Friday, September 23, 2011

My heart is Full

Here are a couple of comments from my last post. THANK YOU! Is all I can say to you both! You really have no idea how much the push and the kind words have meant to me.
It is so easy to quit. I just know the after math of quitting would probably kill me, or atleast give me an ulcer and probably force me to find some prozac.
I am going to be taping up some cute little posters in my kitchen today. To remind me who I am, where I came from, and what I am gonna look like on Nov. 19th.
Thank you for rooting for me, there are far too many people in this world that find excitment and joy in tearing others down. They are few and far between that take the time out of their busy, busy lives to build others up and I am forever grateful for those who I have found, and have found me.... I have more than my fair share of cheerleaders and when the going gets tough-- THAT is what I need to remember.
Feeling blessed today.

Brooke9b said...
I think it's really normal what you're goind through! Try and have inspirational/motivational pictures/quotes/people/etc around you for the time of day/location that triggers you to feel sad/depressed/HUNGRY etc :) Just a thought, right after my dinner I brush the heck outta my teeth, floss & mouth wash so that I think more than once before I eat or drink anything besides water before bed.
September 22, 2011 7:45 PM
Lisa said...
Teri,I know we have never met, but I feel totally connected to you and your journey. I think about you every time I have a "cheat". I realize that I am not in training so I have come to a middle ground with it, but its simply because I do not have the will yet. There is a reason you are here. A reason you are being sculpted. I am not talking about the external (though its lookin' mighty fine!). You are being forged into something greater. It is not a pain-free process and it is not for the weak-hearted. GOOD ON YOU for taking on the challenge and working the hell outta it!! IF IT WERE EASY, EVERYONE WOULD DO IT. IF IT WERE EASY, EVERYONE WOULD DO IT. Get a white-board marker and write that on your mirror, your fridge, your pantry... anywhere you need it because its the truth. You wanted more, you wanted better so you have to work for it. And the more and better you will get out of this process will be life-changing for you. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! I am rootin' for you as I climb my ass up that damn stairmaster and everytime I wonder how the hell you do it for 60 minutes. You drive me to work harder. You can't quit because I'm not ready for you too.Now, go. Eat your bland-ass food, drink your fishtank-o-water, and kill your muscles. It will be sooooo worth it when you own that stage!!!

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