Thursday, March 31, 2011


It was so gorgeous here today! It was sunny and clear with just a cool breeze. I had the opportunity to run outside for the first time since last year! It felt soo good! I normally run 2 or 3 miles on the treddymill... (no that isn't a typo, my friend and I have nick named the treddymill-- teddy the treddy.)before I teach on Tuesday and Thursday, so I thought I would try it out today and get a feel for my outside pace.
I was pleasantly STOKED!!! I ran 2.3 miles in 20:43. If my math is correct that is aprozimately a pace of 8:15 per mile. By far faster than I have ever ran more than one mile at a time. I am really trying to increase my speed over the next month to prepare for the Race for the Cure May 7th. I want to finish in under 25 minutes, but really I would be in l.o.v.e if I could manage 24 minutes.
These two races coming up are compleltly different sets of goals and I really hope that I can accomplish what I am setting out to do. My half marathon time I want to beat by almost 10 minutes, I want to finish in under 2 hours. And I want to run like "my" wind in May between 24-25 minutes to finsh the 5k.
Had to report my progress because I am still so excited with my time!!

Food For Thought

Have you ever wondered what I eat? Ha, well probably not what I personally eat. But have you ever wondered what other people eat? I wonder all the time. I follow the getinshapegirls blog and I thought it was interesting to read what she ate for a day, or maybe it was a week I can't remember. She is training for a bikini fitness competition so she is lean and mean. I am just trying to build up muscle tone and minimize my fat. So we definitly eat differently. And for someone who is just focusing on losing weight, they too eat differently.

I have been keeping a food journal and I will record what I ate yesterday for you, as an example. I have been reading SO much information on health and fitness lately and one statistic that I just keep on seeing and seeing is this

Your weight is 80% nutrition, 10% working out, and 10% genetics.

So that means, we all really need to quit taking the weekends off. Me especially. I think there are 100 some days that equal the weekend per year, so 1/3rd of the year is spent taking a break from healthy eating. That does not do well for the weight loss/maintenance perspective. So I am trying, trying, trying (like I have been for the past year) to break for a meal not a day, and definitly not for a weekend! Because I am not dieting anymore, I am just living my new healthy life.

For a typical Wednesday my day look liked this!
We run errands on this day, grocery shopping, fill of with gas, story time, ballet for my princess in the evening, nap time is 2:00 ish for my little Bubba boy. So Wednesday's are my run run run day. Kids are up at 8 am, in time for me to make it to step class for the first time in a month.
I was ready for a fun workout so I rushed around and had a 8:15 am Medifast protien bar in the car on the way to the gym. home from gym, refuel 10:00 am 1/2 c old fashioned oats, 6 whole walnuts, 1/4 banana, cinnamon, packet of stevia, half glass skim milk (this is seriously my favorite meal ever right now!!) 1:15 Slice of whole grain bread with reduced fat shredd cheese and avocado (yumm so good too) and a protein shake on the way out the door to story time. 4:30 time to eat again, on the way to the bank.... I am going to be starving by time dinner so I eat another Medifast protein bar. I normally only eat these on the way to the gym, but I knew if I didn't get something quick and easy now.... I was going to be like a fat kid in a candy store when I got home to start dinner. 6pm chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat bread, sweet potato fries, raw veggies with a dallop of ranch, and few slices of mango (mangos sooo good right now, ripe and delicious!!!) and a chocolate covered pretzel. I have been limiting my sugars (ha remember when I was eliminating them? Ya, well that didn't work out so good for me, so limiting was a better idea) and that has been going really well. I have eliminated BLT's from my diet. Those bite licks and tastes add up for real yo!!
Had some friends over to watch a movie so I was up later than my 10pm usual, so when they left I had 5 whole grain crackers, 3 walnuts, and 5 or 6 dried cherries. I normally wouldnt eat that late but I knew I would never fall asleep with out it. Anyway, that is a typical busy day for me. I am not sure the calorie, protein, carb number... and I am entirely too lazy to figure it out. But I hit my major food groups, balanced whole grains with protein and felt satisfied all day long.

What is your typical day? What do you eat? What is your favorite healthy treat? 6

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Body is Like a Canvas

motivation is my brush I control every curve and make no excuses I turn heads and hold my head high I have no bad angles I am confident in every light I break limitations quitting is not an option. Now that is a serious piece of greatness there. It is an advertisment from Oxygen mag for some pre workout supplement --Super Pump Max. And whoever thought and wrote that little riddle definitly deserves a promotion. Those words are powerful. And while I, myself do not fit this riddle to the T. (I do not feel confident in every light, I prolly don't turn many heads- but I do control every curve, I do hold my head high, I have broken limitations and quitting is definitly not an option. I feel that this is really a piece of greatness. And it is a good reminder of what I am striving to be. Confident in the person I see in the mirror. Not because of my "looks" but because of the way I feel inside. Strong, powerful, and inspired to be my best. It is a good reminder of how I control what my body looks like too, by the food I eat. I can choose to feed it crap (processed, high calorie, high fat foods that make it fat) or I can feed it nourishing healthy foods that make it firm and healthy. I can not blame anyone or any one thing for the curves or any of the jiggle. It is purely based on how I nourish it, and how I work it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Your Goal?

Do you have it written on paper? Somewhere you can see it?

Here is a little food for thought....

"If it doesn't take you closer to your goal, it takes you further away."

How's that for black and white baby?! Sometimes the truth hurts.... and this my friends is the truth.

That little piece of geniusness has my wheels in my head turning. What does it make you think about? What does it make you willing to change?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oxygen Staff Blog: Tell me about your success!

Oxygen Staff Blog: Tell me about your success!: "One of the perks of my job here at Oxygen involves connecting with readers who have made healthy lifestyle transformations and bringing you ..."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Workin it with the Hubs

My hubby and I hit the gym this morning together for the first time in a while. We always workout at my class together I guess... but that has a little different feel than actually lifting weights on our own and not teaching or showing others how to do it.

We didn't really work out together that much, but in the same area and I followed his moves quite a bit. I thought it was pretty fun. And he is incredibly sexy... especially when he is doing pull ups. I mean the man can pull all 215 pounds of himself up and down for what seems like hours. I have never seen anyone, ever, do pull ups like him. Perfect form. He is a picture for a workout video I tell you. And then he helped me to some military presses, and I don't know why but I thought it was pretty hot. He is a handsome husband that's for sure.

I lifted heavy weights today. For the first time, like ever I think. I have always been a bit intimitated by heavy. I always do a bearable weight for like 50 reps of everything. I have been scared of building up, looking like a man. Have you ever worried about that? Well, rest assured-- you wont. I was just reading several articles about why women need to stop worrying about that and lift weights. We don't have enough testosterone in our bodies (like men do) do bulk up. That was enough for me. I believe it, it makes sense. And I do know that the more muscle I have, the more calories I burn through out the day at just a resting rate. So I have always loved lifting, just the heavy weights is new to me. I found a new blog of a girl in Boston. She is training for a bikini competition and is super knowledgeable. Check it out if you want. I think it Or google it, it is something like that. I have corresponded with her a couple times and she seems very cool, very knowledgeable and is motivating me to push a little harder.

In other news, I am ready to sign up for the Race for the Cure May 7th. I want to run it. Not like jog it, but RuN it. Like as in push myself to run this the fastest I have ever run. I think my goal today is for the 5k is 25 minutes. That is about an 8 minute mile and that is going to be booking it for me. I am excited. I feel extreme pride in this cause, for breast cancer awareness. I do not know why specifically, but I definitly feel my heart gravitate to events that promote awareness and finding a cure. I feel like I need to do even a tiny part (a 25$ entry fee, and pushing myself to achieve a goal) to support finding a cure for a disease that has taken way too many women; too many moms, grandmas, sisters, aunts, cousins-- much too soon. My heart goes out to people affected by this ugly disease. I want them to feel my love and support for their cause.

I had a whole epiphany on a post in regards to this cause, while I was running 6 miles of course. How it is going to make me famous because I am going to write my deep thoughts and feelings and compose it into a small piece of geniusness to include in a Sunday news paper, or a pamphlet to promote the Race for the Cure. It probably wont happen, but like I have said before I get pretty "Deep" while I am running, and right now it is a fire in the back of my brain... time will tell if the flame burns out or turns into a crazy bonfire in the next few months. Who knows what I am really capable of? Who really knows what we are all capable of.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oxygen Magazine's Trainer Talk with Kim Lyons: Do you treat your car better then your body?

Oxygen Magazine's Trainer Talk with Kim Lyons: Do you treat your car better then your body?: "Hi Everyone! I'm on the hunt for a new car! I'm not giving up my super fun Porsche, but Gunter and I need a 'family' car so we are looking..."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Runner's Mind

So I got on the scale last night before bed and it said 133.1 after a whole day of eating. I was estatic! You know what I did yesterday, different than what I have been doing everyday since about.... oh, January ish?

I ran a long run. I ran 6.2 miles in 60 minutes.

I got my new Runners World magazine yesterday and felt the itch to run again. To really run. Not just dabble with 3 milers here and there... but run for distance, run for time. I decided I'd head to the gym and run for 60 minutes. I told myself I didn't care how far or how fast, but I would not stop running for 60 minutes. And then my adreneline kicked in, endorphins flew and I started going faster, faster and faster.

I miss running. I miss the way my head feels, the way my heart feels. I absolutly love the way I think about how far I have come, things I can do. I truly feel empowered when I run. Because it is hard for me. Because once upon a time I was the kid who cried on track day in elementary, middle and junior high. Because I was the chubby girl who could not run, at all, let alone fast. I was humiliated. I wanted to die those days.

I am a new person, not because of the way I look on the outside, but because of the goals I have achieved. Because of the hard things I have accomplished. Because of the way I feel inside, I am a new person, a beautiful person.

I watched an inspiring video yesterday about a dad who ran 2 marathons and the iron man triathalon with his son. His son who can not move on his own. That father pushed his son in a wheel chair, swam with a boat strapped behind him, and cycled with a seat in front of him. I was inspired. I was speechless. As I ran I thought to myself, that we as living, able bodied people have no excuse for not pushing out bodies to do the hard things in life. I remember when I was pregnant with my first baby and literally could do nothing more than walk a short distance. I couldn't waite to run again. I couldn't waite to become a runner. I think about the people who will never be capable of having a child, of watching their little one go to preschool, or a school dance, or get married. Who am I to take advantage of the fact that I can. To feel entitled to not eat healthy to not exercise... which I know increases my odds of getting cancer, or heart disease, or whatever else is out there.

I owe it to these people who have passed before me. Who can not walk, who can not run. I owe it to them to push my body and to cease the moment of being capable of raising my family and being the best person I can be, the most beautiful person I can be... inside and out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

300 calories

As I was logging a quick 3 miles last night before I went into teach Bootcamp I was thinking about the food I eat. The choices I make.

I burn roughly 300 calories running 3 miles. And I burnt around 500 teaching last night. That is sorta a hard core workout for me. I mean, it's a lot.

How quickly do you eat the calories you burn?

An apple has 90 calories
Most healthy Subway sandwiches have 300
330 in one slice of pizza (who eats one?)
200 in a original glazed doughnut
110 in plain ol oatmeal
540 in a big Mac
380 in a medium french fry
600 in a small blizzard
230 in a cup of avocado
200 in a plain cupcake (which means that my two bites of cake last night were prolly like 100 calories... for 2 bite!?! holy crap prolly not worth it!!!)

anyways, just some random thoughts on how I refuel my body after I workout. Is one slice of pizza really worth having to run another friggin 3 miles? Or is a blizzard worth 6 miles?!

I guess it depends on the day.

What is it worth it to you?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6 out of 8

I have cheated twice now on my no sugar monthly escapade.

and I will prolly cheat again on Saturday. It's food day at our crazy one day sale. And I prolly wont be able to leave for lunch and I will prolly eat a few sugary things.

I feel ok about it.

I can cheat a little. A few times out of the month shouldn't throw me off too far.

Just thought I'd fess up in advance this time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I used to be Catholic...

and I think that is where I learned to be afraid of not confessing.

so sorry

i had some angel food cake last night. with whipped cream and berries. if i was gonna cheat that seems like a pretty ok way to do it.

just so ya know. i fell off the bandwagon for a minute or two last night, but was back up and running today.

i even resisted those darned ol girl scout cookies. stupid girlscouts. makin america fatter one delightful cookie at a time. i could buy a box and save em til april. but i highly doubt i would actually do that so i better just stay away from those naughty little girls.

Friday, March 4, 2011


boring gym workout this morning at 430.

that scale needed a little more time to reccoperate from last night's workout because my eating has been ON FIRE.

I forgive you scale. You will do better for me next time. :o)

I am a little bored with my workouts... i really want to get back to step class on Mon Wed and Friday. It is the one workout besides my boot camp of course that is fun. I need some step action monday morning.

in other news. I went to the dmv yesterday to renew my drivers license. and when the little man asked me my weight, i said 130, 5 pounds lighter than it said 5 years ago. and this time it was even true... well almost... i guess i lied by 1.7 lbs but i feel good about it. next week i shall weigh 130 and i will for the first time in my life not be called a liar by a police man who may or may not be hot sexy and pull me over for speeding. which i have stopped doing by the way. I am a law abiding citizen to the T these days, promise :o)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

pump it!!!

Rockin boot camp class tonight!!!!! I love my bootcampers!! They just keep on comin back for more and I l.o.v.e it!!!

Wooohooo I was drenched in sweat. In the words of a famous coach I had... "Whoever said girls glisten did not know me." Amen sista!! My shirt was soaked.

Isn't that funny how at one point in life I was embarrassed if I sweat. And now, I am genuinely irritated if I have left the gym and my clothes aren't soaking?!

Ya, times sure do change.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Love Freddy

Freddy Meyers that is!!

Ok, so really I don't like it. It is too expensive for most things. Unless you really know your price comparisons I would not recommend shopping there for normal stuff. But they have these amazing isles in the back of the produce called natural/whole grain/organic funness.

I got a few new things to try this week for my clean eating/take shape situation. Quinoa, fresh almond butter (ohhhhhh soooo delightful), whole wheat crackers, whole wheat english muffins, hummus, and some feta cheese. I have a recipe for some Mediterranean pasta and the feta is for that. But it seems like a lot of clean recipes call for it.

I figure I can try a few new things each week.

Today is day 2 of my not eating sugar. So, to clarify. I am eating fruit, or sweetened flavored things like a blueberry rice cake. But I am not eating cake, cookies, or candy (holy crap this is a test for me cuz I really like me some candy!!!) Even though I only eat those things in moderation typically, I feel like I owe it to my abdominal muscles to try and cut them out for 30 days. The month of March. Combine Take Shape (the method that is true and tested for my body) combined with cleaner eating and working out like I love... and I think I can make things happen for this body of mine.

I owe myself inside and outside the pleasure of making the sacrifices I need to, to get to the next level in my atheltic abilities. I am ready to make the commitment. Today is day 2 and I know this is going to work. I can't waite to see the progress.