Saturday, August 13, 2011


You have been warned. If you don't want to hear my spill, stop reading now.

And if you are reading this and judging me negatively, talking negatively behind my back expecting I wont find out, or are going to use anything at all on this blog for anything other than entertainment, inspiration, or to cheer me on.... PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS STOP READING AND DON'T COME BACK!!

The reason I have this blog is to document what a journey I have been on. Have you gone back through all 300 and some posts to realize that I started out as a 165 overweight, unhappy fat mom? Do you realize that I have given up, started over, given up and started over 100 times in the past almost two years? Do you realize that I am human and I have feelings and when you talk bad about me or try to make drama in my life, you hurt my feelings? Well. It's true, you do. And if that is your goal in life PLEASE... go find someone else's blog to stalk, because if you aren't commenting, you are stalking. I don't mind stalkers. I love meeting new friends, I love comments, I love helping people better themselves, I love showing people that we can accomplish anything we are willing to work our butts off for, so if you have been stalking... and you aren't talking crap.. .comment, let's be friends :o)

If you think I am doing this competition for attention. Boy are you wrong. If you think I don't love my hot sexy husband more than anything in this entire world, you are wrong. If you think I am going to get a big head, well you might be right, I might. But that doesn't mean I don't have standards, morals, and obligations that are more important than any worldy "thing." If you have a question about what I am doing, how I am doing it... why don't you do us both a favor and just ask ME?! If you question my intentions, either ask me or mind your own freaking business.

I spend 6 days a week in the gym. During which time I smile at every person I make eye contact with. I am approachable. I am a chear leader. I teach boot camp, I LOVE my class. I am willing to help guide and show by example anything and everything that my knowledge realm permits me to do. I love seeing people make the decision to begin a healthy lifestyle and then choose to stick with it. I genuinely get happy to see someone performing a set of tricep dips with perfect form, I genuinely feel pride in my heart when I see someone running their guts out on the treadmill, and I am SO HAPPY when I can say to someone, "you look great, whatever you are doing must be working."

My whole life I have been the girl who is always capable of puting herself behind and building other people up. A lot of the times at my own expense. Well back the hell off me because I will no longer build you at my crumbling. I am who I am. I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, sister, cousin, instructor, health coach, and fitness enthusiast. I will love you and be loyal to you til the day I die. But if you aren't here, in my space, in my time in my life to do the same for me. Exit now.

I am a new girl, I am a new person. I am done. I am real as real can get, I do not keep secrets. I will not hide the exciting path that I am headed down. But I will not take crap from you either.

By the way, my muscles are getting bigger. I am getting stronger and faster and my confidence in who I am as an athlete is gaining. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am not a naturally gifted athlete, but I have and will continue to put in the time, the sweat and the tears that make this goal of standing on stage to showcase the hard work my butt has put in... and that will be worth every craving, every bump in the road on that day.



StaceyNicole said...

Get it girl! Love you...and keep striving. You can and will do this!

SO happy to have seen your pretty face the other night...hope we can do dinner too soon!

Teri said...

Thanks for coming to see me!! And thanks for havin my back too. Sometimes a girl just needs someone in her corner. Thanks!!! Love ya girl!!

Carrie said...

Dude you have more girls in your corner than not so pick your pretty face up and go get them!