Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today is Sunday, the day I pack up my kids and husband (usually) and go to church for three hours. I do not workout on Sundays. I may occasionally go for a easy walk by myself or with the kids... but nothing streneous. Sunday is for resting at my house.

Well my almost 4 year old got new shoes yesterday and she wanted to try em out today (of course she runs faster in these ones), so since my hubs is on shift, I took the two kiddos for a little walk. Careful to remember my keys so that we wouldn't be locked out of the house if the garage opener didn't work again.

Ya, about that. Apparently I don't have a house key on my key ring.

So we chilled outside for a while and then caught a ride to my husbands truck to pick up the garage door opener and got back home safe and sound. Got ready for church and made it. No tramatic crying sessions.

I have been back on track with my eating plan, I might have had a couple extra licks of almond butter, unless Big Jon is reading this... and then I did no such thing.

I was ready to hop back on my wagon of healthy eating today. Yesterday was a good rest, I ate a lot of good stuff... but I did really feel sick from it. I didn't even really eat THAT much, I know my body has just gotten out of the habit of having junk, and it doesn't like junk anymore. Which is great. If I could take my mind compeletly out of the equation I have no doubt I could eat competitor style the rest of my life, I know my body would like it more.

Training early tomorow with Big Jon. Then I am sure I will have some unheavenly amount of stairs to climb, and my treadmill will be here for fasted cardio Tuesday morning (unless my husband never wants any lovin again from me..... and then it might be later haha)

Anyway, just a random date from lil ol me... figure competitor in training. It's a work in progress and every day I get a little closer and a little better hopefully.

Hope your Sunday has nourished you spiritually like mine has.

Make it a great week!

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