Sunday, January 9, 2011

sub conscious

I had an epiphany this week as I was teaching boot camp. I looked in the mirror and saw a layer of fat over my abs, and a layer of fat over my leg muscles, and a layer of fat over my shoulder blades. I say a layer because it is no longer a large layer, it is now after all this work a rather small layer. I said to myself, that I have the power to choose who I am going to be as a coach and a instuctor. I am at that pivitol point in my health where I can push just a bit further and have those really really defined muscles that people notice, or I can sit where I am and maintain the muscle, and always look at the layer of fat that hides my sculpted muscle.

I decided I wanted to push. I mentally said, "I am going to push through and eliminate this layer of fat." Not by eating less, or by working out out more. But by eating food that fuels my body better, and by targeting these zones while I am at the gym. I am going to get rid of this fat. The fat that taunts the reflection I see in the mirror.

Then I don't know what the crap happened. I feel like I got engulfed in a bit of drama that I did not ask for, I had to work all day, my kids were noisey, I chose to stress over whether or not I get to keep teaching boot camp. And then, I found myself filling my stinkin mouth full of exactly what I had just told myself I wasn't going to eat. And even when I was obnoxiuosly full I decided to eat a little more.

I told Jared last night it was as if my subconscious was laughing in my face. I said I will do A, then instead B happened. I don't even know when or why or how it happened. But here I am today, getting ready to take family pictures feeling fat because the scale said 130 today instead of the 127 I like to see.

When the scale says 130, I think, "well I can't wear those new jeans anymore, they probably don't even fit." or "I can drink another diet soda, there is no calories in it." or "How do I have so little control that I can go from feeling clean and healthy inside because I have worked out, eaten a healthy day's worth of nourishing foods, to eating crap, crap, crap and then a little more crap?"

I beat myself up. I am my own worst critic. So are you. I know that. How do I change it? I know the power of positive thinking really works. I know that when I talk nice to myself I feel better and I exercise more self control, not to the point where I feel deprived, just to the point of feeling confident and in control. I know. I know. I know. But yet here I am on Sunday... feeling like I have to start all over on Monday.

This is one of those posts I wish I had the wisdom at the end to wrap it in a pretty package and present the answer to my readers. But I do not. I don't know how to fix it. I know people think I am insane to cry one bit of a tear over 130 lbs. I need the advice this time. I don't know how to fix it.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

There is no fix, this is your trial that you get to fight through for maybe unfortunately most of your life! Just as you said positive thinking is the best solution for you and positive input from your loved ones aka husband!!! We all know that our perfect self is not attainable until after this life here on earth. I have known you for awhile now and your self talk and self thoughts have not changed and they need to, and I hope you dont blow through this since I have said this to you a hundred times but you need to be nicer to yourself!!!! END OF STORY! I knew you before you had kids when I thought you were a hot in shape chick, I knew you when you were at your worst swollen, bloated and miserable, and I know you now when you truly do look amazing and the best I have ever seen you look! Yes there are areas we would all love to change while others look at us and say SHUT UP, so with that SHUT UP and start talking nice to yourself because you have worked hard and you are still working hard. Give yourself a break and know that the only time we will look perfect, beautiful and whole 100% is not here on earth! I love you and you are truly beautiful, so be nice and make yourself smile into the mirror for some positive feedback from your one and only beautiful self!