Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Ah today is day 2 of operation "make Teri a figure competitor."

I feel like I walk different. Haha, like my muscles just randomly flex and I don't know how or why. I am different. I have set a goal, and I will work my butt off to make this happen.

I am scared. Scared as crap to tell the truth. I have told a few people about my commitment. I have gotten some wide eye responses, some negative energy, some lack of responses and a few really excited congratulations. I feel the doubt in people's eyes though.

I don't know if it hurts more that they doubt me, or more that I fear they could be right. That I won't be able to turn myself into a competitor.

I wrote an email tonight to a friend in fitness Donloree at bikiniorbust. She is great! She was so excited to hear that I made the commitment and wanted to know all about it. I told her I appreciated her being happy with me. We all need more cheerleaders in life. I do not know this woman. She lives in Canada. But she is happy for me, and excited to see me succeed. Today, I am really- really thankful for her.

When I first started trying to become a runner, I couldn't even run a mile outside. I eventually taught myself to run a half marathon. When I first wanted to become a fitness instructor, I had no clue how, when, or why. And then I learned, and started teaching boot camp. I have taught my body to do hard things that it has resisted. I have taught my body that I am boss and that it will do what I demand of it. We can all teach ourselves to do anything we set our minds to. If our desire is strong enough.

I am so thankful for my body's quick responses and for, ya know... doing what I tell it to.

Anyway, this is still pretty surreal. I just finished my dinner: salmon, spinach and asparagus. It didn't really taste that good-- but it did taste a lot like big muscles. I can do anything for four months. I will not fail because I did not try hard enough. I will give 110% every freaking day for the next 95 days and I will succeed on that alone.

I train with my trainer, Big Jon at Big Jon's Fitness tomorrow. DANG GIRL!! I am nervous. I have never trained with or for anyone. I can't waite to see what I am made of. Wish me luck!


Donloree said...

You know what you are made of, that is why do are doing this! Look at all the amazing past successes you have had. You are so doing this thing! Go get it lady!!! Can't wait to watch your progress. Woot!!

Carrie said...

You know what I think it is great that you want to succeed and be healthy, and what could be wrong with that! There are many other things in this world that you could be doing that include harming your own body or others and seeing how this is not doing anything harmful I so go get em girl! I can't wait to see your progress I am just bummed I cant see it in person but it is kinda fun to see the pics! I wish me and my fat prego body could be there to support you but you know Josh and I are 100% behind you and I think it is awesome!