your body absorb the protein better so HEAR THIS: If you want a treat, and are so caught up in the rules and stress of food--eat your treat right after a workout. Best time of the day to have it, promise.

I drink a gallon of water every single day. I chug that son of a gun if I notice it is 6 pm and I am not done with my water. For some reason, weekends are harder for me to remember. Weekdays, not a problem.

I don't set up rigid rules. I don't have foods I can not eat. I don't think about food constantly. I don't workout extra to make up for something naughty.

I just go through the motions of life, enjoying most days to the fullest--but still having momentary relapses. The biggest thing is that I keep going. Living a fit, healthy, and happy life doesn't get chucked out the window because I ate a little somethin somethin extra, it is part of life that makes it all happy and enjoyable. We can be fit and still have a treat from time to time and I think a lot of people need to hear that. You aren't unhealthy because you enjoy food or enjoy a holiday party or enjoy your kids birthday party. You are just living in moderation. Life can end so quickly and really, when it's put into that perspective I hope people can take an honest look inside and realize how much their is to being the fit, healthy, happy person you want to be.

Tell me: Do you have rigid rules that help you through the holidays? Or do you try moderation in all things?