Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I hit the gym this afternoon for weight lifting circuit workout and it was good! I had legs today and I always enjoy working my legs. It was so gorgeous outside I saved my cardio for home when I could run outside. I dropped my 3 year old off at ballet and met a friend for a walk/run outside and it was so beautiful out and so much fun. We had about 3 miles total of running and I don't know maybe a mile walk. I burnd 800 calories between both workouts so I am feelin large and in charge!! I can't believe how fun it was to run with a partner. I have never done that, since I have been in good enough shape to run. I did a few times with my BFF but that was before I could actually really run... so I don't count it as much. The miles today went by easy and fast. I loved the company and the fresh air. A couple friends of mine are planning to run a half marathon together. I thought they were kinda crazy. I just want to beat my first time so bad I guess that is all I have on my brain, what if I held them up? What if they held me up? But just to do it, to do it. I think it's a great idea and I am super excited for them. I think everyone should run atleast one half marathon. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of amazing accomplishment I had when I finished mine last July. So if you are reading this, and you haven't done a half... DO IT!!! You can! Just start training slowly and you will rock it! I love running now and I used to HAAAATE it with a passion, like really as a kid I was the fat girl who cried because we had to participate in an annual track day. NOT ANYMORE!! Stupid mean kids who called me fat!! And thank you mother nature for beautiful weather today... it was just what the dr ordered for this girl!!

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