Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I can't remember what the scale said this morning exactly but I know the first 3 numbers were 134!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeehaaaaw!! I feel it already, I feel the loss on my belly already!
I am suprised the weight is coming off that fast. I am so excited though! I feel like my body was preparing for this big loss over the past month of no sugar, it was like "you are pushing me, but not hard enough... what else you got lady?" Well, bam bam body!! You are losing the battle to me!!
I went to Costco today to pick up formula for my little monster baby. I saw rows and rows of food, and the food court where I would normally get a frozen yogurt (giant size is the only size of course) but wasn't even the slightest bit tempted.
When I put my mind to something I do it. Do it right or don't do it. Go big or go home. Those are just a couple of my mottos. I did not cheat, and honestly there was not one single thing in that entire store that would have satisfied me as much as the feeling of the loss. N.O.T.H.I.N.G
I thought I would be having cravings but I am not. My body feels satisfied and happy. Just plain ol happy!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

You are going to be a twig when I see you in less than three months :)