Tuesday, July 27, 2010

is it possible?!?

I was in the middle of a speed workout in spinning class today and I looked in the mirror. For the first time in my entire life I thought to myself "I look good."
No stomach bulge, no fat thoughts, no ugly words to myself. I really truly thought I looked good. (could have been the busy print on my tank that hid the bulge?!)
Wow, at 24 years old I don't know if that is a good thing or not to admit. I wish my self confidence could have come earlier in life, but since it didn't I am sure appreciating it now, and appreciating what my body has been able to do for me.
Speaking of spinning class. WAHOO!! It is so much fun it is getting addicting too. Yikes! I sweat like a crazy lady. Whoever said girls glisten must not have been an athlete because I do not do anything like "glisten" I drip like a sweaty hog!!! But it feels good to pump my body that hard to have the sweat roll of my shoulders and drip down my arms, and go through not one but 2 sweat towels because I have that much perspiration running everywhere. Thank goodness for dark colored clothes so everyone doesn't know my clothes are soaking wet in nasty stinky sweat. I guess, they might be able to smell it... but I do wear marathon fresh deoderant so I think that covers up some of the stench. Thank goodness!
Another week of learning, pushing my body to its limits, and enjoying the time in between. It's a great week!

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