Thursday, July 22, 2010

What a Happy Day

I was feeling a little exhausted/overwhelmed when I went to hit the sack last night. I plugged my phone in and noticed a text message. Not just any ol text message but the kind you want to save for the rest of your life to remind you that you are ok when you think you bite the big one.
The instructor I am taking classes from/learning under, had texted me and told me she thought I was doing a great job, that I will be a great instructor and that my hard work is paying off.

I couldn't have felt happier if someone sent me a million dollars in the mail. Well, maybe I mighta been a bit happier then... but rest assured I still would have gotten my butt up this morning to go to spin and learn a little more from a different instructor.

Sabra is an amazing lady. She is, I don't know 40 ish and has a few kids. She has been through some major trials, I really don't know her well but unfortunatly one of her biggest struggles the public knew about. Anyway, she is great. I have loved her classes from the beginning. She is a kick booty instructor, always pumping everyone up yelling and singing and sweating it up with us. She is the mom I want to be when my kids are teens and going to college... the kinda mom that can kick her kids butt in a run, the kind that makes them get up a little early to train a little harder so they will be the best on the varsity team, and the kinda mom who shows her kids all about what a healthy lifestyle really is. I am so exicted to learn under her and hope one day I can be almost as cool as I think she is.

Anyway, her text made my week... and will help push me a little harder at my workouts and at my learning curve.

1 comment:

McClains said...

Sabra Collins? Funny, she was our neighbor growing up...great lady.