Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I got to do an outdoor cardio workout today with my best workout partner, and four legged goldendoodle-- Belle. She is the best dog ever, seriously! If you have ever thought about getting a medium to large size dog, I highly recommend this breed. She is amazing.
We walked out on the hills today and as I walked to the 30 minute mark, ready to turn around I spotted the only thing that makes me happier than hills on a cardio workout-- stairs. And a lot of them. 55 to be exact. Belle and I decided to do 5 sets, being careful not to elevate my heart rate. I know that dog thought I must be crazy that I would walk down then turn around and go back up the same exact set of stairs 5 times, but she is loyal as they come and she would follow my off a cliff I am certain.
As we drove to and from our destination I couldn't help but notice that there were two separate funerals going on at the cemetery. I noticed that at one gravesite there were many many people-- maybe 50 and at another there were only 12 or so. Not that it really matters how many people were there but it got me thinking about my own life and the thought of "how many people would miss me when I am gone?"
I think it is a great way to be reflective, to think about that time in life when we will pass on to be reunited with our loving Heavenly Father. I don't want to get into all the heaven talk here and now-- but I am interested in having you think about this question--
Will you be missed?
As we go throughout our lives-- juggling really, all the things that we have going on. Family, work, church, play time, workout time, and all the other things we fit into our daily lives-- are we truly remembering to enjoy the journey?
That has been my motto from the get go-- let me help you find joy in your health and fitness journey.
I believe that we can live a fit lifestyle while enjoying life's moments to the fullest. I also believe at the end of the day, though I do really want to look good in my casket (haha, seriously though!)-- what is most important will be the relationships I have built and the lives that I have touched.
I hope that in our daily lives we can keep in perspective the things that truly are important in life and that we are constantly trying to improve ourselves to become the best us, we can be... and a long the way we are willing and able to offer a hand to help, and a shoulder to lean on to those who cross our paths.
If you are working towards your best self, remember that the people you surround yourself with can make or break you. We all need people to help lift us up and keep pushing us a long right?! Don't forget to be that person for the other's around you. Like Christmas it is often times better to give than to receive. Don't get so busy juggling, trying to do it all, trying to be the fittest, trying to be the strongest, or fastest that you forget to stop and enjoy a sunset, enjoy a giggle or a snuggle with your children, smell some flowers, read a good book or make out like crazy with your spouse.
Life is to be lived, it a journey of a million steps-- don't get so caught up in getting to the end result-- the best physique, the best career, the best house, the best "stuff" that you aren't able to enjoy every step that gets you to the end.
Find joy in your journey

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Please don't take offense to that but all I can think right now is A FRIGGEN MEN!!

Please feel free to laugh your way through my potty training week of my almost 3 year old (did I mention this would not be possible if it weren't from my little hiatus from training at the gym right now?! Seriously, potty training is taking every ounce of energy I have!)

Potty training day 7 full time is today. We have gone a couple days with no accidents then Sunday there were two accidents, not to mention Saturday I had to clean up poopy cars panties, I mean undies at the gym daycare  (cardio bunny ova here!)

I feel like someone should give me a round of applause for NOT stopping at Maverick and buying 12 snickers bars and eating them, because I assure you-- that is what I wanted to do.

We made it through to now, Tuesday. No accidents all day yesterday or today-- and today he is even telling me "POOPING!!!!" when he has to go pee or poop. Whatever, at least he is telling me.

A few funny things about this are
#1 He obviously says screams"POOPING" when he has to pee or poop.
#2 He pees in the toilet after putting his hands all over the seat and moving his body from the front to the back to the front back to the back 500 times, he even can lean forward and put his hands behind his back like an airplane... "see mom".... ahhhh boys!
#3 He gets on the toilet to "pooping" and farts "HAHHH darted mom" Me: roll my eyes, "yes Bubba you farted." Then he gets down because he obviously doesn't have to "pooping" he just needs to pass gas. We get his panties undies back on "ooop POOPING!" has to get back on. We go through this process a few times, sometimes five not going to lie. I just try not to laugh because it really is funny. It's like the kid gets ADHD on the toilet seat for some reason
#4 After he does pee or have a bowel movement, he gets off and flushes the toilet and sticks his head as close to the seat as he can get it and yells, not says--YELLS "BYE BYE POOPIES!!!" As I cringe about all the effing germs that are on his hands and about the bodily waste that is flinging up into his face from the toilet flushing. I am a bit OCD about germs, he is going to put me into the grave early.
#5 This is getting less funny as I type this, and listen to him cry in his room because he is supposed to be in bed...He has figured out that if he doesn't want to do something and he yells "POOPING!" he gets what he wants, and I forget what I told him he had to do before the bathroom came into the picture. Example: dinner, he didn't want to finish the turkey burger I told him he had to before he could get down... well well, what do you know, all of a sudden "POOPING MOM!"  so off we run to the bathroom. Right now, bed time.. he yells "POOPING!" from behind his child proof locked door and he hears me run to his door to let him on the toilet. This was cute the first three times but now he just reminds me of the little boy who cried wolf and I am about to be the friggin wolf that eats the naughty little boy for dinner!

So, this is potty training a boy at my house in a nut shell. The time off from the gym (week 3 of 6 now) is serving us well, we will get this little buggar potty trained and only have to interrupt the daycare ladies peace for 45 minutes instead of 90 each day.

I just want you to know, it is really hard to be 100% dedicated to a fit and healthy lifestyle whether you have kids or not-- but kids in between everything else sometimes is just freaking exhausting!! BUT, it IS worth it. (both haha kids and having  fit life!)

Deeelicious Summer Drink Idea!

Hey friends, I have lots of blog post ideas a brewing up in my head-- as I have always done some of my best thinking during cardio, and that's all I am able to do right now!
I wanted to share this with you before I forgot. My husband and I loved it and the kids even wanted in on some of this action too. I got the idea from Big Jon to help with sugar cravings

1 can diet (7 up, sprite whatever)
1 stick of crystal light any flavor

Mix those together in a cup and then add crushed ice!

SOOO yummy, I tried the pomegranate and it was just enough sour/sweet to really satisfy my desire for something sugar! Tell me if you try it what you think.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The kiddos and I got back from a little get a way to see my family back in the midwest this past week. I swear I am feeling older and older every day because it is taking me A WHILE to recooperate. I have been exhausted trying to catch back up on sleep since we have been home. 14 hours in a car, wiped me OUT!

You know what I haven't been doing though? Playing catch up with my weight! It is even steven and I couldn't be happier... I was worried about going to Gramma's (aka chef Gramma) for a month before I even left because she cooks and bakes for every.single.meal. And I love everything she makes. I was worried this was going to cause a wreck to my waist line but I got this email from my boss (Big Jonin his monthly newsletter he sends out...

5 Reasons People Gain Weight on Vacation
Vacations are a time to get away from the grind of everyday life – to indulge mind and body in relaxation and enjoyment.

Unfortunately all that indulgence typically leads to a pound gained for each day that you're away.

To help you combat these unwanted pounds, I've identified the 5 main reasons that people gain weight on vacation, as well as your strategic plan of avoidance.

Reason #1: Not Having A Plan
Let's face it, the vacation mindset is a set-up for gaining pounds. Your priority is to relax, and for most that means eating, resting and forgetting the gym.

Your best line of defense is to keep your fitness goals at the forefront of your mind.

Your Plan: Before you leave for your trip sit down and set a goal.

A realistic goal is to maintain your current weight or to lose a pound or two.

The simple act of bringing your fitness goal to mind before leaving on your trip will greatly reduce your chances of coming home heavier.

Reason #2: Indulgent Snacking
There's nothing like a vacation to cause you to throw all caution to the wind with indulgent snacking.

Ice cream in the middle of the day, frozen coffee drinks topped with whipped cream, salty bags of chips and even a visit through a fast food drive thru.

While these snacks may be fun, the damage will quickly catch up to you.

Your Plan: Approach your trip with the strategy of indulging with control.

If you really must have a sweet treat, then make it small and follow it up with a balanced, protein-filled meal.

Another way to reduce indulgent snacking is to bring along your own healthy options.

Dried or fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, health bars, cut veggies and low fat jerky are a good start.

By filling up on these healthy snacks you will end up eating less when presented with a sweet or salty treat.

Reason #3: Forgetting Portion Control
You have no choice but to dine out while on vacation and whether you're visiting 5 star restaurants or fast food diners, you're going to face the same problem: large portions.

While the easiest thing to do with a big plate of food is to simply eat it all—you are on vacation after all...right?—that isn't the best for your waist.

Your Plan: Decide here and now that you will not indulge in large portions.

When you order your meal ask the waiter or waitress to bring you a to-go box. Take half of your meal and place it safely into the box before you even begin to eat.

This gives you no choice but to eat a healthy portion.

If you would rather not carry around a to-go box then ask that your entrée be made into a smaller portion. If it is dinnertime ask for the lunch-sized entrée.

Reason #4: Eating Too Late
Who really wants to go to bed early while on vacation? The days stretch long and undoubtedly end with a nice big dinner.

All these calories, eaten right before bed, will quickly land around your waist.

Your Plan: Simply stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed.

This easy trick is especially effective while on vacation.

So skip that late night indulgence and wake up looking and feeling great.

Reason #5: Not Exercising Enough (Or At All)
Oh, groan, do I really have to exercise while on vacation?

Yes, you do! That is if you want to look and feel younger and more alive.

Too often exercise is looked at as work, but vacations are the perfect time to really enjoy a good workout.

You won't be rushing home, trying to squeeze in a few minutes at the gym, but rather the vacation workout can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Your Plan: Look at vacation workouts as a treat, and make it a priority.

Here are some ideas:
  • Virtually every hotel these days has some type of workout room equipped with cardio machines, dumbbells and a universal machine, so make good use out of it.
  • Vacations are also a great time to take your workout outdoors; take a run on the beach or do sprints, pushups and crunches on a grassy field. If you want more ideas of workouts you can do using just your body weight then give me a call or send me an email.
  • Make a conscious effort to be active everyday. Go on a brisk walk after your day's activities. This is a great way to see a new city, and also a great way to burn off extra calories. Take the stairs instead of elevator in your hotel and any other buildings you visit.
  • Go on a short jog in the mornings or evenings of your stay. If your hotel has a pool, swim a few laps each morning or evening.
Enjoy your vacation! And when you get back into town call or email me for a fitness and fat loss consultation and I'll show you a step-by-step plan for getting you the body that you deserve – it's easier than you think.
Cut Your Carbs
Vacation days are notorious for carb-rich meals, and it's a well-known fact that too many carbohydrates will quickly add up to unwanted pounds. Combat this fat-trap by choosing to eat one carb-less meal each day.
  • Breakfast: This may be the most effective meal to use the carb-less trick, since breakfast often involves breads, pastries and pancakes. Skip the toast and fill up on egg whites and lean breakfast meats.
  • Lunch: A great carb-less lunch is a salad with lean meat. It's so filling and satisfying that you won't even miss the bread.
  • Dinner: Since you're on vacation, you don't want to feel deprived, so dinner is the hardest meal to go carb-less. But if you've indulged at breakfast and lunch then make it a point to cut the carbs at dinner. Stick with veggies and lean meats.

(it's me again now, I can't change the font back...)

I also saw a post from a friend that was on a CRUISE, with her goal to come back the same weight as she left. I sorta figured these were SIGNS from above, challenging me to be my newest best self while I was away. 

So I made a plan, in the car (14 hours remember?!) where I would be tempted with junk-- I came prepared with nuts, dried fruit, rice cakes, and protein shakes. Then at Gramma's I went to the grocery store with my dad (who is also contentiousness about what he eats and exercises every day!) and we stocked up on clean foods: oatmeal, egg whites, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken breasts, fruits and veggies) I stuck to my every 3 hour clean eating plan and avoided carbs at night except for when I really wanted to indulge-- which was two nights, one pizza night and one gramma home made from scratch chocolate cake night. I loved that cake, and I enjoyed the pizza-- guilt free because I had prepared and planned it into my life. We also went for an hour long walk each day that I was away (I think I forgot to mention I am suspended from the iron for another 4 weeks, 6 weeks total... and YES it's killing me.. I miss it, the iron calls to me each day as I walk on the dreamill, or climb the stair demon)

I came home and was pleasantly surprised to see that I was not my weight that I left at-- but down 2 lbs! This is a big deal, because in my old life-- a vacation of any kind would put me back weeks in regards to my fitness and weight goals. But the new me, the new me plans for exciting events so I can indulge, but I have also learned to cook and eat healthy clean foods that I enjoy, so I can stay on track with my goals. 

So, friends. If you are reading this and you are about to go on vacation-- I assure you that it IS a sign, that you TOO can be on track while on vacation and still enjoy your friends and family's time together. All it takes is a plan, preparation time, and the desire to be your best self-- no matter where you are!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strong Currents

Tonight the kiddos, goldendoodle and I went for a walk on our local (short) walking path that has a river flowing through the middle of each side of the path. The kids were playing tag and running and having so much fun outside being active. I felt horrible because the poor dog had been cooped up in the house during our 6 day vacation and my husband worked, literally, the whole time we were gone so we figured we absolutely HAD to get her out for some exercise today.
We took Belle for 3 laps around the river on the 2nd lap my 4 year old yelled for us to come back and check out the ducklings. They were down towards the end of the river part we could see, getting close to the fast current. All 4 of us stood there and watched the 7 or so ducklings (They were definitely kid ducks, but not little baby ones). I noticed that they were swimming awfully close to that current and then all of a sudden, swoosh-- the current grabbed one by one and pulled them underneath the bridge...the ducks were flapping and resisting as much as they could- but the current was too strong.
I couldn't help but relate this to our own health and fitness goals.
First of all, where or where was the mommy duck? Why wasn't she keeping her little ones safe from the swift current? Just the babies were there and even though it was obvious they knew how to swim-- they had let themselves get to close to the fast water. What about you, do you have a trainer? I know you know how to exercise and eat right, but are you actually doing it? Do you have someone leading you who actually is doing the things they are telling you to do? Do you have someone you feel confident knows not only the book knowledge but the practical lifestyle knowledge of living a fit life too? Some of us do better when we have someone to be accountable to-- whether it is a workout partner or a trainer. I have been amazed at how many people in the last week have emailed me in regards to online training. People do well with a plan layed out for them (something that is doable for a lifestyle, remember we hate the word DIET here.. DIETS die), and with someone to check in on them. Can I help you there? Can I help keep you away from the swift water?
Second I related the swift current to that of our diets. We all know that we need to eat clean. We need protein, we need complex carbohydrates, vegetables, a little fat, and a little fruit right?
 Do we need sugar? Do we need alcohol? Do we need greasy fast food?
No, we do not. Those things do nothing for our physical bodies, they do nothing to increase our performance, they do nothing for our waist line besides expand them. It is ok to indulge in them every now and again, as long as we truly do it only every now and again. Let's be honest here though (that's how I roll) how many of you can say you only eat dessert (candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, processed treats that you buy for your kids count here as well) one time a week? Or drink your favorite drink once a month? Or stop by the drive through twice a month? Typically speaking, sugar, fatty fried foods and alcohol are a FAST moving current that once you get close to it, they suck you in and they throw you through the river fiercely and fast, and all of a sudden you look at yourself in the mirror and you realize, you look exactly like that cheeseburger/chocolate cake/iced coffee/martini. If you can not eat and drink those things one time a week as a treat meal-- you need to avoid them until you have more control. Who can help you determine if you need to limit more or indulge more? Who sends you a random text message during the week asking you how your food plan is going? Well, if you are reading this and you are my client-- you can say that YOU do have this. Because I DO check in with my clients regularly and I want to know how it's going.
Don't let that slippery slope of indulgences pull you under the water. What feels worth it in the moment isn't always worth it later on. Don't let moments of weakness pull you under, have a plan and arm yourself to be successful in your healthy fit lifestyle.
Whether you think you can or you think you can't-- you are right. I KNOW you can do this, I KNOW you can be successful and you can determine who you are going to be for the rest of your life by the decisions and choices you make today. The thing is, YOU have to start believing in your success too! Let me help you find joy in your journey to get there.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Sometimes it feels like getting the body we want, looks and health wise is so overwhelming doesn't it? There are all these books out, every single one claiming to have the TRUTH! Each book has a set of rules that you absolutely have to follow in order to finally get thin-- and if you break those said rules-- you are a freaking cheater!! You have low self control and you should be very, very ashamed of yourself. And then there is the exercise. There are a million programs out there... kettlebells, TRX, crossfit, yoga, strength classes, cardio equipment for days and even those free weights! I mean there is so much out there. And every program says you need x amount of this, x amount of that, of course you have to stretch, make sure you get some yoga in and when you calculate that all up in your head, you are exhausted just thinking about the 3 hours per day you must devote in order to finally get the body of your dreams.

I used to be that person. I used to be that person, and I would ask a million questions about every exercise I did-- "should me toe be pointed or flexed?" "Should I run fast, or slow?" "Should I run?" "Should I keep my back straight?" "I better get my yoga in... (I hate yoga) or my 2 hours a day working out wont amount to anything... I have to do it all!"

Holy hell there are just a lot of things to think about huh?

Well, I am going to let you in on a secret-- that's what the people who are taking your money WANT you to think! The people authoring all those books, your nutritionist, your trainer, your supplement junkie... some of the people that are collecting your money want you to think you have to have them in order to be successful. Hell, I want you to think you need me, in order to be successful!

But, I want to teach you the tools to HELP yourself and then send you on your merry way, reaping the rewards of your referrals, and their referrals, and their referrals....

The cold hard truth is this, and it has been said by many a people before me and it is this-- you don't need any of that. You don't need to read this one certain book, or have this one certain operation, or have this specific trainer.

You need to eat healthy clean food, (Great easy to understand article on this here), you need to exercise (I can help guide you there!!), you need to drink plain ol water, and you need to get some friggin sleep. (If you are reading this and you only sleep 5 hours a night!!!!! FIX THAT PRONTO!!!!!!!)

Here's the other thing, you can't fix all these things at once. You can't just start eating 100% clean, exercising like a bad a$$, and become your best self all in the same day ok? (Some people can, but most can't-- for most of us it is a journey). Once you have one good habit down, add another one, and then another.

Start somewhere!

I hear time and time again-- I do not have time to exercise. Yes you do. You are full of crap if you think you don't have time to exercise. You may not want to make the time to exercise, but you do have the time-- maybe it just isn't a priority yet. Please stop telling everyone who does exercise that you "just wish you had the time." (It's insulting... like I am not busy or important because I DO have the time... bull shiz! I just carve out the time in every single one of my 6 days to make it happen. Yesterday, I had a 3 hour appointment, and because I was too lazy to get up before that 830 am appointment, and I had an appointment scheduled for 2 pm, I knew I only had a window of 60 minutes to get it in. Hell or high water, I was going to get it in. On the way to the gym, yet another detour-- called life happened and my time was cut in half... now only 30 minutes. I swerved in front of oncoming traffic and flipped a u turn and headed to the track. 30 minutes of heart pounding cardio, done (running intervals, walking, bleacher running). Do I tell you this to brag? No, I tell you this to remind you that you don't have to have 60 or 90 minutes to do a workout-- you just have to freaking bust a move and do something.

Second issue, I hear time and time again. Eating healthy is expensive. Well, I won't argue with you there, but Ill ask you this... how much money do you spend at McDonalds or Blimpie or Applebees per month? How much money do you spend on medical expenses every year? Have skin issues, have stomach issues, have head aches, have low energy? A lot can be traced back to the food you eat- the way you fuel your body. I promise you that eating clean, nutritious, filling foods at home will cost you less money in the long haul than eating out or feeding yourself processed chemical crap.

Third issue-- I can't afford a gym membership or a trainer. Well, you obviously have the internet, there are a million free resources online for workouts. I ran a bootcamp for 18 months with the highest weight being used a 20 lb bar and 10 # dumb bells. And you live on a street just like I do, there is a track less than 30 minutes from all of us. Workout at home, exercise outside. Especially if you are just starting out, you don't need to go pay 500 dollars for a gym membership-- you just need to start moving and keep doing it.

Consistency is key with anything. You didn't lose 5 lbs your first week? What are you going to do, go eat a box of doughnuts? Don't lie, I know people do that because I myself have done that. It happens. Weigh in, not what you thought, well then I'll sabotage myself. Stop doing that!!! You have to keep doing the right things for a long time to get the desired results. It just is the way it works. A million things play into that stupid number on that stupid scale, which is why I recommend everyone take their measurements (arm, belly button, hips, and thigh) and take progress pictures. You can SEE things that don't always show up on the scale.

Lastly, be patient with yourself. No one is an over night success story. Anything worth having takes work. I am not talking about a magazine picture body (reminder!! Those are models that are very hungry the day of their shoot, and they are airbrushed!!), but YOUR best body is going to take you some time and some work to achieve. It will be hard, you will mess up, you will want to quit-- but the blood, sweat and tears it takes to mold your body into what it is capable of, will be so sweet in the end-- I PROMISE you that.

(Did you fall down into a box of candy? Did you miss a workout!? Nobody cares and neither does your body... hop back on track and do what is right!! One mess up doesn't ruin a body, it is continuous mess ups that ruin a body. Keep your chin up and keep on keepin on.... It DOES get easier!)

Have questions? Need some guidance..... shoot me an email, I'd love to help!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dinner Idea

So I sorta took a meal idea and made it my own this week after I found it on this other blog I read... Hey Joob.

I made this and called it a Chicken Fajita Taco Salad

I cut up 2 chicken breasts and seasoned with Mrs. Dash Southwest Chipolte 0 calorie 0 sodium seasoning. I cooked that for 5 minutes or so in a skillet and then threw in some onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, zuchini and squash.
I layed that on top of a huge bed of spinach, cherry tomatoes and a bit of avocado. Added 2 tbsp of salsa to the top and VIOLA..... 15 minutes later I had a delicious, nutritious dinner the whole family loved! (Ok, truthfully, I loved it... hubby was tired and said it was "meh, good." 4 year old wanted it in a taco shell with no veggies at all, and Bubba the 2 year old ate it like his sister of course, with plain spinach on the side.
Crazy kids!) But, I assure you it was super amazing!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hey You

just wanted to remind you........

you are what you eat!

And we all got excuses, none are good enough for not making your health a priority.

So choose to live. Make it a great week!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Cleanse has gone well for all of those who are dying to know! It is over tomorrow and I feel like it has been a really good reset for my mind and body. I am ready to go back to my ol meal plan, missing rice cakes with peanut butter like crazy and some old fashioned oats with egg whites!

I haven't lost a ton of weight, I did poo, like a lot the first few days but now all is just "regular." I am maintaining about 133 lbs and with each passing day I become more and more ok with that.

I had some major swelling in my tummy from the excess junk I was eating, and that was really making me whig out. But-- when I see now what I look lie at 133 I am totally ok and even dare I say, Happy?!

Teri, what does junk do to your body? It makes it look junky!
Teri, how do you feel when your body looks junky? I feel sad!
Teri, how do you feel when you realize that you are 26 almost 27, have a body fat of less than 18% (I don't know what it is but it is definitely less than that), wear a size 5 pants, and your medium nike shorts are too big? How do you feel when you remember you have two babies that are more important than what you look like 24/7? How do you feel when you allow yourself to indulge in moderation and stick to a healthy plan the rest of the time?
I feel happy about all those things.
Teri, how do you feel when you do your leg workout and see crazy a$$ leg definition all through your quads? How do you feel when you lift 25# dumb bells for shoulder presses? How do you feel when you max out a stair climber? How do you feel when you go for a run and don't want to die? How do you feel when your kids want you to chase them, and you can kick their butts in any ol race? (haha, shut up I know they are only 2 and 4!)?
I feel good about those things.
Teri, how do you feel when your husband wants to make love to you every
Uh, still deciding on that one.
hahahah just kidding! Kinda!
that's another blog post.
Teri, how do you feel when you go to the water park and wear a tankini swim suit, that covers your tummy that you do not love, but accentuates your legs and shoulders and tatas that you do love?
I feel good and happy and proud.

Ok, I am done. But it's a valid point right? All those things are so so important, yet I have let the reflection of my stretchy tummy, or the number on the scale rule my day. Whether I am going to be happy or sad. Super silly when I write all these other things out that do make my heart smile, and do make me proud of the hard work I have accomplished to build the physique that I have TODAY! I will always be a work in progress in regards to my physical, mental, and spiritual progress... but it's a journey right? We aren't expected to be perfect, we are expect to try our best, learn from our victories and our trials, and PROGRESS into the people we are destined to become.

Tell me, what things make you happy on the inside? What are you proud of TODAY?