I started running like three weeks ago, and everytime have had some moderate to severe knee pain. I have run in the past, much faster and farther than I am running right now, and never had trouble with knee pain. I ran the past three days in a row, and last night did 2 miles in 20 minutes, which is a pretty good pace for me. I just ran through the pain, I'm thinking one of these days I will run and the pain will just be gone. Maybe it's the extra weight I am carrying around.
Went to bed last night, was up about 50 times with my daughter who had a feaver. Turns out, my knees were killing me too. I took a ibuprofin and that made them feel better.
Then I wake up again at 4 am, realize I have friggin PINK EYE for the third time in less than one month!!
Man, this is so annoying!
I went to the dr, came home to waite to go back to the eye dr, and am taking some garbage out to the dumpster... when I slip on our concrete and land right smack down on my sore.........
I am so annoyed!
I think I better rest on my workouts a few days, my knees are really hurting. Now I am soooo nervous for my weigh in, because I haven't been eating that good, but the working out seems to be balancing the scale ok.
Now, I'm a super duper scared to see Friday morning.
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
Breath in...Breath out :) It's only Wednesday! I bet you'll do better than you think. And 2 miles is really good btw!
Ouch!! If it is any comfort I am going through the same thing. All of my children have been sick and not sleeping well. I am surviving on a few hours of sleep a night. Food compensates for the lack of sleep - a least for me. I hope your knees heal quickly!
Don't worry, the knee pain will go away sooner than later. I get knee pain a lot when I run too. It seems to help if I am doing things to strengthen the muscles around the knees (because running can be so hard on them) like squats, lunges, etc. It would be good to rest and ice them for a few days then do some strengthening and start running again (building up slowly). At least that is what has worked for me. Good luck. I hope your pink eye gets better soon! Let me know if you need anything.
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