Saturday, July 24, 2010


Well I wont lie. I was a little ticked off to see 139.7 on the scale this morning. My soreness is all gone. I should not be retaining any water now.... I still have not had any sugar so this might be rain on my friggin parade. I did have pizza last night, but it was nothing wild... and I had as many raw veggies as I did pizza.

Hmmm... well I deserve several awards for the week. I made brownies yesterday for a lady from church. I even had to cut them out of the pan to put them on a paper plate for her... and I didn't even have a lick of batter, or bite of a crumb. If you know me, you know this was a major trial for me. I also let my little girl pick out a candy bar at the store this week, and I didn't have a bite lick or taste of that either. I mean really, come on you stupid scale. That is AMAZING coming from me. No fruit snacks, well I accidently took a mini bite of a fruit roll up forgetting that I am not eating sugar but that was Monday and I quickly repented. I mean really!! That was my only cheat!!!!

Well, maybe it will take a week or two for the scale to realize I stopped putting stupid processed sugar and other crap in my body. Let's hope or this sugar boycott is going to be a drag for a whole month seeing no progress on the scale.

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