Friday, August 13, 2010



137.9--- booyah!!

I have never ever ever seen 137(point) anything on the scale since I have been weighing myself and caring about how much I weigh. There was one day it said 137.7 but that was right after a morning like 10 mile run or something so it didn't count.

Today was a solid 137.9. I have been saying for months to people, I just can't get below 138 for the life of me.

Not any more!! I can totally get below 138, in fact I think I can get to 135 in less than 3 weeks. If I get to 135 by then end of my experiment, it will sooooo be worth all the lack of sugar and artificial sweetner aka diet dr pepper work.

Cuz it is work!! I still think about diet dr pepper all the time. Especially when I go run errands and have the burning desire to run in Maverick and get a fountain drink to accompany me, especially when I have a head ache, especially when the kids are extra whiney, or just plain naughty, especially when my husband has been home all week, especially when I have any amount of stress, especially when I see someone eating ice cream or candy, especially when I see someone drinking pop.

See, look how dependant my mood is on that dang drink!! I get into a better mood just thinking about drinking one. I think that says a lot about my emotional health. I am not very emotionally healthy if I need a damn diet dr pepper to ease tension and stress in my life. If I were a drinker of alcohol, or smoker of ciggarettes.... I would guess I would be a total alcoholic/chain smoker.

Moderation is not my middle name. Maybe one day it will be, but until then... if I am going to drop a few more pounds.... NO SUGAR NO SODA will have to be my middle and last name.

Happy weekend!


Amy Jo Tucker said...

Hi Teri no sugar no soda! hahaha I love reading your blog! Congrats on the 137!! That is so awesome! Way to go! I bet you will quit wanting soda so bad soon! Just like the sugar stuff you don't crave anymore. You are so great, that is really exciting Teri! Woohoo!!

Carrie said...

YAY good job you are awesome so proud of you determination!