Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wow, I just looked at my stat counter and was super suprised to see that my daily blog stalkers have doubled. It's cool and exciting huh?! Listen to the drama queen whine about how hard the show prep she signed up for is. Dudes, you could comment (Well I know a few of you do,) and show a girl some love ya know.

In other news, this is rather random crap post because I have lots of random thoughts today.

I went to the gym this morning at 630 for my morning cardio. I was driving by the practice field for the local high school and was impressed as well as suprised at seeing the local team out in uniform practicing. Good for them. If I had one wish for any high school athlete it would be that they would learn now, the importance of being conditioned for their sport. If I had been conditioned in high school the way I have trained myself now I feel like I could have gone a lot further and been a lot more beneficial to my team. Not to mention I would have upped my confidence that was seriously lacking at the time.

Then I was thinking, I have been training for 60 days. Like contest prep for 60 days. That is almost 60 hours of morning cardio and who knows how much afternoon cardio. Wow, that is a lot. TOO much if you ask me, but yep... you are right, nobody's askin me. I pay Big Jon the money and he barks out orders. I follow all training orders to the T. and I follow all nutrition guidelines to the T as well, except for when my other personality comes out (The few times it has) and over takes my body and makes me do something I didn't plan on. Luckily, those have been few and far between.

I am officialy 1 month out from contest #1. I filled out my application today. Texted Big Jon, said holy crap, I'm scared. Only one month!

Big Jon: "Don't be a wuss."

lol, everyone needs a Jon in their life. I have one for free (a husband) and I pay one. I sometimes think it is weird to think "I pay Big Jon to hate him o much of the time we are together." He does push me just a bit further than I like, but that is what gets results so that's why he is worth the money.

I pick up my suit MONDAY!!! Wooohooo!! I can't believe my sewer lady is that fast. I am so excited. I can't waite to start posing in it. It is gonna be carazy!! I am going to go play at a few make up counters Monday too in hopes they can help me get "Stage" ready. I am a mom, and wife, who is a bit on the simple side I would say so "Stage" make up will be A LOT different than what I do usually. I am excited for it though.

I talked to Jon yesterday about my type A personality and how I really need to know what my fate is for after my show so I can fully prepare and be ready for what happens. I got some glorious news which is atleast 5000 times better than what I was expecting.

After show, I will be starving. Let's just say it like it is. I will literally be starving and dehydrated.... but BaAaBy I am gonna loooook goooooood being starving and dehydrated. Anyway, back to the plan. I will get to go EAT, whatever I want. Like even cookies he said. I emailed my local Gramma and said "I need some service girl, I need cookies wrapped in a package that can not be opened til after my show on the 29th so I can EAT those friggin cookies right after." Ya, she said yes. Duh, she knows I am starving. Thanks Gma!!! Then I get Sunday to eat whatever. (prolly no dairy or alcohol cuz He always says that-- even though he knows I am LDS and I don't drink. So the only thing Ill be missin is ice cream, but I can do with out if can get me some a Gramma's famous chocolate chippie COOKIES!) Monday I can eat, but more reserved and Tuesday it is game face on girl finish out the rest of that hill until the 19th and get my perky butt back on stage.

YEAH! Girl, I gotta pretty perky booty these days. It aint perfect but it is GETTIN there baby.

In other news, the scale is still at 128.3. Rude. Good thing he didn't really make me waite til 127 for my cheat or I woulda never gotten it. I think that's what he was thinkin.

In other news, that's all I got for today. 1 month to go. I got 1 month to give it all I got and finish this race. I ask for your help. In whatever you are doing, give the next 30 days all you have in honor of me. This isn't going to be easy, but people keep telling me it's going to be worth it. SO GAME ON. Let's do this.


Brooke9b said...

I've been following the Get In Shape Girl's blog and she has posted a few times about how to stop overeating and obtaining a new mentality about how you view food... just a thought that it might be beneficial to you to have a little browse... My favourite parts are about how we naturally associate fattening/bad foods as "our friends" and yet they are keeping us from what we really want and are striving for. So what you need to do is work to alter your associations. Anyways, she explains it a million times better than I can so I suggest having a boo if you've got a few mintues :) Good luck and keep your chin up. You're SO CLOSE!!!!!!!

StaceyNicole said...

Love and miss you! Keep taking care of business! XOX

G-G said...

You can do it Teri.....keep up the good work.....such discipline!...Meanwhile I will plan on making those cookies just for you no sharing with Jared....ha ha