Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monday, May 09, 2011
I just heart this jazz. Everytime I think I am over counting the calories and worrying about it. I get on here and someone has left me a nice comment, or someone has written a blog post for me... that somehow fits exactly what I need. Crazy! I just finished reading like 5 blogs that made me want to do better, be more kind, eat more healthy, and exercise more. I heart sparkpeople and all the motivation it gives me. I had a BBBBAAAAD weekend with food, after my race Saturday. I was a bit out of control. And my stomach hurt so bad. Like bad bad bad. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I do that to myself? Well I just don't know why I do it to myself, but I do it. Today is a new day and my eating has been 100% clean, I have been guzzling water and as soon as my husband gets home I am off to the gym for a back/bicep workout followed by some HIIT running on the ol treddymill. I am yearning for the sweat session like a dog yearns for bacon strips. I can't waite to get to the gym and feel my heart race, see my muscles flex and lift and feel my body push to my limits on some HIIT. It aint easy to be fit and healthy all the time. But I sure like the way my body and stomach especially feels when I choose to make better choices. I am a work in progress today and everyday. And today is a great day to be healthy.

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