Friday, May 28, 2010


Well thats a little lame... up almost a pound, but I feel stronger and faster so I am not going to worry about it.

Took a 8 mile run this week, 2 three milers, and a four miler. Today's 3 miles I finished in 27:30. I felt strong and fast. I could have busted it out and finished in 27, but I still needed to lift weights so I listened to my body and backed off when it said "slower down girl!"

My pants are getting looser. Even my workout pants, that are meant to be tight are getting loose in the butt and legs. I know my speed is increasing and I am gaining confidence. I can run 8 miles if and when I want to. That feels good to say that.

A big weekend is ahead of me, I have a 4 mile run scheduled tomorow, which will take place on a trail in Cascade. I am excited to throw a little curve into my workout, and am even more excited because I think I might even have a couple of partners to run this one with. It will be good to have someone to laugh with and talk with, and someone to compare progress with. I am hoping to be able to by mindful of my eating and make healthier choices when I can, and not feel guilt if I let myself have some wiggle room either.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Scale Day

It was a happy morning when I finished feeding the monkey boy and jumped on the scale


If I can just run with that number and keep going I would be so estatic to see 135. Today was the first day I looked in the mirror and was half way happy with what I saw. Body fat wise. I know how strong I am, I am thankful for that. Tonight is the dreaded swim suit shopping so I guess it was a good day to be happy with the number on the scale, although that doesn't really matter when I get in those awful lights and put on that tight fabric. Wish me luck!

CK weighed in at 176 this morning.

When July comes...

I am going to have a lot of people to share the credit with for finishing those 13 miles.
Like Honey, Amy, my mom, my husband. They all watch the kids so I can go run. On days when it seems a bit impossible to make the running work around our schedule, someone is always willing to keep them so I can get in my training.

I went to the track and ran 1.75 miles this morning. It was in the low 40's and was cooler than I was expecting. I wore a jacket even though I felt bulky. I walked a warm up lap, to be greeted by 4 high school boys who might have been in trouble or something because they were out running too. I was a little intimidated and thought about bagging it, but then the sensible Teri came out and I decided since the kids were already at Amy's I better bust a move or kiss todays workout good bye.

I ran 1.75 miles. That's it. Thank goodness for an easy day... but it didn't feel easy. My legs were burning and cold. I think I might be a fair weather runner because if it had been much cooler I would have ran back inside to jump on a tread mill. As I pushed hard through my last two laps I thought with how I was feeling I would be happy if I finished in 17:30, and was suprised to see my final time of 16:29.

It feels good to be getting faster. I know each of these training days are preparing me to be able to run farther and faster. I am thankful for the time to get to be outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature and the taste of the fresh air.

Tomorow I work all day, so it will be an early morning to run 3 miles and lift weights. Still chugging the water, as I am still sore in the legs and shoulders.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

4 miler

Today was the 4 miler on the training schedule. I asked the kids' honey to watch them so I could go run on the road.
4 miles on Orchard is straight from my dad's house, up the neighbor coldisac and down to Florida, turn around and go back to dads.
I felt triumphant about the time I reached the top of the hill before Indiana Street, I could see Florida and I was almost half way done... then I realized I had to run back up that dang hill which I must not have noticed when I mapped the run. Holy crap it felt more like Mt Everest than a hill. Not to mention the wind was pushing against me as I made my way back up the son of a gun. I bet one of the 500 cars that passed me thought, "why doesn't she walk, she might be faster." Well I wanted to stop and walk atleast 10 times, but I pushed through, that is the difference between the old Teri and the new Teri. The old Teri would have stopped and said atleast I did that much, but the new... says bull crap I aint stopping for blood nor money. The schedule says run 4, I will run 4.
By time I reached 10th street, almost home I thought to myself, "after that hill, if my time is 50 minutes I will be pretty dang happy," I sprinted my last stretch as always and was singing praises when I looked down to see I ran those 4 miles in 42 minutes! I must have busted a%$ for part of that run because I am almost positive it took me like 5 minutes to get up that one, blasted hill!!
My legs and butt are sooo sore. I don't know if it is the 7 miler from Tuesday or the weights from yesterday, but I am feeling the burn today. I am going to pound the H2O down today to try and flush out this lactic acid build up!
In case you haven't noticed, this is turning into more of a fitness journal now that the pound pinching rounds are over. So hope I am not boring you to death, but this is a big milestone in my life, training to run a half marathon, so I want to remember the good the bad and the ugly that went with it. Feel free to continue reading and checking up on what's going on in my healthy lifestyle, maybe you will like it, maybe you will think I am a loser and should write about something else... but since its my blog, its my rules. And in case you didn't get my email, I am going to post a few peoples weights every Friday, to help keep us all accountable to the WWW. Feel free to send me your and I shall post it too!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The lucky number


I got up and got on that dreaded scale Monday morning expecting the worst.
And was pleasantly suprised. The Scale God's turned my way and I am ever so grateful. I will be busting my butt this week to repay the favor, maybe even run with the weight loss and try to get below 140.

My training program for the half marathon (which I took a two week break from because of the foot issue and vacation to Grammas that included cookies, pie, and icecream) said run 3 miles yesterday. I ran out of time, and was exhausted from the trip and lack of sleep due to sick 7 month old little man. I did nothing. I almost got through today with nothing too, but got a couple of pep talks from some good friends and a husband and read the schedule. 7 MILES!! Are you kidding me?! I was so annoyed, I didn't want to do it, had myself convinced I couldn't do it, was ready to throw in the running towel, and just work out like a normal person, put my half marathon goal on the back burner, or maybe even quit it.... but I didn't. I forced myself to the track, and told myself that it didn't matter how slow or fast I ran, but I would push to finish 7. I told the running Gods that if I could finish this 7, I would stay on track and I would finish a half marathon on July 10th 2010. AND

I did finish 7 miles. It took me a little less than 77 minutes. Which is not fast by any means, but I finished and it was exactly what I needed to reassure myself that I am worth taking the time to train for, I am worth taking the time to improve my physical and mental self, and I can do ANYTHING I put my mind and energy into.

Fit For Life Boise, 7-10-2010, HERE I COME!!

And maybe I might just itch for something else after, like a small triathalon.... maybe?!!? Well, I better finish one goal before I get my britches too big.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


the scale read 142.5 upon my arrival of my grandparents 14 hours away from home. thats a car ride folks.

i am not sure if grammas scale is aligned with mine at home, but at any rate i will take 142.5 after a road trip where treats were involved.

two days later the scale read 141. wahoo!!! good girl Teri.

I ran for the first time in a week and a half yesterday (only 1.5 miles) since I hurt my foot. Seemed to feel ok once I got warmed up and today it is still feeling good and solid.

I brought my p90x dvds and they have proved to be a good addition to the multiple suitcases. I have worked out everyday and better continue to do so as long as I plan on eating things like Grammas mashed potatoes, cherry pie, and brownies.

Vacay is worth it. I can take a little break and jump back on the band wagon when I get home. I am in control and it is possible to take a break and get back to work.

here here