Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I ran around like a crazy chicken with my head cut off today. Happens every Wednesday. I do it like clock work. I had to feed the kids out today, no way around it. We invited some friends to Mickey D's after story time. I wondered to myself if this was going to be a challenge to eat clean. To stick with the commitment to eat clean and avoid high calorie crap food, especially in a place that used to melt my little diets in half! I felt like a million bucks as I got to that order line, ordered one kids meal to share for the kids. (I know I shouldn't be feeding them that either, but that's a story for another day) One salad for me, all the veggies, grilled chicken, light dressing. It tastted good. It fit in with my protein, veggie, and fat meal. And I wasn't even the tiniest bit tempted to steal a nugget or a fry (like I would have in my weight watcher days, there are only 1 pt in a nugget.. how bad can it be?!). Because I have changed the way I think, the way I say things in my head, and aloud... they have gotten so much easier. I didn't tell myself I couldn't have McDonalds, I told myself I just don't eat that kind of food. It's a choice. A matter of preferance. I choose to have my pants fall off my bum, I like my pants loose more than I like to eat chicken nuggets and french fries. And that made me feel really strong, like I had something to celebrate today. What do you have to celebrate today? Celebrate everything good, big or small!! Let's hear it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eew. at no point should anyone think eating fast food is better than not eating at all. people have the craziest excuses for poor nutrition.

way to go girl!