Tuesday, June 07, 2011
I suprised my husband with a little get away this weekend. I had such a great workout/food week last week that I figured I could handle a few splurges and be ok. Boy was I wrong. I am like a crack addict in a whore house. I get around the bad stuff and I am ONE BAD GIRL GONE WILD. I shall not list the crap fuel I fed my body because honestly, I don't want to think about it anymore. It is done and over with. I am on track with my food and workouts again. But I don't want to forget how yucky I have felt. It is refreshing that it isn't the guilt eating at my gut from "Cheating." It is just the fact that I felt lethargic, nauseated, tired and bleh. I think I have arrived at the point where if I don't feed my body the clean fuel, it revolts and sends multiple "what the heck are you doing" messages to my surface and reminds me that, that just isn't me anymore. And like an old man trying to keep up with the brewskis the college kids take in, my body just can't handle it anymore. And that feels great! My hubby and I stopped by the mall on the way home and I wanted to try on some shorts. It is funny how mental all this body image/food/weight is. I know my body didn't actually CHANGE in the 1.5 days off of my healthy lifestyle, but it was weird how fluffy and unattractive I felt. I mean I was feelin like a lean mean hottie machine all last week, and then take a little bit off and feed your body crap and I really felt and looked like crap too. No more crap because I want to look AND feel good, not just feel good in that moment of the food tasting. The ol saying you are what you eat rings true to me. I ate crap, I looked like crap. Crap Crap crap. As I was at the store yesterday stocking up on clean, healthy, fuel for my body I was a bit annoyed, or erked by the fact that I was getting only the best fuel for my husband and myself, but had a hard time picking up things for my 3 and 1 year old that were as healthy. My kids are great, and will eat veggies and fruit anytime. but what about kid snacks? I give them regular ol fruit snacks, grahm crackers, gold fish? Can you say highly processed highly enriched? This is not good. I traded in the usual granola bars for healthy, cleaner options like Kashi. But what about a cookie or a penut butter cracker? It is hard to find quick convenient little treats for them. I don't want to spend a lot of money, if they aren't going to eat it all, or maybe not even like what I buy. Is that reason to spend less and give them chemicals? It really isn't ok. I have to continue teaching them about healthy lifestlyes and about fueling their bodies. So, my new goal is to find healthy, clean options for them. Besides the usual fruit and veggies. ANy suggestions for getting rid of those dang chicken nuggets they want every flippin day? Suggestions and help wanted!! Thanks!
We’re (Likely!) Going Out of Business Sale
3 weeks ago
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