Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A lot of other blogs do a weekly series called what i ate Wednesday. Well you know me i like to do things a lil different so i am gonna do a series called wiww
What i worked wednesday
Then maybe ill do the food thing another day.
Took my hubs to the gym for back n cardio day and this is what i put down
4x25 crunches ss 4 x 25 air pulses in v up
3 sets overhand pullups (he helped me for 4 of my 8 reps on each set)
4x10 double rep lat pull downs (80#)
4x 8 single arm db row (50#)
4x10 close grip pull down (90#)
4x10 dbl rep seated cable pull (60#)
4x10 lying db pull over (40#)
30 steady state cardio on stairs level 10

What's your game plan today?

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