Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Two Words

Boot Camp!!!!!

I am officially teaching boot camp at Idaho Athletic Club in Caldwell on Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7 pm. It starts January 4th and I would love love love if you came and sweated it up with me!!!

I am a teeny tiny bit nervous. But I am just going to pretend everyone is naked and I think that will make me feel sooooo much better!! (ew sick I know that was tooo far!!!)

I saw a shirt at the Nike outlet store and I wanted it soooooo very badly. However I refrained. It said "I am your resolution!" Cute huh?! Let me help you with your new you for the new year-- if it is weight loss by Take Shape with meal replacements, or if it is by workin' you over at the gym for BoOt CaMp!! Come play with me!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Almost 1 year

I was just typing an email to a prospective client and in it I was retelling my weight loss story. I can't believe it will be exactly one year ago in 3 weeks that I started my journey of total health make over.

I got a new weight watchers scale for Xmas, saw a picture of me and my 2 year old then stood on that new scale and saw 165. I was fat and unhappy. Granted I had a baby a few months prior, it didn't matter I wanted the weight gone.

25 pounds later I was working my ace off, and weighing 140. 140 isn't bad if you watch what you eat, and don't work out, and then watch what you eat some more. But I wanted more. I wanted the muscle I was working 8 hours a week for in the gym to show off. And so I started my Take Shape for Life journey in August.

Almost four months later I stepped on the scale and weighed 129 lbs this morning, and I haven't seen an ounce of exercise, or Take Shape for Life food in 5 weeks. Between Jared being out of town for work, one kid sick, then the next kid sick, then I am sick... I am sad to admit I haven't seen the gym. And I weigh 129 lbs people!! Eating normal every day food, that you- and you- and you eat.

Take Shape for Life is all about the faster lane to weight loss... then transitioning off into normal speed lane of regular food, and maintaing the loss of weight, and expense of money and energy it took you to lose. Total health people.

I have learned so much about how to eat, when to eat, what to eat, and how to keep my total body healthy and strong. I am in l.o.v.e with this program I am a health coach for and I want anyone who is have tried to lose weight and failed, to get in touch with me. There is no choice more imporant than your health.

The price of being over weight is soo much higher than the price of becoming healthy. Medically, physically, and emotionally. You need to be healthy for yourself and your loved ones. Let me help you get there.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1 month Post Take Shape For LIfe

I thought you might all be interested to know....

that I have been officially transitioned off Take Shape for Life for exactly 1 month and I have stayed between 125-130lbs the entire time. Which for those of you who haven't followed my blog for a long time that has been by ultimate goal.

I feel amazing! I am so thankful for what Take Shape for Life has taught me. The way to eat!! The way to live a healthy life!!

If I can reach my ultimate goal, anyone can do it. And I want to help everyone become their best, healthiest self ever!! Call me and let's make this the year you StIcK to that resolution!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sorround Yourself

I have always heard wise people say to sorround yourself with like minded people, that have similar values, goals, hopes, dreams, and standards.

Today I was reminded how important that is.

I realized how lucky I am to have good friends, and how lucky I am to be a good friend.

I exercised a good friend trait today. I made one of my best friends get out of bed and meet me at the gym. She didn't want to exercise today, she was discouraged and wanted to sleep the annoyance away. I manipulated her into going anyway, and I think she was happy she did.

Good friends have helped me through weight loss struggles, they have:
-met me at the track to make sure I finished my last laps.
-told me to step away from the freaking chocolate cheerios and get my butt to the gym.
-they have believed I could accomplish hard things when even I didn't.
-they have refused to bring soda to me, even when I have begged when they know I am trying not to drink it.
-they have hidden all the candy from their kids bags from me so I would not feel tempted (Even though I searched for it and found it-- it was a thoughtful gesture)
-they have been unoffended when I have returned the birthday cake they made for me, because I decided it was time to start losing weight.
-they have told me I look skinny when I feel fat.
-they have recommended and recognized my skills and talents to others.
-they have shared their tips of yummy healthy food choices, and have listened when I have made bad choices and felt guilt.

If a friend or loved one is really a true friend, they will help you on your journey and will build you up and not tear you down. They will not sabotage you and they will not razz you for doing your best.

A good friend is hard to find, if you have found one or some, count yourself lucky and work to keep them.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Heart

So, this might seem like a weird post to post. But my heart is happy and full and so I am posting it anyhow.

My whole life I have struggled in the self confidence area. While other people have had bright shiny talents, something they are really good at and really love-- I have always lacked. I have always wondered if there was something I was good at, or something that I loved. I was never the fat girl, but always the heavier girl. I always worried that when a dance came around in school, I'd be the girl nobody wanted to take. (Partly because I was heavier, partly because I super SUCK at dancing) I always coveted other girls skinny frames. I would work out, but never really feel like anything was working to my advantage.

I got married. I have the hottest husband alive. Really, I think that. I always wondered why he picked me. I couldn't believe it when he would tell me I was hot or pretty or had a nice body. How could he think that? The image in the mirror did not reflect those nice things he said.

I got pregnant. Pregnancy did not treat me well. Yet another damper on the self confidence area. Pregnancy 2 was better. I decided to start this blog 10 months ago and have felt a sincere boost in the way I feel about myself and my abilities, and about the way I look. I write this blog because I think it is important for everyone to realize that I am a normal mom and wife, that stays home, and has made health a priority in my life. And with that priority I have become more confident in myself. If I can do it my friends, let me guarantee you something-- anyone can do it.

So at the end of my 530 am cycling class today, a fellow cycler paid me the compliment of telling me I should get my own class on the off days. Maybe that will happen. Maybe it wont. But the fact that she thought I was capable, and good enough to do it had me floating on cloud nine all day. She will never know how happy she made me. But it is a testimony to me of being nice, kind, and building other people up. We never know how the people are affected by the things we say. Thank you to that sweet lady, who sweated her butt off in my class today.

I will never be the best instructor, the skinniest girl in a crowd, or the best at anything maybe... but I am finding myself and finding things that I really love-- getting healthy, maintaining and pushing my fitness to a new level, and watching people around me succeed in their health, when in a lot of cases they thought they never could orwould. I finally feel like all those times I was "faking in until I made it," are starting to pay off.

Our bodies are what we make them. We can do hard things. We can set goals and achieve them... and nothing, my friends is impossible.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A well deserved prize!

SOOOO.... I finally have gotten the opportunity to sub for some cycle classes!!!!!!!!!!!

I might be a bit stoked about it still.

Well my classes (6 classes in fact) are either at 6 pm.... or 530 FREAKIN am!! Can you believe it? I got my butt up to get to the gym at 430 yesterday!

It rocked my little world. It was soooo fun. Well the early thing wasn't that great, but it was an opportunity I am so thankful for. There were 10 of us in class and that is BIG to me. It was so much fun. I was yelling and woohooing and pushing it to the max... oh ya and I was DRENCHED in sweat. And so were some of the other riders.

Anywho, the point is. If you are that person who has thrown away any excuse about not having time to work out, and has gotten your A up at 5am (or whatever is SO early to you) to burn some calories.-- you rock, my friend! I am proud of you! And if you are still telling yourself that you don't have time to work out, I promise, promise, promise you... that you do. You just have to sacrifice maybe to find that time. I read yesterday in a health magazine this quote... that I have heard time and time again and it has touched me to the core in many aspects of life "Anything that is worth having, or doing... is A LOT of work!"

It will not be easy. It is always a decision to get there, to exercise, to eat the almonds and not the candy bar or the salad and not the whole pizza... but they are choices that lead up to a VERY BRIGHT future. Total health is a journey and a amazing, fullfilling freaking ride at that!

Make the choice today to be your best self.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Week

Here I sit, another week come and gone. Time is flying by and I can't believe how excited I am about Take Shape for Life.

I am still working hard. I am in the gym atleast 5 days a week. Working hard to gain muscle and strength, and watching and learning from the other trainers so one day I can have a class and share my knowledge of fitness with a group. I am still eating 4 or 5 Medifast meals a day, and 1 or 2 lean and green meals. My body is responding and it is delighting in its new found glory.

My size. My size! I bought a small sweater today, first time in my entire life I have bought a small anything. I told my husband this weekend, after apologizing for buying another pair of pants, that I feel like it is now an obligation to dress cuter. (ha, he didn't buy it either) I have never in my life had the confidence that I do right now. I feel good. I look in the mirror and I am so thankful that Take Shape for Life knocked at my door. It has opened a window I never thought possible. I never in a million years thought I would get on the scale and see 130, I never thought I would walk into a clothing store and buy a size 3/4 jeans (the first pair I tried on, even), I never thought I could wear vertical stripes because it draws too much attention to my middle section. I can do all of those things, and I can do them because I made the decision to change, not tomorow, but I made the choice to change TODAY and everyday.

I feel like I have been released from straps of bondage. Like my real self is finally out of my bigger body and it is shining. I am healthy, I am strong, and I can accomplish just about anything.

Take Shape for Life has shown me that if I can do this program, anyone can do this program. Anyone who has ever looked in the mirror with sadness, has ever stepped on the scale with disappointment, has ever walked in to a gym and felt like they didn't belong. Take Shape for Life is for you! It is for everyone who really wants to change. Anyone who really wants to feel the excitement of finding their smaller self. Whether you are 150lbs or 350lbs, this program can and will work for you-- when you make the decision to stop hiding behind excuses, or limits you or your body have set for you. Do not be held back, to not be a victim of your body's desires. Be the boss, be your best self, and let me help you on your journey to total health.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Womens Fitness Celebration

Woke up bright and early today, took my three year old (As of tomorow) and my mom over to the Women's Fitness Celebration. Beautiful, strong, amazing women everywhere.

It was empowering. Everyone together celebrating women, fitness and their health. What a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

We can be anything we want to be, we can look any way we want to look, and we can walk or run any race we want to. We can choose to be the person we want to be.

Gracie ran the last part of the race, she says she is "fast like you, mom!" And that is worth a million dollars, to share that part of my life with my growing girl.

What kind of example are we to our daughters, nieces, friends, cousins, grandkids? Who are you, what do you stand for, what do you celebrate?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Class!!!

I taught for an entire hour of cycling today!!!

I thought I was going to die people!

I was drenched in sweat (like literally my blue shirt was soaking wet!!) and I was LOVING it! AND there were 5 people in class. I was in heaven!! It was soooo much fun!

I get to teach next week all by myself for my last official training day, the real instructor is going to be in the audience and I am going to fly solo!!!!

I love teaching!!! It was amazing and fun and sooo cool!!!

Sooooo, come to class Thursday next week and let me work you over!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cyclin it Up

I taught for the third time yesterday. Cycling. I have taught only a few songs of each hour long class, but I am L.O.V.I.N.G it! I can't believe how much faster the class goes by when I am up front instructing. I love the sweat dripping, the yelling, the bossing people around, (haha I am getting more and more truthful in this blog aren't I?) pushing people to their limits, I love the learning. I am in l.o.v.e.

I have been so lucky, getting to work with some phenomenol women, all three are almost 20 years older than me, and each can kick my friggin butt at any class any day of the week. But they are teaching me, and I am soaking it in. I am getting stronger, more endurant and better all the time. I am meeting new people, encouraging new people and falling in love with my new lifestyle.

It isn't always easy. Someone asked me the other day if I ever want to just sleep in or stay home from the gym. ummmmm YAH I do! But, I sometimes worry that if I stop I wont start again. I always worry if I am focusing on the right things, starting up a weight loss business and learning to instruct classes while me kids are young, if I am putting more stress on them than I should be carting them back and forth to the gym day care. I wonder if I am being selfish while doing this- taking too much me time.

I don't know the answers. I pray that I am doing the right thing, that I have been put in the place that I have been put for reasons I don't always understand. I hope I am influencing people for the good, that I am motivating someone- somewhere. I hope that my kids are seeing the positive results of a healthy lifestyle, I pray they will want that for themselves. I hope my husband knows that I love him and I am trying to help-- financially, emotionally, and by working on myself, trying to improve me.

I pray that anyone who ever reads this post, this blog... that you know that I am in no way shape or form perfect. I never do anything perfect. I am a normal mom, a normal wife, a normal girl. I am trying to push myself, I am seeing what I can accomplish, I suck sometimes. I fall, I fall hard and eat pizza and eat ice cream and pop, I look in the mirror and say ugly things to myself. I look at other people and I think jealous thoughts, sometimes. I go to the gym and I wish I were laying in bed or watching soap operas. I do it all. I look in the mirror sometimes and think good prideful things. I am a roller coaster. I do it all, I am goood, I am bad and I can be ugly. But the one thing I can tell you for sure, is that I am doing my best, and I am learning, every day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Newest Me

We are all a work in progress right?! Well, this is the most recent me... the one that is constantly working, constantly striving to be the best I can be.

Thought you might like to see my stats:
lost 7 lbs
lost 1 inch on right thigh
lost 1 inch on waist
lost 1 inch on butt
lost .5 inches on arm

The older me

This is my "Real" before picture. The picture that started my whole weight loss/get healthy regimin. Christmas Eve 2009, I wanted to cry when I saw this picture. I never wanted to see another picture of myself like that AGAIN, and I pray, pray, pray I never will!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feelin Good

I am almost to the point of picture time again.

I feel ready. I am not perfect by any means, but I am feeling confident and happy in my results.

I had a few pictures taken this weekend with the family. It was the first time in my entire life I have seen myself in a photo and not thought I looked fat, or my arm was big, or my stomach was sticking out.

As the weight has come off, the muscle tone is improving and my confidence is gaining.

I am feeling like a new girl, and I like the way this new girl feels in my body.

Take Shape for Life, you are rocking my world!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is there some sort of rule?!

I jumped on the scale this morning, a bit apprehensive.... to see the lovely 132.4 number.

That was the best day I have had on the scale and I am excited!!!!!

Here is it noon, my husband is gone, my friends are busy, my extended family is busy and I am a bit bored on this Saturday afternoon.... and all I can think about is FOOODDDDD!!!

No, I am not hungry. No I am not hungry, no I am not hungry.

Yes I am bored, I am bored, I am bored, I am bored.

I want to eat bad food!!!! Even though I had a great day on the scale, and I am not hungry I want to eat bad food!!! Cereal, pizza, ice cream, brownies, french fries, you name it... I've been thinking about it.

I don't want to, but I want to... ya know?! What the heck. Where is the logic in that? I am happy the scale is moving down a little bit, I am happy with my fat dissipating and my muscle coming to the surface and I DO NOT want to sabotage myself.

But, why is all I can think about food?

Stupid busy people come back and entertain me!!!!

I promise I am going to try really hard to not sabotage myself and my weight today. I am going to give a full fledged effort to be a good girl, health coach, and example. But it ain't gonna be easy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Straight to the Thighs


I heard this on the radio and let out a chuckle for a good 5 minutes afterward.

"Chicken and fries goes stright to the thighs!"

then the DJ made the caller say "I'm__________, and I look good!" I duno what the point was... that's all I heard. But I think it's pretty great/hilarious.

So happy Labor Day weekend!!
I'm Teri, and I loook goooooooood!!! hahahahaha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I went on a girls' night last night to do a little shopping and watch the movie Eat, Pray Love. I didn't love the movie, but I loved parts of it. I loved the focus on finding balance in our lives. I feel like I have been a little bit "crazy" lately, figuring out how to be a health coach, a fitness instructor, a wife, mom, daughter and friend.
It hasn't all come together just yet. But the thing that I realized is that I really do L.O.V.E all these things I am, and am trying to become. They are things that are important to me, make me feel fulfilled, and make me feel like I am contributing to the world something positive.
As I was shopping and thinking I was happy with buying a pair of size 5/6 pants that fit, of course I still see my imprefections but as I looked at the big picture, the total package I am mostly happy with the reflection that I see in the mirror, and I am happy with the inner person that I am and the person I am trying to become-- the person that not everyone can clearly see.
With that, I am letting you know I have reached a weight I feel is sustainable, and suitable to my body and my lifestyle. I am bouncing between 132 and 135, and I feel like that is a good place for me to be right now. I probably still wont look as "perfect" as I might like in a 2 piece swim suit, but I feel as close to my perfect self I can be. My husband loves me, he loves my body and that is important to me, but I can truly now say I feel satisfied. I am going to enter maintenance mode of Take Shape for Life. I am a health coach, and I will continue coaching and helping as many people as I possibly can reach. I know that this program is G.R.E.A.T and can help anyone who is willing to put forth the energy and the time it takes to lose weight, and change their lifestyles to be their best, healthiest self.
For me, I feel balance right here, and right now. I hope that as you are striving to become your best self you are able to see and feel that balance in your lives as well. I hope that if I can help you in any way shape or form to become your best self, you will let me know-- and let me help you on your journey.

Monday, August 30, 2010

No Wonder We're Fat!!!

I went into maverick today to fill up my soda and as I was waiting in the LONG line, I looked around. I noticed the people a little bit, but mostly I noticed the crazy amount of HORRIBLE food all around me. 500 different candy bars, doughuts, fried food and tobacco. That's it. I bet there wasn't more than 5 healthy choices of food in that entire gas station and all I could think was "look at all this high fructose corn syrup!"
I am reading The Secret is Out, the book that comes free with your Medifast order and have been so interested about the information I am picking up. I will share some tid bits from the book as I get further in to it, but for today-- I just can't wonder why America is obese anymore. I know exactly why. Because we are sorrounded by unhealthy, quick choices and we as humans react to our sorroundings so quickly we don't even blink. We don't give a second thought to the yucky stuff we put in our bodies, yet we complain when the scale goes up, or our pants get tighter or even rip. We are sad when we can't chase after our little ones with the same exuberence that we once did, we are disappointed when we can't run that race, or even walk up the stairs with out gasping for breath.
We have choices every day of our lives and the only person that can choose to make you the healthiest person, the one that smiles instead of frowns when you look in the mirror is YOU!
What's your choice today!? Who are you going to be? Are you willing to take the time and energy it takes to take care of yourself, or are you going to continue being a slave to your body, letting it set limits for you on what you can and can't do?
Who are you!? Who do you want to be?! How are you going to get there?1

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little break

I am having a rough couple of days. I feel a little overwhelmed with life, a little under appreciated, and a lot exhausted.
I gave in today, I have cheated a couple of times before but today was big. I ate pizza, and more than one piece.
I wanted it so bad, and all I could think of was the guilt. I knew I shouldn't have it, I feel like I am not being a good example to my clients and to those who know I am a health coach. I feel like I am not living up to the standard that I should be, in order to call myself a coach.
I don't know if people will think I am a hypocrite, or just human. I am hoping they think I am human and understand that I am always trying to be the best that I can be, but sometimes I just need a break. Today was that day.
I feel better. It tasted really good! And I think I can hop right back on track safely and follow my plan like I should.
I have told my clients from the beginning that I don't expect perfection out of them, that there will be times they fall off the path for a little bit, but the important thing is to get back on the wagon and go foward from where you left off.
Have you cheated? Have you given in to temptation, or have you been 100% the whole time?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Last nights tasting was great!!

I had 5 girls show up and we had a great time together sampling food and visting about the Take Shape for Life program.

I signed up my 6th client this week!!! I am so excited to share my knowledge and help people get in shape, and to their ideal weight. I mean really, I can hardly sleep at night I am so excited to check in with my clients to know how they are doing.

I am going to post our weekly losses to the right. I can't waite to show you the success my clients are having with the Take Shape for Life program.

And by the way, I am feeling GREAT! Energized, healthy, strong and happy. It doesn't get much better than that!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Calling All Tasters!!

Are your cothes too tight?
Are you tired of trying everything and seeing little, slow, or no results?
Are you ready to lose your unwanted pounds and Take Shape for Life?!

Come to a tiny tasting at my house to sample for yourself the Medifast food. Low cals, low carbs, low fat! Come see what Take Shape for Life is all about! 6:30 pm Thursday August 26thRsvp by email or comment here!! See you soon!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

6 hours in a Car!

Wow, that wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I struggled to stay on my 5 & 1 plan yesterday with each mile we drove. It was a battle of the good and the bad angel on my shoulder the entire trip.

I think I made it through the entire 7.5 hour trip with maybe 5 bites of something that did not qualify as my plan food. That totally took me out of fat burning zone, I just know it!

My in laws are really healthy eaters, and they buy the best of the best food. I mean they are STOCKED with yummy stuff to the brim. Wow, this is going to be such a test of MY will power.

134 on the scale looks good to me. My clothes feel good, my body feels tighter, my energy feels higher, and I mentally feel stronger. I do not want to sabotage myself and start all over when I get home!

Wish me luck!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fair Week!

I am off to the Western Idaho Fair to flaunt my new Take Shape for Life self!! I will be in the expo building with two other health coaches trying to share our program with ANYONE and EVERYONE who could benefit from living a healthier, stronger, happier life!!

Come see us! Talk to us about your struggles, successes, worries and questions. We have answers!!

Let's Take Shape for Life people!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Once a Week

So I was talking to my health coach today about how I dropped .2 lbs from yesterday. She was like "stop weighing yourself everyday!!!"

Take Shape for Life recommends weighing one day a week, same time, same clothes (before you get in the shower first thing in the morning is best). So, even though you all know I am a crazy scale lady, I am going to limit myself to 3x a week, and only post 1x each week. That will give everyone a good idea of my progress and I will be following the guidelines that my company recommends.

I did a little biking and a short walk at the gym today. Felt good and strong. Much better than yesterday. Take Shape for Life recommends that if you exercise vigorously before starting the program that you should cut your exercise in half for the first three weeks. If you are not exercising at all... you can keep going with that for the first three weeks, and then it is time to start adding light activity into your routine. As we all know, you can not maintain a healthy weight with one or the other (exercise or nutrition) but need them both as partners to achieve your best, healthiest results.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I can't remember what the scale said this morning exactly but I know the first 3 numbers were 134!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeehaaaaw!! I feel it already, I feel the loss on my belly already!
I am suprised the weight is coming off that fast. I am so excited though! I feel like my body was preparing for this big loss over the past month of no sugar, it was like "you are pushing me, but not hard enough... what else you got lady?" Well, bam bam body!! You are losing the battle to me!!
I went to Costco today to pick up formula for my little monster baby. I saw rows and rows of food, and the food court where I would normally get a frozen yogurt (giant size is the only size of course) but wasn't even the slightest bit tempted.
When I put my mind to something I do it. Do it right or don't do it. Go big or go home. Those are just a couple of my mottos. I did not cheat, and honestly there was not one single thing in that entire store that would have satisfied me as much as the feeling of the loss. N.O.T.H.I.N.G
I thought I would be having cravings but I am not. My body feels satisfied and happy. Just plain ol happy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Need I say more?! I am crazy with energy! I am so excited I have never, ever, ever seen 135 on the scale. I have run and run and run, I have secured 8-9 hours in the gym each week for EIGHT MONTHS, but I have never seen 135.8 on the scale.

This isn't going to be 2.5 lbs of weight loss every day, I know. I wont be suprised if I don't lose any at all tomorow in fact. I know that there will be really good loss days and then flatter plateau days. That's ok. As long as it dwindles off, I am following my eating program, and continuing to exercise I am going to be one happy girl.

For the record, my S'more crunch bar tasted like a million dollars yesterday. I felt satisfied each time I ate, never hungry or bloaded or stuffed (like I normally do). My energy level was up, I had a little diet dr pepper. I was a happy girl.

Monday, August 16, 2010

And for the Two Piece Pictures!

Official starting weight 138.4

I'm not going to lie. I kinda wish I would have worn something else... like maybe a leotard. But the belly is what is driving me nuts, and I guess those upper thighs too, so the belly must be shown.
Mind you, this is 25 lbs lighter than I was in January. This is the body of a half marathon runner, lady who spends atleast 8 hours a week in the gym. That is disappointing to me to say that. I feel like for as much time as I put in at the gym I should flaunt muscle definition.
That is why this Take Shape for Life program works (I know it does, I have seen it on the other health coaches) because it takes what you are puting in at the gym and combines it with the amazing, healthy food choices they offer and it puts the total package all together. You can not have one with out the other. I have learned and am convinced that our bodies are deleloped and changed by probably 30% exercise, and 70% the fuel we put into our mouths. That is painful for an athletic, workout loving lady to say.
It does not matter how much you exercise, if you do not combine it with the healthiest food choices, you will not lose weight, or I should say you will not lose a significant amount of weight.
So, today is Day 1 of my Take Shape For Life program. I am feeling good. Staying hydrated. I had a strawberry shake (it reminds me more of a smoothie consistency) for breakfast, chicken noodle soup for lunch and am about ready for a s'more snack bar. It hasn't been bad at all. The first couple drinks of my shake I thought "hmm... this isn't great", but the rest was fine and it satisfied me. What a difference I have felt today. I ate what they recommended, and I felt satisfied. Not stuffed, not bloated, not guilty that I had 3 pancakes and bacon. I am supposed to eat between 2.5 and 3 hours. We will have baked chicken breast and salad for dinner, and honestly I know I am not supposed to be in fat burning zone for 3 days, but I am still anxious to see what the scale says tomorow. (I am even allowed to have 1 non caloric beverage a day... woot woot... diet dr pepper I have missed you!) and I also found out with further research today I can have sugar free gelatin too. Kinda excited bout that as well!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


My heart is pounding, I have butterflies, "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!"

I have been learning, reading, and researching for the past couple of weeks. I have been knee deep in a program I have just learned about called Take Shape for Life! I went to a meeting today, and after attending I am fired up and ready.

You all know me. You know I am SO AGAINST fad diets. I want to puke at the word HcG diet, because I know it doesn't work long term, and it isn't healthy for your body. I want to smack people upside the head with their stupid get skinny quick methods.

I am on to something new, and fairly quick, and here's the kicker-- HEALTHY!! It is endorsed by dr's all around, in fact go ahead and call your dr now and ask him what he thinks about Take Shape for Life and the Medifast food. He will tell you it's great, almost guaranteed.

Take Shape for Life is a partner company with the popular Medifast food, that is a portion controlled, nutritionally balanced, low-fat food that has been proven to help people lose weight faster. It is a program that is designed to create a calorie deficit that allows you to burn fat for energy. The real kicker on this program for me, is that it BURNS YOUR BELLY FAT, because that is where the majority of our fat is stored.

So, I can go on and on about all the great things I have learned. Bottom line is, you buy the Medifast food from my website, you eat 5 Medifast meals, and 1 lean and green meal each day (lean and green is your own 5-7 oz of protein and 3 servings of vegetables). You STILL exercise each day, (30 minutes recommended). The average female should lose 3-5 lbs a week!!! The average male 7-10!!

This is not a get skinny quick method. This is going to take some time and some self control to get your weight off, once you reach your goal you go into a transition mode where you gradually add more (still healthy at home) food into your diet, then to maintenance mode where you maintain your loss... because YOU HAVE LEARNED TO MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, you have detoxed your body from all the processed high fructose corn syrup, and you have worked super hard to lose your weight so you KEEP IT OFF!! Another super great point of this company is that with buying your food, you get for free... ME!! A health coach, that helps you order your food, get the best deals on the food, helps motivate you, helps keep you on the bandwagon, and knows where you are with your program, and knows how to get you to the end, to be your best, healthiest self.

There are a ton of success stories and testimonials on the site, and the biggest, best one for me has been Sabra. She is who I am training under at the gym to be a group fitness instructor. She was like me, at a healthy weight, but felt like she had a few more unwanted pounds to go... so she started the program, is still on the program and lost 15 pounds in a month and a half and has kept it off since January.

I feel fully confident in thatI have done almost everything I can possibly do to get the rest of my weight off. I know how amazing I have felt to get this 25 pounds off by myself... but the reality is, not everyone can do that. And I can't get the next 5 off for the life of me, even with cutting out all sugar and soda. This is so lame. A month of no sugar and I have gone down 1.5 pounds. So not cool. If I am going to continue busting my butt, I want results!!!

So Monday is Day 1! And I am so excited! I can't waite for you to see where this plan takes me in the next 4-6 weeks. I am so brave, I am going to take a picture tomorow night, before I start this program of me in a 2 piece swim suit!! YIKES!! I am so brave, did I already say that? And then I will be taking another one in 4 weeks. If this program is even half as great as I think it is, I am going to feel good wearing that 2 piece, (Even though, for the record I will still be sporting a tankini at any and all times out in public, fyi) and you are going to see the great results this program is giving.

SOOOOO, keep checking in on me. Keep checking the blog to see my progress and for the love of everything, comment, email me, or call me.... let me know if you want to hear more about my new program!!

My new email is takeshapewithteri@gmail.com and my official website will be up and running hopefully Monday night.

If you are as tired as I think you are, and as tired as I am, of trying everything, of working hard and seeing slow or little results-- get in touch with me, and we can help you TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE!!

Friday, August 13, 2010



137.9--- booyah!!

I have never ever ever seen 137(point) anything on the scale since I have been weighing myself and caring about how much I weigh. There was one day it said 137.7 but that was right after a morning like 10 mile run or something so it didn't count.

Today was a solid 137.9. I have been saying for months to people, I just can't get below 138 for the life of me.

Not any more!! I can totally get below 138, in fact I think I can get to 135 in less than 3 weeks. If I get to 135 by then end of my experiment, it will sooooo be worth all the lack of sugar and artificial sweetner aka diet dr pepper work.

Cuz it is work!! I still think about diet dr pepper all the time. Especially when I go run errands and have the burning desire to run in Maverick and get a fountain drink to accompany me, especially when I have a head ache, especially when the kids are extra whiney, or just plain naughty, especially when my husband has been home all week, especially when I have any amount of stress, especially when I see someone eating ice cream or candy, especially when I see someone drinking pop.

See, look how dependant my mood is on that dang drink!! I get into a better mood just thinking about drinking one. I think that says a lot about my emotional health. I am not very emotionally healthy if I need a damn diet dr pepper to ease tension and stress in my life. If I were a drinker of alcohol, or smoker of ciggarettes.... I would guess I would be a total alcoholic/chain smoker.

Moderation is not my middle name. Maybe one day it will be, but until then... if I am going to drop a few more pounds.... NO SUGAR NO SODA will have to be my middle and last name.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8 pounds

I went to step class today and informed Sabra I had yes lost a bit more weight, attributing it to no soda. A girl, Becky in class was like
"ya I lost 8 pounds in 2 months when I stopped." Becky is a twig for the record and I have no idea what made her want to try to lose 8 pounds... but she did and she looks great still.
Anyway, thought that was interesting food for thought for all of us.
8 pounds?!!?!!? Wow she rocks!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

half a pound

the scale went down half a pound today.
I was happy. My husband was sleeping when I saw the good news, pretty sure if he wouldn't have killed me I would have screamed in rejoice.
I hope hope hope it keeps going down.
I will totally think it is worth it to give up soda if my weight makes it to 135. I think my ultimate end all goal would be 135 at night when I go to bed, so 133ish when I wake up in the morning.
Can I do it?!
I reallly really really hope so. I want to see what it looks like, 133 on me.

Thanks for the comments readers!! I love love love comments!! I love to know that you are reading and getting something from my babbling. And for the sweet lady Rachel who says she is so far behind me... you aren't!! You are doing so good and we can all only do our very best. I have seen what you are capable of during our competition and I know that you can be your best self. We are all a work in progress every day-- I hope you are still remembering to celebrate all the great things you are choosing to do every day! You Go Girl!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


I left the gym this morning to go run a few errands and was a little sad with out stopping to get a diet dr pepper to accompany me.

Then I was a little sad later in the day when I went to my friends to get my hair done. I wanted to bring a treat... but my options were no sugar, no soda... and of course I didn't want to sabotage us and bring fries. So I brought nothing.

It is crazy how much of my eating and drinking (haha that sounds like I am an alcoholic, but I don't even drink. But I am sure the same principle applies to those who do.) are so much of a social thing. My entire life I have spent eating dessert, or french fries, or soda in the company of my family on a car ride, in my circle of girl friends for a night out, in a group of families for a picnic, or on a date with boyfriends (in the past,) or now my husband. I have socialized over food my entire existance.

With this experiment I had the hopes i would be able to retrain my brain that I can still have fun and enjoy life with out indulging in everything in sight. That I can choose things I love and not feel a bit of sadness to turn down anything and everything I do not love. I have heard before you have to teach yourself that if you truly do want to be thin and in shape, you have to teach yourself to not want that "bad" food, and teach yourself that you do love to exercise. I can trick myself just like the rest of the world.

I am a work in progress every day. I feel optimistic that I made it through the day with still no sugar, and no soda either. I do not have a raging head ache, just a little hurt in my heart that I didn't get to enjoy the drink that I really do like, or maybe even love. I also feel a little exhausted and I don't know if that is from life in general, or the lack of caffiene. We will see what the rest of the week brings.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I didn't have a soda until 430 this afternoon and by time I got to that can I had a RaGiNg head ache.
I can't believe how quickly I got addicted to it again, I only started drinking it again after my race July 10. How fast my body returned to craving it... it is insane!!
I will pump some advil in my body first thing tomorow morning and remind myself probably atleast fifteen times that I no longer am able to drink the soda. I thought it, I said it, I wrote it-- that's it... It is gone.
I am anxious to see what my weight does with out it. There was a time when I would have said I didn't think it affected my scale number... but as I have experimented and remembered back to after my daughter was born almost 3 years ago (When I was a dedicated diet coke drinker), I have realized that I think it plays more of a role in the weight loss than I thought. Whether it is actually pounds, or whether it is just water retention I am not sure... but I do believe I will be more able to drop 5 pounds with out the soda.
My friends sister is working with a trainer from Utah State... and in her words the soda is like "poisen" to our bodies.
I believe it. And I am quitting it, for good this time, atleast I think it's for good this time. For sure I am quitting it for the next 2 weeks.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I was really starting to get a little crazy there for a couple of days. I can not begin to tell you the amount of stress that was lifted when I saw 139.7 today on the scale.

I know I might sound like a lunatic. In fact even saying it out loud I feel like one. But I have been so proud of my progress fitness and weight wise that the thought of that slowly slipping away has been a tremendous amount of stress on me. I have started out each of the days this past week already feeling a little down from my weight, and then trials have come our way in other aspects of our lives, and it has left me feeling a little gloomy. It is so frusterating to feel like I am are giving life 100%, and not seeing the postive results from doing that. While I understand the reason I was put here in this body on this earth was to go through life and face trails and tribulations-- it is sometimes not enough to know that, to keep me from feeling overwhelmed!

I feel a little skip in my step today. I know that regardless of my weight, I am still a good person who is trying my best every day. Some days will be better than others in different ways. I know how blessed I am to have my health and my strength and when I feel gloomy it is important to remind myself of that, not everyone is so lucky. Today is going to be a great day!

In the words of one of my favorite workouts songs (I dont know the singer or the title... jsut these words I sing several times through out the day), hope my weight, and the struggles of life keep going down, down, down. (Sorry you can't hear the tune but it is really peppy!)

Friday, July 30, 2010


Well it was the ugliest day I have seen on the scale in a couple of months.


I went to bed last night almost in tears. I know it might seem really lame to some people I am upset over a few gained pounds... and normally it would to me too. But I am working sooo hard and being so concious and I am just totally feeling crazy inside. If I didn't know better I would guess I was pregnant or something because that would be the only thing that logically would make sense considering what my workouts/eating is entailing right now.

Don't worry, I can't be pregnant. So I wont even waste the 8 bucks on a test. I have an IUD and you don't get pregnant with an IUD thank the heaven above.

I went to another step class today, but didn't stay for the last 30 minutes of strenth training because nobody else was. Oh well yesterday was a hard core strenth training session so I don't think it is a big deal. I think Jared is working tomorow so I will be back up to attend Sabra's cycling class at 8.

I am having a ton of fun in these classes. I am learning a lot and am taking notes of things I like: certain music, switching up hill workouts with speed workouts in the same classes, & yelling (encouraging yelling, or cueing), and things I don't like: talking during workouts, not cueing, and some instructor's music selections haha)

I guess I am just going to have to ride out this next few weeks. I am trying so hard not to get down and gloomy because of the scale results. I am trying to focus on my strenth and my new learning curve.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well i just got off the scale for the night and it looks the same as last night, which means tomorow morning will be the same too. Isn't that weird I only lose 2 pounds from night to the next morning? It seems like I used to lose like 4 or something... but not now. Always 2.

I keep thinking and thinking. Analyzing, talking to myself even.

I can't for the life of me figure out what is going on with the weight.

It could be the soda I am still drinking. But it's weird because the soda is diet, there are no cal's in it.

So, I was going to not have any soda today, and stop drinking it all together again. But then I was thinking that if I do that, and drop some weight in the next 2.5 weeks I have left of my no sugar experiment, I will never know if it was the no sugar or the no soda.

My next experiment will start 3 weeks from the original experiment, where I will continue to sugar for 2 weeks, and then add in the no soda. That way I have a solid 3 weeks of testing to see what just no sugar does, then 2 weeks of none of either.

Somethings gotta change. Or else no sugar wouldn't really be worth it to stay the same/go up in weight.

I guess it still kinda is because I know it is healthier for my body not to have it. I kinda wanted to just try it out (not eating sugar) to lose my belly number 1 but number 2 just to train my brain that just because there is dessert there, or candy there.. it doesn't mean I have to eat it. I have always been someone who eats it-- like say a piece of dark chocolate, because it is in front of me, even though I don't like dark chocolate. Or I will eat homemade icecream because everyone else is, even though it really isn't my favorite. I really want to be one of those health consicous people who eats dessert or something that isn't "healthy" because I love it, like cheesecake-- but not feel the desire to eat something that isn't my favorite just because it is in front of my face.

I believe I can teach my body new tricks, and that I am in control of my eating. I believe that I can teach myself to eat and enjoy healthier choices and I believe I can lose 5 pounds. COME ON HELP ME LOSE 5 POUNDS!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is nothing like the scale moving up up and up to discourage a girl from a goal.

I can't believe this dumb weight! I have thought back to every piece of advice I have given, I have thought logically, I have tried to tell myself it's a fluke. I just can't figure out for the life of me why the scale is not dropping. I am working out like a crazy woman, resting 1 day, eating healthy food and having absolutely NO sugar, with the exception of diet dr pepper.

This is weird. Very weird. I came home from the gym today and thought extremely hard about eating a whole bag of licorice, or going and having a cheese burger and fries (technically that would not be cheating). But I didn't. I just continued to have an annoying day that consisted of cleaning, grocery shopping, and fussy kids-- sans sugar.

I have committed to the 30 days (minus my 2 days I have scheduled for cheat days.. one being a birthday cake I have to make for Friday, and the other my cousins bachlorette party/girls night at Cheesecake Factory). And I will finish my 30 days. But I am going to do it kicking and screaming if the weight doesn't start coming off. I know I have said a million times who cares about the number, it is about the strength and how your clothes fit, but COME ON!!! I am not eating candy and dessert anymore!! That has got to be worth some weight~

I am a work in progress, every day is a new day... and Every day wont be perfect, but I am hoping one of these days SOON I am going to jump on the scale and see some results for the will power and dedication I am putting in here.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

is it possible?!?

I was in the middle of a speed workout in spinning class today and I looked in the mirror. For the first time in my entire life I thought to myself "I look good."
No stomach bulge, no fat thoughts, no ugly words to myself. I really truly thought I looked good. (could have been the busy print on my tank that hid the bulge?!)
Wow, at 24 years old I don't know if that is a good thing or not to admit. I wish my self confidence could have come earlier in life, but since it didn't I am sure appreciating it now, and appreciating what my body has been able to do for me.
Speaking of spinning class. WAHOO!! It is so much fun it is getting addicting too. Yikes! I sweat like a crazy lady. Whoever said girls glisten must not have been an athlete because I do not do anything like "glisten" I drip like a sweaty hog!!! But it feels good to pump my body that hard to have the sweat roll of my shoulders and drip down my arms, and go through not one but 2 sweat towels because I have that much perspiration running everywhere. Thank goodness for dark colored clothes so everyone doesn't know my clothes are soaking wet in nasty stinky sweat. I guess, they might be able to smell it... but I do wear marathon fresh deoderant so I think that covers up some of the stench. Thank goodness!
Another week of learning, pushing my body to its limits, and enjoying the time in between. It's a great week!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Well I wont lie. I was a little ticked off to see 139.7 on the scale this morning. My soreness is all gone. I should not be retaining any water now.... I still have not had any sugar so this might be rain on my friggin parade. I did have pizza last night, but it was nothing wild... and I had as many raw veggies as I did pizza.

Hmmm... well I deserve several awards for the week. I made brownies yesterday for a lady from church. I even had to cut them out of the pan to put them on a paper plate for her... and I didn't even have a lick of batter, or bite of a crumb. If you know me, you know this was a major trial for me. I also let my little girl pick out a candy bar at the store this week, and I didn't have a bite lick or taste of that either. I mean really, come on you stupid scale. That is AMAZING coming from me. No fruit snacks, well I accidently took a mini bite of a fruit roll up forgetting that I am not eating sugar but that was Monday and I quickly repented. I mean really!! That was my only cheat!!!!

Well, maybe it will take a week or two for the scale to realize I stopped putting stupid processed sugar and other crap in my body. Let's hope or this sugar boycott is going to be a drag for a whole month seeing no progress on the scale.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What a Happy Day

I was feeling a little exhausted/overwhelmed when I went to hit the sack last night. I plugged my phone in and noticed a text message. Not just any ol text message but the kind you want to save for the rest of your life to remind you that you are ok when you think you bite the big one.
The instructor I am taking classes from/learning under, had texted me and told me she thought I was doing a great job, that I will be a great instructor and that my hard work is paying off.

I couldn't have felt happier if someone sent me a million dollars in the mail. Well, maybe I mighta been a bit happier then... but rest assured I still would have gotten my butt up this morning to go to spin and learn a little more from a different instructor.

Sabra is an amazing lady. She is, I don't know 40 ish and has a few kids. She has been through some major trials, I really don't know her well but unfortunatly one of her biggest struggles the public knew about. Anyway, she is great. I have loved her classes from the beginning. She is a kick booty instructor, always pumping everyone up yelling and singing and sweating it up with us. She is the mom I want to be when my kids are teens and going to college... the kinda mom that can kick her kids butt in a run, the kind that makes them get up a little early to train a little harder so they will be the best on the varsity team, and the kinda mom who shows her kids all about what a healthy lifestyle really is. I am so exicted to learn under her and hope one day I can be almost as cool as I think she is.

Anyway, her text made my week... and will help push me a little harder at my workouts and at my learning curve.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Half a Week is Over

Here I am on Wednesday already, and just barely had my first opportuntiy to attend step and strength training class today. My little man has been sick with an ear infection, and day care was not an option until today. After my work out I walked in to the child care area to see my 9 month old in the middle of a circle of three 4 or 5 year olds. They were taking turns kissing him. While this is tender they love him... they are too big to be playing with him and I definitly do not want their slobber all over my baby. So, I will have to mention that tomorow as I drop the kidlets off. :o) haha, but seriously I don't want other people's kids' slobber on my baby!!!

Step class. Hmmm... I was nervous to go, but knew I had to start sometime. So, I got started and was amazed that some of my prior knowledge came back. However my prior knowledge was limited to a months worth of classes, so that only got me through the first couple of songs before I was off beat and totally off step. All in time. It was fun though, a great work out. I was sweating up a storm, as much as I do when I run 10 miles or so. I would be interested to know the difference in caloric burn between the two. I definitly had my heart rate up as high, maybe even bursts of higher during class then I do on a run.

We finished step and went into some walking lunges, squats, abs, tricpes, shoulders, and a few biceps. It was WORK. I felt like I was definitly getting as good of a work out in as I do on my own (strength training wise) and maybe even better because it was higher repetitions. Maybe this will help my muscles lengthen, and in turn shrink my arms/legs/ABS!!!

What the crap? I can not get rid of my stomach. I am sick of it! I saw my dr today and asked her what the heck. She said give it time, keep doing what I am doing, and give it more time. It isn't like I am trying to say I want a 6 pack. I don't. I mean I like 6 packs and all, but all I really want is this flab to burn off my belly. Flatter. That's all I am asking.

I think it is interesting that I haven't worked out (until today) since Saturday and my total weight loss on the no sugar is 1.5 pounds. This is encouraging. I have had a soda every day. Jeez, I know I have no self control. Well, that isn't true-- I do have self control. I am just choosing to still drink the damn pop... for now anway. Anyway, I haven't seen my weight at 138.anything since I was runnning 20-25 miles a week. I haven't ran since my race July 10th. So, this translates to me that I can bust my ace off running or kill myself in the gym and eat whatever I want and stay at 139ish, or I can cut out the sugar and ease up on the gym possibly.?!!? Step/cycle/strength is not really what I call easing up on the fitness, but it is definitly changing up my routine. Maybe my body was just at a pleateau and needed some change up. Anywho, I am interested to see what the next week or so brings with out the sugar and adding the workouts back in.

I see some runners out and about and I feel a craving to go run and sweat with my ipod on. I feel good that I miss it, but I worry that with cutting out the running and doing the classes my endurance for running will slither back to squat. I can't do both. I physically can't do both with out killing myself (see lost insurance post haha not a good idea to kill yourself when you have no insurance). I don't know, I just kinda miss the running though and having the schedule to follow and the workouts planned. My workouts are planned now too, just in a different way. I think I am just having a little sadness in my heart at the thought of letting go of the running that occupied my time for 5 months, and helped push me through to a new level as an athlete. I don't want to give it up.

Balance. I need to find the balance, in more than one area in my life. :o)

Friday, July 16, 2010

A New Goal in Mind

Well I have come to the conclusion I stay on track with my eating and fitness with a goal in mind. So now, I have chosen a new goal, and have been prompted by the fact that our health insurance is being cut, to eat healthier and stay stronger than ever before. It is no longer just about being strong, and fit. It is now survival mode. It seems to me that it has been proven that by eating healthy whole foods, avoiding high calorie, fat and highly processed foods one stays healthier, (like does not get sick as frequently) and has less chance of onsetting certain diseases, maybe even cancers. I could be off base, but I don't think I am.

So with that in mind. Exercise will continue to be a part of my daily life style. I don't have a problem there. My body craves the exercise and the exertion just like it craves the chocolate and the cake. Well, so sorry body. You are going to have to start training for "boot camp", in order to help us achieve our next goal which is....

To become a group fitness instructor at the gym!!! I am so so so excited about this new challenge I have set out for. I have always thrown the idea around in my head, thinking I would love to be one of the teachers at the gym. I have thoroughly loved doing this blog. I love helping to motivate others to be their best self, and watching people go from trying something new to mastering something, or just watching their progress along the way.

So I spoke with the head instructor this week, wanting to know the steps to accomplish this goal. She was excited I asked! She needs subs for cycling, step, and strength training classes like.... NOW!!! What the heck?! I was like, well how do I go about this? Where do I register to learn. She said right here. Take all my classes, and take other instructor's classes and we will get you ready. In other words, SHE IS THE CLASS!! I wouldn't qualify to teach at all gyms, but with this experience I could probably qualify for some, and then work my way in to new programs so I could work anywhere there was a demand.

This has me very excited and hopeful. What is great about this is that I am a stay at home mom who works out every day, while taking my kids to the daycare at the gym. Win win. I accomplish this task--I still take kidlets to the gym, I still work out but I get PAID!!! I know right?! What a great idea.

Monday the offical bootcamp for Teri starts. This means I will be getting up a half hour earlier everyday, so will the kids. :o( Step class and stregth class three days a week-- and spinning two or maybe 3 days a week. Boot camp also consists of cutting sugars out of my diet (like candy, cake, the soda I started drinking again since my race!! moron I am, I know) I am not going to go crazy and cut out bread, or fruit or anything like that, just processed foods and obviously unhealthy sugars.

The cutting out sugars initially came from the thought that crossed my mind to do the forbidden HCG craze. I am so annoyed with my stomach that seems to always have a handful of fat on it. The thought went through my little brain to go ahead and try it, to see if I truly could rid my belly fat. Then the light bulb went on and I decided that if I can get rid of the sugars and highly processed foods (which I would do on the hcg anyway), and not inject myself with a shot of hcg from a lady who learned how to make it on you tube, I should probably go that route. And maybe, hopefully, I am praying will have similar results.

Anyway, the cutting out sugars/bad foods secondly came from the unfortunate news my insurance is going by the way side. Now it is out of necessity. I heard once that cancer patients used to live to eat, after going through hell and making it through some survivors choose to eat to live. I can be like that. I can choose to eat to nourish and strengthen my body so that I can stay healthy, fit, and sniffle free as much as possible.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fit For Life 2010

The Start line. I am three rows back in the BSU hat
All the half marathoners

After I finished strutting my stuff

Crossing the finish line at home plate Hawks Stadium

I did it.
I finished 13.1 miles today in 2 hours and 9 minutes. Without a second of walking, not even at the hydration stations.
It was amazing! I felt so proud, happy, strong, and excited.
I was nervous all the way up until I got to the race and got stretched out. I talked to a girl who was racing for the first time too. My nerves were really settled by time the air horn went off to let us start, I had just seen my Mom, Aunt and Cousin who came to cheer me on.
I am not sure how many half marathoners there were. There were a lot who passed me in the beginning, and I ran by myself almost the entire way. Until the last two miles when I picked it up a little and decided no body else was gonna make it by me. Hell or high water I was going to pass and beat those 6 people who were close with me.

I have no idea how many people I beat, or how many beat me. I was glad to have made it in under 10 minute miles, but was hoping secretly to make it below 2 hours. Maybe next time I will train my body to move a little quicker.

It was so empowering to finish 13 miles. I have been busting my butt since January 1st and it felt great to put all my training to work. My body pushed through for me today and performed. It feels beyond great to have set a goal and accomplished it. I am so happy.

What a great day!
I was 6th place out of 10 in my age group and 128th overall, I think there were aprox 270 half marathoners

Friday, July 9, 2010

Less than 24 hours....

I picked up my race packet yesterday from Shu's Idaho Running Company. Great store, super friendly employees and really helpful too.

The excitement started, I had been feelin some self doubt, and worried that maybe I was crazy. Well, I still worry I might be crazy. But the atmosphere of just the store got me pumped. I am starting to stretegize and make plans for tomorow morning. I am anxious to get going, and I know I will feel the adreneline rush when I show up at 7 am tomorow.

It'll all be over by tomorow at 10 am. If I am not done by then I must've died on the trail so somebody, plese come lookin for me!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

McCall Run

I got to do my last training run in McCall yesterday. It was absolutly gorgeous and so refreshing. It was just a quick 3 miles, but it took me from our hotel to the lake and back around some cabins I stayed in as a kid.

It was a fun run. And it made me love the outdoors and running all over again.

I pick up my race packet today and run Saturday for 13.1 miles.

Woohoo! I am nervous but ready. Bring it on!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finished that 5 miler

I got up and went to my dads to run my 5 miles this morning. Against my will. I thought I would wake up and be rejuvenated and ready to rock my running world.

But I wasn't. I didn't want to do it. Not one little bit, and I thought about skipping todays workout too.

Then the good angel on my shoulder said "uhhh... remember that race you are runnning in a week... yah, that one, you might want to finish training for it."

So I did it. The first 3 miles sucked and I wanted to stop the whole time. Then, my wind came, I guess the endorphins went off (which I did not feel so I can't say for sure) and it was smooth sailing all the way back.

As I ran into the drive way it hit me. I can't stop now... HELLO?!?! My dad is getting remarried in 2 months and I feel pretty certain I will be in some pictures. Ya, it is time to figure out how to get to 135. Time to get there Teri! Time to bust a friggin move and get to 135.

Side note. Ever heard of the Golden Rule, you learn about in kindergarten. Ya well I have a whole post on stupid moron people who apparently missed that grade. If you are driving down the road, and you see someone walking/running/biking and there is nobody right beside you-- MOVE YOUR STINKIN BUTT OVER FOR THEM. more on that rant to come, you can bet your bottom dollar.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting Frusterated/Tired

Got a little sleep last night. My toddler is potty training, and while I know it is a good thing she has been waking up to pee in the toilet instead of her pull up, 215 am is a little bleh for me. And I seem to have trouble getting back to sleep after.

My training schedule today was strength and stretch... which I have changed from day 1 to 30 minutes of cross training and lifting weights. Today, I couldn't do it. I rann 11 miles Saturday, worked all day and then was busy all Sunday. I took today off. I needed the rest. Besides that the scale looked like hell this morning. 140 ish, can't even remember the stupid number it was so sucky. Eat like a runner, run the hell out of myself, and the scale is SUCKY!!!

I am getting a little burned out I think. I am glad my half marathon is in 1 and a half weeks, and I am glad I already paid my 37 bucks, or I might just bag it. Atleast today I might think about baggin it anyway.

Then I talked to my cousin about running, and got excited all over again. I don't know. I guess today is just a bleh day.

5 miles tomorow. I am almost done training. I think I am going to do cycling classes again after the 10th of July, then in August do a step class. I think I just need to switch it up for a little bit.

They say once you run, you love it and you are addicted. I have felt that way since January. But now, it is July and I am scared I am losing my passion. I don't want to be a "was a runner" girl. But, then I don't know if I want to work this hard and pound my body to death either.

I want to be rich I guess. If I was rich I would have a boob job, tummy tuck, liposuction, laser hair removal, lip implants and have a fake tan everyday. Then I think I would love going to the gym because I would look faboulous, or close to it, and I would want to keep up my fantaboulousness. And I wouldn't bust my Ace off with the damn scale still saying 140. Oh, and while I am on the subject, I would have fake nails, a pedicure every few weeks, shopping galore, movies all the time and lots of VACAYS.

If I were rich I would have other problems though. Duh, it isn't like I don't know that. BUt still, I don't know, I just want to be rich today.

Hoping for a better tomorow.

Friday, June 25, 2010


eating and drinking like a runner project? Going well.

My body is tired. I am supposed to run 5 today, but am contemplating bagging it to rest up for 11 tomorow. I think my body might just need the break.

Damn scale better go down soon or it is going to get chucked out the stupid window.

Happy Friday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eat Like a Runner

You're reading it here.

I have made the choice.

I am not just going to run, I am going to eat like a runner.

Today was my last vacay day. My race is in less than 3 weeks and I need to prepare my body by eating nutritious food that is going to fuel me to press on through 13 miles in the heat.

Buh bye crap food. Stop trying to crave me. You are banished from my thoughts, fridge, pantry and life.

I am a new girl starting tomorow. I am a runner, who eats like a runner.

I took my measurements today, first time since April. They were basically the exact same. Which annoys me to a high degree. I have ran like a couple hundred miles since April. What the hell?!!?! My waist same, thigh same, arm same. STUPID STUPID! Stupid!! I have lost weight since then, I have gone down a pant size since then. I have worked out like a batt outta hell since then. What the crap is wrong with this picture!??!?!?!?!

Ok, I am done now.

Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Greenbelt

What a beautiful path! I loved running today and was wishing more than once that we lived closer to Boise. It seems like it is so much more of an "Active" lifestyle there. People running/walking/biking everywhere! It was very invigorating. And the fact that it took my 30 minutes to drive to my running path shows me that I wont be doing that very often!

I ran, can't say exactly how far because I have yet to invest in one of those gps things, which is a bit annoying when I want details. But, I do know that I ran the whole trail, atleast 11 miles, and I did that in 2 hrs 2 mins.

I wanted to stop several times. My hips mostly were feeling the pressure. I ran with my new "fairy," as in lame, fanny pack with water holder. It was super obnoxious for the first 3 miles, then it kinda settled in to my chub pockets and was a nice treat to actually have water/my cell phone at reach. I also tried the jelly belly carb/electrolyte repacement today. Liked them MUCH MUCH better than that nasty GU crap.

I drank all my water and had to run to the Texaco across the street to get some water and a gatorade when I was done. I was feeling good, a little numb at that point but fine enough to sit back in the car again.

Then it hit me, I had run my guts out (literally) and I wasn't sure if I needed to poo my pants (TMI SORRY!) or throw up all over the place. I was behind every freeking slow "Sunday" driver there was coming home, and of course my stomach felt fine all the way up to the point of no return, where there was no more gas stations. I kept praying and praying I could hold what was left of my guts in my stomach until I made it home. Lucky lucky because I barely made it before I let loose. I will spare you the details.

My brother in law told me once that you know you had a hard core work out if you feel like that afterwards. Well, folks, it felt good to have a hard core work out today.

Now nap time for all, and a little Roaring Springs respite for the evening with the family!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A gift from the Scale Gods


I make that huge because I definitly do not deserve that number. I think I actually deserve more like 142. I kinda ate like a crazy lady (a whole gallon of frozen yogurt in 4 days!!!) Guess I wont be buying that stuff again. ever.

I had a rough last two days. No reason in particular. My foot is hurting a little, so I had to skip one run this week. I guess maybe I was kinda stressed about it.

Anyway, back on track today. With eating anyway. Planning to take a long run tomorow on the path of the big race day. Hope my foot does ok.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I thought I went further than that but when I clocked it tonight it was almost exactly 9.8 miles.

My mind was telling me I could go further, my breathing was telling me I could go further, but my legs were yelling stop for the last couple of miles.

I was heading down Lake Street (mile8ish) thinking that my breathing was steady and my pace felt good, that I could kick it up a couple notches but I didn't want to over extend myself when I still had 2 miles left. Then a big friggin dog jumped up on its wobbly fence and I booked it outta there. Barely caught my heart and threw it back in the ol chest before I killed over.

Damn people and their damn dogs. It was like a grotesque looking chow/monster dog mix. Scared the living heck right out of me. I know he could have jumped that dang fence in a hurry if he wanted to. I used to be a dog lover. I am turning into more of a hater these days.

Anyway, work went well after the run and I was pretty glad to get it done and over with. Two more long runs left and then the big day of 13 on the 1oth.

Friday, June 11, 2010

holy crap

I just went to map out my run for tomorow morning.


That 10 miles seems like a really really long way. I mean, I know it is. But I have ran 8 before and that was on a circle track and it didn't seem SO LONG.

But 10 miles takes me from home clear across town and back. and it was really only 9.8 so I have to make up .2 somewhere.

holy.crap.hope i don't die.

I am gonna carry a bottle of h20, and a pack of gu. the guy at the running store told me our bodies are only able to go 45 minutes on our food storage with out being replenished. He said I need to eat something/take something to replace carbs and electrolytes. I read in a mag some people take penut m &ms and while that would normally do the trick for me, I think when I am running my guts out those chocolates, or anyother food for that matter might make me blow chunks. So I am trying the gu. Sounds sick but I will do what the running pro told me to do since the run should take me between 1hr 40 minutes and 1 hr 50 minutes. Hopefully no longer. I have a full day of work after that.

holy. crap people. Hope I don't die.

If I don't, I am pretty sure I am going to feel like a million friggin bucks after I accomplish that run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, June 10, 2010

One moth and counting

Wow I am really doing it!! I signed up for my race a week ago and I have exactly ONE MONTH until I run the Fit for Life Half marathon!!!

WAHOOO I am so excited/nervous/ready!!

Training is going well, I am getting faster, suprising myself all the time with how far I can push my body and how fast. This I think will be my hardest week of training yet. 5 miles Friday, and 10 miles Saturday.

WOWOW! I am totally trying to pump myself up for the next two days.

The scale is looking good, or ateast it did this morning 138.1. Who knows what tomorow will bring though because it is totally unpredictable sometimes!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


The lowest weight I saw this week was 137.7. I was in love that day. Happy as heck to see that number. It is lost now, but maybe some day it will come back again.

I ran today, just 3 miles according to my training schedule. I did it on the treadmill because this freekin weather is not cooperating with me... but I was happy to report I ran my fastest mile yet at 8 minutes 10 seconds. Kinda felt like stopping and sitting down as soon as I finished it, but still had to push through another 1.25 miles.

Feels good to be getting faster, my race is in a little over a month.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Well thats a little lame... up almost a pound, but I feel stronger and faster so I am not going to worry about it.

Took a 8 mile run this week, 2 three milers, and a four miler. Today's 3 miles I finished in 27:30. I felt strong and fast. I could have busted it out and finished in 27, but I still needed to lift weights so I listened to my body and backed off when it said "slower down girl!"

My pants are getting looser. Even my workout pants, that are meant to be tight are getting loose in the butt and legs. I know my speed is increasing and I am gaining confidence. I can run 8 miles if and when I want to. That feels good to say that.

A big weekend is ahead of me, I have a 4 mile run scheduled tomorow, which will take place on a trail in Cascade. I am excited to throw a little curve into my workout, and am even more excited because I think I might even have a couple of partners to run this one with. It will be good to have someone to laugh with and talk with, and someone to compare progress with. I am hoping to be able to by mindful of my eating and make healthier choices when I can, and not feel guilt if I let myself have some wiggle room either.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Scale Day

It was a happy morning when I finished feeding the monkey boy and jumped on the scale


If I can just run with that number and keep going I would be so estatic to see 135. Today was the first day I looked in the mirror and was half way happy with what I saw. Body fat wise. I know how strong I am, I am thankful for that. Tonight is the dreaded swim suit shopping so I guess it was a good day to be happy with the number on the scale, although that doesn't really matter when I get in those awful lights and put on that tight fabric. Wish me luck!

CK weighed in at 176 this morning.

When July comes...

I am going to have a lot of people to share the credit with for finishing those 13 miles.
Like Honey, Amy, my mom, my husband. They all watch the kids so I can go run. On days when it seems a bit impossible to make the running work around our schedule, someone is always willing to keep them so I can get in my training.

I went to the track and ran 1.75 miles this morning. It was in the low 40's and was cooler than I was expecting. I wore a jacket even though I felt bulky. I walked a warm up lap, to be greeted by 4 high school boys who might have been in trouble or something because they were out running too. I was a little intimidated and thought about bagging it, but then the sensible Teri came out and I decided since the kids were already at Amy's I better bust a move or kiss todays workout good bye.

I ran 1.75 miles. That's it. Thank goodness for an easy day... but it didn't feel easy. My legs were burning and cold. I think I might be a fair weather runner because if it had been much cooler I would have ran back inside to jump on a tread mill. As I pushed hard through my last two laps I thought with how I was feeling I would be happy if I finished in 17:30, and was suprised to see my final time of 16:29.

It feels good to be getting faster. I know each of these training days are preparing me to be able to run farther and faster. I am thankful for the time to get to be outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature and the taste of the fresh air.

Tomorow I work all day, so it will be an early morning to run 3 miles and lift weights. Still chugging the water, as I am still sore in the legs and shoulders.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

4 miler

Today was the 4 miler on the training schedule. I asked the kids' honey to watch them so I could go run on the road.
4 miles on Orchard is straight from my dad's house, up the neighbor coldisac and down to Florida, turn around and go back to dads.
I felt triumphant about the time I reached the top of the hill before Indiana Street, I could see Florida and I was almost half way done... then I realized I had to run back up that dang hill which I must not have noticed when I mapped the run. Holy crap it felt more like Mt Everest than a hill. Not to mention the wind was pushing against me as I made my way back up the son of a gun. I bet one of the 500 cars that passed me thought, "why doesn't she walk, she might be faster." Well I wanted to stop and walk atleast 10 times, but I pushed through, that is the difference between the old Teri and the new Teri. The old Teri would have stopped and said atleast I did that much, but the new... says bull crap I aint stopping for blood nor money. The schedule says run 4, I will run 4.
By time I reached 10th street, almost home I thought to myself, "after that hill, if my time is 50 minutes I will be pretty dang happy," I sprinted my last stretch as always and was singing praises when I looked down to see I ran those 4 miles in 42 minutes! I must have busted a%$ for part of that run because I am almost positive it took me like 5 minutes to get up that one, blasted hill!!
My legs and butt are sooo sore. I don't know if it is the 7 miler from Tuesday or the weights from yesterday, but I am feeling the burn today. I am going to pound the H2O down today to try and flush out this lactic acid build up!
In case you haven't noticed, this is turning into more of a fitness journal now that the pound pinching rounds are over. So hope I am not boring you to death, but this is a big milestone in my life, training to run a half marathon, so I want to remember the good the bad and the ugly that went with it. Feel free to continue reading and checking up on what's going on in my healthy lifestyle, maybe you will like it, maybe you will think I am a loser and should write about something else... but since its my blog, its my rules. And in case you didn't get my email, I am going to post a few peoples weights every Friday, to help keep us all accountable to the WWW. Feel free to send me your and I shall post it too!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The lucky number


I got up and got on that dreaded scale Monday morning expecting the worst.
And was pleasantly suprised. The Scale God's turned my way and I am ever so grateful. I will be busting my butt this week to repay the favor, maybe even run with the weight loss and try to get below 140.

My training program for the half marathon (which I took a two week break from because of the foot issue and vacation to Grammas that included cookies, pie, and icecream) said run 3 miles yesterday. I ran out of time, and was exhausted from the trip and lack of sleep due to sick 7 month old little man. I did nothing. I almost got through today with nothing too, but got a couple of pep talks from some good friends and a husband and read the schedule. 7 MILES!! Are you kidding me?! I was so annoyed, I didn't want to do it, had myself convinced I couldn't do it, was ready to throw in the running towel, and just work out like a normal person, put my half marathon goal on the back burner, or maybe even quit it.... but I didn't. I forced myself to the track, and told myself that it didn't matter how slow or fast I ran, but I would push to finish 7. I told the running Gods that if I could finish this 7, I would stay on track and I would finish a half marathon on July 10th 2010. AND

I did finish 7 miles. It took me a little less than 77 minutes. Which is not fast by any means, but I finished and it was exactly what I needed to reassure myself that I am worth taking the time to train for, I am worth taking the time to improve my physical and mental self, and I can do ANYTHING I put my mind and energy into.

Fit For Life Boise, 7-10-2010, HERE I COME!!

And maybe I might just itch for something else after, like a small triathalon.... maybe?!!? Well, I better finish one goal before I get my britches too big.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


the scale read 142.5 upon my arrival of my grandparents 14 hours away from home. thats a car ride folks.

i am not sure if grammas scale is aligned with mine at home, but at any rate i will take 142.5 after a road trip where treats were involved.

two days later the scale read 141. wahoo!!! good girl Teri.

I ran for the first time in a week and a half yesterday (only 1.5 miles) since I hurt my foot. Seemed to feel ok once I got warmed up and today it is still feeling good and solid.

I brought my p90x dvds and they have proved to be a good addition to the multiple suitcases. I have worked out everyday and better continue to do so as long as I plan on eating things like Grammas mashed potatoes, cherry pie, and brownies.

Vacay is worth it. I can take a little break and jump back on the band wagon when I get home. I am in control and it is possible to take a break and get back to work.

here here

Friday, April 30, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

It has been declared that a few people have worked their stinkin butts off this challenge. And a few... well must have been sick a trying cuz I didn't hear from a lot of you!!

CK YOU ARE THE WINNER!! And you busted off 16.3 pounds... and almost 8.5% of your total weight!!!!!!!!!!

Good Job! You have worked so hard and have been consistant with your weight loss each week! What a motivation to us all you are! I hope you have been so proud of yourself and given yourself a lot of "atta girls!" because you truly deserve it.

This is not an easy process, to lose weight and get healthy! You rocked it and I am so excited for you to be 110 dollars richer! What are you going to do with your winnings!?! Can't waite to hear!

AM you are a very very close second and you also rocked this challenge! I hope you are proud of yourself and excited about your progress. I wish their could have been more than one winner because you worked your butt off , and deserve 110 bucks too! (Maybe your hubby will hook you up!)

Good job everyone! It has been fun, and motivating to do this together! So happy for everyone and their successes. I wish you all the best as you continue on your weight loss/ healthy lifestyle journey. Keep me updated how you are doing!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just wonderin

How your week's goin?!

2.5 days until we face the music and I write someone, a 110 dollar check.

Ya buddy! We are almost done. Hope your week is going fantastic. It's a great week for weight loss.

PS. I may or may not have ran 5 miles outside yesterday.... in the wind... in 50 minutes. I might be kinda stoked bout it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

So excited for...

Sunday! Which happens to be my rest from workout day this week! My body is tired! It needs a little R & R!

I went to cycle today and the instructor gave us a lil tip... "K, now you worked your butt of in spinning today, don't go home and ruin it!"

Amen sista! I love Sabra! She is the best spinning class teacher I have had, and I have had a few. Her music is bomb and she yells and keeps you pumped. I heart her class! And, that little tip is one that obviously sooooo many people need, not just me.

It is good to workout to be able to eat what you want and maintain your weight, but it is sometimes better to workout and eat healthy most of the time, and then keep losing.

Good Luck! It is our last week. Oh, forgot to mention this.... I am not doing another round of pound pinching... I am tooo tired! But I have had a couple of people mention that they would like to keep going. Let me know if you are and I can round up your information and put you all in touch with one another!