A girlfriend and I had a girls day today!
Oh my fun.
Out of the house, no kiddos, half my workout done by 845 am.... cheat meal (steak tacos, chips and salsa... then banana pieces with walnuts and peanut butter.... seriously best dessert ever!!!!) at noon. It was great!
We went to the Boise NGA show. They had bikini (wow), figure short (5'4 and under) figure tall (5'4 over) figure novice (younger I guess) and figure something else that I think meant older.
Then boys bodbuiliding which I wasn't as in to. I was there to see the ladiez. Which is kinda weird as I type it. But truth it is. And fyi, the boys did look good too. Not as good as my man of course!!!
The girls looked really good. And I have an extreme amount of respect for the prep work that goes into a show. Some looked AMAZING, and some looked mediocre... however I am sure each worked super duper hard to get on that stage.
Nerves played a big role, and probably carbohydrate shortage played a big role. Some were really shakey and their poses weren't really good. (This was just prejudging, I guess I still don't know what an actual show looks like).
I had my bets on winners and a couple girls I wondered why they were on stage. Not to be rude, because they did look confident and it does take so much courage to stand in a small suit on a big stage in front of any audience but they really didn't have business being there.
The thought crossed my mind, that I really could possibly be one of those girls. My stomach IS covered in stretch marks, my butt does have dimples all below my cheeks. My legs do jiggle when I walk. It is very possible that I could bust my ass for the next 3 months and my body could just not do what it is supposed to do.
It will not be because my trainer does not know what he is doing. I honestly feel like I am in the best hands possible. I highly recommend him and respect him and his wife a great deal. He knows his stuff, he knows what to do, and I will continue to follow his guidelines to the T. I will not not be ready because I didn't follow a workout, or because I missed a stair climbing day, or because I cheated on my nutrition. If I am 2 weeks out and my stomach is saggy, and my butt has dimples all over it. I will pull out. Period. End of story.
I will work my ass like it has never been worked for the next 2 months and 24 daysish. AND I will evaluate with the expertise of Big Jon, and my hubbers --if my body does not look like it will belong on a stage of figure competitiors it will not stand on stage with competitors and I will not be ashamed of pulling out at that point. I do not need to stand on a stage to write a story for myself, to make a name. I do not need to have a judge tell me my stomach is not tight enough or my butt is too jiggly, if in fact it is.
And I will be ok with it. I will.
I have less than three months to get my body to its peak. The absolute best it has ever ran, looked, and felt. If it is ready, we will show Olympia what this Mama has to show. And otherwise, I will take a trip to Seattle and watch a show, or who knows-- maybe just stay home and play for the weekend. And life will go on like any other ol day and I will feel satisfied with giving my absolute all to this cause.
And if I am ready. If my body responds correctly I am gonna rock that friggin stage like nobody's bizness. I will pose, I will practice walking, I will strut what my momma gave me because this is a butt load of work and I will smile my pearly whites on the day that my body looks like it belongs on a stage in a small swim suit.
Swimsuit colors. My next item to discuss. There were a lot of teals, and a lot of purples. Jared voted for bright yellow. But my tan will come off on that so I have to have a darker color. I am thinking grassy green color, or coral color. Less jewels than more, I thought they were distracting. Hair definitly will stay dark and short, possibly shorter than now (pending Amy agrees with me of course) I thought the shorter hair girls had less work to do to show their definition and it didn't distract from their physiques. Don't know about jewlery. Some girls had really pretty rhinestones bracelets that were shiney and flashy and pretty. No tattoos (obviously) No belly button rings (duh) Not too much tan, just enough. My glass slippers (5 inch yo) are on order, and I shall be walking in those as much as possible to get confortable moving, turning, and standing in those. I haven't worn much for heels since pre baby.
Well, that's my assesment of the day. It was good. Good eye opener. Good to just take it all in and evaluate how I feel about it all. May be more to come. But for now, that is all!!
Some iron and a stair climber are callin my name so I am gona go get my gym jam bag packed and ready.
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
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