Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 03, 2011
I keep seeing on other peoples blogs how they are trying to avoid the scale. The scale doesn't matter. I have been an avid scale watcher for 18 months now. Weighing 1 time a day- or sometimes even 3 times a day. It is insane. Before I met up with thegetinshapegirl and started learning about building muscle, all I cared about was what the scale said. If the scale said 130, I was skinny working towards 125. If the scale said 134 I had eaten poorly and I wanted to cry. Well since April 1 I have stayed the exact same weight 133.4. Each day it might go up a little or down a little, but on the actual 1 month date I was the same. And any time in my new healthy life before that would have felt like a wasted month. But when I look at my pictures... especially my back pictures (I am in love with muscley backs on girls) I can see so much change. And when I see pictures of other girls at 135 before lifting weights compared to 140 lifting I always love the higher weight with the muscle tone. SO there you have it. This girl, who has always been a scale Nazi is now a clean eating/workout machine. I do not care if the scale goes up a little (if I am eating properly and fueling my body correctly.) I only care that my body is changing and toning up. I did the getinshapegirls workouts for April, seeing good progress combining that with some of her nutrition guidelines, and now I found a new workout plan for the month of May, still using thegetingshape's girls nutrition guidelines. I am anxious to see where May takes me. I think it is going to be a great month. And I am going to weigh myself once a week. Oh ya, and in case you were wondering... day 2 of no indulgences has gone productively well. yay! I can do anything for seven days!

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