Sunday, July 31, 2011

For real. Like a real pain in the neck. Over the past month or so I have noticed my neck bugging me a little bit from time to time. Well today was good. I went to the gym and was ready to follow The get in shape girls circuit training workout along with HIIT training, 15 minutes before weights, and 15 minutes after weights. (just to switch my routine up and keep my ol body guessin!) Well I finished HIIT and went to my circuit. My music was bumpin, the sweat was pouring and I was feeling like a million bucks. I felt strong, skinny, and in charge! I was diggin it. Then I finished my last set of inchworm pushups and holy crap my neck! My neck, oh my neck! It hurt so bad. I tried to stretch it out. Fix it. It didn't work. I seriously tried to do my last set of burpees, couldn't. Tried to do chest press, could do that but then I could barely get rid of the 30 lb bar so I had to quit. I tried to do a set of bicep curls. Yep, that hurt like a motha trucka too. What the crap?! I am totally freaking out at that point and still am a little now. I did hop on the treaddy, too scared to run so I walked my HIIT varying from 2% incline to 10% incline. 3.8 or 4.0 mph. It was still a good workout and I burned 200 calories just on that walking... 650 calories total. Now thats a hard core workout to burn 650 cals, when I didn't even finish 2 of the circuit. Holla Kyra aka!! :o) So I have now stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Heated and iced. It's a little better. I can turn with out horrible sharp pains, but it is still tender and hurting. I am so thoroghly annoyed. It just panicks me. If I can't workout I get so nervous that I will gain weight, get out of the routine and go back to the old me. I don't want to do that. I want to be thin fit strong Teri for the rest of my life. I know the new me wont let a pain in the neck get in my way of accomplishing my goals, but the road block causes some anxiety. I don't want to undue my progress of healthy eating or muscle building. I am reminded how greatful we should all be for a working body. For a body that is capable of running when we ask it to, and lifting when we demand it. Not everyone is so lucky and sometimes I feel like those who are capable but don't utilize their ability are being wasteful. I feel like that about myself as well. So, ibuprofin, ice, heat, stretch is my middle name for the next couple of days and a whole lotta praying that this pain in the neck will go AwAy!

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