Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I thought it was important to clarify my post on facebook from yesterday! As I was rushing around to take both of my kids to my dads to clean today (I got the hook up-- I clean twice a month and him and my step mom pay my cell phone and gym membership for the month....I know...I am blessed :O)I took a look around my own house and thought "Holy crap I am living in a pig sty!"
Angel posted yesterday after I told everyone what all I had done yesterday and how my whole day was whacky--but I made my training and my healthy eats fit in--that I should be called Superwoman.
Let me clarify--
Superwoman is super hot all the time
Her clothes always match and are always the proper fit
She never has food spilled on those matching clothes either
Her makeup is spotless
She definitely doesn't have acne all over the friigin face area
She blow dries her hair AFTER she showers everyday
Her house is clean
Her husband gets a lot of sex
Her kids hair is always done, cute
Her kids clothing always matches
That matching clothing NEVER has food left over on it
Her kids behave, all the time
Her dog gets walked
She is put together in every sense of the way and makes most people feel really really insecure about their own capabilities

These pictures tell you only half the story of why I am no where close to Superwoman. My kitchen looked like a tornado went through it. No beds were made. My kids were in clothes but not matching ones, I was in sweats with bleach stains all up and down them and I haven't showered since last night. (And here it is, night time again.) My face is not clearing up like I want it to. I made dinner at 4 pm today for my family to eat tonight while I am at the gym tonight (Bug is still sick and so I can't get my training in til hubby gets home from work)--because I made absolutely nothing for dinner last night--and today, the kids ate make your own peanut butter and honey sandwiches and hubby had left over ground turkey from Friday.
Sooooo.... my point is this. I prioritize and do the most I can do. I don't drive myself insane worrying about all the things I can't do or how my clothes don't always match or that my pants aren't long enough for me, or that I haven't had a shower since yesterday or that I definitely owe my hubby some lovin' tonight (because it has been 3 days and that just aint the way we roll at my house :))
Training and clean eating for my family and Me is a priority. So some things slide so I can manage to accomplish the workouts I need to, and have food prepped the way I need to have it so we can all eat the way I believe we should without too much stress/thought/time. Sometimes the dishes pile up, sometimes the bathrooms only get cleaned once a week, sometimes the house gets dusted once a month, sometimes the dog never gets to go for a walk.
In case right now you are thinking--there is no way you can do this. There is no way you can manage everything that you need to manage. My thought for you is to start small. I didn't jump in full two feet first. I tipped a toe, then a foot and I slowly let that water reach above my belly button and then chest. Sometimes it hurt, sometimes it was so cold I wanted to get the heck outta the pool. But what I didn't do, was quit. I may have taken a few steps back, several times...but I always kept going, staying consistent with what I was doing. I committed to myself to exercise 3 days a week at first, then I increased that to 5 or 6 and now, well I have decreased it because I can maintain this way and have a more balanced life
The first step is the hardest, the middle can get pretty sticky but I promise at the other side of the trail--it isn't actually easier, but you have figured out where the ruts are and how to get through them better.
You can do this.

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Carrie said...

I am sorry forgive me I know I am really sleep deprived but I do not get it, and I love seeing the inside of your house makes me feel like I am at home :)

Anonymous said...

That was a Teri rant trying to convince us that she isn't Superwoman but well...I don't believe her ;P Hope you and Fam are well Carrie! Still not sleeping? Bless you!!

Milich 411 said...

If you call that a tornado hitting, then a full on tsunami hits my house on a weekly basis! I definitely enjoy reading your posts though! They are good food for thought. I envy your ability to express what is on your brain in such a relatable way. Girl, I think you have a talent for motivating others with your knowledge, honesty and positive attitude! Keep it comin'!

Teri said...

You guys!!! I couldn't take close ups ao everyone woyld kniw i hadbt wiped the counters in 3 days!!! Bahahahah please there were muxh worse pix i should have posted.xoxox