Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I was really starting to get a little crazy there for a couple of days. I can not begin to tell you the amount of stress that was lifted when I saw 139.7 today on the scale.

I know I might sound like a lunatic. In fact even saying it out loud I feel like one. But I have been so proud of my progress fitness and weight wise that the thought of that slowly slipping away has been a tremendous amount of stress on me. I have started out each of the days this past week already feeling a little down from my weight, and then trials have come our way in other aspects of our lives, and it has left me feeling a little gloomy. It is so frusterating to feel like I am are giving life 100%, and not seeing the postive results from doing that. While I understand the reason I was put here in this body on this earth was to go through life and face trails and tribulations-- it is sometimes not enough to know that, to keep me from feeling overwhelmed!

I feel a little skip in my step today. I know that regardless of my weight, I am still a good person who is trying my best every day. Some days will be better than others in different ways. I know how blessed I am to have my health and my strength and when I feel gloomy it is important to remind myself of that, not everyone is so lucky. Today is going to be a great day!

In the words of one of my favorite workouts songs (I dont know the singer or the title... jsut these words I sing several times through out the day), hope my weight, and the struggles of life keep going down, down, down. (Sorry you can't hear the tune but it is really peppy!)

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