Thursday, April 21, 2011
So I am totally technology inept I swear! It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to get back to this blog post thing!! I need to bite the bullet and click on how to use this page, but I keep thinking I'll figure it out on my own. Slowly. :o) I was so nervous to teach tonight! I felt like a newby at the gym again. I have had a whole week off (except for a light walk yesterday) from exercise with my flu/gallbladder sitch. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with my class, worried I would not be able to be motivating to my peeps... worry worry worry. It's my middle name!! Anyway, class went well, I had three new people that I haven't seen before and 9 oldies. I love my bootcampers! They really make it worth the time and energy I put into planning when I see them there, sweating with me. Plus, tonight if they hadn't been there I totally would have bagged my workout. I could have been lazy and used being sick as an excuse again today, but thankfully I have people to show up for. And I love them!!! I feel the constant struggle with my inner self to eat clean and get more fit. I feel like as the instructor I need to be the most motivating person in my room. I want for people to be able to look at me and say "I want to come to her class, because I want to look like her." I have some work to do still, especially and mostly on my midsection... but the best thing I can always remind myself and everyone else is that health and fitness goals are a journey, they are constantly evolving and we are constantly improving as long as we keep on MOVIN!!! It was a good workout. I feel stronger and healthier already and I know as I stick to my clean eating and muscle building workouts my layer of fat will shrink and my muscle will be able to SHINe on through!!! It's a great day to be healthy. Oh, and thank you SPARKPEOPLE!! I went and did my easter basket shopping tonight (After gym, before I had time to eat dinner) and as I was trying to talk myself into eating just one reeses egg, I remembered I didn't have the calories to spare today... so guess what?! I didn't eat it. Wow, kinda crazy for me!! Plus I really need to get back on my protein/veggie/ low carb plan with the April Challenge too, now that I don't want to throw up or have horrid stomach pains. Anyway, thank you calorie counter!!!! Love me some sparkpeople
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
1 month ago
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