Thursday, January 10, 2013

WIWO Thursday Edition

I really wanted to have a video of my last set of pull ups on here today, but for some reason I am not having luck darn it!
I had my hubby snap several pictures today again for my what I worked out Thursday edition--yes, each time he rolled his eyes at me. "Hey! I gotta bizness to run man!!" Was my response.

Bicep/Tricep Circuit Style training Day
5 minute warm up on eliptical
3x10 toe pushups superset with 3 x failure overhand pullups (almost 5, 4, almost 4)
I am working these two exercises specifically at least twice a week with my other lifts because I mentioned before my goal is to get 10 pull ups in this year and my goal for push ups is to be able to do 5 sets of 10 really good ones on my toes. I am at 3 sets of 10 pretty good ones now.

3x20 barbell bicep curl (30#)
3x failure tricep push ups on knees (22, 20, 18)
3x20 switch curls super set with tricep kick backs (15# each hand)
3x20 tricep dips (body weight) super set with cross arm bicep curl (15#)
3x20 tricep press double contraction super set with seated bicep barbell curl double contractions (20# each)
3x20 drop set cable curl (65,55, 40 first set, last two sets were different, less weight can't remember how much)
3x20 overhead tricep cable extension superset with tricep rope pushdown

an hour later and I was outta there

Tricep push press

Double Contraction (wide grip)seated barbell bicep curl

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.8


Kami Satterlee said...

Woe, go girl & nice rack;)

Teri said...

lol thanks!!! I did ok on the rack area huh?!?!