Monday, April 30, 2012

17 lbs

JF you are my winner!! Congrats on losing 17 lbs and almost 10% of your body weight in ONE MONTH!!

Wow what an accomplishment! Everyone else did so well, two people lost over 5% of their body weight!! That is serisously, awesome friends.

JF you are $50 richer!

Friends, if you are thinking about doing the challenge for May, I encourage you to do it whether you have a lot to lose or not... what is 25$ when you have someone, a group of people, actually-- to be accountable to every single week?! I think it is a great way to stay motivated and feed off one another's intensity. People lose weight better, together-- so let's be eachothers support system!!

Text, email or facebook me if you are ready to start May, tomorrow! Thanks again everyone who participated and worked their bootys off in April!! I'm proud and excited for you!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Show Time Baby!

I couldn't sleep I was too excited and scared I would forget something from such a magical day... bMy daddy and step mom left me flowers at the house for when I came home and the famous quote from the best dad ever was "No mountain too big for my girl..." I feel like I ran a mountain and am Rocky Baloboaing it for atleast the next 2 days.
My morning started off differently than any other morning over the past 15 weeks. I woke  at 7 am, ate and then actually climbed back in bed for an hour-- waiting to eat my rice cake I had been missing since February. My breakfast ended up being 1 whole cup of oatmeal with brown sugar and 5 egg whites. That oatmeal was seriously, heaven in my mouth the sweetness of it... ahh, I can not explain how good it was. I got a rice cake on the hour with peanut butter on it, for the next two hours and then got showered and dried off (no lotion or deoderant because of the tan I'd be getting applied soon... NASTY!) I told my family I was hoping I could put deoderant on after then tan because my arm pits all ready stunk! Nope, no such luck. I just had to smell my own funk for the next 12 hours... but-- I will say my funk was much less nasty than some of the other chicks funk back stage. haha SICK!
I asked my little bug to flex with me before I left for the day, I was sad that my babies didn't get to see me on stage, but I wasn't about to pay $30 to have them up and down and up and down and one of my parents not get to watch because of it.
Bubbies was happy to go to see his cousin and they got to eat McDonalds and watch Rio while Mommy was up strutting her stuff on stage.

Quick snap of me before I headed to the tanning place and to meet up with the other girls.
Amanda, Me and Jennifer all became fast friends prepping for our shows this year together. Amanda and I got to eat our lunch together too-- a half sandwich and a small bag of chips. It was heaven! Only our 4th thing to eat for the day, still no water except the 4 oz we had with breakfast... but we cherished every moment of that lunch!

We had one round of spray tan, and then waited in a chilled waiting room visiting for 2 hours, until our next coat of spray tan could be applied. So the lady at Sun Envy was super nice and had the place set up super calm for us. I had to stand buck naked in front of her, and she just sprayed me with this little air brush type gun. It was super easy and she did a great job. I actually didn't feel too orange, I loved my tan and was sad to watch it wash down the drain the night after the show. 
We started getting ready in the dressing room at about 3:30, then went to officially check in at 3:45. This is when I saw ALL the other girls, it was like insane. Around 50 or so women all mostly done up all ready and I was bare faced and no hair done. At that moment I was like holy crap and started getting a bit intimidated. Shawna grabbed my face and said "Stop looking around, look up! We don't care about anyone but you." That helped. Everyone was super nice and Shawna helped make me beautiful... and I truly did feel gorgeous.
After months of pony tails, sweaty face, no make up, and sweat pants this night of being glam and gorgeous was worth a million dollars. I felt stunning. Looking back at the pictures I think how blessed I am...
All done up getting ready for the competitor meeting.
Before pre judging we were getting ready to go out and I found out I was in the 4th round of girls to go out. So, I just had to chill and watch everyone for an hour maybe. I was still not allowed to eat anything until about 20 minutes before I got on stage, I got a rice cake with jelly and I hadn't eaten since 1, so it was heaven and yummy and I wanted more... but I wasn't about to screw with Big Jon's science. I ended up getting a small handfull of skittles before I went on stage too.

I could not believe what other girls were eating. I saw snickers, trail mix, fruit, some were drinking water, others were eating other chocolate. I am amazed at how differently people do things, but, I think Big Jon's way is best. And I was super glad I had him and Shawna directing me. I can not begin to imagine if I had been back stage alone for my first experience. Just having the 4 other girls made everything five times more fun I think. I was in group B, and looking back on it now-- I wish I would have signed up for the novice division because that is the group of girls who were doing this as their first ever show. I think I might have placed better had I been in that group-- but I still would have been just as nervous to be on stage.
Allison, Jana, Shawna, Me and Amanda back stage. I can not say enough how much these girls and the two others have meant to me in training for this. I truly feel like my experience was so much better because I had them to share the joy and the crap with. We built each other up and picked each other up off the floor when times were hard-- and there definitely were hard times for each of us. 

I think all of us lack confidence in ourselves, where a lot of the other girls had a serious over abundance of it. I was amazed at the women who were stepping on stage, who in my humble opinion did not have business doing so. We each were pretty hard on ourselves, but in looking at a lot of the other competitors we not only belonged on that stage-- we sorta owned it too.
Amanda look at those abs!!!
Jana and Amanda
We know we spent the time we were supposed to on the stair mill is all I got to say.

Big Jon is famous for "high and tight" which is why his girls are only allowed to walk on an incline or climb stairs. I for one, am grateful he knows what the hell he is talking about, because we TRULY had the best bootys. That is one thing I can say with confidence. Our butts are amazing.

This is Big Jon's famous pose-- that we look pretty amazing doing.
After pre judging waiting to go for the final show part... hungry and super thirsty at this point... I think I might have been getting a bit feisty too because I still couldn't eat or drink anything and the other girls were downing food and water like crazy. (Not our girls, the other competitors)

So at the final show part, they called all 7 of us back out and then took us off the stage and called back out only the top 5. I didn't get called back out, and I was ok with that. As I was on stage I felt like I wasn't even knowing what was going on. I was just walking from side to side, trying to hit my poses. I forgot to put vaseline on my teeth and I wish I would have because I could not hold my dang smile. My mouth was shaking, and I kept trying to just hold a closed mouth smile, alternating to open mouthed. I hope I didn't look too ridiculous. I felt like I did a good job at posing except for my individual back pose I messed up. Seeing pictures of me on stage I felt like I looked really good though. 

As I left the stage I went and grabbed a cookie, drank half a bottle of water a swig of powerade and went to grab my man to take a few pictures before I changed.

I really did feel like a million dollars. I felt strong, I felt accomplished, I felt beautiful, I felt confident. I was happy. I thought that every single drop of sweat, every juggling act, every tired day was worth it as I got up on that stage and presented my package. Looking back, I think I should have looked at the judges more, I should have smiled more but that is all I can say I wish I would have done differently.
I had several friends and family members come support me but these two, Jessie and Courtney are the only two that were still there after to get a picture with. I am seriously overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people who have helped to push me through this journey.
We finished the night with blue corn tacos, chips and salsa and a few diet cokes. It was so yummy and I didn't even get sick. I was so hungry!

I tried to go to sleep with all my might but I was so jacked and excited from the night that I couldn't rest. I didn't want to forget anything it truly felt magical. I think back to other big accomplishments I have had in life, graduation, marriage, children, new jobs... but this one, this one was different.

I did this. I did it with help and guidance and cheer leaders-- but I did this. I sculpted my body into something so far from what it has ever been. I feel such tremendous pride in the journey that got me to that stage. I can't even believe it is me. I can't even believe that it is possible to change your body the way I changed mine. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. It is possible with hard work and the refusal to fail. It took me two prep times to accomplish this, but I DID IT! And I was so proud and so excited.

I came up to upload all my pics and that is when I realized that I did place 7th, out of 7 girls. I was a little sad, thinking I was the worst. Although I knew that would be a possibility. A new blog will come out on that because I don't want anyone to be confused on the way I felt about how I looked and felt with the way I placed.

The way I looked and felt was absolutly amazing and absolutly worth every hour of preparation. I can see how this could become addictive, wanting to improve and better your physique with each prep and show.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Show's Eve

Today was a good restful day. All the usual things were accomplished and I got a new book at the library to help pass time as I relaxed and the kids watched Clifford for the 30 millionth time. I finished my four gross meals--#1 of chicken and asparagus, then tilapia and asparagus, oh, yep back to chicken and asparagus, then last but not least # 4-- fish and asparagus again was under my belt at 4 pm.

I went and tried on my suit for Jon at 4:30. The suit fits perfectly nothing bunching or crunching. Today my friends, I look very tiny and very ripped as a tiny petite girl. (Have I mentioned that I am surprised that my shoulder caps aren't bigger? I love shoulder caps, so I have always worked them hard, but also... in my chubbier years I always felt like I had wide shoulders... well turns out, I did. I had a wide layer of fat on top of my shoulders because today I am at the realization that I am a really petite person underneath all that body fat I had).

Anyway, all looked "fine" (hehe) to Jon. Actually he used the word "good" for the second time I think. I practiced my posing real quick and he sent me on my way with the rest of my meal plan and the warning to "absolutely positively, not get full on anything I eat tomorrow before the show." We don't want my stomach bulging out. So I am entitled to 1 cup of oats in the morning, but if I am half way done and feel full-- I am ordered to stop right then in there in the name of the LAW! I do not think this will be an issue, but weirder things have happened I guess.

I am meeting Shawna and Amanda at the tanning salon in the morning and then we are all going to get ready at either Amanda's or straight over at the school-- time depending. You'd think this would make me very very nervous, my type A'ness and all... but I am literally so laid back about the day tomorrow I am not worried. It will all fall into place.

A friend asked me tonight if I felt ready. And I honestly do. I honestly have the goal in mind that I will not take last place, but that if I do, I will be ok. I could not have lifted harder, done stairs more effectively, or cheated less. I literally put my all into it and looking back there is nothing I can say I wish I'd done different. I simply did my best every day that I possibly could and the results are great. I feel like I look great. My stretch marks and a bit of saggy skin is still there, but with a hint of luck that tan and my amazing posing skills are going to hide it enough that it isn't going to set me back-- BUT, if it does... those are my marks of warrior hood and I wouldn't change them for my two sweet angels for anything in the entire world.

I baked my husbands team some yummy pull apart gooey mess last night before he left for work. It wasn't hard at all, originally I had planned to make it Saturday to thank them for covering for my man while he's at home helping me-- but I felt strong yesterday so I made it with out the slightest temptation for a sample. Something about knowing the refrigerator is wide open in 48 hours does that to a girl I guess. I baked some home made granola today, for me! It looks so so yummy and it is in a nice ziplock bag on the counter waiting for breakfast Saturday morning. I don't allow myself to EVER make it in real life, because it is so good that I want to eat it all in one sitting... so this is going to be a yummy treat Saturday morning with or chorizo and gooey egg party. My kids will be with their grandparents so my love muffin and I get all Friday evening and most of the day Saturday to actually enjoy time together, for the first time in a while. I can't wait to go back to the show Saturday morning and watch our bikini girl- Jen compete. And I think husband will like to see the other categories of bodybuilding too.

My bags are packed, I need to throw a pillow and a blanket in and I am all ready to leave the house at 10:30 am tomorrow. I have my food in tow and, oh, I still have to make my half sandwich for lunch at 1 tomorrow, but that is it. Everything else is packed and ready to go. We will put the kids to bed at 8 pm and then I am enlisting my husbands help to shave my whole body... yes, you read right... whole body-- shoulders, back, stomach, arms, legs, all of it has to go. I will slather the lotion, pop a benadryll and melatonin and pray that I can sleep (the past two nights sleep has been AWFUL, but that could be contributed to the fact husband just started nights again and I am not used to sleeping alone). 7 am is my breakfast call and then it is on like donkey kong. I am so ready, so so ready. I am visualizing my calm, cool and collectedness on the stage-- how easily I walk in 5 inch heels with my "booty out" and how my smile looks at each and every stop for posing. I am ready. Bring on the show baby!

Ill try to update a few pics as the day goes by tomorrow on face book, but everyone and their dog has warned me I'll be too busy-- so if I can I will snap quick shots with my phone and upload, but if not Ill recap this weekend! Thanks for wishing me luck, oh and the venue doesn't take debit cards so bring 15 cash if you are coming! BYE friends!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hump Day

I am not even going to lie....

today was one of those days, where things just work. I love those days, don't you?!

Yes I had to eat 3 tilapia meals, 2 chicken meals and 1 egg meal all with sides of asparagus, yes the scale was 122.3 this morning, which was higher than I was wanting........


Today my kids were great. Loving, fun, happy... I was loving, fun happy. I finished both workouts and it felt a little weird at the end... as if I just finished a tremendous finish line of the longest race of my life. Where I learned more about myself and my goals and my true desires than I ever have before, yet the finish line wasn't there. I still have two days to march through that finish tape and the closer it gets the more I feel so ready.

I had my fitness photo shoot tonight first before the other girls. I invited my husband to come because he has always been in incredible shape and I wont lie-- I am extremely proud of that. I am even more proud of the fact that I feel like I have the body now he has always deserved for me to have. So we had a really great photographer and the pictures that he showed me, I am in love with. I can't wait to get them back. He got some of us doing bicep curls together and some just standing. A lot of me, and some of each of us doing pull ups which is as bad ass as they come in my book. Husband has always gotten admiration from me for the amount and the amazing form that he has mastered pull ups with, but today my friends-- I can also do pull ups and I feel like a rock star. I busted out 5 underhand, then 3 more, then 2 more and I felt really strong, brave and capable. I can't wait to see those pictures most of all. They signify the new me in this new body so different from the old girl who was over weight and un happy.

I got my meal plan for the next two days!! I can not begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air it was that I only have to eat tilapia twice tomorow, because I had it in my mind I was eating it for every meal. PHEW! What a relief. I am eating every two hours and in the evening I get yam, oatmeal, then yam again! I can not wait. I also got meal plan for Friday and it is so much MORE food than I anticipated, so again I am just a happy content girl.

I started packing my bag tonight for Friday. I have to be to Eagle by 11 am for my spray tan and I want to be ready for anything and everything and be able to enjoy the moment, because I know it is going to feel like a blink of an eye and all this is going to be over. As much as I have been ready for it to end so I can just get back to regular ol life, I know I am going to feel a little empty and sad when it is all over. The girls I train with are just so so nice, I couldn't be more thankful for them and all the support we have been able to be to each other. It has been incredible to watch each of them transform and I can't wait to rock the stage with all of them!

So, manana it is take my bug to school first thing. Bubbies and I will go get my groceries for the next two days and then it is home to chillax for the entire day until I have to go show Jon and Shawna what I look like for the day. Sleep and then it will be SHOW TIME BABY!

Thanks to all my cheer leaders texting, facebooking and commenting on my posts! I am really so thankful for all of you, I feel like we will all be walking on that stage-- I wouldn't be here with out you. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for being on my journey with me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I keep not really "getting" anymore if I am this # out, or that # out because one day I count Friday the next I don't. And I am losing carbs and water as we speak, so for now my titles shall be the day of the week. Easier for me to remember... hehe

I woke up every friggin 30 minutes last night to pee. No lie. I took 3 melatonin since my sleeping has been sparing as of late anyway, but the pee factor was enough to wake me up every 30 minutes. I drank 300 ounces of water yesterday! I totally had a b.m last night and a bit this morning so that was great news. I prayed all night all night all night that I would be where I needed to be this morning to keep my oatmeal, but at 1030 when I turned in I was 128.6 lbs, I knew getting to 122 was gonna be almost impossible. But I also have relied on the Lord for much of the last two weeks and put it in his hands, that I would be able to handle whatever this morning brought.

a bowel movement
123.1 lbs

So, plan is like this... I got my oats taken (if you know me, you know I L-O-V-E oats), I got my water cut dramatically, I got MORE tilapia added to my diet, one egg white meal taken, and more asparagus. So what this equates to is protein and asparagus at every meal. I also had to pick up a legal diuretic to help my body shed this water weight.

I got on my teddy the treddy this morning and I got all those answers by text from Jon and you know what? I didn't even bat an eyelash. I don't care. The tilapia tastes like a$$, yes. There is a lot more of it, yes. I miss my oats, yes. I am thirsty, yes. BUT, it is TUESDAY and my show is on FRIDAY. I actually felt giddy as I got my new plan this morning, I thought to myself "this is where discipline and dedication come in." I even SMILED. I know I am gonna look better than I have ever looked on Friday and because I am willing to make the sacrifices for the next 2 or (is it 3) days.

Game on baby!!! It's go time, aint nothin gonna hold momma down.

Cardio done, so I went tanning and then headed to to my nail appointment and although it was pretty painful for me to SIT still for 2 hours straight for that, I love how they look.

I spend most all of my time in sweats, and I am usually sweaty from a morning workout or an afternoon workout-- or from not showering in between because honestly, there is just only so much time in the day.
I forgot to share a picture of my new do from Shawna.... love her by the way and LOVE my hair so so much!
So today, I came home from my afternoon cardio and got showered. I decided to attempt my hair (as in attempt what it'll look like for photo shoot and show night), but am leaving my face clear of any make up til tomorow night for my photo shoot. (my face is on acne over load right now!!! ahhh!!!) My hair looks good. I tried to add a lot more body and poof to the top and I am really really debating stopping at Shawna's and asking her to chop my side bangs shorter.... I think they'd be cuter for the show.... but who knows I can't decide.

Anyway, this is the fun glitzy glamy part of the show that everyone sees and enjoys... the sweat and the months of preparation that lead to this are what make us ready and able to get the nails, hair and make up done. I won't lie. I am enjoying this part very much.

I even had more gusto on the stair mill feeling a bit cuter with my nails done today.

Tonight is our last posing session, and tomorrow I have 60 minutes of cardio in the morning, a 20 minute upper body circuit and then 60 minutes of stairs to finish my day and the chapter of training for my first figure show. I am going to be adding up the minutes of cardio I have done since January because, yes, I have kept track on my calendar and I am curious. Side note, an hour on the stair mill goes by so fast these days... it's like my old 20 minutes now. No biggie.

I guess that's it for today. Husband heads to his first night shift tonight, he works after our photo shoot tomorrow night and then Thursday is here and it is time to just chill and wait for Friday and the enjoyment, rush, and craziness that will be here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

4 days

I had an amazeballs of a day. Seriously, woke up late... cardio late... had energy got some work done around the house. My man was home and helped me with the kiddos, cleaned my car. It really was a great day. I feel like I look good... although I was a little discouraged to see that my weight had gone up from 122 to 123.6.

Didn't think too much of it, because I am not "supposed" to be weighing everyday, and my water increased yesterday...

All was well til Jon asked me if I lost 1 lb.

Uh, no, I gained 1 lb.

This was not good.

So, I still haven't pooped. This is a problem. My body is holding on to extra water I guess... this is a problem. So tonight, I had an amazeballs of a day and now I am just friggin stressed.

The ordealio goes like this:
double dose x lax and magnesium tonight
ANOTHER half gallon of water before bed
1 hr in a hot epsom salt bath. I lasted 40 minutes before I thought I'd die of heat stroke so I have to go back in for 20 minutes right after this.
And, if I am not to 122 tomorow... my oatmeal gets taken away-- which will be a surely sad day. But, I want to be ready so whatever it takes at this point. Dear body, please let go of the poo and the water. Please! Do what you are told.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 days

What the front door?!

I just realized that today is official 5 days... did I count that right? Cuz that is just feeling a little cray cray right now.

Did I tell you my man successfully accomplished his initiation yesterday so he is officially a member of a very elite team within his job? Well, if I didn't-- he did and I am so so proud and happy yesterday is over.

We took the day as a family to re cooperate and it was a nice relaxing change of pace. Bug had soccer this morning for an hour, where, even though she is only 4-- is basically the stud of all studs. Ok, so she whines a little but it is very obvious the girl has natural athletic ability and that could not make her mom and dad more excited. The whining-- makes us a bit crazy but she is only 4 so we manage it.

All was well until around lunch time and I could consciously feel myself start to turn to the dark side. Tired, cranky, husband eating super yummy lunch, kids eating super yummy different lunch... it was nap time.

All I could think about was food, cookies specifically. I thought, I think I will "beg" my man for some lovin
(sorry TMI again,) and that worked during the deed, but then immediately after... trail mix was on my mind.

Seriously?! WTHell is wrong with me? Have you seen my husband? I mean, who in their right gosh damn mind thinks about trail mix immediately following that.. well-- maybe only me, the girl who has had basically no choice is anything food wise for the past 15 weeks, even most of my cheat meals were assigned to me.

Anyway, I absolutely HAD to get out of the house before I cheated. So I left for the gym for last total back day (6 pull ups underhand, then later 4.5 underhand again... yay, once I get some food in me I imagine I will be busting those biotches out). I had to get on my stair climber for 60 minutes and so I listened to some ipod, turned off the ipod and left plugs in and read for a while, in which time I notice this crazy scary loco guy watching me. Ok, so people usually do "notice" me when I am at the gym these days because I am more ripped than the typical gym chick. Noticing is one thing, I notice almost everyone at the gym to tell you the truth-- but this cholo, and I have seen him before, was intentionally staring at me.

He was scary. Like the kinda scary I really wish there would have been a hot, loving, kind cop there to workout with me because he was really making me uncomfortable. Where were all the officers at today?! Not with me, damn the bad luck. So after said creepy guy spends a rather large portion of time looking at me, I literally give him the most rude disgusted look I can muster and he still didn't get it. When i left I told the trainer who used to be a cop that the dude was making me feel uncomfortable-- and guess what, he knew exactly who I was talking about-- and said he is on probation. Awesome. No wonder he gave me the creeps. I have no idea what for, but I can tell you now that I don't want to see him again especially with out my wedding ring and my tall, dark, intimidating husband with me.

Mother effer. Why do creepy people have the right to sweat at my gym?! They don't. Damn them.

So, made it home... and husband went to Walmart to stock up on the necessities for the week, and I asked him to get me a laxative-- which I have never taken before, because i haven't gone #2 in several days and I just feel like I need to. TMI again, damn when are you people gonna get so grossed out you don't come back... sorry! I really do try to engage my filter, and I actually DO believe it or not, but I feel like I need to remember this and if you are contemplating a competition you have the right to know-- ya know?

So, he brings it home. He told me to drink half the bottle cuz I am only 122 lbs. The pharmacist told him. I bet that was a funny story, I can only imagine what said goof ball of a husband told the pharm dude.... "uhh... this is for my wife, not me.... she has explosive farts... she needs to poop..." honestly, almost wish he would have taken his voice recorder because I know it had to be that funny.

So I took it, it tasted like sprite I thought-- an hour ago. Nothing. Damn thing better not work in two hours when I lay my head down on the pillow-- cuz that will just suck to no end if I have to be awake all dang night pooing my brains out. I should have thought that through more, but really-- when you think about it-- when is the best time to poo your brains out? Never.

I'm so sleepy, although I did get some housework accomplished today. Good for me, because it is few and far between these days, I capitalize on the times I have energy and do what I can, and forget the rest cuz I just don't have much extra these days.

Jon said same diet tomorrow, and start drinking 2 gallons of water. I don't think that'll be bad cuz I was all ready drinking almost 2 gallons. So, I will just pee a few more times a day. Meh no biggie, and honestly my diet is still pretty good beings I still have oats and eggs after my workouts so I aint gonna complain.

Once I get through tomorrow, time is gonna fly. We have church where Ill teach my lesson, and then nap time, workout time, and family dinner. I thought I would need to skip family dinner because of all the temptations that will surely be there, but on second thought-- I don't think I can be trusted all alone anywhere with food. Ha, better to be surrounded by people AND temptations because I wouldn't dream of eating something I am not supposed to in front of people right? I basically might be taking sign up sheets to church tomorrow for babysitters for myself. "Please sign up for one hour increments of time to keep Teri out of the treat jars.... any and all volunteers very much appreciated."

Yah, that might be weird huh?

Let's see. Oh, so I thought I had my make up figured out. A friend taught me how to do darker eye shadow and even took me to the store and walked me through the isles helping me buy what I needed. LOVE HER, holla Courtney!!! Well, not to brag but for an inept make up girl, I am getting pretty freaking good at rocking the ol eye make up situation... but now after seeing a bunch of pics from other peoples shows the past two weeks, I am thinking lighter eyes because the tan is so dark that the dark eyes are TOO dark... so I am back to square one but I am not going to sweat it because it'll all come together Friday. I just know it will.

Monday, busy day. train myself 2 times, train 4 clients! Husband gets a mystic tan for our photo shoot (hehe he keeps reminding me he is going to be very upset if he looks orange in any way shape or form before he starts his shift at work the next night at 6)
Tuesday, nails done, training 2 times
Wednesday training 2 times, and photo shoot with my sexy beast of a man, send him to work
Thursday nothing, I guess just rest and I am preparing for a long day... and Husband gets a massage (dang I am so sweet aren't I?) no training
Friday... up early, tanning at 11, at some point I heard rumor I get some oatmeal with sugar on it or some pancakes (crossing my fingers for PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!) more tanning at 1, and then getting ready to get my sparkly, oompah loompah looking booty on the stage.

Wow. It is so close. I am so so excited, so so ready as I am gonna get... and thankful for the journey-- but still ready to get back to real life fitness and mommy hood.

Thanks for watching my journey, and for all the love you send via text and facebook...........

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sunshine in My Soul

I have said it before and I will say it again, I am like a bi polar crazy woman in all aspects of the health related industry.

I woke up this morning to some cheer leading texts, I got a massage, the sun was shining, my kids were amazing... I had a busy full day. And something clicked-- I am not about to just endure the next 7 days... I fully intend on killing the next 7 days. I will not, I refuse to even think about getting on that stage with regret from the final week. I have been on fire for so long, and that fire is not about ready to sizzle.

So today I chose to think on the bright side. And I did. If I felt my mind sway towards negativity, I chose to turn into the bright side. The sun shining brightly outside and the warm weather in fact helped this perspective of mine and I was reminded of how blessed I truly am.

I am able bodied, and able minded to start and accomplish this task of becoming a figure competitor-- a blessing not all people have. I surely don't intend on taking the last week of my prep for granted.

My husband had his training, initiation, I don't really know what it is called but I can assure you it is a bit like what I imagine HELL is like, and is mentally, physically, and spiritually EXHAUSTING! But he rocked it, like I knew deep down he would. I am a very proud wife tonight, and even more proud that I think, just maybe, my husband is starting to see the man I see when I look at him, when he looks in the mirror. He really is a stud friends.

So my last "shoulder only" workout was today. Tomorow is "back" only, and Sunday "glute only" and then I get into two circuit training sessions and one cardio only day. And then it is bada bing bada boom, the show is in two days.

Yomorow is Saturday-- we have soccer with the bug first thing after fasted cardio-- and then we have an entire day to spend as a family. I am so excited, it is the first in a long time, where there isn't a laundry list of things to run and do.

I trained 3 clients tonight, 4 on Monday and then I am done until after the show. SO SO exciting!!

Day 6, coming up.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There will be Curse Words

Holy Shiz mother effer I am sick the hell of this day.

I woke up feeling like I had been ran the hell over by a freight liner, then I looked in the mirror and was estatic to see my stomach looking so amazing.

Then I batch cooked a bunch of food, read some more, did my motherly duties. Hit the gym early. All was well until about 3:30 and from then on it has been going south. I am pissy!! I want to eat a gosh damn whole jar of peanut butter. I do not want another meal of freaking dry ass chicken and asparagus, or tilapia and asparagus (suprisingly enough, I actually mind the dry ass chicken more than the tilapia). My mom came over to watch my kids for me tonight, which I super appreciate, but she brought a hamburger and french fries with a soda and I had to get the hell out of the house before I went crazy.

I want to eat.

I want to eat.

All I can think about is food and how I absolutely CAN NOT eat a damn thing because I am getting in my now even smaller suit in 8 days from this minute. There is no room for error.

Husbands training is tomorrow, I have 30 things to juggle for the day. I am just ready for one easy freaking day and one where I do not think about food for an entire 2 minute time period.

I want to eat

I want to eat

I want to eat

Then end, 8 days out and it is a hard day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Single Digits

And then there were 9.

Today has been a hard day for this ol girl. It almost seemed as if the universe was sending people into my path to offend me. Could be the depleting stages, could be the exhaustion, could be the lack of variety in my diet but today people just sucked.

In other news, I forgot to post that yesterday and today for my warm up at the gym I banged out 6 underhand pull ups from a dead hang. While this isn't that uber exciting of a number for a serious fitness chick-- at this point in my game I am excited about it. It makes me realize that once I have more food and energy I will be at my goal of 10 underhand shortly. I really just want to master the pull up in a weird obsessive sort of a way.

Did I tell you that I have been spending a lot of time reading books? Yeah, so I read to keep my mind occupied and away from food. I also read to get caught up in someone else's life so I don't have to focus on how hectic mine is this week. So, I have read, literally, like 6 love stories in the past two weeks. I know, it's a little weird. I don't intend on stopping until the show-- then I probably wont read again for a month or two.

I got coupons in the mail today and I was going to throw them away, because we never eat out. But I accidently opened them and they were coupons for Carl's Junior. Now, never in a million years would I normally want a cheeseburger and french fries. But today. Those coupons had my mouth watering. I decided to save the coupons next to my girl scout cookies, and my trail mix because next weekend-- I think I might just eat at Carl's Junior.

My game plan is this. Friday after the show I am going to eat a few cookies, a bit of trail mix and then have my tacos, chips and salsa and diet coke. I know I will probably feel sick but I am going to try to just eat a bit of everything so that I can feel satisfied. Saturday I am going to eat whatever I want again, including and probably not limited to more cookies, trail mix and probably that bacon cheeseburger and french fries. Sunday I will clean up the food and still have a treat if I want but I intend on being back on my beginning meal plan Monday. I feel like I can indulge in sugar treat on Saturday nights with a cheat meal from then on after-- just like I expect from my clients and that will be sufficient. I really hope to make this transition as healthy and in control as possible... so this is my plan.

What else? Stairs are going fine, tomorrow is my last leg workout-- and I work out every day until Thursday next week, nothing Thursday or Friday. So my official count down to the end of these long hours of cardio are on. I am worried my cardio will increase again next week-- but it's ok if it does because it is only 3 days so I can make it.

I called and scheduled a massage for Friday morning, even though I really shouldn't spend the money on it. But I did it anyway and I am going to go and enjoy it because a. I am exhausted b. I am exhuasted c. I can't eat and d. I just need something to look forward to before Tuesday when I get my nails done.

Can't wait for this week to just be over. Husband has the crazy training on Friday and we are both pretty nervous about it. I am ready for next week. BRING ON NEXT WEEK!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

10 days

Another busy day in the life of this girl.

The morning was booked, and I had to get to see my swim suit lady to have her add the little strappy things for my suit. So when I got there, the back of my suit was totally gapping because obviously I am smaller now than when it was made. So we decided she would take it in a bit, because I still have 10 days and I will still be getting even a bit smaller. But today, the "bit" smaller makes my saggy skin sit on top of the bottoms more and poke out the bottoms more and now I am just trying not to whig out and have faith that the leaning out that has yet to be done will happen in those places.

Jon and Shawna seem to think it will be ok.

Did I tell you about my meals this week? Well, I never go Bachelor on you and "tell all" because obviously this plan is coordinated for just me and it isn't even a realistic diet so I would never want someone to start "doing" what I do. But I can tell you this.

I have an orgasm in my mouth after I do a workout twice a day-- I get 1/2 c oats and 4 egg whites each of those times. I seriously, would eat almost anything to keep those two meals in my life. I LOVE them. The other four meals consist of a side dish of asparagus and a main course of chicken or tilapia. YUMMM I am the girl who cried when my dad would catch fish as a kid because he always threatened to make me eat it. Yep, me. The girl who now has eaten salmon for dinner every night for the last 15 weeks and now the girl eating plain (no seasonings AT ALL) tilapia twice a day. I mean, you have to REALLY really want to do something to suffer through that crap. It isn't nearly as bad as I remember however.

So I get up at 630 am, do cardio, eat, get kids ready for the day and drop 4 year old off at preschool. Then Bubbies and I have been doing a good job of staying busy til the princess gets home at noon, they eat lunch and go down for naps. At which point I lay down as well because my patience is running out and so it my energy. Then I get up to eat at 2 pm, and we gym jam at 3, finishing at 5 high tailng it home so I can get those oats and eggs!!

Weights are such a joke. I am honestly so annoyed by the fact that I have no strength to lift a normal amount of weight, and I honestly get so effing tired doing 5 sets of 20 or 3 sets of 20. I just want to quit because my body is tired. But I don't. I finish it out and then reunite with my stair climber for an hour. Get that done, it isn't so bad. I remember when 15 minutes seemed like a friggin eternity but now, an hour goes by pretty fast. And when I am at the gym, I am not thinking about food or anything else so the gym jam is a really good place for me to be for the next 9 days. In fact today I was trying to formulate a plan to continue looking like this, while eating. I just don't know how I can manage it though. damn that to hell.

I stopped at Winco tonight to pick up asparagus, because all that I bought Monday is gone. Yeah, I eat, like a lot of it each day. So I was annoyed walking in to the store because the asparagus is very far away from the door since they renovated and made the store bigger, I didn't want to walk that far. Then I was annoyed because every dang line was like 4 people long and they all had a butt load of groceries. Then I was annoyed because the cashier kept talking to a guy that had all ready paid and needed to move the hell out of the way so she could help the two people in front of me. Then I was annoyed because the stupid freaking moron lady behind me kept scooting into my bubble (which is ATLEAST 1 foot on each and every side of me, ALWAYS competition prep or not I DO NOT like people close to me) seriously, she was so close. Then her stupid dramatic looking teenager kept bumping me with her magazine. Honestly. If that cashier would have taken one more second to count back my change of 5.02 I was going to stab someone.

7 pm and the grocery store are not a good idea.

Posing practice. Posing is going well I am actually doing the poses right. I need to practice walking with my "Ass out" as Shawna says. I feel like I should be getting more information or they should be telling me something or something, but nothing. Just keep going, almost there.

So I will keep on going.

I weighed this morning for the first time since Jon took my scale away almost two weeks ago, I am down to 123.3, which is 4 pound loss in the two weeks. I don't think I'll weigh again til Friday then maybe once next week. I have always used it as a resource to keep from over indulging or cheating, but cheating is so far from my mind-- I am too tired to even think about eating something I am not supposed to, so I don't need the scale anyway.

I need to get tickets figured out for the show. I need to go buy a fake wedding ring and I need to tan tomorrow. That is the last of it for the show I guess. I am ready. 9 days out tomorrow. Oh, I was planning on taking my kids to the show (well someone else bringing them but letting them watch), but I see that it is 15 dollars a ticket and it specifically says everyone has to have a ticket. NO WAY am I paying 30 dollars for them to wiggle and watch the show, is that bad? That is 45 bucks for my family just to go. Pictures will have to do for them I guess.

Monday, April 16, 2012

11 days Out

Usually when I imagine what to eat after the show I can't really place what it is exactly that I want or miss. (But today it feels like it will be Mexican food).

Today as I was at Winco buying 5 things of asparagus (no lie) I saw these little chocolate covered craisen things... that I thought would go freaking deliciously with my nut mixture I have been missing.........

So I bought them!! I can't eat them for 11 days, but I bought them anyway, put them in a ziplock bag all mixed up (smelled them of course!!! yummmm) and threw the bag on top of my armorer where husband will pick that bag and the Samoa girl scout cookies up on Friday and bring to my show (he was supposed to HIDE those cookies 2 months ago, and the other day while I was reading in bed, I looked up and saw them.

haha I thought that was too funny. But don't worry nothing could bring me down to the point of eating sugar less than 11 days out. So, they shall rest up on there waiting for me for Friday, or Saturday night next week!!!

Training was crazy today. My new workouts are 60 minutes fasted cardio am

then 20-25 minutes high reps multiple sets little rest between weight training (Shoulders today) then another 60 minutes of stair climbing. Not so bad. But I usually side raise with 20 drop to 15, but today all I had in me was 10 pounders. AHH well, I look like I can lift more because I am freaking ripped out. So I guess I'd rather look like I can lift heavy right now that actually lift heavy!

I do look good I tell ya.

Oh, I also look like I peed my pants when I get off the stair climber!? WHAT THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!!?? WHY does that happen to me, I totally sweat like a man, but why why or WHY down there?! So awkward. Anyway,

trained two of my best clients tonight, posing practice tomorow night, then 3 nights in a row of clients again!! YAY BURN BY WEEK BURN ON BY!!!

My husband is "trying" out for a super elite position this Friday too in his new (been there a year now) career... SUPER SUPER excited and proud of him, but a  bit nervous... so feel free to send good vibes and prayers our way!!!!) I'll keep you posted

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Set of Pictures

Front Pose
Side Pose
Back Pose
"Oh my gosh, kids, please take the dog out of here!!! pose"
Relaxed pose
Close up of those stretch marks and mommy pooch that is evidence of the warrior hood I call motherhood.
Today after church I was feeling ambitious and done enough to have my husband snap pictures of me in my posing suit. These will be the last pictures before the show and I am actually really happy with them. There are things I would like to improve on, things I wish were better, things I really love and things I don't like... but I am overall satisfied with the way they look and I am ready to get on the stage in 12 days and rock the hell out of it.

I wont lie this week has been hard. The changes while may seem apparent to those on the outside, are really REALLY hard to see in myself since I look in the mirror day after day and I haven't weighed myself in a week and a half. I sent Jon one text this week telling him I just was having a day and I didn't think I was ready. To which he responded to get the hell over myself and let him worry whether I'd be ready or not... I cried a little when I got his message. Ok, I totally cried at the gym.

I am on 1/2 c oatmeal a day!!! Have I told you that I am like, on carb underload... I blame the emotions on that because I would usually not cry over a stupid text from cranky ol Big Jon. But I did, in the gym that day. I hid it fairly well though and I just pushed on through the workout and the self doubt.

I got my workout emailed to me later that night with a "kick in the ass" from Jon as well. No room for doubt now, enjoy my body now because I have worked hard to earn it and it isn't going to last... it isn't healthy to even attempt to maintain this physique and I won't be able to no matter what my intentions are. i don't even realize what I look like because I have too little confidence basically. It was a big nice compliment from Jon, the man of few words... and they were appreciated and boosted my confidence in a way that I really needed right then and there.

I had posing yesterday and while I was happy my posing was so much better. I still have that "inner fat girl" inside my new body that feels like the biggest girl in the room no matter who I am surrounded by, and yesterday the other competitors all just looked so amazing. I wanted to cry again, not out of fear or jealousy, but mostly because I was so proud of them. Especially the one girl, Amanda-- she has totally transformed and honestly she looks so freaking amazing. I couldn't be in more awe and more proud of her. This is hard shit to get done and anyone who tells you other wise is honestly, lying.

Anyway, I felt insecure and insignificant in comparison to the 5 other girls there posing. But today as I look at those pictures and reflect on where I have been, how I have gotten here and all the sweat and tears that it has taken to get me here, I can truly say-- that I am confident with the package I am bringing to the stage. Not because I think it is a champion physique, or because I even think it is top 5 physique-- but because I can honestly say I have done everything as perfectly as possible to bring MY best self to MY stage. I am so proud, so humbled, and so excited to finish the next 12 days out and ready to shine in victory of the past 15 weeks of sacrifice and determination on my part-- and as much on my husband and kids part too. My trainers have been amazing, and the other girls have become more than other competitors-- but friends I am glad to call mine.

So, here is to 12 days of hardcore nutrition, no room for error, hard core cardio... no room for slacking, and  here is to the mental toughness I know I am going to need to get through it. Thanks for following my journey and for cheering me on. Operation Teri becomes a figure competitor is almost complete!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

13 days out

I woke up this morning knowing it was going to be a crazy day. I had a bum load of things to fit in, and it was my only day to take advantage of my husband being off in one whole week. So I started at 7 am, fasted cardio on the incline treadmill. Breakfast, waxing appointment, train a client appointment, posing practice, hair appointment, workout... here I am 9 pm and I got it all done.

Don't get me wrong I was really happy it was a busy Saturday because as you can imagine the weekends, like for many of you, are my hardest days. For some reason you hit the word "friday" "saturday" or "sunday" and I start thinking about treat food. The weeks are so easy to stay on track but something about those dang weekend days just put me in a whole different frame of mind, even after almost 15 weeks of intense dieting. So a busy Saturday, I was thankful for.

And posing went really well. I finally am nailing my back poses, after almost 15 weeks-- i am getting them right. I think Jon and Shawna are more relieved than I am because they have to be getting exhausted telling me, telling me, re telling me the exact dang thing over and over and they probably wonder why the hell everyone but me can nail that pose.

Well wonder no more, Momma got this yo!!

Met up with a new hair lady (holla Shawna!!!) loved her to pieces! She is just the cutest little thing, and she made me feel like a million bucks AND SHE TALKED SHOP WITH ME. Ya know, she talked about lifting heavy weights. DAUM girl-- after my own heart!! It was so fun to talk strength and sweat and swap tips and successes with her!! Not everyone gets the addiction to the iron like I do so to have a sister in iron that I didn't even know until today, and one I spent 4 hours getting my hair done by-- was like, amazing. Loved it!

I finished my last regular workout tonight-- back and biceps with 45 minutes on the dreaded stair mill. I usually LOVE LOVE LOVE back and bicep day best, but honestly, I am so freaking tired and depeleting that I just wanted to sit on the mat next to that one girl and take a nap like she was. Seriously, usually I'd think that was a bit weird, but today-- I just wanted to join her.

So I am waiting for my email from Big Jon tonight to get my diet changes (ahhhhh, yes I AM scared!!) and my new workouts for the week. My track workout yesterday was CRAY CRAY by the way, I finished 4 rounds in 1 hr 44 minutes... someone do it and tell me how long it took you because I really want to know if I killed it like I think I did, or if I am dragging ass and just don't know it.

run bleachers 3 minutes
run 1 lap (400 m)
lunge 100 (the straight part of the track)
lunge 100 m
lateral hops 100 m
laeral hop 100
run bleachers 3 minutes
run 1 lap
side basketball shuffle right leg 100
sprint back
side bball shuffle left leg 100
sprint back

Yep, I almost threw up 3 times and I ran the whole damn thing, breaking just for water at the end of each round and starting up again. COME ON SOMEONE DO THE BLASTED THING AND TELL ME YOUR TIME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!

Oh ya, I am killer sore from that too from the calf on each leg down to my heel.

Oh, and I only have one more leg workout before the show!? SAY WHAT!? The show is 13 days away!! I don't even know if that is right or possible, but that's what Big Jon said today.

I am tired. I want to eat food. I do NOT want to get on that gosh dang stair climber ever again.... but I feel good too. I know I can do anything for 12 days and I am anxious to get on stage and do my ghetto mamma fabulous thing that I didn't get to accomplish last time. I can't believe it is here, 15 weeks of hard A nutrition, hard A workouts, and way to damn much cardio and it is here.

Fast and furious... 13 days baby!!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Today I am up and rearing to go after my 55 minutes of treadmill walking, breakfast, dropping 4 year old off at preschool and am now contemplating tackling my kitchen mess.

Yesterday was EXACTLY what I needed. I had been missing food so so So SO much that I just needed a cheat meal like a dying man needs water. I was supposed to get those 2 reeses eggs, but when I got home from church (Those kids were CRAZY!!! sugar high devils!!!). I got home and couldn't wait to eat, so I had honestly (I hope Jon doesn't read this!!!) 5 small home made cookies from Jared's aunt. They were so so good. I planned on stopping at 2, but of course, we all knew that probably would happen so I ate 5. They were soo good. Did I say that? They were actually a bit orgasmic in my mouth. I ate my regular food I was supposed to and put the kids down for a nap, and layed down myself because all of a sudden I was SO SLEEPY and my belly was soo full and bloated.

Seriously? After 5 small cookies? I used to eat 5 big cookies before I ever sat down at the table with my cookies and milk.

I layed down so uncomfortable, read some books, then kids were up and we took a walk thinking that would make my stomach feel better.


It did feel better, because I got explosive diarrhea for like 30 minutes. Seriously, so disgusting I know!! But, that's what sugar does to you when you haven't had it in 4 months. It makes you ridiculously sick. So once I recovered from that I went to my moms where I ate a normal easter dinner-- ham, potatoes, some chips, lots of veggies, spinach dip and some other little sides. One plate of food and some appetizers. I was so full it was ridiculous. I went for another walk to help my stomach stop hurting SO bad from being SO full. It helped, a little.

I thought to myself I never want another cheat meal again!!! I am absolutly amazed when I think about how I used to have these "cheats" multiple times in a week. I would over fill myself once or twice A DAY!!! I just got used to feeling bloated and uncomfortable so it felt normal to me. I assure you, there is nothing normal or healthy about doing that to yourself, ever. I feel like a recovering addict who is almost to the point of mastering my addiction-- food.

This morning I woke up feeling recovered and revived. I am rethinking my whole after show cheat meal to include MUCH less sugar (like maybe Ill eat ONE of those eggs I didn't eat yesterday!!) I got on the treadmill for my fasted cardio and I didn't bat an eyelash at it. I am meeting Shawna at the gym today to kill some shoulders together and I honestly am so ready to pump the next 19 days out, I almost wish I had 29 days to prepare even more.

My abs filled in yesterday and at the end of the day I could "see" what Jon and Shawna are saying when they tell me stomach is going to be "fine." It filled in!! The carbs filled it in and it IS going to be better than fine for the show. There will still be a bit of saggy skin, but like I have said before... that saggy skin is my marks of warrior hood and I wouldn't change them for anything, today. In fact, in my photo shoot the Wednesday before my show-- I will be taking a few pics in my shorts and sports bra, and I wont be having those marks photo shopped-- you can be sure of that much from me.

BUT in 5 years you can bet your ass I will have a tummy tuck to get rid of that skin.

Anyway, I am pumped. I love my food, I love my portions, I love my workouts, I love that I got a new antibiodic today that I know is going to finally work and heal my throat. I love this process and this journey has been amazing. I can't wait to get on stage--pose and rock at it. I am almost no longer just a figure competitor in training friends, I am almost... a figure competitor.

It's go time. Jump on my train or get the hell off cuz this freight line is going fast and furious for the rest of the ride.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

EaStEr== 2 weeks 5 days OUT

YAY! Happy easter everyone! As you probably remember from previous birthday posts, and every other holiday post I have ever posted, I LOVE the holidays and the fun little traditions my family and I have made. Each holiday is a new experience and viewing it through the eyes of my four and two year old-- is just magical to me. I have been up since 5 am, with anticipation and excitement of my kids waking up and finding easter baskets and easter eggs before we go to church. Today at church I am teaching a lesson to my sunbeams, 4 year olds, about how Heavenly Father made birds and insects for us on the 5th day of the creation. We are making the cutest little parrot puppets, having a lesson, and I bought these (totally processed) little butterfly cakes for each of them to eat. I am anxious, I know they will be excited and love their time with me today!

I am also up early with excitement today, because Jon granted me a silent wish of eating Easter dinner with my family today. I was actually internally dreading the day because I knew I would be eating salmon with green beans (AGAIN!) while everyone else was feasting on ham, potatoes and candy. I knew I would be just fine getting through the day because let's face it-- I have been dieting for like-- ever, and I only have 3 weeks left so it wouldn't have been the end of the world, but the day would have probably dragged on a little bit.

So after posing Thursday night he said I could eat easter dinner, and have 2 reeses eggs! My all time favorite! I can not wait! And, this will be the 4th time since January 1 I have had any sugar, so as you can imagine, I am way excited. Sugar makes my veins pop out of my arms when I am this lean, and I happen to LOVE veins and the look of vascularity so I can't wait to see them. I am totally taking a picture to show you, don't worry.

My meal plan changed a week and a half ago, and this will be my last cheat for the next 20 days. I am ready. I can not even fathom that the show is all ready here. I have had to remind myself several times when I have been exhausted and sick (still and again) that during these hard moments the time is going by so slow, but in retrospect I will realize this really isn't that hard and it really went by so fast. Re reading some of my old posts from after I quit prepping before stepping on stage in October last year has been a great motivator too, as I remember so distinctly how sad and depressed I felt. Nothing tastes good enough to feel that way again.

10 days ago I stopped carb cycling and got put on low carb, high protein diet. My calories have been drastically cut and I have been exhausted, my workouts are getting very weak, and my stomach is flattening out as best as it can (yay) I feel like my arms look really great, my legs look really good, my booty is pretty rockin and that stomach is just saggy. But, I can't fix those marks of warrior hood--called motherhood, so I am learning and trying to embrace them as much as I can. My beautiful children are worth every scar on my body. My cardio is still about 1 hr and a half every day split into two sessions and my weight training is between an hour and 90 minutes. So training is about 3 hours a day. Morning cardio is fasted so it is not intense and is done half the time on my moms treadmill she loaned me, and half the time at one of the gyms on the stair climber. 30 minutes after weight training is always on stair climber unless someone has beaten me to MY machine and then I settle for more hill climbing, annoyed, on the treadmill.

The past two weeks people are really noticing changes in me. My dad says I haven't been this tiny since junior high, and I had to correct him that I was much much bigger in junior high. Ha, I was so chunky then. I have had several random people come up to me at the gym and ask my if I am training for a purpose. One man even said and I quote "you work harder than anyone else in here, and your training is very specialized-- what are you up to?" That was the  day I felt like death and was dragging my butt around the gym like a lazy girl so I appreciated his comment so very much, and was thankful people notice my work ethic. It has been a long time, years actually, of training very hard in the gym-- it has just been in the last year that I have gotten my nutrition in check so that my intense training is actually SHOWING on my body.

Over the next less than 3 weeks I have lots of excitement to make the time go by fast.
This week, I have 2 weight lifting sessions per body part and on Friday I am getting my hair colored and cut for the first time since, like January!? YAY! So excited for a new look!
2 new clients, and my old clients to train

Next week
clients to train
2 weight sessions per body part
probably some nutrition changes
posing in my suit, which is almost done!

Following Week
clients to train
toes and nails done (first time in FOREVER!!! yay for pretty nails!!)
photo shoot with my husband for advertising for my web page that will get done, soon!
peak week nutrition changes
2 weight sessions per body part
lots of posing in my suit
spray tanning appointment

I am thinking over and over in my head how the show is going to go, how I will look on stage, how I am going to rock my poses, how I am going to feel so proud at the end! I am also thinking about food for after the show and I just can't settle on any ONE thing I really miss so much. I am actually pleased with that because it tells me that my body has made some good lifestyle changes which means that going into maintenance isn't going to be super hard for me. I have new goals to set and new challenges to meet and I am anxious for it all!

Stick with me the next few weeks for more updates!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Double Standards

So I have been thinking about this blog post for a while, and I admit it probably would have been more funny if I had written it earlier in the week when I was feeling much more feisty than I am today.

Today I am pretty calm and at peace with my diet and my training so I don't feel quite so funny about it. But I still feel there are some necessary points to be made so me being me, with my less than sharp filter is going to point some of them out.

It seems to me there are many double standards in the world. For the purpose of this post I want to talk about the health/fitness/and especially diet ones that exist on a consistent basis in my world.

I notice and I hear other people who are on the "clean eating" bandwagon say frequently that co workers, family, and friends often times put down their food choices. For example: Client eats chicken and brown rice with veggies every day at work, even when pizza is ordered in. Coworkers feel it necessary to criticize her for being so "Strict" and say how unhealthy it is to never eat a piece of pizza.

--umm, excuse me-- would it be appropriate for me to say "Hey, it isn't healthy to eat pizza every damn time the office orders it. Oh, and also that pizza sticks to your bum and gives you cellulite below each cheek."

-Ya, no that would definitely not be a socially approved thing for me to say.

You are at a birthday party and everyone is eating cake and ice cream but you, you made a decision that today isn't the day you want to indulge so you say no. But everyone in the room makes it a point to say "one piece isn't going to hurt," "it's not healthy to never eat sweets," "this is soooooooo gooooood you should really just try it, come on-- just have a bite," "C'mon, it's my birthday-- just eat a piece for me," or I really think it is awesome when they bring a plate to your desk and leave it there even after you said no.

--would it be ok for me to say, "you know, that has 4 whole sticks of butter in it and it is going to make you have a fat belly?" or "sugar makes you fat." or would it be ok to say "I am afraid of looking like you, so I choose to never eat stuff like that actually," "It's your birthday, why don't you give yourself a present and NOT eat cake AND ice cream?"

Ya, no that wouldn't be ok.

I will miss a meeting, I will reschedule an appointment, and purposely schedule other things around my workout schedule, regardless of what season of training I am in. People will say "you can miss just today," "it's not healthy to never take a break," "one missed workout wont kill you," "oh I see, working out is more important than me."

Would it be ok for me to ask people if they got their workout in for the day? Would it be ok to say yeah, sure I'll do that but... only after you work out with me, it's my birthday, do it for me?

Again, not so much.

How about this, Love this one. "EWWW what are you eating, that looks disgusting."

Next time I see someone with a cart full of boxed and frozen foods would it be ok for me to walk up to them and ask if they are trying to kill themselves with all that high fructose corn syrup and processed chemicals they are eating. Or would it be ok for me to just say "ewww, that is so gross!!"

They will say  "YOU LOOK SOO SKINNY, is that even healthy?"

If I said "You look soo big, is that even healthy?"

They will say "I don't want to lift weights, I don't want to be big and bulky like a man." Even though they know 85% of my training is lifting heavy weights. Do they think I don't get what they are insinuating?

Would it be ok if I said "I don't want to zumba, because my body will never improve."

My point is this. There are way more over weight people in the world than their are healthy weighted people.  I am not saying that skinny people are more healthy than an over weight person, because a lot of the time that isn't true at all. I know several people who "look" a little over weight that can out lift, out run, and eat cleaner than anyone else I know. I also know several people who "look" thin that couldn't run to the edge of their drive way or carry a baby around on their hip if they had to.

I am not preaching about "looks" here, I am honestly preaching about making conscious decisions to eat the healthier choice, exercise a little more than you want and being ok with whatever you do in between. I DO think you should feel like you can eat a piece of cake if you want, but I also think you should be able to refuse the cake and not made to feel guilty about it if that is what you pick. Just like the person who eats the cake every single time-- they don't need or want to have that brought to their attention.

So, in the words of the fit chick mom, just follow your own path. Do the best you can do, with what you have, aim high and be satisfied with who and what you are. At the end of the day, the only person who's opinion really matters-- is yours.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dessert Pancake

I was talking to one of my weight "losers" yesterday and I told her about a yummy pancake I am (TOTALLY) missing right now during contest prep. I think you should try it and see what you think. I didn't make up this recipe it is all over the internet but this is my "concoction."

4 egg whites
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp almond milk
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

mix all that up with a whisk. Pour into a heated skillet and cook evenly on both sides. Put on plate and use 1/2 tbsp of natural peanut butter (don't go cray cray with the peanut butter or it sorta ends up being bad for you :o)

I will eat this at night for my last meal, or sometimes I will double it at lunch time and add 1/2 c oats to it and eat if for a yummy balanced lunch... (with a veggie on the side of course!)

Try it and tell me what you think!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Beginnings

Hello new contestants! And new people to my blog. I thought I would do a back to the basics post for you today that might help you ramp up your success for the month. I remember the first day of my "weight loss challenge" really clearly. It was January 1st 2010 and I had a lot of basic tid bits of information, but I didn't have all the pieces for "my body" figured out yet, the way I do now. I say my body, because we are each different and what works for one will not always work for another-- but there are a few "basics" that can help anyone, anywhere get started on the right foot in their journey.

First of all, a good place to start would be to go to a free website like and register for an account. You can enter in your starting weight, and what your goal weight is for the end of this month and it will give you a guesstimate of the total number of calories you should consume each day. I am not a fan of calorie counting long term, but I think this is a great tool to give you an idea of how many you are consuming each day to start. A lot of people think they are eating much less than they are actually eating, and then there is the flip side-- a lot of people are ridiculously under eating which is just as detrimental. Under eating causes your metabolism to slow WAY down, and triggers your body into starvation mode. The body is very smart and will adapt to what is going on around it. For example, you start under eating and the body says "ok, time to store what I got" so it will hold on to your fat and the scale will not move.

Metabolism boosters are key. EAT EVERY 3 hours. I know there is a lot of conflicting information out there, but what I have found and what a ton of my own research and practice has found is that the typical person does best on an eating schedule of every 3 hours. This keeps the metabolism revved. You should not be eating a huge meal every three hours, but a moderate size meal with a combination of a complex carbohydrate source and a lean protein source. Read this post for meal ideas.

And a great snack idea are these home made protein bars. (husband and kid approved) Store bought ones are no good, so either drink a whey protein shake mixed with water or almond milk or make your own bars like these at home. These are perfect for someone who is working or a busy mom who doesn't have time to stop and "make" a snack every day.
Pumpkin Protein Bars

Nutrition Facts:

Nutrition (without walnuts): 1 square = 47 calories, .7 g fat, 8 g carbs, 3.7 g protein
Nutrition (with walnuts): 1 square = 63 calories, 2.3 g fat, 8 g carbs, 4 g protein



  1. Preheat the oven to 350.
  2. Spray a 9 X 13 Pyrex dish with non-stick spray.
  3. Combine first 11 ingredients and mix well.
  4. Add the final 3 ingredients (4, if adding walnuts), and mix until incorporated. Spread batter into the Pyrex dish and bake for 30 min.
  5. Makes 24 squares.

The next thing I want to talk about is not going cold turkey and getting rid of every single "unhealthy" habit you ever had. It is overwhelming and almost impossible to stick with for the long run. What I found works best is concentrating on a few "small" goals at a time, working on them for a week or so and then moving on and working on another couple of small goals at a time again. For instance, this week as a brand new weight LOSER :o) I would think about maybe, 1)switching from regular soda to diet (diet dr pepper is my brand of choice) 2) drinking at least 8 glasses of water (start your morning by chugging 2 or 3 right away!) 3) getting in the practice of eating 5 or 6 small meals a day and 4) committing to at least 30 minutes 5 days a week of some sort of exercise.

I will tell you the cold honest, truth here too. You can always count on that from me-- you will not be able to exercise your weight off. Working out for two hours a day will not compensate for what food you feed your body. YOU CAN NOT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET. I am a personal trainer and you are hearing that out of my mouth ok? I promise, if it could be done... I'd a done it a long time ago because inside this 130 lb girl is my "inner big girl" and my "inner big girl" would eat McDonalds, pizza, cake and ice cream every day and still go to the gym every day if I COULD. BUT I can't, it wont work-- don't take a year and a half like I did to figure this out ok?! I promise you will find much more happiness and balance in your life TODAY if you will just commit to eating clean (refer to the books I spoke about in the link above to meal ideas) and exercising regularly.

Here are a few websites for the eating clean meal ideas. I think they are worth the time for you to check out, because after you try a few, you will realize that eating clean really TASTES GREAT, and is more satisfying than eating a regular ol meal, because it is GOOD for you too.
also, go check out at your library or buy a copy of Tosca Reno's Clean Eating books. They are an investment that is VERY VERY worth it!

Lastly, be patient with yourself. You did not gain your weight in a month, and you will not lose it in a month. But I will tell you that with a honest effort-- of sacrificing sometimes, when you'd rather not-- you can make a big dent in your goals in the next 30 days. Don't do it alone, get involved with our group on facebook, comment here, ask questions-- you are paying me $15 dollars to facilitate this and I am MORE than happy to answer and get answers to any of your questions. I want you to find joy in this journey! Somedays will be hard, while other days "weight losing" will seem like a piece of cake protein bars. Allow yourself to take each meal, each exercise, each day-- one at a time. And remember, I'm your biggest cheer leader.

Alright, let's kick some booty in April baby!!!