I have always heard wise people say to sorround yourself with like minded people, that have similar values, goals, hopes, dreams, and standards.
Today I was reminded how important that is.
I realized how lucky I am to have good friends, and how lucky I am to be a good friend.
I exercised a good friend trait today. I made one of my best friends get out of bed and meet me at the gym. She didn't want to exercise today, she was discouraged and wanted to sleep the annoyance away. I manipulated her into going anyway, and I think she was happy she did.
Good friends have helped me through weight loss struggles, they have:
-met me at the track to make sure I finished my last laps.
-told me to step away from the freaking chocolate cheerios and get my butt to the gym.
-they have believed I could accomplish hard things when even I didn't.
-they have refused to bring soda to me, even when I have begged when they know I am trying not to drink it.
-they have hidden all the candy from their kids bags from me so I would not feel tempted (Even though I searched for it and found it-- it was a thoughtful gesture)
-they have been unoffended when I have returned the birthday cake they made for me, because I decided it was time to start losing weight.
-they have told me I look skinny when I feel fat.
-they have recommended and recognized my skills and talents to others.
-they have shared their tips of yummy healthy food choices, and have listened when I have made bad choices and felt guilt.
If a friend or loved one is really a true friend, they will help you on your journey and will build you up and not tear you down. They will not sabotage you and they will not razz you for doing your best.
A good friend is hard to find, if you have found one or some, count yourself lucky and work to keep them.
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
1 comment:
That was the most beautiful post ever! :) Love it and love you! :) Thank you for being that wonderful friend to me! :)
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