Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eat Like a Runner

You're reading it here.

I have made the choice.

I am not just going to run, I am going to eat like a runner.

Today was my last vacay day. My race is in less than 3 weeks and I need to prepare my body by eating nutritious food that is going to fuel me to press on through 13 miles in the heat.

Buh bye crap food. Stop trying to crave me. You are banished from my thoughts, fridge, pantry and life.

I am a new girl starting tomorow. I am a runner, who eats like a runner.

I took my measurements today, first time since April. They were basically the exact same. Which annoys me to a high degree. I have ran like a couple hundred miles since April. What the hell?!!?! My waist same, thigh same, arm same. STUPID STUPID! Stupid!! I have lost weight since then, I have gone down a pant size since then. I have worked out like a batt outta hell since then. What the crap is wrong with this picture!??!?!?!?!

Ok, I am done now.

Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner. Eat like a runner.


1 comment:

racheldurrant22 said...

That is such a good thing to do! Especially with the big race coming up. I hope you have better luck then I have had with the whole food problem. As for the measurements, try not to stress too much. I'm sure you look great! :D