Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is nothing like the scale moving up up and up to discourage a girl from a goal.

I can't believe this dumb weight! I have thought back to every piece of advice I have given, I have thought logically, I have tried to tell myself it's a fluke. I just can't figure out for the life of me why the scale is not dropping. I am working out like a crazy woman, resting 1 day, eating healthy food and having absolutely NO sugar, with the exception of diet dr pepper.

This is weird. Very weird. I came home from the gym today and thought extremely hard about eating a whole bag of licorice, or going and having a cheese burger and fries (technically that would not be cheating). But I didn't. I just continued to have an annoying day that consisted of cleaning, grocery shopping, and fussy kids-- sans sugar.

I have committed to the 30 days (minus my 2 days I have scheduled for cheat days.. one being a birthday cake I have to make for Friday, and the other my cousins bachlorette party/girls night at Cheesecake Factory). And I will finish my 30 days. But I am going to do it kicking and screaming if the weight doesn't start coming off. I know I have said a million times who cares about the number, it is about the strength and how your clothes fit, but COME ON!!! I am not eating candy and dessert anymore!! That has got to be worth some weight~

I am a work in progress, every day is a new day... and Every day wont be perfect, but I am hoping one of these days SOON I am going to jump on the scale and see some results for the will power and dedication I am putting in here.

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