Saturday, August 27, 2011


I am in training, it is 10:30 pm and I should be sleeping. I have been up since 4 am, with a stubborn 2 year old boy......

I went to a show today. I was feeling so ok after it. I did my training, an extra 5 minutes on my stair climber that I used to hate but love now because it better make my butt look better than theirs did today.

And then I started wigging out. I have been freaking out, like almost having a panick attack since 9. I don't know if my hubby is going to make it to my show due to his new job... I may be doing a show 2 weeks early as well as Nov. 19th to just check it out and hopefully get prejitters out. He might not be able to come to that either.

I am spending a butt load of money that I don't really have to do this. I have all 4 of our birthdays between now and my real show in Washington Nov. 19th.

I feel like crap from my treat/cheat meal at lunch today. My stomach is bloated. I feel like a fat cow and I am FUUUUREAKING out that my body isn't going to be ready and I have my ducks in a row and I am going to be disappointed and I can't sleep, can barely breathe I just cant chill the heck out.


Donloree said...

You have this lady. Set your goal and intention and then map it out. One day at a time will get you there, I promise!! Pop an email to your coach with all your questions and see what he has to say. He's your expert and knows where you are and what your goals are. If he says it can be done, it can be done and you WILL do it!

Rooting for you from Canada!!!

StaceyNicole said...

BREATHE! Love you so! You can do it, you can do anything!