Monday, August 29, 2011

2 A days

After Saturday's freak out session I told my husband that any day possible, I will be getting up to do my cardio fasted and then going back to the gym later for my lifting. Better fat burning. I wont be able to accomplish this everyday, but when it works, I will take advantage.

Good thing I was ready because when I got my workout emailed to me it said "1 hr, fasted cardio"

Welp. That went well. Those stairs kill me everytime I am not going to lie. And I could only push out about half my usual exertion levels that early and that hungry. But I made it through and then headed back for round 2 to do my heavy lifting.

One of the girls came up and said she can't believe how much my body has changed so quickly. "Well, thank you!" It is hard to see progress in ourselves, because we see ourselves every day... and pictures only come every few weeks. I could do more often but honestly, I am too lazy and I spend a lot of time alone with my two kids because of my husbands new career and the side jobs he works to keep us financially a float. So thankful for his willingness to work so hard, I wish it weren't this way and am looking foward to the future when we can really have him working less and home more.

Lifting was good. I am getting much stronger and am starting to lift heavier weights. I am almost rid of those 15 lb dumb bells on my sets and I couldn't be happier to say good bye because it seems like the only 2 sets we have, are constantly being used. I have to ask to share with people, or waite to use them and honestly, it gets super annoying. I just want to get in and get out and I don't want more rest than I need between sets.

Showering at the gym today was interesting. I was there later than I usually am due to 2 a days and my almost 4 year olds new preschool schedule. So, the locker room was full of older ladies and lots of nakedness. I have said it before and Ill say it again a lot of nakedness freaks me out. I do not enjoy being naked anywhere but in my own bedroom and I wish more other people felt that way too. But they do not, but I will say when I am in a hurry I am thinking less about my own nakedness and more about getting the heck outta there to pick up my almost 2 year old from the daycare.

Bought a bunch a chicken breasts on sale today. And a sugar cookie for my kids. It is sorta weird how everytime I give/buy them something I literally CAN NOT have, I feel like freaking wonderwoman cutting/serving it to them knowing full well there aint a chance in heck that I will succomb to eating it. But I sorta think it's a little crazy that I am still feeding them this crap that I know they don't need. I don't want them to feel deprived because I am in contest prep so I maybe over compensate by giving them stuff I wouldn't usually think twice about. That is sorta crazy now that I think more about it.

Anyway, since I am deprived, they should have more. Who knows that is nuts... I'll get it figured out one of these days.

In the mean time, I have 13 minutes before my next meal so I want to go get it ready so I can eat exactly at 2pm. I am hungry.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

OMYGOSH! The nekked old ladies are an issue for me, too. It's like they are just so happy to be there working out/doing water aerobics that modestly flies out the window. LOL! WHY?? And I love how you can feed your kids the sugar cookies and not indulge. Mom fed me cookies, candy, ice cream, potato chips, and I turned out alright. You're doing great!!!!