Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 2012 post

These are the people in my challenge--
People that are fed up. People who are ready to make a change. People who refuse to give up. People who are going to push through when times get hard. People who are going to encourage eachother. People who are ready to make 2012 their big year.

I remember being so ready to lose those pounds. TO GET RID OF THEM. I remember being so ready to make healthy choices in the kitchen and in the gym. I remember watching other people go ahead of me and do the HCG diet, or a meal replacement program and drop weight like crazy fast. I felt jealous and insecure because my weight was coming off so much more slowly.

I am going to tell you now, don't be jealous. Don't be insecure. The weight you shed through blood, sweat and tears is weight that stays off. It is weight that is GONE from your life. And the journey you take to get there is worth a celebration every step of the way. 

Maybe the scale doesn't move one day. But you drank 10 glasses of water, and you avoided sugar that day. That is a success. Maybe the scale doesn't move, but you walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes for the first time, or you tried a new class at your gym. Maybe the scale doesn't move, but you ran up the stairs without getting winded. Maybe the scale doesn't move, but your blood pressure is down, or your cholestrol is better than it has been. Those are all success stories, and don't YOU forget it. 

If you ever feel down and out, I challenge you to scribble down the things you ARE doing, to move your body to be a healthier version of yourself. Human nature focuses sometimes on the negative things. (I had a soda, I ate ______, I didn't exercise) Get those negatives out of your vocabulary, but most important get them out of your mind. Just like every aspect of life, when we focus on the positive-- more things really are positive.

(This is an old post but I still love it and I think it is motivating to re read. You can be anyone you want to be. Just make a decision and decide to never look back.)

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