Thursday, August 4, 2011

Have you Been Wondering?

So, a lot of people are starting to be a bit curious about what I am doing. And the answer "ah, hell I don't know" isn't really what they are looking for. So I thought I could offer a description by picture....This is me on July 30th, 2011. I am wearing 5 inch heels (That I have never worn before so I look a bit awkward in them)
And this is Shawna, Jon's wife and a fellow figure competitor at a show earlier this year... so you get the idea-- this is my goal

Jon says "high and tight" a lot. I mean, I'll do whatever the heck he says to get my backside lookin like THAT! I mean, dang girl!!

And this is what the front of a fellow figure competitor looks like.

When Jon evaluated my pictures he said a few things. First of all... high and tight needs to be taken care of on my booty. (My words, not his) and I need a quad sweep on the outer thighs... My lats will get bigger and wider, my shoulders the same. My arms will lean out and be more toned. He guessed I would be down almost 17 lbs from where I am now for the show.

A figure competitor is said to gain 10 lbs in the week after the show. Easy, I will be sodium depleted and dehydrated I believe. Because that is how your muscles POP. So all you people reading this thinking "I want to look like these figure competitors, bikini competitors, fitness models etc..." please understand that it is extremely hard to maintain this look and I would venture to say unhealthy as well. So, just for the record. If you see me at my show, and then a month later and I look softer and you think "wow, she hopped off the wagon and got fatt"-- I didn't, my body is just recovering and I will have to find a balance at that point. Which I hear is not the easiest thing to do and takes time and patience to figure out.

Today like I said earlier was rest day. Which meant I was home all day with the exception of teaching my class tonight. All I have to say is, if I didn't workout I would have a bum-load of extra time on my hands. I mean, I sat down and watched a movie with the kids. I NEVER do that, but I was resting and it was fun!

I feel like I am doing a really good job (all 4 days in) of balancing my acts. I am getting up a little earlier and taking time aside at night to read my scriptures and make sure the house is kept up. I want my non training time over the next four months to be spent loving and caring for my family. This accomplishment will mean nothing if it is at the expense of those I love the most. So, day 4 has been a success. I haven't eaten anything naughty... (you don't even wanna know what I am eating!!) and my training is going really well. I respect my trainer and his knowledge very much. He is tough, down to business, and I fully believe if anyone can turn me into a figure competitor... it is him.

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