Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Thanks for everyone who weighed in today, I can tell some of you have peetered out.
I hope through the last eight weeks you have really come to see what a process weight loss and health are. You don't ever get to stop working towards the "ultimate healthy lifestyle." You don't reach a goal weight and then get to go back to eating the way you used to, or you just gain your weight right back.
Nicole said that she has strived hard over the 80 lbs (I think that's how much) she has lost to not make any changes that are sustaiable for her over the course of forever. I respect and appreciate that, and really challenge you to do the same.
Don't go crazy giving up all sugar, all processed foods, all take out, all soda, all cabohydrates, all alcohol or whatever your "thing" is. You have to take baby steps and make sure you have one "change" stuck to you like glue before you take on another. Don't hit the gym for three hours a day every day, unless you plan to maintain that forever.
It is a constant process of evolving into the healthiest version of you you want to be-- and are willing to be.
Sometimes it takes sacrifices and watching other people partake in things you just simply, can't. When you have decided what you want and why you want it, these sacrifices seem like easy choices because you know that anything that doesn't take you closer to your goal, just takes you further away.
I would say that if you have lost between 5 and 10 lbs in the last 8 weeks you have given me reasonable effort. Considering only if you have that much to lose. 1-2 lbs is considered healthy weight loss per week, and sustainable. For the average person if you drop 20 lbs in a month or so you will realistically gain that back. Defy those odds if you dropped big numbers. Defy those statistics that say people will likely gain double what they have lost during a specific "diet."
If you lost less than 8 lbs, and have reasonablly 8 lbs to lose... ask yourself "Did I really put forth my best effort? Did I turn down the treats more than you said yes to them? Did you stop at one drink? Did you get 30 minutes of exercise in each day?" (Stop lying to yourself, you DO have 30 minutes, somewhere in your day to exercise. I am not talking about weight loss here, I am talking about heart health and disease prevention!)
Don't return to old habits! Keep your new healthy ones and remind yourself of the work it has taken to get you here, to February 22, 2012.
The best gift you can give yourself and your family is a healthy body and mind. That directly corelates with your weight, health, and body image. If you see yourself as a happy, healthy individual-- you will be a happy, healthy individual.
One more weigh in, see what you can do in one week! Give me a week, no cheats, just plain ol good clean eating and hard exercising. See what pushing yourself to the limits can feel like, and what reward you can receive by doing it.
Make it a great week friends!

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