Saturday, September 25, 2010

Womens Fitness Celebration

Woke up bright and early today, took my three year old (As of tomorow) and my mom over to the Women's Fitness Celebration. Beautiful, strong, amazing women everywhere.

It was empowering. Everyone together celebrating women, fitness and their health. What a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

We can be anything we want to be, we can look any way we want to look, and we can walk or run any race we want to. We can choose to be the person we want to be.

Gracie ran the last part of the race, she says she is "fast like you, mom!" And that is worth a million dollars, to share that part of my life with my growing girl.

What kind of example are we to our daughters, nieces, friends, cousins, grandkids? Who are you, what do you stand for, what do you celebrate?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Class!!!

I taught for an entire hour of cycling today!!!

I thought I was going to die people!

I was drenched in sweat (like literally my blue shirt was soaking wet!!) and I was LOVING it! AND there were 5 people in class. I was in heaven!! It was soooo much fun!

I get to teach next week all by myself for my last official training day, the real instructor is going to be in the audience and I am going to fly solo!!!!

I love teaching!!! It was amazing and fun and sooo cool!!!

Sooooo, come to class Thursday next week and let me work you over!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cyclin it Up

I taught for the third time yesterday. Cycling. I have taught only a few songs of each hour long class, but I am L.O.V.I.N.G it! I can't believe how much faster the class goes by when I am up front instructing. I love the sweat dripping, the yelling, the bossing people around, (haha I am getting more and more truthful in this blog aren't I?) pushing people to their limits, I love the learning. I am in l.o.v.e.

I have been so lucky, getting to work with some phenomenol women, all three are almost 20 years older than me, and each can kick my friggin butt at any class any day of the week. But they are teaching me, and I am soaking it in. I am getting stronger, more endurant and better all the time. I am meeting new people, encouraging new people and falling in love with my new lifestyle.

It isn't always easy. Someone asked me the other day if I ever want to just sleep in or stay home from the gym. ummmmm YAH I do! But, I sometimes worry that if I stop I wont start again. I always worry if I am focusing on the right things, starting up a weight loss business and learning to instruct classes while me kids are young, if I am putting more stress on them than I should be carting them back and forth to the gym day care. I wonder if I am being selfish while doing this- taking too much me time.

I don't know the answers. I pray that I am doing the right thing, that I have been put in the place that I have been put for reasons I don't always understand. I hope I am influencing people for the good, that I am motivating someone- somewhere. I hope that my kids are seeing the positive results of a healthy lifestyle, I pray they will want that for themselves. I hope my husband knows that I love him and I am trying to help-- financially, emotionally, and by working on myself, trying to improve me.

I pray that anyone who ever reads this post, this blog... that you know that I am in no way shape or form perfect. I never do anything perfect. I am a normal mom, a normal wife, a normal girl. I am trying to push myself, I am seeing what I can accomplish, I suck sometimes. I fall, I fall hard and eat pizza and eat ice cream and pop, I look in the mirror and say ugly things to myself. I look at other people and I think jealous thoughts, sometimes. I go to the gym and I wish I were laying in bed or watching soap operas. I do it all. I look in the mirror sometimes and think good prideful things. I am a roller coaster. I do it all, I am goood, I am bad and I can be ugly. But the one thing I can tell you for sure, is that I am doing my best, and I am learning, every day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Newest Me

We are all a work in progress right?! Well, this is the most recent me... the one that is constantly working, constantly striving to be the best I can be.

Thought you might like to see my stats:
lost 7 lbs
lost 1 inch on right thigh
lost 1 inch on waist
lost 1 inch on butt
lost .5 inches on arm

The older me

This is my "Real" before picture. The picture that started my whole weight loss/get healthy regimin. Christmas Eve 2009, I wanted to cry when I saw this picture. I never wanted to see another picture of myself like that AGAIN, and I pray, pray, pray I never will!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feelin Good

I am almost to the point of picture time again.

I feel ready. I am not perfect by any means, but I am feeling confident and happy in my results.

I had a few pictures taken this weekend with the family. It was the first time in my entire life I have seen myself in a photo and not thought I looked fat, or my arm was big, or my stomach was sticking out.

As the weight has come off, the muscle tone is improving and my confidence is gaining.

I am feeling like a new girl, and I like the way this new girl feels in my body.

Take Shape for Life, you are rocking my world!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is there some sort of rule?!

I jumped on the scale this morning, a bit apprehensive.... to see the lovely 132.4 number.

That was the best day I have had on the scale and I am excited!!!!!

Here is it noon, my husband is gone, my friends are busy, my extended family is busy and I am a bit bored on this Saturday afternoon.... and all I can think about is FOOODDDDD!!!

No, I am not hungry. No I am not hungry, no I am not hungry.

Yes I am bored, I am bored, I am bored, I am bored.

I want to eat bad food!!!! Even though I had a great day on the scale, and I am not hungry I want to eat bad food!!! Cereal, pizza, ice cream, brownies, french fries, you name it... I've been thinking about it.

I don't want to, but I want to... ya know?! What the heck. Where is the logic in that? I am happy the scale is moving down a little bit, I am happy with my fat dissipating and my muscle coming to the surface and I DO NOT want to sabotage myself.

But, why is all I can think about food?

Stupid busy people come back and entertain me!!!!

I promise I am going to try really hard to not sabotage myself and my weight today. I am going to give a full fledged effort to be a good girl, health coach, and example. But it ain't gonna be easy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Straight to the Thighs


I heard this on the radio and let out a chuckle for a good 5 minutes afterward.

"Chicken and fries goes stright to the thighs!"

then the DJ made the caller say "I'm__________, and I look good!" I duno what the point was... that's all I heard. But I think it's pretty great/hilarious.

So happy Labor Day weekend!!
I'm Teri, and I loook goooooooood!!! hahahahaha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I went on a girls' night last night to do a little shopping and watch the movie Eat, Pray Love. I didn't love the movie, but I loved parts of it. I loved the focus on finding balance in our lives. I feel like I have been a little bit "crazy" lately, figuring out how to be a health coach, a fitness instructor, a wife, mom, daughter and friend.
It hasn't all come together just yet. But the thing that I realized is that I really do L.O.V.E all these things I am, and am trying to become. They are things that are important to me, make me feel fulfilled, and make me feel like I am contributing to the world something positive.
As I was shopping and thinking I was happy with buying a pair of size 5/6 pants that fit, of course I still see my imprefections but as I looked at the big picture, the total package I am mostly happy with the reflection that I see in the mirror, and I am happy with the inner person that I am and the person I am trying to become-- the person that not everyone can clearly see.
With that, I am letting you know I have reached a weight I feel is sustainable, and suitable to my body and my lifestyle. I am bouncing between 132 and 135, and I feel like that is a good place for me to be right now. I probably still wont look as "perfect" as I might like in a 2 piece swim suit, but I feel as close to my perfect self I can be. My husband loves me, he loves my body and that is important to me, but I can truly now say I feel satisfied. I am going to enter maintenance mode of Take Shape for Life. I am a health coach, and I will continue coaching and helping as many people as I possibly can reach. I know that this program is G.R.E.A.T and can help anyone who is willing to put forth the energy and the time it takes to lose weight, and change their lifestyles to be their best, healthiest self.
For me, I feel balance right here, and right now. I hope that as you are striving to become your best self you are able to see and feel that balance in your lives as well. I hope that if I can help you in any way shape or form to become your best self, you will let me know-- and let me help you on your journey.