Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Few Picutres

All done up... this is me one day out of... seven probably. I need darker face makeup seriously bad.

well hello bulging bicep... so good to see you... PRE WORKOUT baby.

And good to see you too, pimples EVERYWHERE!!!

Really, baby?! No face shot?! I need a photographer up in here stat.

Kinda funny, I asked my hubby to take some pics of me before our date night/cheat meal Friday and I said specifically "I want my whole body in it so I can see what I look like in clothes right now."

SOOO, he took like 4 pictures of my body and no face. Oh brother, babe seriously?! Like I wouldn't want my face in the pic!!!

Anyway, the pictures of me in my hat and no make up... (yes my face is broken out like a crazy lady, don't know why. Super annoying though) are what I look like usually. We were headed to the gym before our date night. I wanted the pics in clothes and makeup because they are so few and far between these days I wanted to remember what I looked like cleaned up.

Honestly. I just feel super ugly without my hair and makeup done. But considering that I am training for between 2 and 3 hours every day, being a mom, house cleaner, chauffer, chef and wife-- make up and hair straightening time just doesn't happen most days.

I am looking foward to stage prep week, getting nails done, toes done, tanning, waxing, makeup. It will be fun to be all girlified and glitterfied to present my hard work.

Oh by the way just some food for thought. My cheat meal this week was without carbs. LAMESAUCE! Well, if I had to guess it was my last cheat meal ever until after my show, and I am definitly without carbs in anything else I get. But anyway, funny how every single cheat meal with out fail I have felt soo sick afterwards except this one. Steak, shrimp, mushrooms, salad, and cashews for dessert. Not one ounce of yucky bloating or wanting to throw up everywhere. Interesting. I think those carbies are no good for my body, even though my brain totally CRAVES them and MISSES them.

A good lesson to have this weekend. I also made posters and posted them EVERYWHERE in my house. I will display pics soon. Pretty cute, thanks for the suggestion Lisa, they have really finished off my decorations in my house perfectly!

Happy Saturday!


Amy and Heather said...

you are looking super skinny and cute!! :)

gameboysmile said...

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