Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Welcome to Real


Posts like yesterday happen to all of us, right? I follow Pauline something or other, like the most ripped shredded girl I have ever seen in my whole life and even she has days where she is ticked off and tripped up over her body and the way it responds.

Well, I just want you to know it's real. Being a healthy fit person comes with ups and downs and twists a long the way. It isn't always easy, and in fact I would venture to say that most the time it isn't easy-- to batch cook food, to fit in workout time, to make a healthy choice. I hope for your sake and your sanity though, that you have more ups than downs.

I am grateful for today, the day that I feel ok with the way I look. I realize I am not perfect, that I am no better than you or her, but right now-- I am my best self because that is what I am striving for. And I am perfect in the eyes of my Heavenly Father, and so are you.

Always remember that the image in the mirror plays mind games with you. The image you see is not even close to as beautiful as you truly are-- and honestly, the person you are on the inside is still so much more important.

Do not forget that healthy living is a lifestyle, it needs to fit into your daily life-- not be your daily life. 98% of us will never make a living from eating healthy or working out, so remember not to pressure yourself into looking like someone who does.

Hey, you!! Don't forget this, today or ever.....


Monday, November 28, 2011


My husband and I made a little pact the day of thanksgiving, we would enjoy treats that day- but come Friday we were swearing them off until Christmas Eve.

That is about a month. 30 days no sugar. Totally doable.

I have felt good- no intense cravings. Like I read on a post, we don't naturally crave sugar. Just like everyone doesn't crave alcohol (Those who don't drink), drugs (those who don't do them), or caffiene (those who don't partake). We teach ourselves to crave them by continuing to consume them. So therefore, we can teach ourselves not to crave sugar by avoiding it.

I ate well all weekend. Not exactly on my meal plan-- but honestly my meal plan is becomming something of the past. It isn't ideal for me to have to eat perfectly at every meal on this plan. I can still make good, clean choices though and that I have been doing.

So then, why do my underwear feel so tight? Why do my pants feel tight? Why does my skin feel looser?

I went to bed feeling fat. I woke up feeling fat. I am sitting here feeling fat. I did feel ok at the gym this morning though.

I asked my husband why he thinks this is? Why do I feel so fat? Even at 128lbs I felt fat, that is 10 lbs less than now. So what is so wrong with me mentally that I feel fat?

Is it the fact that I strive for perfection? Is it the fact that I compare myself to everyone around me and I still feel like the chubby kid on the inside? Is it the fact that I do not want to be egotistical and admit that I look good?

I remember that my mom has always lacked confidence in herself. I remember as a young girl thinking she was skinny but her always not feeling skinny. I think now as an adult that it drives me crazy she doesn't realize how pretty and what a nice body she has for being 52. I think all the time how lucky I will feel if I look as good as she does at 52.

Did she accidently teach me to lack confidence? It can't really be blamed on her at this point because I am a freaking adult and I know better. But still, do we as a society of women FEAR being ok, being good, being great? Do we subconsiously put ourselves down out of fear of others thinking we are egotistical?

Do I do this?

I think to myself on one hand, "it is ridiculous to wear a size 5 pant, workout everyday, have muscle tone and feel fat," I also think to myself "who cares if you are fat, you are a mom and moms aren't supposed to be skinny."

If I see someone else at my size or even bigger I almost always think they look great. Why are we, women so hard on ourselves. Why is it ok to feel fat? It might be better to not feel anything at all. To be indifferent to the way I look.

I don't have an answer today. It is one of those days I really really wish I did. I always tell people to look in the mirror and realize that they look 100% better than they "think" they look as they see their reflection. We are our own worst critic. I know this. But yet, I am still sitting here feeling fat.

It isn't healthy, their is no cause or effect. It just is what it is. I have always felt this way on the inside, and as a younger me-- I was fat on the outside too. I am thinner on the outside now, but on the inside I still feel like that overweight girl. Will that ever subside? I do not know.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Big Jon did the deed today.

Measured the ol body fat. At first he totally freaked me out because he was like "what's your chest size usually?" Uh.... 34 in my bra I said. He measured again. "Weird, you have gone up 5 inches"

Dude. At this point sweat started dripping from every pore of my whole body! Really?! 10 lbs heavier and I gain freakin 5 inches of fat on my chest/back??!?!!?

Dude. Wrong folder I told him, that's your girl who just competed this weekends folder.


I could breathe again, he thought that was sorta funny. I am up 3% body fat, at 16.5% now. Where I started when I first went to him, which is weird to me because I still feel so much more lean than I did then. Added an inch on my stomach (feels like 5 inches there when I look in the mirror) and 2 inches I think he said on my butt.

Which I sorta secretly like my butt bigger. I never had a butt. A lady today said "you have a butt most girls dream of, I bet your husband likes that" (Well there was more but for the purpose of not being too awkward I'll leave it at that).

I pretty much walked around the whole rest of the day pushing my butt out further.

Isn't it so nice to have someone notice your body changing for the better? I mean, really. It put a little extra skip in my step to hear her say that to me. Remember that, if you notice someone rocking the weight loss wagon... go ahead and tell them they are amazing.

So 16% made me sad. A little sad. I know I determine what that number says not by the amazing workouts I put in, but by the lack of fireworks worth of food I put in my mouth. Only I can change that number and only I have to be ok with the number as well.

Today was a bomb.com workout and eating day. Tomorow is scheduled too, my bootcampers better watch out because we are gonna WORK.IT. since we don't have class Thursday.

I am preparing for Thursday by keeping the food nice, tight and clean-- going big on workouts and allowing myself Thanksgiving day to really enjoy the food and the family time. We can have our cheats as long as we prepare and work for them.

What are you doing to prepare for the day of thanks?!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Get Ready to Rock

It's Sunday, rest day... which means I am getting ready and fired up for my week's worth of workouts.

Yaaaaa guuuuuuurl.

Tomorow I see Big Jon (won again at his 2nd body building show --woop woop) and the rest of the week it is work it, work it at the club.

Killer training going down last week. Heavier weights, faster stair climbing, higher hills.....

Perfect eating, oh... until my birthday. And then well the eating wasn't that good this week. Next week will be hard too, but you know what? A quote comes to mind that I will paraphrase because, well I can't remember it all....

"...the difference between being interested in something and being commited to something is that when you are interested you do it when it's convenient, when commited...." well you know what you do when you're commited... you do it.

So this week, what's your plan? Are you going to be one of the "average" people who put on 5 to 10 lbs from thanksgiving to New Years? I sure as heck am not going to be. I have 3.5 days of good perfect eating coming my way, then a thanksgiving day meal, and then back on track. Easy as that. One day does not ruin diets. One holiday, two holidays neither.

Are you commited? Are you ready to shape your body and your life? What are you commited to.

Haha, and for the record thanks to all you who voted on my poll (all 7 of you haha) and to the one who says "pshhh you got nothin" please send me your picture and your current workout regimin. I know I posted the answers you could choose, but for some reason seeing you choose that one makes me think a. you are a rude brat or b. you are a rude brat.

Yep, that's sorta my conclusion. And if I'm wrong, maybe you can enlighten me and teach me to be the sorta trainer a person might want to hire.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please answer my poll, and read my post below-- It's New Today as Well!

We're gonna Party like it's your....


Yeah, I may have been rockin that song to and from the gym tonight. Because, my birthday officially started at 3 pm today when I told my 4 and 2 year old if they sang "happy birthday" to me, we could eat a piece of the birthday cake I made myself for tomorows work food day.

They rocked happy birthday like nobody's business. And my 4 year old princess even added in "happy birthday dear gorgeous" on the first go around and "happy birthday dear beautiful mama hama" on the second round. She scored half of her brother's piece extra for that one.

My husband kept telling the kids to stop singing to me because my birthday is tomorow. But, really, in all honesty, I was being pretty contained by waiting til today to bust out the ol "it's my birthday" jazz.

Bootcamp tonight. Love my peeps. 16 tonight and that is a full house for my class room. We lifted heavy and we did some cardio bursts in between.... it was pretty much rockin.

Tomorow morning is 7 am trash my legs day in honor of my 26th birthday. Can't.waite.

Can I just tell you that I feel younger now then I did at 19 or 20? I mean, this workin out and eatin clean stuff makes a girl feel good.... inside and out.

I got bad news today that a friend of my husbands family's husband died. (did that make sense?) A girls husband died this week. She is my age, has a 4 year old, 2 year old, and an 8 month old. Her husband died in a car accident on the way to his new job. She is left alone with out the love of her life and with three babies. I can not begin to fathom how horrific this must be. My heart is so sad for this little family. Although, I know that families are forever and that they can be together again in heaven... this earthly life is a long road to waite to meet again until then.

I can't even think about how my heart would break if something were to happen to my husband, or my children. This life is short, but without the people we love and live for.... it would seem long I think.

So, I ask you. Are you ready to make a new years resolution today? Are you ready to take the best care of yourself so that depending only on yourself-- you can be the happiest and healthiest person who is around for your family for the longest possible time? Freak accidents happen, but diseases usually don't just happen-- they are the results, a lot of times, of the way we have treated our bodies.

Take care of the only body you are ever going to get. Eat right, exercise daily, nourish your mind and your spirit. Need help? Don't know where to start, I'd be happy to point you in a direction.

Happy birthday to all of us, because today is another day we are blessed to receive and live. Hug your families close and don't take a minute for granted. Worlds can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

Don't forget it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do yourself a Favor and READ THIS!!!

think {pretty} thoughts: food prison.: I feel like we live in prison with food sometimes. There's a fence...we tend to think of it like this- we're on one side or the other. O...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Aint Nobody Gonna Hold Me Down

Isn't it a great day?

It's Sunday, the day I spend with my family focusing on the love of our Heavenly Father and all the blessings he has bestowed upon us. And today, I really, really see so many things he has blessed ME with. One of the best parts about my faith is the fact that I know without a doubt that my Heavenly Father knows ME, knows my needs, my concerns, He is aware of me every moment of every day. There was a time that I didn't know this quite as well as I do today. There was a time, only a few months ago even where I chose to not pray for help or guidance for things in regards to my fitness and health because I figured Heavenly Father didn't really care whether I ran faster, got bigger muscles, or ate with more self control... but a really good friend shed some light on this topic for me. A girl with one of the most amazing, inspiring testimony's of the Lord's love for his children, she said "I know, that what is important to us, is important to Him."

And so I have spent this Sabbath day marveling at the fact that I am a daughter of a King who loves me and thinks I am important, beautiful and strong. He loves me for who I was, who I am today and He loves me even more, because He knows of the person I am capable of becomming.

I do not workout on Sunday's, with the exception of maybe a leisurly walk or jog. Today the rest from the gym jam was exactly what I needed because tonight when I got my next two weeks worth of training emailed to me from Big Jon I was like a kid in a candy store. I AM SO EXCITED for my workouts this week. Seriously, like giddy.

Why, can't I be that excited about my new nutrition plan?

I think I need to pray about that!

In all seriousness though, I had a great week of training and eating last week. This week I am preparing for, is going to be a hard one to stay on nutritional track, it is my BIRTHDAY. Please feel very fortunate that I do not know you, my reader, that well. Because if I did, I would definitly have been reminding you for the past two weeks that my birthday is this week. I have always been this way, since I was a kid. Something about my birthday has always been so magical.

I remember, it must have been my 20th birthday. Driving to the gym in my ol Chevy Cavalier before I went to my classes for the day. I distinctly remember thinking that birthdays are the days people should set their "new years resolutions," because it really is their new year. That was the year I set mine, I would get healthy, exercise more, and take care of myself better than ever. I have been on and off the path since then, more on than off I'd venture to say.

But since last year, I can honestly say this has been my year of health and fitness. The year I made health and fitness a priority in my busy life, and although sometimes this brings sadness when goals are not met or progress hasn't come as quickly as I'd like-- it has brought more happiness and a big sense of self pride I never knew before.

I have two bootcamps to teach this week, helping my dad all day at work one day, my birthday and the midnight showing of the Twilight series (holla!) this week. Lots of funs, lots of reasons to celebrate and I am not going to miss out on any of it! I can't waite for all of it. I will train hard, I will enjoy the company of friends and family and I will eat what I feel like eating. Then I will get back on track-- nourishing and fueling my body the way it needs to be taken care of.

It is just so great to be excited to get to the gym and train, and Wednesday the big birthday is "leg trashing" day according to Big Jon. Happy Birthday to me and my legs. I.can't.waite.

There is no time like now, to become the best we can be. No time like now to look around and thank the Lord above for all that we have been blessed with. No time like now to take care of the body the Lord loaned us. So the question is not when, but it is how.

How are you going to take care of your body, you have been loaned, today?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thoughts to chew on

Recently I have been asked a few questions that I thought were very thought provoking. As a person who is concerned about my healthy and appearance it is interesting to really delve into these and think about my true answers. Feel free to share what your thoughts are too, I would love it!

First of all,
If you were a naturally "thin" person. Would you eat good, healthy food and exercise as much as you do now.
*I am not naturally a thin person, by the standard set by the media and other influences. Although according to the BMI chart, I am just barely squeezing into the healthy range. Which is interesting to me even there, that at (I am guessing) 14% body fat and 137 lbs (This morning) I am almost to the overweight catergory. Really? I don't know about that, the BMI chart is a whole other question for another day.
Anyway, according to what is on tv I am not a thin person -naturally so I have to religiously excercise good nutrition and exercise habits to maintain my frame, which I still religiously complain about. I do venture to think that if I were naturally skinny, I would eat worse than I do now, (I love me some processed junk food people) and I would exercise possibly half as much as I do now.

A friend of my dad's said "I remember seeing you all those times as your grew up and never once thought you were fat, though, I don't remember thinking you were skinny either. And not skinny is not the same as thin"
*This is very true. I do believe as an "average" girl I feel a little medioce. If that makes sense. Like, I am just a girl. Not "that skinny girl" or that "heavy girl." Maybe some would feel like that was a compliment, and while I know it was meant that way, it makes me feel mediocre in yet one other area of my life. If I could work a little harder, I could be that "skinny" girl.

Is the appreciation of your physique more important when coming from the same sex or the opposite?
*This was very provoking for me, an almost 26 year old wife and mom. I think both mean a lot to me. A guy turning to appreciate my look is a ego boost, as if "I am still pretty, or I am still more than "just" a mom or wife." But a females appreciation of my body is a big ego boost in another noncompetitive way. That we are on the same team, and she notices that I look good, even more appreciated when it is known how hard I work to look the way I do look.

Which brings me to the point that when or if anyone ever says "but it's easy for you" or that "if I only had as much time as you do"-- I get extremely annoyed. Being commited to showing up to the gym after you had to turn around and pick up your bag because you forgot it, or get up at 5 am because the kids are sick and daycare isn't an option, or going even when I feel sick is not ever easy-- but it is what one does when they are commited to exercise and giving themselves the time they deserve to improve their strength and condition. And being a stay at home mom would to some seem like I have loads of time on my hands, but I assure you between a husband, kids, preschool, church and all the responsibilities and jobs that come with those things, I do not ever have an excess of time on my hands. I learn to prioritze just like everyone else does.

In this world of beautiful, air brushed women on covers of every magazine and on every tv commercial it is interesting to me that we all are really truly striving to look that way, that we as a culture have accepted them to be the "normal" when in actuality the way they look isn't even the way they really look. It is infuriating in a lot of ways. Motivating to try to get there, to their amazing perfection-- but almost literally impossible. Even the thinnest, best looking, buffest person is almost always air brushed on an advertisement. And we as the real "normal" people of America are making ourselves sick over trying to achieve this "ideal." It is important to remember that mental health is as important is physical health and we must be very careful not to teeter too close to the edge of striving for unrealistic expectations for the "normal population" of people in the world.
(And we must also remember that most of the people we see on tv, in ads etc are making their livings looking the way they look. They pay their bills that way, we should not expect to look the way they look on the fact that we are not relying on our physiques or appearances to make or break our bank account for the month).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy November

Today a beautiful, cold day in November I was so happy as I climbed those stairs at the gym for 30 minutes.

Why you might wonder? Why would one seemingly normal girl be so happy on a stair climber for 30 minutes?

It wasn't the stairs making me smile I'll tell you that! Speaking of that, you should know that although I am happy I am capable of actually performing on the stair mill, I do not enjoy walking/jogging up stairs for 30 minutes. It is just part of life that must be done.

Anyway, I was so happy today because the gym was PACKED.

Do you know what that means? That people are working out, that they are exercising NOW instead of waiting until January like a lot of others. I am so happy! Bootcamp has been BUSY! 12 to 15 people a night, and it is so great! There is never a time like RIGHT NOW to exercise and take control of your health.

So keep making this crazy girl smile on the stair climber, so other people can continue wondering why I have that crazy grin on my face.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So the past month has been a journey. I look back to the 2 months of intense (for me) prep and think, "it really wasn't very hard at all." But then I remember back to how much I hated it and wanted it to be over when I was in the moment.

Isn't that just how life goes? That in the moment it seems like whatever it is, is SO hard, SO time consuming, SO horrible but later you think to yourself that it wasn't so hard, that it didn't take that much time, or that it was actually easy?

I think trials in life are like that. That they are more than we can handle at the given time, but later we feel bigger, better, stronger for going through the experience?

Well, Big Jon was a trial for me in himself. haha.

I realize now how much he taught me about lots of things. Food, exercise, planning, and my physique.

First of all, food. I always thought that I could achieve this figure that I wanted if I didn't eat "bad" food. But the reality is, that even "good" or "clean" food still has calories and a lot of time, more calories than a regular ol "bad" food. What Jon taught me is that if I eat certain "good" foods, and cheat one time a week-- I can have the figure I want. If I dabble in "bad" foods throughout the week, all week long, I can not have the figure I always wanted and the fat will creep back on.

Exercise. I thought go hard or go home. Negative boss. Intervals, and slow and steady fasted cardio. Really? I can't go as hard on fasted cardio, well-- that's ok because if I am fasted from the night before and didn't eat carbs late, I go to fat burning. So I can feel good about 20 or 30 minutes of lower impact intervals as soon as I roll out of bed in the morning-- because I am burning my fat!! Who doesn't want to burn fat?! And building muscle, lifting weights-- I used to speed through my workouts moving as quickly and efficiently as I could, but he would tell me "lifting is to build muscle, not lose fat-- so if you can speed through you aren't lifting heavy enough".

Planning. Jon is big about planning your food, having a plan so that you can avoid temptations (sitting out of events if it is too much stress, not feeding the kids ice cream because it tempts me... I belive he said one time-- "what wrong with broccoli for a kid" lol. I still laugh at it. But guess what? My kids are eating broccoli, and they also don't usually get a meal without a small serving of fruit and veggie with it. He also says "Stick to the plan all week, and then cheat with WHATEVER you want one time a week." And he really meant whatever, I would tell him what I had (and I wouldn't leave anything out) and he would say good, did you enjoy it? However Big Jon taught me to relax a little in other ways, that really no one else could...

I schedule my days weeks ahead of time, if I can do it a month ahead I am even happier. But that just didn't work for Jon. And because I wanted/needed/paid for his help, I had to do some things-- his way. Which meant that sometimes I didn't know what day I was going to train until 2 days before, which did cause some anxiety, but it always worked out. And I always showed up, and he always showed up. And never, not once did I leave a workout thinking that he could have worked me harder, or I could have worked harder.

He also taught me that food is just food. Fuel. It doesn't have to me some big freaking firework occasion everytime you eat. If it is, it probably isn't fueling your body to look the way you want it to. He reminded me of something I read on a fitness guru's blog. "What is with every commercial acting like they are having an orgasm from eating their chocolate, cookie, or big mac?" haha that always keeps my laughing. But it's true-- is broccoli, brown rice, and chicken an orgasm in my mouth? Hell no it's not, but it makes my real orgasm better because it makes me look the way I want to look naked. (wow, that was TMI huh?)

I used to think personal trainers were a joke. And I still do think a lot are. Honestly, I have said it before and I will say it again. If I am in better shape then the trainer, I don't want to talk. I think about people coming to my bootcamp class, and how I want to be the most motivating person in the room. I want them to want to look like me. Not only does Jon talk the talk, but he walks the walk, and I like that. Him and his wife are the fitness industry, they don't just research it and tell others how to do it-- they do it. So, my opinion has changed of personal trainers and I will say that keeping yourself in check and on track, is easier when you have someone who is going to ask you once a week what the scale said, or how much you lifted, or if you got your cardio sessions in.

And there's no point lying to Big Jon. I am going to go see him tomorow morning and he is going to know I ate candy on halloween, because he knows about nutrition and how it affects the physique. He probably wont even ask, but I'll know he knows. Which is what has me 100% on track today!! My face is a little swollen, and my muscluar definition isn't quite as good as it should be, because of the water retention from sugar.

So, there you have it. Big Jon was one of my trails in life, but just like every other trial, I have come out better, smarter, stronger and happier for going through it. And I recommend, if you can, hiring a trial of your own, in Big Jon. The holidays are coming up, and I know you, you are like me-- you want to look good when you see your family for the first time in a year, and you want to be the hot wife attending that Christmas party with your husband.

As a good friend says, there is no reason to be sad about the way we look, if we are working to change it.

So, are you ready for the party? Are you ready for family pictures? It's true, we are what we eat, we feel like what we eat.

I say-- Bring on the family photos!!