Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Two Words

Boot Camp!!!!!

I am officially teaching boot camp at Idaho Athletic Club in Caldwell on Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7 pm. It starts January 4th and I would love love love if you came and sweated it up with me!!!

I am a teeny tiny bit nervous. But I am just going to pretend everyone is naked and I think that will make me feel sooooo much better!! (ew sick I know that was tooo far!!!)

I saw a shirt at the Nike outlet store and I wanted it soooooo very badly. However I refrained. It said "I am your resolution!" Cute huh?! Let me help you with your new you for the new year-- if it is weight loss by Take Shape with meal replacements, or if it is by workin' you over at the gym for BoOt CaMp!! Come play with me!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Almost 1 year

I was just typing an email to a prospective client and in it I was retelling my weight loss story. I can't believe it will be exactly one year ago in 3 weeks that I started my journey of total health make over.

I got a new weight watchers scale for Xmas, saw a picture of me and my 2 year old then stood on that new scale and saw 165. I was fat and unhappy. Granted I had a baby a few months prior, it didn't matter I wanted the weight gone.

25 pounds later I was working my ace off, and weighing 140. 140 isn't bad if you watch what you eat, and don't work out, and then watch what you eat some more. But I wanted more. I wanted the muscle I was working 8 hours a week for in the gym to show off. And so I started my Take Shape for Life journey in August.

Almost four months later I stepped on the scale and weighed 129 lbs this morning, and I haven't seen an ounce of exercise, or Take Shape for Life food in 5 weeks. Between Jared being out of town for work, one kid sick, then the next kid sick, then I am sick... I am sad to admit I haven't seen the gym. And I weigh 129 lbs people!! Eating normal every day food, that you- and you- and you eat.

Take Shape for Life is all about the faster lane to weight loss... then transitioning off into normal speed lane of regular food, and maintaing the loss of weight, and expense of money and energy it took you to lose. Total health people.

I have learned so much about how to eat, when to eat, what to eat, and how to keep my total body healthy and strong. I am in l.o.v.e with this program I am a health coach for and I want anyone who is have tried to lose weight and failed, to get in touch with me. There is no choice more imporant than your health.

The price of being over weight is soo much higher than the price of becoming healthy. Medically, physically, and emotionally. You need to be healthy for yourself and your loved ones. Let me help you get there.