Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Breath Taking

So I have been on my supplements for 3 weeks now. (50 mg caffiene pre workout, 5 grams glutamine and BCAA's).

And, I have this annoying, annoying, annoying problem that I keep sorta gasping for air. I yawn five million times a day, and approximately every 4 yawns, I get a successful one and a deep glorious fresh breath comes in and makes my body feel euphoric.

My hubby says it is the caffiene. I stop caffiene, 3 days. I still have this breathing issue. I have it all through my workout, all through my day, if I am laying in bed reading... I am still having this darn oxygen issue.

Me being me, asked a million people what could this be. A million answers. I decided to go see a dr, the one I have always seen before when I had health insurance, and the one I see now that it is back. Yay for hubby's new job.

Dr thinks, it is the BCAA's. Too much for my (personally) kidneys to handle and so it is screwing with the acididity of my stomach... then he went into a bunch of words/reasonings that were WAY over my head. Story short, we did blood work. If it is what he suspects, I need to reduce or cut the BCAA's and go from there. Blood work should be back in a couple of days. I also received a tentanus shot for good measure and will find out my cholestrol numbers too. Yay for physicals.

Today is day 2 of getting my butt out of bed before 530 am to get my workout in before I have to drag the kids to daycare. It has been nice getting it out of the way and having time to do things with the kids, like taking them to the park and listening to my 2 year old, Bubba, scream and cry the whole way home from 15 minutes away because he wants to hold his orange drink in my car.

That boy tests me like no other. The thought crossed my mind atleast 5 times to beat him. Though, I figured he'd cry more and I'd feel bad so I just turned the music off and listened to him. My little bug (4 year old almost) was getting so mad at him she told him, and got in trouble for saying "shut your mouth Bubba." Funny, really. I was thinking the same thing.

Balancing act is beginning. Figuring out time to get my workout in, spend time with the kids, husband, husbands new job, pre school, family and friends events, that I don't want to miss out on but feel like if I have one more freaking temptation shoved in my face I might either kill someone, or eat a whole damn cake.

Just kidding, haven't cheated yet-- except for the designated cheat meals that I am given one time a week. I am looking foward to my next but have to admit that it is very hard to make a decision on what to eat, when I am given the choice of anything sans a couple choices. And it is also very hard to drink my protein shake at the end of the day after that cheat when I think I should have a graham cracker and peanut butter instead.

I was telling someone today, it really isn't the cake and ice cream I miss. Though, those do sound good too, and I will be eating plenty of that immediatly following my show. It is just the greek yogurt, tomatoe's and cucumber salad, berries in my oats. Really, it's the healthy stuff so I think that is a good sign for my post competition worries.

1 comment:

Milich 411 said...

Hang in there Teri! You look great! Before you know it, you'll be able to eat all the greek yogurt and cucumbers you want! And thanks for inviting us to play today!