Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 Goals

I have been meaning to write this blog for a month but I keep getting busy with other things and not accomplishing it. I put the kids to bed and hobbled up the stairs (leg workout was a son of a gun yesterday) to plop down and get this shiz on the record books.

I have never really set goals-- besides losing weight, to run a half marathon, and do a show. Now that those are over I felt like I needed something to work towards. I spent a lot of time working on making my stomach smaller (Actually I was trying to make it the skin go away and add a 6 pack --which is stupid for someone who has stretched out stretch marks on their stomach and genetically speaking, is not going to happen. So I was engaged in a stupid stupid cycle that was causing much more harm than health...) and not a lot of performance based things.

I had an attitude of "I don't care if I am fit, I want to look fit."
That is freaking ridonkulas for a 27 year old wife, mom, trainer, and business woman. Stupid. I was cooking myself different food than my family all day, I was exercising for 2 hours every day. If I missed a workout I wanted to kill someone. I hated what I saw in the mirror, it wasn't good enough. It was causing me great stress in my life and my own head was like a crazy a$$ pinball machine. So this one day, something clicked and I decided to work on these performance based goals. I thought to myself I didn't care as much about looking fit--I wanted to kick some major a$$ because I was fit.

So a new me has been born and I am up on this stuff like bees on honey. Ready for my list? Here it is baby!!

*Each month I will try something new and healthy. It may be an activity, it may be a practice I want to implement in my home, it may be a new type of food, it may be a new business venture. Each month I will do something and I will blog about it. (January I did two--blogs to come on my swimming adventure and family dinners consistently each week)
*Each month I will increase my overhand pullups by 1. Janary 1 I could do 4 so December 1 I will do 16
*I will not run for distance because it kills my knees but I will sprint for HIIT once a week and I will get my time from my high now of 10.0 to 10.5.
*I will increase my deadlifts by 50%- 135 for reps
*I will increase my bench press by 50%- 120 for reps
*I will walk my dog three times a week--when the freaking freezing weather leaves and not a moment sooner (That's for her, not my by the way)
*I will continue to fall more in love with my body and continue to demonstrate that love to you and to my family in hopes of showing them the way to true love and body acceptance.

Did you set goals this year? What are they? Did you write them down where you can refer back to them frequently and remind yourself when times get hard, why you are doing what you are doing?

1 comment:

Rachel Looney said...

Awesome post! Really enjoyed reading today. Now to think of some of my own goals .....